Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by your opting to take the difficult route and take on a new challenge. This will not be easy all the time, but the outcome will prove to be well worth the effort. Someone close to you could be a little defensive and you will have to watch your words. Choose what you say very carefully to avoid hurting other people's feelings. You could have the feeling of being under siege, as several social events end up at your place, or people invite themselves around at the last moment. Don't let your space be invaded. Learn to put your foot down. Make a new resolution, not to let others get away with making hurtful remarks. Some people simply don't realize they're hurting your feelings, so make sure you let them know. Don't let your financial situation get you down, once you snap out of this mood, you'll find a solution. When it comes to professional plans, travelling is essential this week if you want to get ahead. SCORPIO This week's scenario is highlighted by events that may leave you feeling a little nervous or confused. This is when you need to take refuge in your own home until you calm down. A part of you is avoiding commitment, preferring to keep all your options open. There comes a time when you have to choose, and a decision will have to be made in the next few weeks. No matter what others have to say, you are perfectly entitled to change your mind. Don't be afraid to make a U-turn. You may be breaking your word but the outcome will be positive for all concerned. You have what it takes to make a key decision this week, and one which will make your future look considerable brighter. Don't be afraid to be daring in this matter. Although you may prefer to be philosophizing about new concepts and ideas, the planets call upon you to get down to business and do the ground work. Come back down to earth this week. SAGITTARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by romance, friendships & srong feelings. You don't usually go in for gushing romance, something gets into you this week and you are all hearts and flowers. Enjoy yourself and let your imagination run wild. When you find you are constantly frustrated in close friendships, it's time to ask yourself a few questions. Perhaps you are just drawn to the wrong kind of people. Expect to be feeling more enthusiastic for home affairs, as a new form of domestic energy takes hold of you, allowing you to deal with matters which are usually overwhelming for you. Watch out, you may have a tendency to be overly idealistic about your career situation this week. Face up to reality. When you do, you will realize that some things need to be changed. A professional acquaintance whom you look up to may have a decisive influence on your career. This person just has to say the word and new doors will open. In the short term, you seem to manage financially, but now it's time for some long term planning. CAPRICORN This week's scenario is highlighted by your fascination with a new person or concept. Be careful where you tread. You will receive new inspiration this week, allowing you to make some changes to your social life. Fulfil your creative needs by taking up a new activity. As you look ahead to the next few months, you wonder where you are heading. Now is the time to lay the groundwork for a new personal project. There is a new opening for you, but you don't know enough about this matter to make the most of it. Gather more information and don't be afraid to ask questions whenever you can. Financially you may feel that you are working flat out just to make ends meet, with little left over for fun and games. The good news is that this is about to change and you will soon have a budget for enjoyment and pleasure. Deep down inside you there is a burning ambition which you do not dare to confess. This comes to the forefront over the next little while. AQUARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by creative footwork and gathering of information. Some of the people you care for most may prove difficult to get along with, through no fault of your own. That's just the way the planets are lying and you will all have to learn to compromise. A forthcoming family gathering or reunion could be causing some strain. Don't worry, all will go well. All you have to do is remain detached and not let others tell you what to do. Travel and distant places are high on your list of priorities at the moment. You are likely to be submerged with a whole load of small tasks, which, when they start to pile up, turn into a mountain. This could be frustrating, and it's important to manage your time efficiently. Finances are stretched right now and this week you have to cut back on unnecessary spending. There are considerable savings to be made on domestic bills if you pay closer attention. (32 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path PISCES This week's scenario is highlighted by balancing & avoiding extremes. Once you climb off your emotional roller coaster, things will become easier. You are currently on an interesting path, paved with good intentions. Be warned, as you move on, you may be in for a bumpy ride. This will be a learning experience, but one which could take you by surprise. You are full of energy and ready to party this week, but try not to burn the candle at both ends. You need some rest and peace and quiet if you want to keep the pace. Progress has ground to a halt this week and you may begin to think that progress is impossible. Don't despair, new opportunities are just around the corner. Be patient. A temporary blockage is soon to be removed, allowing you to increase your income or at least cut down on expenses. Pay attention to personal belongings this week as cash is likely to go quickly. As your workload drops and you have time to think, you may begin to feel the need for a change. Be open to the idea of changing paths. =========================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION - The Maiden The Triple Goddess has three aspects: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Though we approach these aspects as individual Personal Deities, all three are aspects of the same power: the Feminine Polar Force, the Goddess. Of the Triple Goddess‚ three aspects, Her aspect as Mother probably receives most attention. But in fact all three aspects are equally important -They form a cycle, and each naturally flows into the next. The Maiden is the aspect of the Triple Goddess in Her youthful form. Sometimes the Maiden is conceived of as a child, but more often as an independent young woman. The image of the Maiden is strongly affected by the customs of a given culture -there is much more variety in the image of the Maiden than of either the Mother or the Crone. Sometimes the Maiden is shown as an ascetic virgin, like Athena or Vesta. At the other extreme She may be strongly associated with pleasure and sexuality, like Hathor, Ezili, or Venus. Though this may seem like a contradiction, in fact it is not. Rather it reflects the variety of activity that falls under the Maiden‚s imperium. The Maiden is the Goddess of beginnings, growth, and expansion. She is symbolized by the Waxing Moon. The Maiden rules over the dawn, the season of spring, and the direction of the east. The Maiden is the Goddess of passion and creativity. All arts, crafts, and sciences are sacred to Her, and the tutelary Goddesses of the various arts and sciences are often forms of the Maiden (as Sesheta, Egyptian Goddess of writing). All forms of inspiration, self-expression, and creativity -all things which stir the soul or incite the mindbelong to the maiden. The Maiden Goddess tends to be shown in one of three main forms: The Artist: Goddess of all arts and crafts, skills and sciences. The mind, intellect, and inspiration fall within Her perview. She delights in beauty and is often specifically associated with flowers or the rainbow, as well as with both inner and outer fire. Examples of the Maiden Goddess in this guise include: Brighid, Flora, Kore, Minerva, and Sesheta. The Guardian: The Goddess as warrior and protector. Patron of quests and causes, champion of heroes and adventurers, defender of those in need. In this form the Maiden grants courage, guidance, and fortitude. Examples of the Maiden Goddess in this guise include: Anat, Artemis, and Durga. (33 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

PISCES<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by balancing & avoiding extremes. Once you climb off your<br />

emotional roller coaster, things will become easier. You are currently on an interesting path, paved with<br />

good intentions. Be warned, as you move on, you may be in for a bumpy ride. This will be a learning<br />

experience, but one which could take you by surprise. You are full of energy and ready to party this<br />

week, but try not to burn the candle at both ends. You need some rest and peace and quiet if you want to<br />

keep the pace. Progress has ground to a halt this week and you may begin to think that progress is<br />

impossible. Don't despair, new opportunities are just around the corner. Be patient. A temporary<br />

blockage is soon to be removed, allowing you to increase your income or at least cut down on expenses.<br />

Pay attention to personal belongings this week as cash is likely to go quickly. As your workload drops<br />

and you have time to think, you may begin to feel the need for a change. Be open to the idea of changing<br />

paths.<br />

===========================================================================<br />


The Triple Goddess has three aspects: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Though we approach these aspects as<br />

individual Personal Deities, all three are aspects of the same power: the Feminine Polar Force, the<br />

Goddess.<br />

Of the Triple Goddess‚ three aspects, Her aspect as Mother probably receives most attention. But in fact<br />

all three aspects are equally important -They form a cycle, and each naturally flows into the next.<br />

The Maiden is the aspect of the Triple Goddess in Her youthful form.<br />

Sometimes the Maiden is conceived of as a child, but more often as an independent young woman.<br />

The image of the Maiden is strongly affected by the customs of a given culture -there is much more<br />

variety in the image of the Maiden than of either the Mother or the Crone. Sometimes the Maiden is<br />

shown as an ascetic virgin, like Athena or Vesta. At the other extreme She may be strongly associated<br />

with pleasure and sexuality, like Hathor, Ezili, or Venus. Though this may seem like a contradiction, in<br />

fact it is not. Rather it reflects the variety of activity that falls under the Maiden‚s imperium.<br />

The Maiden is the Goddess of beginnings, growth, and expansion. She is symbolized by the Waxing<br />

Moon. The Maiden rules over the dawn, the season of spring, and the direction of the east.<br />

The Maiden is the Goddess of passion and creativity. All arts, crafts, and sciences are sacred to Her, and<br />

the tutelary Goddesses of the various arts and sciences are often forms of the Maiden (as Sesheta,<br />

Egyptian Goddess of writing).<br />

All forms of inspiration, self-expression, and creativity -all things which stir the soul or incite the mindbelong<br />

to the maiden.<br />

The Maiden Goddess tends to be shown in one of three main forms:<br />

The Artist: Goddess of all arts and crafts, skills and sciences. The mind, intellect, and inspiration fall<br />

within Her perview. She delights in beauty and is often specifically associated with flowers or the<br />

rainbow, as well as with both inner and outer fire. Examples of the Maiden Goddess in this guise include:<br />

Brighid, Flora, Kore, Minerva, and Sesheta.<br />

The Guardian: The Goddess as warrior and protector. Patron of quests and causes, champion of heroes<br />

and adventurers, defender of those in need. In this form the Maiden grants courage, guidance, and<br />

fortitude. Examples of the Maiden Goddess in this guise include: Anat, Artemis, and Durga.<br /> (33 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

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