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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path 5. A male Witch is not a "Warlock". This is a Scottish term, meaning "traitor", or "oathbreaker". (A male Witch is a "Witch"). 6. Witchcraft is a legal religion protected under the First and Fourteenth amendments. We are non-proselytizing; we don't seek to convert anyone . We feel that all religions are equally valid, and that you should be free to choose the one with which you are most comfortable. No religion has the monopoly of God (despite what some may claim). As long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, we all have a right to our own method of worshipping the Deity. (41 Reads) comments? General information: What is the I ching (yee jing) Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:59 PM It may be the oldest book in the world. Originating thousands of years ago among the courtly shaman-diviners of ancient China, it springs out of the unadulterated consciousness of primeval humanity. Here are truly fundamental perceptions of reality, distilled into inter-related images of physical and spiritual reality. The images are associated with numbers, and the numbers may be derived from certain technical manipulations that enable a skilled reader to use the book as an oracle. In fact, the book has been used and abused for fortune telling from its earliest days. It had itself evolved out of a still more ancient divining tool known as the Tortoise Oracle, whose wisdom it incorporated. In Chinese, "ching" means book. "I" means change, or changes. Thus the name may be translated as The Book of Changes. But "I" means not only change. Strangely enough, it also means permanence, or the unchangeable. The Book of Changes views all of the changes that we and the world go through as an unfolding of the immutable laws and principles of existence. By explaining our present situation in terms of the natural laws that have given rise to it, we can know where we are headed and what the future is likely to be. The I ching views the universe as a natural and well-coordinated system in which the process of change never ceases. It presents human nature and destiny as based on principle and order. Study of the I ching thus makes it possible for us to orient individual human activities and situations within the larger context of harmonious interactions between people, nature, and the cosmos. The I ching is a practical guide through the perplexities and insecurities of daily life. It roots our actions, experiences and expressions in the fundamental ground of existence. It's beautiful commentaries help to give us the moral strength we need to fulfill our ideals. The loveliness of its images provide endless joys of meditation, study and contemplation. The heart of the book is in its images. There are sixty-four in all, and the reader must be familiar with the particular meaning of each one, as well as the ways in which one image may change into another image in the course of time. Age-old traditions describing the images through the medium of imaginative verse help the intuitive and psychic personality to disclose the underlying themes. And, in addition, a great number of philosophers have written commentaries about the images in the I ching. The legendary contributions of Confucius, or Kung-fu-tse, from about 500bc are the most celebrated, but there have been many others of comparable scope and quality. The images have been interpreted from the point of view of many of the world's religions, including Christianity, and they have been related to secular concerns in translations like the one that has guided the affairs of present-day Japan's pre-eminent corporate leader, Matsushita. Indeed, the I ching may be consulted on virtually any subject or concern. All things in Heaven and Earth are dreamt of in this philosophy, Horatio. (34 Reads) (194 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path General information: Types of Magick Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:39 PM Magick: Magick is the method by which a witch can alter the physical aspect through affecting the spiritual aspect. Magickal workings can be accomplished through rituals, spell casting, and simple acts of will. There are several types of magick: dream magick, candle magick, verbal and non-verbal spell casting are but three methods. Dream Magick: Dream magick provides a simple, yet effective method to achieve goals. Prior to going to sleep for the evening, prepare as if attending a ritual. If possible, arrange for music which is conducive to concentration and power raising, to be played. In bed, lie down and concentrate on that action which is desired. Visualize the successful completion of the desired task. Concentrate and continue to concentrate until sleep comes. While sleeping, the spell will take form as a dream. Upon awakening, the spell's purpose will have been filled. Candle Magick: Candle magick is similar to dream magick, except the visualization is done via a candle, and the caster is not required to fall asleep. According to some sort of symbology which the caster finds meaningful, choose a candle of a colour which pertains to the desired task. Light the candle and as it is lit, visualize the desired outcome. Stare into the flame and visualize the successful completion of the desired task. Believe that upon the natural extinguishing of the candle the spell's effect shall occur. Do not extinguish the flame; it must burn-out naturally. Like dream magick, candle magick is dependant on strength of will, visualization and belief. Verbal Spells: Spells which are spoken aloud are verbal spells. Sometimes accompanied by music, somatic gestures, dancing and the use of certain materials and tools, verbal spells are one of the more popular ways of working magick. When working any type of magick, symbology which is relevant to the caster is very important. Finally, remember the Rede; frivolous or harmful magick will have serious repercussions for the caster. Non-verbal and Somatic Spells: Adept practitioners of the craft are able to make their will manifest without verbalizing. If gestures are made, these non-verbal spells are considered somatic. This type of spell work can be considered as being the most advanced; the ability to alter the physical world through the means of the spirit via a thought is most powerful. Visualization skills and strength of will must be exceptional for this type of magick to be effective. Important Note: Prior to casting any spell, remember to prepare any required ingredients ahead of time: incense, candles, music and other environmental or spatial concerns should be attended to prior to the casting. Often, it is advisable to take a cleansing bath prior to casting, to help in relaxation and to symbolically wash away anything which may hamper the spell's effectiveness. Also, once all is ready to begin the spell work, remember to cast the circle first. Protection during casting is a wise precaution. Once all of the preparation is completed, and the circle is cast, you are ready to begin your spell work. (20 Reads) General information: The Witches Pentacle Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:37 PM (195 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

General information: Types of Magick<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:39 PM<br />

Magick:<br />

Magick is the method by which a witch can alter the physical aspect through affecting the<br />

spiritual aspect. Magickal workings can be accomplished through rituals, spell casting, and<br />

simple acts of will. There are several types of magick: dream magick, candle magick,<br />

verbal and non-verbal spell casting are but three methods.<br />

Dream Magick:<br />

Dream magick provides a simple, yet effective method to achieve goals. Prior to going to sleep for the<br />

evening, prepare as if attending a ritual. If possible, arrange for music which is conducive to<br />

concentration and power raising, to be played. In bed, lie down and concentrate on that action which is<br />

desired. Visualize the successful completion of the desired task. Concentrate and continue to concentrate<br />

until sleep comes. While sleeping, the spell will take form as a dream. Upon awakening, the spell's<br />

purpose will have been filled.<br />

Candle Magick:<br />

Candle magick is similar to dream magick, except the visualization is done via a candle, and the caster is<br />

not required to fall asleep. According to some sort of symbology which the caster finds meaningful,<br />

choose a candle of a colour which pertains to the desired task. Light the candle and as it is lit, visualize<br />

the desired outcome. Stare into the flame and visualize the successful completion of the desired task.<br />

Believe that upon the natural extinguishing of the candle the spell's effect shall occur. Do not extinguish<br />

the flame; it must burn-out naturally. Like dream magick, candle magick is dependant on strength of will,<br />

visualization and belief.<br />

Verbal Spells:<br />

Spells which are spoken aloud are verbal spells. Sometimes accompanied by music, somatic gestures,<br />

dancing and the use of certain materials and tools, verbal spells are one of the more popular ways of<br />

working magick. When working any type of magick, symbology which is relevant to the caster is very<br />

important. Finally, remember the Rede; frivolous or harmful magick will have serious repercussions for<br />

the caster.<br />

Non-verbal and Somatic Spells:<br />

Adept practitioners of the craft are able to make their will manifest without verbalizing. If gestures are<br />

made, these non-verbal spells are considered somatic. This type of spell work can be considered as being<br />

the most advanced; the ability to alter the physical world through the means of the spirit via a thought is<br />

most powerful. Visualization skills and strength of will must be exceptional for this type of magick to be<br />

effective.<br />

Important Note:<br />

Prior to casting any spell, remember to prepare any required ingredients ahead of time: incense, candles,<br />

music and other environmental or spatial concerns should be attended to prior to the casting. Often, it is<br />

advisable to take a cleansing bath prior to casting, to help in relaxation and to symbolically wash away<br />

anything which may hamper the spell's effectiveness. Also, once all is ready to begin the spell work,<br />

remember to cast the circle first. Protection during casting is a wise precaution. Once all of the<br />

preparation is completed, and the circle is cast, you are ready to begin your spell work.<br />

(20 Reads)<br />

General information: The Witches Pentacle<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 01:37 PM<br /> (195 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

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