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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path "Whom have you lorded over with martyrdom and guilt tricks, and who has taken away your energy in the same manner?" "Whom has charmed you with sex, money and favors to gain their needs, and where have you done the same?" "Whom have you judged unfairly without facts, sent condemning thoughts or used malicious gossip to remove your power? Where has this been done to you?" "Who's problems have you seen fit to offer unsolicited advice, or who has needed to "fix" your life to take away your power?""Whom have you dominated with your self importance and from who did you cower from their superiority to remove your power?" "Whom have you deliberately destroyed the self esteem , or who has deliberately brought down your confidence to gain the upper hand?" "When you have finished, close your eyes again and join hands with your partner or the Goddess in your mind, and emerse yourself once again in the forgiving White Light. Lilith The Strong, the goddess who holds the power to create life out of death, figures prominently in many mythologies of the ancient world. Lilith symbolizes the inert powers of all women over men. Her origin lies in a Babylonian (or Assyrian) myth, but references can also be found in later myths. Her name means "she of the night". In Hebrew folklore, Lilith was lustfully depicted as a female demon of great beauty with long, streaming hair. She was considered the enemy of young children and worked mischief in the night. She is said to have mated with Adam before Eve, but some say she seduced him. Lilith refused to be subordinate to Adam and lie beneath him and was replaced by the more compliant Eve. Lilith is the Moon Goddess and a patroness to witches. =========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for June 21st to June 27th, 2004 ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by a need to share pleasurable activities with your mate or marriage partner during this time. Entertainment plans, such as going to the theater or a special night out on the town together, would be appealing to you now. This period also promotes feelings of loyalty, love, and contentment toward your loved one. When you lavish your attention on your mate, you most likely will receive a warm and affectionate response. With a fresh, playful approach you can enliven your marriage or a significant relationship at this time. This is also a good time to take advantage of opportunities which offer greater success and prosperity in your vocation. You may be blessed with recognition and praise for your work efforts, as well as better cooperation from your peers. This period also favors the signing of documents, contracts, or agreements in both personal and business endeavors. TAURUS This week's scenario is highlighted by feelings that run hot now, and you are more likely to act on instinct, emotion, and impulse rather than reason. Your responses to life are passionate and also more natural, childlike, and direct. High-spirited physical play, lovemaking, or any activity that really involves you emotionally, such as a rock concert or a rousing football game, will be very gratifying to you now. This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time. Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about, and reflecting on the past is likely. You avoid heavy discussions and do not want to focus on dry, practical matters. Reading light fiction, going out to see a romantic comedy, or simply sharing a pleasant (126 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path time with someone you like is more in tune with your feelings now. GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by a lot of activity surrounding work and professional pursuits at this time. You may feel obsessed with getting some work accomplished; however, you may discover you only run around in circles and get very little done. Your daily work routine might need to be rearranged or reorganized because of petty inconveniences or obstacles during this period. Tension and minor disagreements with coworkers or close associates is also possible. Since most of your work efforts leave less time for your personal life, you can find yourself making excuses to loved ones, relatives, and friends who wish to connect with you. It may be wise to use this knowledge as the week progresses, you don't want to leave any emotional scars. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by a deep imagination and intuition that can be penetrating during this time period. This is an excellent time period for any form of imaginative work, such as fiction writing or any artistic endeavor. This is also a good time for meditation and other religious or spiritual practices. You can tap a much deeper level of sensitivity and intuition than is normally possible. This increased sensitivity is subtle in your daily life, and is most evident when you do something that draws upon your imagination, such as a creative artistic activity. You may also become very interested in some particular period in history or a particular style of art or music. A particular form of religious symbolism or ritual may grip your imagination now. Your intuition is now able to probe to greater levels of sensitivity, and you can become almost compulsively driven by a particular style of art, music, religion, or culture. Although these interests may seem idiosyncratic and not very important, they are, in fact, very important to your inner development and you should pursue your intuitions with intensity. LEO This week's scenario is highlighted by changes in your usual routines and manner of thinking. Communications and plans may be disturbed by events or experiences that interfere with your original intentions. Adverse reactions to your ideas can arise, or someone may purposely try to sabotage your way of doing things. If you have been going along with other people's ideas, you may now be forced to originate your own. You may have qualms about opening up to others for fear of criticism or disapproval. However, if you release yourself from negative thinking, you have a better chance of generating a positive response from those around you. Taking some time to meditate or relax will help to improve the clarity of your thoughts at this time. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by it being an excellent for any kind of research or in-depth study. You are motivated and interested in probing beneath the surface and learning the underlying causes behind any event or behavior. The nature of your studies depends on your personal interests, but whatever area you pursue, you pursue with intensity. You become fully engrossed in your mental pursuits now. Your concentration is strong and you can become so engrossed in your "detective work" that you cannot stop until you have found the information or answer that you seek. Regardless of the kind of work you do, you will gain a deeper understanding at this time that will assist you in better handling the situations that you encounter in your work. If your work involves research and experimentation, you will make some big strides and perhaps important discoveries, now. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by your dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love. You may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative, however, and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and your creations please and inspire you. An excellent time to attend seminars or educational, spiritual, or healing conventions with groups, clubs, or organizations. A busy, yet enjoyable, period for gathering with friends where the unexpected can happen at any moment! Family members may feel like doing new and exciting things together and you will wish to share in these experiences. SCORPIO (127 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

"Whom have you lorded over with martyrdom and guilt tricks, and who has taken away your energy in<br />

the same manner?"<br />

"Whom has charmed you with sex, money and favors to gain their needs, and where have you done the<br />

same?"<br />

"Whom have you judged unfairly without facts, sent condemning thoughts or used malicious gossip to<br />

remove your power? Where has this been done to you?"<br />

"Who's problems have you seen fit to offer unsolicited advice, or who has needed to "fix" your life to<br />

take away your power?""Whom have you dominated with your self importance and from who did you<br />

cower from their superiority to remove your power?"<br />

"Whom have you deliberately destroyed the self esteem , or who has deliberately brought down your<br />

confidence to gain the upper hand?"<br />

"When you have finished, close your eyes again and join hands with your partner or the Goddess in your<br />

mind, and emerse yourself once again in the forgiving White Light.<br />

Lilith The Strong, the goddess who holds the power to create life out of death, figures prominently in<br />

many mythologies of the ancient world. Lilith symbolizes the inert powers of all women over men. Her<br />

origin lies in a Babylonian (or Assyrian) myth, but references can also be found in later myths. Her name<br />

means "she of the night".<br />

In Hebrew folklore, Lilith was lustfully depicted as a female demon of great beauty with long, streaming<br />

hair. She was considered the enemy of young children and worked mischief in the night. She is said to<br />

have mated with Adam before Eve, but some say she seduced him. Lilith refused to be subordinate to<br />

Adam and lie beneath him and was replaced by the more compliant Eve.<br />

Lilith is the Moon Goddess and a patroness to witches.<br />

===========================================================================<br />

WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for June 21st to June 27th, 2004<br />

ARIES<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a need to share pleasurable activities with your mate or marriage<br />

partner during this time. Entertainment plans, such as going to the theater or a special night out on the<br />

town together, would be appealing to you now. This period also promotes feelings of loyalty, love, and<br />

contentment toward your loved one. When you lavish your attention on your mate, you most likely will<br />

receive a warm and affectionate response. With a fresh, playful approach you can enliven your marriage<br />

or a significant relationship at this time. This is also a good time to take advantage of opportunities which<br />

offer greater success and prosperity in your vocation. You may be blessed with recognition and praise for<br />

your work efforts, as well as better cooperation from your peers. This period also favors the signing of<br />

documents, contracts, or agreements in both personal and business endeavors.<br />

TAURUS<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by feelings that run hot now, and you are more likely to act on<br />

instinct, emotion, and impulse rather than reason. Your responses to life are passionate and also more<br />

natural, childlike, and direct. High-spirited physical play, lovemaking, or any activity that really involves<br />

you emotionally, such as a rock concert or a rousing football game, will be very gratifying to you now.<br />

This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some<br />

time. Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about,<br />

and reflecting on the past is likely. You avoid heavy discussions and do not want to focus on dry,<br />

practical matters. Reading light fiction, going out to see a romantic comedy, or simply sharing a pleasant<br /> (126 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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