Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path your devotion and commitment to your loved ones and also to put your own emotional needs into perspective. Relations with the women in your life can help you to bring out your sensitivity and sympathetic responses to others, and you appreciate their warmth and assurance. You may reflect on matters of the past and feel an urgency to dedicate yourself to working on resolving these issues. This is a good time to apply your efforts to maintaining secure and healthy emotional attachments with others. It can bring you opportunities to begin a new friendship or stimulate your interests in different types of social and group involvements. You may prefer change, excitement, and newness rather than traditional or outworn activities and associations. You may create new standards, perspectives, and beliefs concerning your lifestyle, personal relationships, and social interests. You might have to liberate yourself from the expectations and frameworks of other people, however, in order to reach this turning point. CAPRICORN This week's scenario is highlighted by activities which promote your creativity and intellectual awareness. This is a favourable time to bring your natural talents to the fore, especially any artistic ability you may possess. Your mental powers are also sharp, so this is a good period to further your knowledge in a particular field or expertise. Your most productive and creative work can reward you with an inner sense of purpose, significance, and dignity at this time. A disappointment or sobering realization forces you to re-evaluate your course, make adjustments, and draw upon more of your resources than you had planned to. Overwork, a feeling of pressure and unease, and the weight of responsibilities may precipitate a minor health crisis. Avoid exhausting your energies at this time; lie low and do only what is truly necessary. AQUARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by improved family relationships, moving to a place that is larger or more comfortable, and a greater sense of inner security and contentment as possible scenarios. Investing in real estate or home improvements is likely to bring you satisfaction now, and it will also work out well for you in the long run. There will be pleasant and beneficial opportunities which may arise in your work/career endeavours. Even if work takes some enjoyment away from your personal interests and relationships, you are optimistic that everything will work out for the best. Engaging in meaningful work, especially that which brings travel, more prestige, or overall expansion of your skills and knowledge will appeal to you. You can devote an enormous amount of time and effort to a work-related goal and, at the same time, thoroughly enjoy the experience. PISCES This week's scenario is highlighted by aneed for security and harmony in your relationships, business and personal. You are capable of a great deal of dedication and commitment toward partnerships of importance to you. You may pay more attention to the financial aspects of your relationships, expenses shared with another individual, or marital funds since you could feel impelled to seek improvement and stability in this realm. Your social life can consist of mixing work and pleasure now. Or, you may take a more enthusiastic approach to a new romantic attraction or current love interest. Getting what you really want and moving toward achieving the things which are important to you may involve surrendering something or eliminating something from your life at this time. Perhaps an attitude, a situation, or an attachment that has been impeding you is now released. =========================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION - Hereditary Witchcraft The Old Craft of the Hereditary Witch was and still is passed down through the generations of families 'orally' or by experience. Although it is quite possible for us to adopt a person into our Craft and teach them the Old Ways if they show the interest, have the patience to learn slowly and not expect to be a Witch within a short period of time. We do not keep a BOS (Book Of Shadows). We do keep books (grimoires) that we write in, but very sparingly. It may hold a collection of things we have used or may use, for example: feathers, stones, (136 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path plants, herbs, drawings, runes and anything else that we hold dear to our Craft. Most people following Hereditary craft would not write or have evidence around in case they were caught, of course this goes back to 'The Burning Times' and would mean death if they were caught with written evidence of their Craft. Another fact about written material, most people back then were illiterate and so it was quite impossible to keep written records of what they believed. What the earth is, a Witch is. There is so much we can learn. The native peoples throughout Europe believed is spirits or gods. These sprits/gods were associated with the Earth, Sun, and Moon. They saw their lives and the lives of the gods having a cyclical pattern and this followed the yearly cycle of seasons. We follow a religion in which the seasons are celebrated and recognized. We follow the beliefs and practices of our ancestors. We speak of the God and Goddesses as the male and female aspects of Nature. The spirits who are contacted during our rituals are already here with us, but we evoke them to communicate and witness our workings. We have neither a Wiccan Rede nor a Threefold Law. We do practice honour and personal responsibility. There is no good or evil, only intent. There are only humans who have the ability to make decisions and act on them, and they may decide to act on these decisions for better or worse intentions. . If provoked or threatened, we will act for the protection of family and home or for self-preservation. We consider this an 'honourable act'. If there are negative consequences, we are willing to suffer them. Quite often families carry a genetic predisposition to the Craft. Families may or may not have a structured form of of witchcraft as it is known today. We do have access to our Ancestral Legacies and memories. We live guided by our spirit and our heart. We have elements in our Craft of occult and spiritualist practices, superstitions and folklore. Being a Hereditary Witch can be compared to or likened with a person who paints masterpieces or a musician who composes beautiful songs. They become fulfilled in their pursuit of the fine arts they pursue. This can be said for the Witch. We require the cornerstone of our natural gifts to become fulfilled in our pursuits of our Craft. We follow our own will, guided by our own nature to find our true path. =========================================================================== RECIPE - Nutmeg Mushrooms Ingredients 1 pound fresh mushrooms 3/4 cup white wine 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg 1 teaspoon salt Directions 1 Clean and slice mushrooms. 2 Combine all ingredients in a skillet and cook over medium heat until the wine comes to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook until mushrooms are tender. Remove from heat and serve while hot. Makes 4 servings =========================================================================== CLASSIFIEDS PathWalkers.Net (137 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

plants, <strong>herb</strong>s, drawings, runes and anything else that we hold dear to our Craft.<br />

Most people following Hereditary craft would not write or have evidence around in case they were<br />

caught, of course this goes back to 'The Burning Times' and would mean death if they were caught with<br />

written evidence of their Craft. Another fact about written material, most people back then were illiterate<br />

and so it was quite impossible to keep written records of what they believed. What the earth is, a Witch<br />

is. There is so much we can learn.<br />

The native peoples throughout Europe believed is spirits or gods. These sprits/gods were associated with<br />

the Earth, Sun, and Moon. They saw their lives and the lives of the gods having a cyclical pattern and this<br />

followed the yearly cycle of seasons. We follow a religion in which the seasons are celebrated and<br />

recognized. We follow the beliefs and practices of our ancestors. We speak of the God and Goddesses as<br />

the male and female aspects of Nature. The spirits who are contacted during our rituals are already here<br />

with us, but we evoke them to communicate and witness our workings.<br />

We have neither a Wiccan Rede nor a Threefold Law. We do practice honour and personal responsibility.<br />

There is no good or evil, only intent. There are only humans who have the ability to make decisions and<br />

act on them, and they may decide to act on these decisions for better or worse intentions. . If provoked or<br />

threatened, we will act for the protection of family and home or for self-preservation. We consider this an<br />

'honourable act'. If there are negative consequences, we are willing to suffer them.<br />

Quite often families carry a genetic predisposition to the Craft. Families may or may not have a<br />

structured form of of witchcraft as it is known today. We do have access to our Ancestral Legacies and<br />

memories. We live guided by our spirit and our heart. We have elements in our Craft of occult and<br />

spiritualist practices, superstitions and folklore.<br />

Being a Hereditary Witch can be compared to or likened with a person who paints masterpieces or a<br />

musician who composes beautiful songs. They become fulfilled in their pursuit of the fine arts they<br />

pursue. This can be said for the Witch. We require the cornerstone of our natural gifts to become fulfilled<br />

in our pursuits of our Craft. We follow our own will, guided by our own nature to find our true path.<br />

===========================================================================<br />

RECIPE - Nutmeg Mushrooms<br />

Ingredients<br />

1 pound fresh mushrooms<br />

3/4 cup white wine<br />

1 tablespoon ground nutmeg<br />

1 teaspoon salt<br />

Directions<br />

1 Clean and slice mushrooms.<br />

2 Combine all ingredients in a skillet and cook over medium heat until the wine comes to a boil. Reduce<br />

heat to low and cook until mushrooms are tender. Remove from heat and serve while hot.<br />

Makes 4 servings<br />

===========================================================================<br />


PathWalkers.Net<br /> (137 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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