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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path 05-03-2004 to 05-09-2004 Greetings, Welcome to the Sixty-first edition of the free PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter. It is my pleasure to bring to you this weekly mailing list, of information, news, and offers. Please take the time if you will to visit any of our affiliates and or sponsors, who help make this Site and News possible. =========================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS WEEKLY SPECIAL - Magical Stones and Your Sun Sign WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT CRAFTING - Make a Corn Wheel RECIPE - Crab Rangoon CLASSIFIEDS =========================================================================== WEEKLY SPECIAL - Magical Stones and Your Sun Sign Copyright © 1999 by Kim Rogers-Gallagher Over many years of being an astrologer, I've found that certain stones possess energies that seem tailor-made for use by each of the Sun signs. So if you re feeling the need to increase your personal power or bring out the most positive qualities of your sign, take a look at this list, and try the stones I've mentioned. No matter what you use, keep in mind that carrying or wearing any stone on the right means you're projecting or sending out that energy, while using it on the left means you're filtering what you receive or attract from your environment. ARIES: Red belongs to Mars your ruling planet, so you'll love bloodstones, rubies, and garnets, which are all good fiery choices. When you'd like to tamp your fire down a bit, try carnelian. It promotes peace, harmony, and patience, but holds fire and lends warrior-energy to the wearer. Now, your traditional birthstone is the diamond˜not a bad fit, since diamonds are known for purity, and Aries energy is pure, too˜clean and uncluttered by hidden motives. If your budget doesn't allow for jeweler's diamonds, substitute Herkimer diamonds, long used as a stand-in. TAURUS: There's nothing you like more than a great big chunk of polished perfect rock˜of any kind. The stones that are best for you are lapis, that gorgeous blue stone that's laced with flecks of gold, and rich, fertile Jade. The emerald is your traditional birthstone. Emeralds are the charming representative of both the earth element and the planet Venus˜the building blocks you're made of. Its soothing color suits you since you're spring-born. This stone is most powerful when set in copper, the metal that corresponds with Venus. GEMINI: Since you so love variety, it's no wonder your birth stone is the agate. The agate is also associated with Mercury, your ruling planet. It's an aid to truth-telling and good to carry when you want your words to be accurate. Although flourite is not traditionally associated with Gemini, it's a natural match. Fluorite is connected to the air element, as it keeps the mind keen. Stick it on the computer and pick it up when you get stuck between paragraphs. CANCER: Your planet is the Moon, so the moonstone is naturally connected to you. Its gentle energy protects against absorbing the emotions of others. Sapphires have an affinity with the Moon, too, and will magnify your natural instinct and psychic powers. Chalcedony (a translucent, milky quartz) calms the emotions, and, like moonstones, will keep away depression and sadness˜quite a boon for an emotional creature like you. Any pink stone with soothing properties, like rose quartz or rhodochrosite, is also a good talisman for Cancer. Carry or wear any stone on your left (the "incoming" side) as a filter for the emotions. (164 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path LEO: Like Aries, a kindred fire sign, you love red, so when it comes to gems and stones, the royal ruby springs to mind. Speaking of royalty, have whatever you wear set in that most royal of all metals˜gold. Nothing suits a legend more, and gold has a long-standing link with the Sun, your ruling planet. To increase your natural courage and help you speak eloquently, a trait any performer appreciates, wear carnelian Amber is also a good match for you, as it holds the life force your sign is famous for. VIRGO: Although the agate is one of your birthstones the type that seems to Correspond best with your sign is the moss agate, a lovely clear stone with feathery green threads running through it that look like ferns. This stone is best worn while gardening, one of your very favorite pastimes. Agates also promote good physical health, and health is your business, after all. Your other birthstone, the aventurine, increases the perceptive powers, sharpens the intellectual faculties, and helps to fine-tune the eyesight˜something any draftsperson can use. LIBRA: Your traditional birth stone is the opal, but there are other stones that can be worn or carried to help you achieve your goal of finding and keeping that one special other. Any stone associated with Venus, your ruling planet, will do nicely, such as lapis lazuli. This lovely blue stone with golden flecks of pyrite mystically blends the energies of Venus and Mars (the planets in charge of relationships), and is worn to soothe, heal, and calm the wearer. Another good stone for Libra is kunzite, since its specialty is attracting love. SCORPIO: Black is Pluto's color, and red belongs to Mars, the planet that ruled Scorpio before Pluto was discovered. These are the traditional power colors, and power is your specialty˜so these stones will attract you most. Red stones like carnelian, jasper, and red garnets appeal to your warrior side, and black stones fascinate you˜like apache tears, black tourmaline, or hematite. To ground and protect yourself, use Pluto's favorite stones, spinet kunzite, or rutilated quartz, which is perfect for Scorpio since it's a stone within a stone, and, like you, is full of buried treasure. SAGITARIUS: Sagittarius' most important goal is to truly be a 'wise one," so sodalite is wonderful for you. It helps to gain wisdom and to pass that wisdom back out into the world. Sodalite (and sugilite) also calms the mind, and may help even Sagittarians settle down long enough to meditate. Amethyst, ruled by Sag's planet, Jupiter, is another good match. Itclears the mind and quickens the wit. You'll love both blue and amber topaz, too, said to bring wealth and happiness to all December-born. CAPRICORN: Rock endures, and permanence is a quality Capricorn finds all too rare, so you're quite fond of all stones. Most books say darker stones are your favorites, like onyx, hematite, and obsidian, because they're affiliated with Saturn, your planet, but try malachite. It operates like a magnet when it comes to attracting a good deal, and if you carry this stone on your left, you'll draw business success. Malachite also helps heal broken bones, and since your sign rules the skeleton of the body, this stone is a kindred spirit. AQUARIUS: Although your birthstone is the gentle, peace-loving amethyst, your energies seem to blend better with stones that conduct ideas, since you're an air sign, and communication is your business. Aventurine is carried to enhance mental clarity and keenness, and sphere, a greenish stone, is reputed to help with processing information. The best conductor of all is clear quartz, however, so it's not surprising to find clusters placed strategically throughout an Aquarian's home˜ especially around the computer. PISCES: The color of any stone you carry directly affects your disposition. So if you're feeling like you need to put out a little more energy than you've got, toss a couple of red stones into your right (or "outgoing" side) pocket. Red carried there gives our personal presentation a fiery Uplift." As far as birthstones go, the amethyst has always been yours, and appropriately so: these gentle lavender crystals lift the spirits protect you from addictions, and aid in good judgment. Suglite has also been used, just lately, as a birthstone for Pisces. It's a relatively new stone, but it seems to bestow psychic awareness and is said to make the wearer wise. (165 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

05-03-2004 to 05-09-2004<br />

Greetings,<br />

Welcome to the Sixty-first edition of the free PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter. It is my<br />

pleasure to bring to you this weekly mailing list, of information, news, and offers. Please<br />

take the time if you will to visit any of our affiliates and or sponsors, who help make this<br />

Site and News possible.<br />

===========================================================================<br />


WEEKLY SPECIAL - Magical Stones and Your Sun Sign<br />


CRAFTING - Make a Corn Wheel<br />

RECIPE - Crab Rangoon<br />


===========================================================================<br />

WEEKLY SPECIAL - Magical Stones and Your Sun Sign<br />

Copyright © 1999 by Kim Rogers-Gallagher<br />

Over many years of being an astrologer, I've found that certain stones possess energies that seem<br />

tailor-made for use by each of the Sun signs. So if you re feeling the need to increase your personal<br />

power or bring out the most positive qualities of your sign, take a look at this list, and try the stones I've<br />

mentioned. No matter what you use, keep in mind that carrying or wearing any stone on the right means<br />

you're projecting or sending out that energy, while using it on the left means you're filtering what you<br />

receive or attract from your environment.<br />

ARIES: Red belongs to Mars your ruling planet, so you'll love bloodstones, rubies, and garnets, which<br />

are all good fiery choices. When you'd like to tamp your fire down a bit, try carnelian. It promotes peace,<br />

harmony, and patience, but holds fire and lends warrior-energy to the wearer. Now, your traditional<br />

birthstone is the diamond˜not a bad fit, since diamonds are known for purity, and Aries energy is pure,<br />

too˜clean and uncluttered by hidden motives. If your budget doesn't allow for jeweler's diamonds,<br />

substitute Herkimer diamonds, long used as a stand-in.<br />

TAURUS: There's nothing you like more than a great big chunk of polished perfect rock˜of any kind.<br />

The stones that are best for you are lapis, that gorgeous blue stone that's laced with flecks of gold, and<br />

rich, fertile Jade. The emerald is your traditional birthstone. Emeralds are the charming representative of<br />

both the earth element and the planet Venus˜the building blocks you're made of. Its soothing color suits<br />

you since you're spring-born. This stone is most powerful when set in copper, the metal that corresponds<br />

with Venus.<br />

GEMINI: Since you so love variety, it's no wonder your birth stone is the agate. The agate is also<br />

associated with Mercury, your ruling planet. It's an aid to truth-telling and good to carry when you want<br />

your words to be accurate. Although flourite is not traditionally associated with Gemini, it's a natural<br />

match. Fluorite is connected to the air element, as it keeps the mind keen. Stick it on the computer and<br />

pick it up when you get stuck between paragraphs.<br />

CANCER: Your planet is the Moon, so the moonstone is naturally connected to you. Its gentle energy<br />

protects against absorbing the emotions of others. Sapphires have an affinity with the Moon, too, and will<br />

magnify your natural instinct and psychic powers. Chalcedony (a translucent, milky quartz) calms the<br />

emotions, and, like moonstones, will keep away depression and sadness˜quite a boon for an emotional<br />

creature like you. Any pink stone with soothing properties, like rose quartz or rhodochrosite, is also a<br />

good talisman for Cancer. Carry or wear any stone on your left (the "incoming" side) as a filter for the<br />

emotions.<br /> (164 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:22 AM]

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