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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path The dark face of the moon was seen as the potential that was hidden and waiting to come into expression, the waxing moon as the fully developing and coming into and maturity. The full moon as the fully developed and mature, the waning moon as the giving out and sharing of that which had been nurtured and developed and back again to the dark moon and a period of resting and renewal and absorption before the cycle begins again. For instance, the waxing moon was seen as a beautiful maiden absorbed in her own attractiveness and drawing things towards her and so was indicative of the developing personality. The full moon was seen as the young mother devoted to her offspring and product of her involvement and therefore symbolic of the developed and maturing personality. The waning moon was represented as the grandmother and concerned with the well being of an entire family community and recognizing the responsibility of giving and sharing what has been learned from the experience of development. It symbolized the extrovert personality. The dark face of the moon, represented, as hag is the least understood and often ignored or even excluded from some western esoteric teachings. It was both at the end and the beginning of a cycle and indicated a turning inward; absorption of what had gone before and a nurturing of the potential of what was yet to become. It indicated the introverted personality. =========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for June 14th to June 20th, 2004 ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by a need for flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once and will tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful. Your personal aims, ambitions, and interests meet with unexpected obstacles and should be put on hold for now.. Doors that you have been hoping would open are closing instead. So put off those big projects until another time. TAURUS This week's scenario is highlighted by a focus on love or a primary romantic relationship. An enthusiastic or wholehearted approach to your partnership is one way in which you will express your feelings to a mate or lover. You may give the impression now that you are seeking more fulfilment, commitment, stability, and teamwork in love relationships. You will go that extra mile to insure that you can be relied upon to deliver any promises, pledges, or obligations in the partnership. If you are unattached at the present time, you may attract a new love interest or search earnestly for a meaningful relationship. Also, this period can bring an increased need for security in both job-related and financial affairs. GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by a the possibility of having a healthy emotional attachment to your partner at this time. Protective feelings flow but you know how to nurture without smothering your partner. You are more secure because you can sense your mate's deep inner nature and the manner in which they will respond to your care and concern. If you are in a relationship that has a long history, you will seek familiar places and experiences which remind you of shared past enjoyments. If you are without a mate, this may signal the time when you meet an individual who stirs deep emotional feelings within you and may even awaken your memories of past associations. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by a fresh new approach to your caretaking and domestic responsibilities. Loved ones and family members will be glad you support their individuality as well as (134 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path provide them with visions and ideals. Instead of catering to every whim, you may give your children, mate, or other loved one more personal freedom and independence now. You may also experience friendships now which take on a more caring and protective element but also allow you the freedom to pursue your other essential needs. Your intuitive capabilities are limitless and you easily can sense other people's desires and needs and therefore know what kind of support or help to deliver. Your acute sense of timing in this regard can inspire others to gravitate toward you for care and understanding. You are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment. There is a sense of ease and of flowing with, rather than fighting against or resisting, what is going on around you. Therefore, you have more energy and more fun at this time. LEO This week's scenario is highlighted by sudden insights, new discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time. Sharing your thoughts and ideas with your mate or marriage partner is rewarding to you now. A blending of similar interests and attitudes can help establish closer ties between you and your mate. In an ongoing relationship, pledges of love, commitment, and loyalty can be exchanged, or you can have a meaningful conversation which brings renewed vows. You or your loved one may be especially revealing with regard to affectionate feelings and open communications. Carrying out day to day routines and obligations with your companion should also prove more pleasant during this period. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by realizing that adjustments in your work situation are necessary. You might have to perform work that is not to your liking or that interferes with your personal affairs. It is possible that this period brings both uncomfortable changes and a chaotic work environment where you are forced to prove your loyalty by working long hours and taking on extra responsibilities. This is not a favourable time to make an important decision regarding your employment, unless you have thoroughly and realistically reflected upon your alternatives. In even the best situation, you might have to detach yourself from the instability and tension surrounding your work and focus on the positive conditions of being gainfully employed. Those individuals in your personal life who depend upon you and need your acceptance may sense your pessimistic view and withdrawal of attention. If possible, strive to set aside time for your loved ones. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by taking advantage pof this time when it is a favourable time for love and marital relationships. You and a mate or lover can have the opportunity to enjoy mutual interests and find satisfactory solutions to any problems that might arise now. You will want your loving companion to be there for you, to share in your ups and downs, and to show loyalty and commitment to the relationship. You expect the same devotion and affection which you lavish on your mate to be fully reciprocated now. Entertaining in your home or hosting an event or party with your mate or spouse would be rewarding to you. If you are currently unattached, this period may feature a brand-new love attraction whom you may meet during a social gathering. SCORPIO This week's scenario is highlighted by this being a good time to schedule social activities or even business meetings where tact and friendliness would be a plus. You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. Also, attending cultural events such as an art show or a play is favoured. Thoughts of love, an appreciation for beauty, and an aesthetic enjoyment of your surroundings are brought to the fore. A short pleasure trip would also be beneficial now. At this time you really enjoy art, theatre, music, and your own inner world of fantasy. Your imagination is vivid. If you have an interest in spiritual matters, these interests come to the fore now also. The inability to be decisive and a lack of energy or drive is a negative possibility. You can be quite lazy now. SAGITTARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by personal issues at this time. This is a favourable time to prove (135 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

The dark face of the moon was seen as the potential that was hidden and waiting to come into expression,<br />

the waxing moon as the fully developing and coming into and maturity.<br />

The full moon as the fully developed and mature, the waning moon as the giving out and sharing of that<br />

which had been nurtured and developed and back again to the dark moon and a period of resting and<br />

renewal and absorption before the cycle begins again.<br />

For instance, the waxing moon was seen as a beautiful maiden absorbed in her own attractiveness and<br />

drawing things towards her and so was indicative of the developing personality.<br />

The full moon was seen as the young mother devoted to her offspring and product of her involvement<br />

and therefore symbolic of the developed and maturing personality.<br />

The waning moon was represented as the grandmother and concerned with the well being of an entire<br />

family community and recognizing the responsibility of giving and sharing what has been learned from<br />

the experience of development. It symbolized the extrovert personality.<br />

The dark face of the moon, represented, as hag is the least understood and often ignored or even excluded<br />

from some western esoteric teachings. It was both at the end and the beginning of a cycle and indicated a<br />

turning inward; absorption of what had gone before and a nurturing of the potential of what was yet to<br />

become. It indicated the introverted personality.<br />

===========================================================================<br />

WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for June 14th to June 20th, 2004<br />

ARIES<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a need for flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to<br />

accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many<br />

directions at once and will tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you<br />

may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to<br />

be quite useful. Your personal aims, ambitions, and interests meet with unexpected obstacles and should<br />

be put on hold for now.. Doors that you have been hoping would open are closing instead. So put off<br />

those big projects until another time.<br />

TAURUS<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a focus on love or a primary romantic relationship. An enthusiastic<br />

or wholehearted approach to your partnership is one way in which you will express your feelings to a<br />

mate or lover. You may give the impression now that you are seeking more fulfilment, commitment,<br />

stability, and teamwork in love relationships. You will go that extra mile to insure that you can be relied<br />

upon to deliver any promises, pledges, or obligations in the partnership. If you are unattached at the<br />

present time, you may attract a new love interest or search earnestly for a meaningful relationship. Also,<br />

this period can bring an increased need for security in both job-related and financial affairs.<br />

GEMINI<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a the possibility of having a healthy emotional attachment to your<br />

partner at this time. Protective feelings flow but you know how to nurture without smothering your<br />

partner. You are more secure because you can sense your mate's deep inner nature and the manner in<br />

which they will respond to your care and concern. If you are in a relationship that has a long history, you<br />

will seek familiar places and experiences which remind you of shared past enjoyments. If you are without<br />

a mate, this may signal the time when you meet an individual who stirs deep emotional feelings within<br />

you and may even awaken your memories of past associations.<br />

CANCER<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a fresh new approach to your caretaking and domestic<br />

responsibilities. Loved ones and family members will be glad you support their individuality as well as<br /> (134 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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