Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website


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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

Marjoram- for a person, who is sad or grieving, bathe them in this for 7 days<br />

Master of the Woods- A man carries this to have control over his woman<br />

Mesquite-burn as an incense to cleanse your tools or voodoo room, us in purification baths<br />

Mistletoe- Made into a tea & bathed in it for love drawing<br />

Motherwort- keep some in a jar by the family pictures to keep them safe<br />

Mugwort- Burn as an incense while crystal gazing to increase psychic visions & ability<br />

Mullein- Used as incense in black magick to dume (doom) an enemy<br />

Mustard Seed (Red) - Sprinkle in & around the home to ward off burglars<br />

Mustard Seed (Yellow) - A symbol of faith followed by success, one of the oldest good luck amulets<br />

Myrrh- Burn on the altar before performing any ritual, for success, a good incense to clear your home<br />

Myrtle- Inhaling the warm vapors of a myrtle infusion is said to clear head pains caused by severe colds,<br />

also used as a love <strong>herb</strong><br />

Nettles- For removing curses & hexes, mix with Jinx removing powder & sprinkle in each room &<br />

doorway<br />

Nutmeg- Make a hole in the nutmeg, fill with quicksilver, seal hole with wax, carry in red flannel bag for<br />

best gambling luck - The most royal of all trees, burn with mistletoe to remove spirits from businesses<br />

Orange- Use the leaves or flowers for love rituals, very good to bring on a proposal<br />

Oregon Grape Root- Carry in green flannel bag with money drawing powder for money & popularity<br />

Oregano-mix with Stay Away powder to repel in-laws, with Law Stay Away to repel law<br />

Orris Root- Cast a love spell by dusting it on the clothes of the opposite sex & wear for attraction<br />

Palo Azul- Very powerful, make into a tea and use to remove any jinx or hex<br />

Palo Santo-Used when you feel you have been cursed Rub this <strong>herb</strong> on your body then bathe<br />

Papaya leaves- mix with Mandrake root and burn or bathe for spell reversal or jinx<br />

Parsley- mix with jasmine & carry in your shoe to make you more attractive to opposite sex<br />

Passion Flower- Brew into a tea & bathe in for 5 days to attract opposite sex<br />

Patchouli- Used in money & love rituals, incites lust, use in any ritual where graveyard dirt is required<br />

Peach Tree-mix the leaves with Concentration & Success oil to help pass tests<br />

Pennyroyal- Carry while traveling by water & never know the pangs of sea sickness<br />

Peony- For protection against any evil or to cure lunacy, and for good luck.<br />

Peppercorns Black- Can be used to cast evil to someone or to get rid of evil<br />

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