Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path General information: How Magick Works Posted by: Mysteron on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 07:23 PM Magick is the ability to make changes in the physical world through manipulating the spiritual world. How this is accomplished can be described by many words - Mind over matter, blind faith, will power are but a few - and all give a good description. To understand how magick works we must first consider and believe the following: The physical world, that which we can sense with our 5 physical senses, is but a part of all that is. That is to say, we must believe in a non-physical or spiritual world. For without believing in the spiritual, there can be no magick. Magical work can be accomplished by many means - spells, chants, directed dreaming, prayers, earnest wishes and the like. What each method has in common is unswerving belief that what is attempted shall come to pass. That is it, very simple. If our will is strong enough, and we can envision that which we are to accomplish, and we are in tune with the spiritual we can work magick. The key to successful magickal working requires the vision of what is to be accomplished, the complete and total use of our will to accomplish the task and the ability to use the spiritual energy (from within and without) to reinforce the will to accomplish the task. Rituals, spells, chants, prayers, meditations are all tools which help to focus our will and the spiritual energies to accomplish the goal. For the spiritually adept, one who easily channels the spiritual energies, the force of their will and vivid envisioning of the task are sufficient to work successful magick. Those less adept will require some means to keep the focus. As one becomes more proficient at channeling spiritual energies, the ability to work magick improves. At some point, the magick worker will be able to make their thoughts manifest by simply willing the magick to work. This level of proficiency can take many years to develop, so do not be discouraged if you find yourself needing a method of focusing your will and energies. It is imperative that, prior to working any magick, that none shall come to harm as a result of whatever magickal work is to be done. And, in consideration of this, harming none means exactly that - none - for the law of Karmic return works in mysterious, yet undeniable ways. Whatever you do, will come back to you and increased three fold. So, if you cause harm; you shall be harmed. If you cause benefit, you shall benefit. If in doubt, don't do any magickal working. (21 Reads) comments? General information: How To Connect With A Living Tree Posted by: Mysteron on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 07:22 PM The areas of where a tree grows and thrives are known as an Ecosystems. Ecosystems are variances of the regional environments of the planet and can be as diverse as a desert to a tropical forest just only miles apart from each other. These small habitats are comprised of different levels of life working as a team for the survival of all. They function in giving while taking what they need. The life of these systems can be as varied as rotting vegetation to higher forms of life such as ourselves. Everything plays different roles in the health of an Ecosystem. The Ecosystem is not limited to organic life. Climate has a great deal to offer to the stability of the area. Temperature, moisture and sunlight play factors for all life concerned inside the system. Depending on the availability or non availability of the natural occurrences in the climate, will become the diversification of the life within it. I’m sure you have noticed that the deeper into the ground you go, the more moister and cooler (216 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path temperature you can feel. These dramatic changes offer their own input into the Ecosystem. Each level of change in the moister, temperature and light is known as a micro-climate. The bottom of a knoll will have a different micro-climate than the top of the knoll. Its not a dramatic major change, like going into a cave, but it could mean the difference in what type of plant will grow at the bottom from the plant that will grow at the top. The tree connects to the ecosystem and micro-climates of the regional environments. Certain trees will not grow in the desert but will thrive in the tropics. This is due to the conditioning of the genetic structure of the tree. The tree family, however, adapts quickly within a few generations and will adapt to most to all Ecosystems. The movement is extremely slow but has been documented. Conifers are the best example of this. They are found through out the globe. To have this natural adjustment come to pass rapidly, humans have created hybrids of original family tree lines. Enhancing a character in the tree to perform to the Ecosystem that is created in gardens while still being able to withstand the regional environment to which it is being planted. The mimosa (or the silk tree) is a good example of this. They have been trained and can live in the driest deserts and the most humid tropics. The amount of leaves it will allow to its own Crown depends on the Micro-climate and Ecosystem. When looking for a tree to connect with, one should not look for specific trees but rather the Micro-climate and Ecosystem to which the tree is growing in. Its easy to look in a book and find the generalize information of given trees. Then point to it and claim it as your tree totem. But then the true connection to the tree is lost. You would learn nothing of its essence or spirit. The tree as well could not impart wisdom to you. That makes our own individuality is not how we stand but rather what we chose to stand in. The tree can not select the area in which it grows but can make the best with what it has. The Trees Micro-climate and Ecosystem should be compared with our own. Then when the connection is made, can we say, "yes, this is who I am, this is my tree totem." (20 Reads) comments? General information: Introduction to the Houses Posted by: Mysteron on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 07:20 PM An astrology chart divides a circle into 12 parts, or Houses. There are many systems of house division. ArtCharts uses the Placidus system, which is *industry standard*. Houses describe where experiences occur. 1st HOUSE The first house and the sign that rules the first house, which is also known as the Ascendant or Rising sign, describes your outer personality and physical attributes. To some extent it also describes your health and the type of illnesses you may experience. 2nd HOUSE The second house describes material assets, how you handle monetary income, and the potential ways it may be earned. It also indicates the values and priorities you establish throughout life. 3rd HOUSE The third house describes your mental state, intellectual orientation, self-expression and communication, early education, mechanical dexterity and skills, immediate environment (neighborhood), and siblings. It indicates physical actions, and transportation, especially within your immediate environment. To a (217 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

temperature you can feel. These dramatic changes offer their own input into the Ecosystem. Each level of<br />

change in the moister, temperature and light is known as a micro-climate.<br />

The bottom of a knoll will have a different micro-climate than the top of the knoll. Its not a dramatic<br />

major change, like going into a cave, but it could mean the difference in what type of plant will grow at<br />

the bottom from the plant that will grow at the top.<br />

The tree connects to the ecosystem and micro-climates of the regional environments. Certain trees will<br />

not grow in the desert but will thrive in the tropics. This is due to the conditioning of the genetic structure<br />

of the tree.<br />

The tree family, however, adapts quickly within a few generations and will adapt to most to all<br />

Ecosystems. The movement is extremely slow but has been documented. Conifers are the best example<br />

of this. They are found through out the globe.<br />

To have this natural adjustment come to pass rapidly, humans have created hybrids of original family tree<br />

lines. Enhancing a character in the tree to perform to the Ecosystem that is created in <strong>gardens</strong> while still<br />

being able to withstand the regional environment to which it is being planted. The mimosa (or the silk<br />

tree) is a good example of this. They have been trained and can live in the driest deserts and the most<br />

humid tropics. The amount of leaves it will allow to its own Crown depends on the Micro-climate and<br />

Ecosystem.<br />

When looking for a tree to connect with, one should not look for specific trees but rather the<br />

Micro-climate and Ecosystem to which the tree is growing in. Its easy to look in a book and find the<br />

generalize information of given trees. Then point to it and claim it as your tree totem. But then the true<br />

connection to the tree is lost. You would learn nothing of its essence or spirit. The tree as well could not<br />

impart wisdom to you.<br />

That makes our own individuality is not how we stand but rather what we chose to stand in. The tree can<br />

not select the area in which it grows but can make the best with what it has. The Trees Micro-climate and<br />

Ecosystem should be compared with our own. Then when the connection is made, can we say, "yes, this<br />

is who I am, this is my tree totem."<br />

(20 Reads) comments?<br />

General information: Introduction to the Houses<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 07:20 PM<br />

An astrology chart divides a circle into 12 parts, or Houses. There are many systems of<br />

house division. ArtCharts uses the Placidus system, which is *industry standard*. Houses<br />

describe where experiences occur.<br />

1st HOUSE<br />

The first house and the sign that rules the first house, which is also known as the Ascendant<br />

or Rising sign, describes your outer personality and physical attributes. To some extent it also describes<br />

your health and the type of illnesses you may experience.<br />

2nd HOUSE<br />

The second house describes material assets, how you handle monetary income, and the potential ways it<br />

may be earned. It also indicates the values and priorities you establish throughout life.<br />

3rd HOUSE<br />

The third house describes your mental state, intellectual orientation, self-expression and communication,<br />

early education, mechanical dexterity and skills, immediate environment (neighborhood), and siblings. It<br />

indicates physical actions, and transportation, especially within your immediate environment. To a<br /> (217 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

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