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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path A Ritual Definition: The Call to Worship is an essential part of worship in many religions all over the world. In Judaism the shofar is blown, in Protestant and Catholic churches the church bells are rung. In Pagan rituals we also begin with some type of Call to Worship, some way to let everyone know that ritual is about to begin. Some traditions sing a song, some read from their Book of Shadows. This is a way to focus everyone's attention on ritual and all that it entails. In doing ritual we are connecting with everyone who has ever done ritual before. Every ritual action connects us with every time that ritual action has been performed. Sweeping the circle is a way to clear unwanted emotional baggage, "vibes" and to prepare the circle space for casting. The handmaiden literally sweeps the ritual area with a broom, often called a besom. Ritual space is defined by walls in churches, by casting a circle in Pagan rituals. Circles are cast using the sword, the athame, or in some traditions, the wand. In every tradition I know the Priestess casts the circle. Holding her tool, the Priestess walks about the ritual space, defining the sacred area with that tool. At this point often the elements are blessed or asked for their blessing by bringing the symbol of each element around the circle. Air - incense, Fire - red candle, Water - water in a cup, Earth - salt in a cup. Sometimes this is called censing and aspurging. Watchtowers or the quarters are called. These are the elements. Each element; air, fire, water and earth, correspond to a different direction. East, south, west and north respectively in most traditions. We believe that we and the planet we live on is made up of the elements. We invite or ask the elements into ritual so that they may share in the worship of the Gods. The Gods and Goddesses, or the guests of honor, are invited and candles lit in their honor. Now comes the work of the circle. In many traditions power is raised by chanting, singing, dancing or other methods of raising energy. This energy should be raised for a specific purpose and with a specific intent such as peace, health or success in a particular venture. Remember that the Threefold Law prohibits things that would harm someone. If the group does invocation, now would be the time for this. After the work of the circle is done, the circle is dismantled in the reverse order. The Gods and Goddesses are thanked, their candles extinguished. The elements are dismissed and the circle is banished. The circle is often ended with the words "Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again". This is a common goodbye phrase in Paganism. This is a *very* rough outline of a ritual. Rituals vary from tradition to tradition and often from group to group within any partiular tradition. Some groups work in robes, others work skyclad, which means nude (clothed in the sky). Some rituals are outdoors, others inside. Sabbat rituals may be more involved and complex than esbat rituals. There are many variations on this theme. If you are interested in joining a group or even seeing some rituals, check out several so you can be sure to get a feel for what's out there. (124 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path (108 Reads) comments? Newsletters: Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #67 Posted by: Nyxks on Sunday, June 20, 2004 - 09:07 AM Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #67 06-21-2004 to 06-27-2004 Greetings, Welcome to the Sixty-seventh edition of the free PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter. It is my pleasure to bring to you this weekly mailing list, of information, news, and offers. Please take the time if you will to visit any of our affiliates and or sponsors, who help make this Site and News possible. =========================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS WEEKLY SPECIAL - Lilith: Goddess of Power WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT GENERAL INFORMATION - Pagan Musings RECIPE - Strawberry Bread CLASSIFIEDS =========================================================================== WEEKLY SPECIAL - Lilith: Goddess of Power Lilith stomps into your life to charge up your personal power. Who is it that you still allow to alter your self perceptions or beliefs? Do you consciously attempt to benefit and nourish the lives of those around you, or have you fallen back into fearful, manipulating behaviors to achieve your aims. Are you beating to the rhythm of another's drum, or have your requests become demands? Could you be failing to voice your own opinions and ideas, instead choosing to go move along with the flock? The Goddess bids you to take back your personal power by releasing all mental and physical dependencies. She reminds you that you are only spiritually healthy to the degree that you can forgive, and it is fundamentally blame that robs you of your personal power. The Goddess says you will be magnetized when you march to the beat of your own unique drum and allow others to march to theirs. The way to wholeness for you now lies in connecting to, and accepting, how powerful you really are. Suggested Ritual. Go to a quiet, warm place where you will not be disturbed for about 30-90 minutes. You will need a pen and paper. Sitting with your spine erect take twenty deep calming breaths. Close your eyes and mentally scan your body from the toes to head. Breath into any tensions, tightness or pain until completely relaxed. When you are ready take up the pen and paper to answer these questions in turn, as truthfully and in as much detail as you can ... "Whom have you pitied, or made feel that you are the victim to remove your personal power?" "Whom have you humiliated, or been humiliated by to erode your power?" "Whom have you ignored in dominating silence or merciless banter, and who has ignored you the same way?" (125 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

A Ritual Definition:<br />

The Call to Worship is an essential part of worship in many religions all over the world.<br />

In Judaism the shofar is blown, in Protestant and Catholic churches the church bells are<br />

rung.<br />

In Pagan rituals we also begin with some type of Call to Worship, some way to let everyone know that<br />

ritual is about to begin. Some traditions sing a song, some read from their Book of Shadows. This is a<br />

way to focus everyone's attention on ritual and all that it entails. In doing ritual we are connecting with<br />

everyone who has ever done ritual before.<br />

Every ritual action connects us with every time that ritual action has been performed. Sweeping the circle<br />

is a way to clear unwanted emotional baggage, "vibes" and to prepare the circle space for casting.<br />

The handmaiden literally sweeps the ritual area with a broom, often called a besom. Ritual space is<br />

defined by walls in churches, by casting a circle in Pagan rituals.<br />

Circles are cast using the sword, the athame, or in some traditions, the wand. In every tradition I know<br />

the Priestess casts the circle. Holding her tool, the Priestess walks about the ritual space, defining the<br />

sacred area with that tool.<br />

At this point often the elements are blessed or asked for their blessing by bringing the symbol of each<br />

element around the circle. Air - incense, Fire - red candle, Water - water in a cup, Earth - salt in a cup.<br />

Sometimes this is called censing and aspurging.<br />

Watchtowers or the quarters are called. These are the elements. Each element; air, fire, water and earth,<br />

correspond to a different direction. East, south, west and north respectively in most traditions. We believe<br />

that we and the planet we live on is made up of the elements. We invite or ask the elements into ritual so<br />

that they may share in the worship of the Gods.<br />

The Gods and Goddesses, or the guests of honor, are invited and candles lit in their honor.<br />

Now comes the work of the circle. In many traditions power is raised by chanting, singing, dancing or<br />

other methods of raising energy. This energy should be raised for a specific purpose and with a specific<br />

intent such as peace, health or success in a particular venture.<br />

Remember that the Threefold Law prohibits things that would harm someone. If the group does<br />

invocation, now would be the time for this. After the work of the circle is done, the circle is dismantled in<br />

the reverse order. The Gods and Goddesses are thanked, their candles extinguished. The elements are<br />

dismissed and the circle is banished.<br />

The circle is often ended with the words "Merry Meet, Merry Part, Merry Meet Again". This is a<br />

common goodbye phrase in Paganism.<br />

This is a *very* rough outline of a ritual. Rituals vary from tradition to tradition and often from group to<br />

group within any partiular tradition. Some groups work in robes, others work skyclad, which means nude<br />

(clothed in the sky).<br />

Some rituals are outdoors, others inside. Sabbat rituals may be more involved and complex than esbat<br />

rituals.<br />

There are many variations on this theme.<br />

If you are interested in joining a group or even seeing some rituals, check out several so you can be sure<br />

to get a feel for what's out there.<br /> (124 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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