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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path In Craft rituals, the pentacle is a round disk inscribed with a pentagram and placed upon on the altar. The disk can be made of many different materials. In more dangerous times, the pentacle was crafted from disposable materials such as clay or dough. To be caught in possession of a pentacle in those days could very well endanger your life. Nowadays, pentacles are crafted in metals such as copper, brass, silver or gold. Many Witches make their own from stained glass or by etching stones or wood. The pentacle can also be personalized by adding appropriate astrological symbols, runes and other sigils(magical symbols) that have special meaning to the practitioner.Many Witches wear a pentacle pendant or ring as a sign of their religion or as an amulet or talisman. The pentacle crafted from silver represents Moon energy and psychic forces. The same symbol made in gold represents the Sun energies of power and strength. Many pentacles come with embedded stones which can represent birth months or a particular energy that the wearer wants to attract. During magical operations, the pentagram can be drawn in the air by the athame or sword. When drawn a certain way, it is used to either invoke or banish energies. Used on the altar, it becomes a focal point to draw in and send out the intentions of the spell or working. The simplest spells of this kind are those involving candle magic. A candle of the appropriate color is charged and place on the pentacle. Traditionally, each of the five angles has been attributed to the five metaphysical elements of the ancients: EARTH: (lower left hand corner) represents stability and physical endurance. FIRE: (lower right hand corner) represents courage and daring. WATER: (upper right hand corner) represents emotions and intuition. AIR: (upper left hand corner) represents intelligence and the arts. SPIRIT: (at the topmost point) represents the All and the Divine. The Circle around the star represents the God-Goddess; it refracts and reflects all light, bringing to the wearer total intelligence, universal wisdom and protection. The origins of the pentagram go back to remotest historical antiquity. As far back as pre-Babylonian Sumer, it has been venerated by many civilizations. To the Jewish peoples, it symbolically designated the Pentateauch, the Five Books of Moses It has survived under a variety of titles, such as "The Druid's Root" and "The Witches Star". To the followers of Pythagoras, it was called "The Pentalpha" being composed of five interlaced A's or Alphas. The Alpha being the first word of the alphabet, we can perhaps view it as showing forth unity in the midst of multiplicity. The individual as part of the Whole.To ceremonial magicians, the points can represent various elemental energies, spirits or deities.It is the ruling of the higher mind over the lower elements of our being. It signals the awakening of cosmic consciousness and the beginnings of our own human psyche moving beyond the realms of physical form and the perceptions limited to the five senses. It allows the infinite possibilities that exist within the Universe and frees us to explore and to grow.This becomes a graphic portrayal of Spirit ruling over the five elements. When the pentagram is placed within a circle, it's energy is focused and directed. The pentagram upright, to those of spiritual perception, represents the redemption of Spirit from matter by ruling over it. Used inverted, with the top point pointed downward, it represents a second or third degree status in some traditional groups. Many of these groups have since substituted a triangle form for the same degrees because of the association of the inverted form of the pentacle with Satanism and black magic.The number five is attributed to the influence of Mars. Thus some Witches think of the five pointed star within the circle as force or power contained and controlled by divine wisdom. You may freely post this article as long as it is for educational means and no profit is gained by its publication. - Sharynne NicMacha (28 Reads) (198 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path General information: The Magick of Trees Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:32 PM Trees have been considered to be magickal for many centuries. They have been the homes of wood spirits and the keepers of sacred circles. Many tales of the part trees have played in witchcraft and the occult were told to young children, such as the admonition to avoid old oak trees or groves of oaks. These were places witches met and were filled with much power. Even today some of the old tales live on in superstitions such as 'knock on wood'. So you may ask if there is any truth to these tales, for all legends have some basis in truth. Well for the Wiccan or Neo-Pagan trees are a source of power because they are rooted in the Mother Earth and they reach to the heavens. This is the essential posture we humans seek in trying to reach a state of balance during meditation. We visualize a stream of energy from the Earth flowing up into us, as a stream of energy flows into us from above. Trees are in this state all the time and are therefore a very natural source of power for magick. Most any tree can be used for magickal purposes, though certain trees seem better suited to certain forms of Magick. There are lists called tables of correspondences, which contain specific colours, smells, tastes, plants, and sounds associated with certain emotions and concepts. There are also trees listed in some of these. Examples of trees used in certain situations include the following: APPLE...Healing, Prosperity, Love, Youth BIRCH...Protection, Fertility New Beginnings CYPRESS...Past Lives MAPLE...Divination, Love OAK...Healing, Strength, Money PINE...Purification, Health, Prosperity WILLOW...Enchantments, Wishing As you can see, for those of us who live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, there are many trees which we can use in magickal work. So how does one tap into this wealth of power. One way is to let the tree help in 'recharging' you after a long day or after an extremely emotional event. A simple procedure for doing this follows. Pick a tall, straight tree such as a pine. Generally you should try to feel the tree's spirit to see if it seems welcoming to you. Once you've found a tree you feel comfortable with, walk once around it clockwise saying 'Great tree, Ancient of the Earth, Will you grant and give my strength rebirth?' Now sit on the ground with your back straight and pressed against the tree. As you sit, feel the power running between the Earth and sky through the tree. See your body surrounded by the aura of the tree and feel this power filling you with renewed strength. You may at this point even begin to actually 'hear' the tree speaking to you. A wise person will listen to it's wisdom. Once you feel rested and renewed, rise slowly and thank the tree for helping you regain your balance and strength. A gift to the tree is not inappropriate. One way of doing this would be to bury a coin or something of value at the base of the tree. Care should be taken not to injure the tree in the process of burying the item. This is but one way of having trees aid you in your daily life. There are many others to be found in various books on Earth/Nature magick. I hope you will explore the many possibilities further. The only advice I can offer is to remember you are dealing with a living spirit and that you should avoid harming the tree. Have fun with your experiments and enjoy the new friendships to be found in trees. (20 Reads) The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:27 PM (199 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

General information: The Magick of Trees<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:32 PM<br />

Trees have been considered to be magickal for many centuries. They have been the homes<br />

of wood spirits and the keepers of sacred circles. Many tales of the part trees have played in<br />

witchcraft and the occult were told to young children, such as the admonition to avoid old<br />

oak trees or groves of oaks. These were places witches met and were filled with much<br />

power. Even today some of the old tales live on in superstitions such as 'knock on wood'.<br />

So you may ask if there is any truth to these tales, for all legends have some basis in truth.<br />

Well for the Wiccan or Neo-Pagan trees are a source of power because they are rooted in the Mother<br />

Earth and they reach to the heavens. This is the essential posture we humans seek in trying to reach a<br />

state of balance during meditation. We visualize a stream of energy from the Earth flowing up into us, as<br />

a stream of energy flows into us from above. Trees are in this state all the time and are therefore a very<br />

natural source of power for magick. Most any tree can be used for magickal purposes, though certain<br />

trees seem better suited to certain forms of Magick.<br />

There are lists called tables of correspondences, which contain specific colours, smells, tastes, plants, and<br />

sounds associated with certain emotions and concepts. There are also trees listed in some of these.<br />

Examples of trees used in certain situations include the following:<br />

APPLE...Healing, Prosperity, Love, Youth<br />

BIRCH...Protection, Fertility New Beginnings<br />

CYPRESS...Past Lives<br />

MAPLE...Divination, Love<br />

OAK...Healing, Strength, Money<br />

PINE...Purification, Health, Prosperity<br />

WILLOW...Enchantments, Wishing<br />

As you can see, for those of us who live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, there are many trees which<br />

we can use in magickal work. So how does one tap into this wealth of power. One way is to let the tree<br />

help in 'recharging' you after a long day or after an extremely emotional event. A simple procedure for<br />

doing this follows. Pick a tall, straight tree such as a pine. Generally you should try to feel the tree's spirit<br />

to see if it seems welcoming to you. Once you've found a tree you feel comfortable with, walk once<br />

around it clockwise saying 'Great tree, Ancient of the Earth, Will you grant and give my strength rebirth?'<br />

Now sit on the ground with your back straight and pressed against the tree. As you sit, feel the power<br />

running between the Earth and sky through the tree. See your body surrounded by the aura of the tree and<br />

feel this power filling you with renewed strength. You may at this point even begin to actually 'hear' the<br />

tree speaking to you.<br />

A wise person will listen to it's wisdom. Once you feel rested and renewed, rise slowly and thank the tree<br />

for helping you regain your balance and strength. A gift to the tree is not inappropriate. One way of doing<br />

this would be to bury a coin or something of value at the base of the tree. Care should be taken not to<br />

injure the tree in the process of burying the item. This is but one way of having trees aid you in your<br />

daily life. There are many others to be found in various books on Earth/Nature magick. I hope you will<br />

explore the many possibilities further. The only advice I can offer is to remember you are dealing with a<br />

living spirit and that you should avoid harming the tree. Have fun with your experiments and enjoy the<br />

new friendships to be found in trees.<br />

(20 Reads)<br />

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:27 PM<br /> (199 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

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