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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website


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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

(Article on religious diversity, bashing, and a call for tolerance by Brien McCarty.)<br />

In the years since I was 14, I have made it a point to try to become knowledgable or at least<br />

aquainted with the majority of the religions out there, both pagan and otherwise. One of the<br />

tenets that every pagan group that I have ever conversed with has expressed the most was<br />

that of religious freedom. But as I made my decision to practice Wicca and began to<br />

interact more closely with the pagan community at large, a<br />

frightening thing reared its ugly head.<br />

I started seeing newsgroup postings from pagans bashing Christians, Jews, Moslems, and even each other<br />

in increasingly large numbers. Christian-bashing jokes have become very common, and there is even an<br />

ongoing debate over the merits of witches coming out of the broom closet! As the weeks rolled by, I got<br />

more and more upset with what was going on, so I decided to put my thoughts on the web as a way of<br />

possibly helping us all.<br />

In the first place, those who have come out of the broom closet and made their names public on the net<br />

and within their communities are, for the most part, people who share one common desire. No matter<br />

what race, age, or nationality, these pagans want to help bring our religions to the world's attention. They<br />

want to help, in some small way, to make people understand that pagans are people just like everyone<br />

else. There are good and bad among us. We are doctors and lawyers, ditch diggers and sanitation<br />

workers, housewives and grocery baggers. We come from all walks of life. We are just like the people<br />

who worship one of the recognized 'majority' religions.<br />

For the most part, these 'pagan religious freedom fighters' are in it for one reason only...to help the pagan<br />

community. End of story. To accomplish this, they put their jobs, education, even marriages or<br />

relationships on the line. They are harrassed, ridiculed, ostrasized, and sometimes physically attacked for<br />

their beliefs. But still they fight the good fight. Of course, there are some who do this simply for<br />

attention. These are the people who gather together and pat each other on the back and brag about how<br />

they 'give all their time' etc, etc, ad nauseum, to help blah, blah, blah.. You get my drift.<br />

But the vast majority do it for the simple pleasure of knowing that they are contributing something<br />

positive and constructive to a world religious community that is dominated by narrow-minded, bigoted,<br />

so-called eclesiastic headmen. So, when I read a mail or newsgroup message where some self-appointed<br />

high-and-mighty ass starts griping people out because of their openess, I tend to get a bit hostile. My<br />

message to all of you who fit the above catagory..... climb back into your barrel, put your blinders back<br />

on, and shut the hell up. Go back into hiding. No one is asking or forcing you to be open with your<br />

religious practices. Do what you want, but do not presume to criticise those who choose to be vocal and<br />

public. There is a big difference between voicing your viewpoints on the pros and cons of a situation or<br />

action, and criticising a person for their actions or viewpoints.<br />

In the second place, it is not my, or anyone else's place to criticise another's religion. I personally have no<br />

great love for Christian's as a whole, especially Southern Baptists. Being raised in the South and around<br />

them for most of my life, I have found them to be, on the average, a very closed minded group. But I DO<br />

NOT deny them the right to worship however they want in peace. I will fight just as hard to defend the<br />

Baptist church's right to religious freedom as I will to defend my own right to follow Wicca. I don't care<br />

if you worship a paper bag full of rocks, I would still fight for your right to worship that bag of rocks. It<br />

is your religion and you have a right to worship as you please as long as it doesn't hurt someone. Is that<br />

so hard?<br />

But everyday I see email messages from people bashing Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other's from<br />

single-god religions, as well as bickering within the pagan community. Is it that, by bashing others, you<br />

feel important? Maybe you assuage your own insecurities by focusing on other's? Do you ever stop and<br />

see that you are emulating what you profess to detest? You claim injury and opression by the Burning<br />

Times, yet you will condemn others? You will complain about not being able to openly worship, yet you<br />

will harass another for doing just that? If this is how you feel, I suggest that you re-examine your beliefs.<br />

I mean take your soul out and take a long, hard look at it. Because, my brothers and sisters, you are not<br />

practicing Paganism. You are practising hypocrisy.<br />

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