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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website


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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

passages. Ritual offers a way to imbue these moments with magic and reverence.<br />

(44 Reads)<br />

General information: Witchcraft: The Facts<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 02:02 PM<br />

1. Witchcraft means "Craft of the Wise Ones" and is also known as the "Old Religion". Its<br />

practices can be traced to Neolithic "Stone Age") cave paintings. In early times, the Witch<br />

was the local lawyer, psychiatrist, and doctor. The field of modern medicine can trace its<br />

origins to the <strong>herb</strong>al medicines of the Witch.<br />

Witchcraft is a nature religion, not unlike the shamanism of the Native Americans. As the<br />

concepts of male and female exist through-out life -- indeed, are necessary to create it -- most Witches<br />

perceive Deity as male and female: the Goddess and the God. Like the concept of the Trinity, these aren't<br />

"many" Gods; they are aspects of the ONE Creator.<br />

The Goddess is seen as Mother Earth and Mother Nature, and is represented by the Moon. She is seen in<br />

the fertility of the plant, animal, and human kingdoms. Her power is at a peak in the "fertile half" of the<br />

year, from May until October.<br />

The God is seen in the woodlands, the Sun, grain, & the hunt. Because most of the animals that<br />

prehistoric humans hunted had horns, He is usually depicted as the "Horned One". His power is at a peak<br />

in the "dark half" of the year, from October to May.<br />

2. Witches don't do evil. They believe in the Wiccan Rede, which is "If It Harms None, Do What You<br />

Will". (In other words, "Do whatever you want; just as long as it doesn't harm anyone -- including<br />

yourself ").<br />

Witches also believe in the "Three-Fold Law", which states that whatever you do -- be it good or evil -comes<br />

back to you three times over, so (obviously) there is no incentive to do evil.<br />

3. Witches do NOT believe in or worship Satan, and do not perform any sort of human or animal<br />

sacrifices. Satan is a relatively new concept that originated with Christianity. Witches put the<br />

responsibility for our own actions squarely on whom it belongs: ourselves. Witchcraft teaches us to be<br />

responsible people who take responsibility for our own actions.<br />

When the Christian Church decided to obliterate religions that were a threat to its power (including<br />

Witchcraft), they decided that their "Satan" had horns and that Witches were actually worshipping the<br />

Devil. This became the death warrant for millions of innocent people.<br />

4. The Pentagram (a five-pointed star in an upright, one-point-up position) is the symbol of our religion.<br />

The top point symbolizes Spirit (the Creator) being 'above', or ruling, the Four Elements of Life -- Air,<br />

Fire, Water, & Earth -- which are the four lower points.<br />

~ OVER ~<br />

The Circle, being without beginning or end, symbolizes the Deity. It is completely encompassing the Star<br />

within it (which represents the out-stretched human body, reaching out in search of its connection with<br />

Spirit). Together, they represent the Creator's Protection & Wisdom.<br />

Inverting the Pentagram, as is done by Satanists, symbolizes that the Elements (the "material world") are<br />

superior to the Creator. Unfortunately, through misunderstandings that have been repeated by the media,<br />

the Pentagram -- in whatever position -- has become wrongly equated with Satanism. (Please note,<br />

though, that in England, there are several traditions that use the inverted pentagram as a symbol for a<br />

second degree -- which obviously has nothing to do with Satanism).<br />

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