Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path Pepper Tree (Pirul) - Used for limpias and cleansing, mix with ruda ad bathe in for 10 days to remove evil Peppermint- To increase chance of prophetic dreams, add to Rama dream incense Periwinkle- A love herb, Burn with love incense before having sex Pine- burn as an incense to cleanse house, also used to remove negativity & attract money Plantain- hang in car to protect from evil or jealous people Poke Root- Breaks hexes by brewing it into a teas & adding it to bath water Poppy Seeds- Sleep on a pillow stuffed with poppy seeds if you suffer from insomnia Primrose- Put in children's pillows to gain control over them, also put some in bath water to make them mind Quassia Chips- Mix with some hair of your beloved, burn & keep ashes in small bottle to preserve the love Queen of the Meadow- for good luck, make into a tea Queens Delight Root- Legends say that drinking a tea made from this root will help a woman conceive Queens Root- Take a bath in this when you wish to get married Quina Rojo- Use only when sex is desired & with extreme caution Quince Seed- Used in spells pertaining to protection, love & happiness Raspberry- Bathe in this herb daily and your man will not want to wander Rattle Snake Root- Put in a purple flannel bad for protection from sudden death & accident, keeps others from doing you wrong Rosemary- Kept near the bed to ensure faithfulness, good for cleansing & protection as well Rose Petals- Known as the love herb, Keep your lovers picture in a bowl of rose petals Rue (Ruda)- Make into a tea & bathe in it for 7 days to attract love from the opposite sex Sacred Bark-Keep in a bowl on your alter or reading table to help you concentrate Safflower- Mix with any jinx incense to cause destruction to an enemy, also used by gay men to bring on exciting sexual encounters by rubbing it on the inside of their knees Sage- Wards off misfortune, used in reversing spells, also used for protection Sampson's Snake Root- Used to regain male vigor (lost manhood) Sandalwood- One of the 3 holy incenses, used for love, health & fortune, to grant wishes Sarsaparilla- alleged to prolong life, hinder premature aging, excite passions, improving virility Sassafras- Should be carried in your purse or wallet near your money, makes it go farther (28 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path Saw Palmetto- use in a strong tea made of Damiana, Sarsaparilla, and muira puama to help men get erections; supposedly, this is what the ancient gods use to have sexual encounters Scullcap- To keep mate faithful, women should sew into his pillow some scullcap and 2 white lodestones in white flannel Sea Wrack- add to black magick & hex rituals Senna- secretly have mate bathe in a tea made of this to ensure faithfulness, to get one to notice you Slippery Elm- Excellent in poultices for skin ailments keeps others from gossiping about you Smartweed- attracts money & clears the mind Snake root- carried as a charm to strengthen ones vitality, also good for court cases Solomon's seal root- carry for protection & success, place on altar to ensure success with all rituals Southern John the Conqueror- carry as a charm to bring luck in love & money matters Southernwood- kept in the home as a love charm, burned to protect one from trouble Spearmint- used for cleansing Spikenard- to keep a lover faithful, to secure a relationship bury it in the ground and renew monthly Squaw Vine- Bathed in by pregnant women once a week to keep jealousy away from unborn child Squill Root- to draw money, place in container, add one dime, quarter & dollar, say money prayer Star anise- to increase power, place on altar, carried for luck, burn to increase psychic ability St. Johns Wort- protects against all forms of black witchcraft, hang above all windows in home Sulfur- although not an herb, it is mixed with many herbs to bring harm upon an enemy Sumbul Root- A favorite love root, said to attract the opposite sex very quickly, carry on you or burn Tansy- a bit placed on shoes is said to keep the law away, can also be bathed in for same purpose Tarragon- To cause a person to have a toothache, sprinkle on mouth of figure candle & burn at midnight Thyme- bathe in to ensure money at all times, add to jar & keep in home for good luck, use to cleanse magick areas and place in pillows to stop nightmares Tonka Beans- a favorite hoodoo good luck charm, to make wishes come true.. Tormentil- as a tea, drunk to keep or remove witchcraft that has been given in food or drink Trefoil- mix with vervain, dill & St. Johnswort for most effective defense against evil doing Trumpet Weed- used to make a man more potent, rubbed on member as a tea while hard Twitch Grass- reverses hexes, causes trouble for enemies if thrown on their doorstep Unicorn Root-Carried for protection, used as a love charm, hide in loves belongings for love or hide two (29 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

Pepper Tree (Pirul) - Used for limpias and cleansing, mix with ruda ad bathe in for 10 days to remove<br />

evil<br />

Peppermint- To increase chance of prophetic dreams, add to Rama dream incense<br />

Periwinkle- A love <strong>herb</strong>, Burn with love incense before having sex<br />

Pine- burn as an incense to cleanse house, also used to remove negativity & attract money<br />

Plantain- hang in car to protect from evil or jealous people<br />

Poke Root- Breaks hexes by brewing it into a teas & adding it to bath water<br />

Poppy Seeds- Sleep on a pillow stuffed with poppy seeds if you suffer from insomnia<br />

Primrose- Put in children's pillows to gain control over them, also put some in bath water to make them<br />

mind<br />

Quassia Chips- Mix with some hair of your beloved, burn & keep ashes in small bottle to preserve the<br />

love<br />

Queen of the Meadow- for good luck, make into a tea<br />

Queens Delight Root- Legends say that drinking a tea made from this root will help a woman conceive<br />

Queens Root- Take a bath in this when you wish to get married<br />

Quina Rojo- Use only when sex is desired & with extreme caution<br />

Quince Seed- Used in spells pertaining to protection, love & happiness<br />

Raspberry- Bathe in this <strong>herb</strong> daily and your man will not want to wander<br />

Rattle Snake Root- Put in a purple flannel bad for protection from sudden death & accident, keeps others<br />

from doing you wrong<br />

Rosemary- Kept near the bed to ensure faithfulness, good for cleansing & protection as well<br />

Rose Petals- Known as the love <strong>herb</strong>, Keep your lovers picture in a bowl of rose petals<br />

Rue (Ruda)- Make into a tea & bathe in it for 7 days to attract love from the opposite sex<br />

Sacred Bark-Keep in a bowl on your alter or reading table to help you concentrate<br />

Safflower- Mix with any jinx incense to cause destruction to an enemy, also used by gay men to bring on<br />

exciting sexual encounters by rubbing it on the inside of their knees<br />

Sage- Wards off misfortune, used in reversing spells, also used for protection<br />

Sampson's Snake Root- Used to regain male vigor (lost manhood)<br />

Sandalwood- One of the 3 holy incenses, used for love, health & fortune, to grant wishes<br />

Sarsaparilla- alleged to prolong life, hinder premature aging, excite passions, improving virility<br />

Sassafras- Should be carried in your purse or wallet near your money, makes it go farther<br /> (28 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

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