Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path Feel the moist, warm energy rising. Feel it bursting up from the Earth and rising up your spine, like sap rises in a tree. Feel the energy rise to your crown chakra (at the top of your head). Now imagine that you have branches, branches that sweep up and then bend down towards the Earth, like the limbs of a willow. Feel the branches extending and interweaving with your surroundings. Feel the warm, moist energy of the Earth flowing through your branches. As it flows, feel yourself being purified, centered, and connected to the Earth. Feel the power from the Earth flowing through your branches and then down back to the Earth, like a fountain. Note how your branches absorb energy from the air. Also, feel them receiving light (fire) from the sky. Feel the energy from above penetrating deep through your body into the Earth. Feel the warmth of the Earth rising also. Feel the energy circulating. Notice how your branches intertwine with the branches of energy surrounding you. Feel the energy dancing among your branches and the branches around you. Notice how your roots also intertwine with underground energy channels. Feel the energy dancing between your roots and the surrounding energy patterns. Notice how you and the life around you are rooted in the same Earth, breathing the same air, receiving the same fire, drinking the same water, sharing the same underlying essence. You are one with the magical grove. Telepathically mention the time in the past when nature spirits and people communicated regularly and the need to establish such communication now. Test your connection by asking questions and observing the responses. Working With Nature Spirits Explain to the spirits the purpose of your coming to them and the nature of the ritual you plan. If the spirits you contacted are receptive: Explain to them the details of the ritual and invite them to provide ideas. Listen, you may receive suggestions on how to improve the ritual. Such suggestions may come in the form of hunches, visions, answers to yes/no questions using pre-arranged signals, or in other ways. Explain what type of space is needed and ask what the best place to perform the ritual is. You may see light or get other psychic signals leading you to other sites, or you may be at one of them. You may also ask what the best places for other aspects of the planned work are (picnicking, individual vision quests, etc.). If preparation of the site is needed (removing briars, preparing a fire circle, etc.) ask permission of the spirits before proceeding with such action. Before you leave the power spot, tell the spirits you have contacted when you plan to return to do the ritual (visualizing the associated lunar and solar aspects can help with this communication). Invite them to join in the ritual when you return and to bring their friends. Ask if it would be best to return silently, with drums, with chanting, or with some other form of approach. You can also ask the spirits to provide guidance for working in balance and to provide a teacher to (228 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path provide further guidance. Before you leave the power spot: Thank the spirits, Channel love energy, Trigger your memory of the experience, and If it feels right, leave an offering of tobacco, or beer and honey poured on the ground (or other suitable material). Leave in peace and love. Proceed to other sites that were indicated by the spirits, doing similar meditations at each site. If you need something, like a staff, a Maypole, or a wand, you can also ask where you can find it and follow the guidance you receive (not slavishly, but as you would guidance from another Pagan). Before leaving the general area in which you found power spots and contacted nature spirits: Channel love energy towards the receptive sites you found, Thank the spirits of the land, Pull back your roots and branches, Ground any excess energy into the Earth (placing your hands on the Earth, breathe in any excess energy, and channel the energy down your arms, while visualizing and feeling the energy going into the Earth), and Leave in peace and love. Naturally, you should leave the area at least as clean, and preferably cleaner, than you found it. If you work with techniques of Wicca or Ceremonial Magic, you may find that by casting a circle, calling the Elements, the Goddess, the Gods, and the local nature spirits while you are at receptive sites, you may be able to greatly increase communication. Through the use of drums and other power raising techniques, it is even possible to energize receptive nature spirits. The results can be very interesting. If with a coven, such circles can be done as part of a group attunement to a power spot you have located. If you do not get good feelings in response to your explanation of the ritual and are unable to come up with a ritual that gives good responses, do not try to force a good response. You would only be fooling yourself. Thank the spirits for their attention. Ask them why they are not receptive (if it feels right and they are communicative). Trigger your memory. Pull back your "roots and branches," return any excess energy you feel into the Earth. If it feels appropriate, leave an offering of tobacco or other appropriate material, out of respect for the spirits. Move to a more receptive site. If it is hard to find a site that is really receptive, you should: Consider any impressions you got of why the nature spirits weren't receptive in the area you were in, and re-think your plans for a ritual, as necessary and appropriate. It may also be appropriate to look for another general area in which to find a suitable power site that is receptive to the work planned. What To Do When Returning It can be very powerful to purify and center yourself and to attune to the spirits of the land using the techniques previously described for calling nature spirits immediately upon returning to the site. Often, individuals may have found small specific power spots to which they have a special attunement, where the spirits are interested in participating; but where the site is too small, has too much vegetation, or is otherwise unsuitable for the main ritual. Individual attunement to the spirits in such areas and inviting them to participate in the main ritual can be worthwhile. Then approach the main ritual site using the previously arranged technique. You should have the details worked out with the spirits of the land. An exceptionally powerful technique involves doing a procession through or past receptive power spots, inviting nature spirits to join as you pass each power spot, and then moving to the central power spot for the main ritual. If participants are at individual power spots, they can join the procession as it passes nearby. (229 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

provide further guidance.<br />

Before you leave the power spot:<br />

Thank the spirits,<br />

Channel love energy,<br />

Trigger your memory of the experience, and If it feels right, leave an offering of tobacco, or beer and<br />

honey poured on the ground (or other suitable material).<br />

Leave in peace and love.<br />

Proceed to other sites that were indicated by the spirits, doing similar meditations at each site. If you<br />

need something, like a staff, a Maypole, or a wand, you can also ask where you can find it and follow the<br />

guidance you receive (not slavishly, but as you would guidance from another Pagan).<br />

Before leaving the general area in which you found power spots and contacted nature spirits:<br />

Channel love energy towards the receptive sites you found,<br />

Thank the spirits of the land,<br />

Pull back your roots and branches,<br />

Ground any excess energy into the Earth (placing your hands on the Earth, breathe in any excess energy,<br />

and channel the energy down your arms, while visualizing and feeling the energy going into the Earth),<br />

and Leave in peace and love.<br />

Naturally, you should leave the area at least as clean, and preferably cleaner, than you found it. If you<br />

work with techniques of Wicca or Ceremonial Magic, you may find that by casting a circle, calling the<br />

Elements, the Goddess, the Gods, and the local nature spirits while you are at receptive sites, you may be<br />

able to greatly increase communication. Through the use of drums and other power raising techniques, it<br />

is even possible to energize receptive nature spirits. The results can be very interesting. If with a coven,<br />

such circles can be done as part of a group attunement to a power spot you have located. If you do not get<br />

good feelings in response to your explanation of the ritual and are unable to come up with a ritual that<br />

gives good responses, do not try to force a good response. You would only be fooling yourself.<br />

Thank the spirits for their attention.<br />

Ask them why they are not receptive (if it feels right and they are communicative).<br />

Trigger your memory.<br />

Pull back your "roots and branches," return any excess energy you feel into the Earth. If it feels<br />

appropriate, leave an offering of tobacco or other appropriate material, out of respect for the spirits.<br />

Move to a more receptive site.<br />

If it is hard to find a site that is really receptive, you should: Consider any impressions you got of why<br />

the nature spirits weren't receptive in the area you were in, and re-think your plans for a ritual, as<br />

necessary and appropriate.<br />

It may also be appropriate to look for another general area in which to find a suitable power site that is<br />

receptive to the work planned.<br />

What To Do When Returning<br />

It can be very powerful to purify and center yourself and to attune to the spirits of the land using the<br />

techniques previously described for calling nature spirits immediately upon returning to the site.<br />

Often, individuals may have found small specific power spots to which they have a special attunement,<br />

where the spirits are interested in participating; but where the site is too small, has too much vegetation,<br />

or is otherwise unsuitable for the main ritual. Individual attunement to the spirits in such areas and<br />

inviting them to participate in the main ritual can be worthwhile.<br />

Then approach the main ritual site using the previously arranged technique. You should have the details<br />

worked out with the spirits of the land. An exceptionally powerful technique involves doing a procession<br />

through or past receptive power spots, inviting nature spirits to join as you pass each power spot, and<br />

then moving to the central power spot for the main ritual. If participants are at individual power spots,<br />

they can join the procession as it passes nearby.<br /> (229 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

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