Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path your ups and downs, and to show loyalty and commitment to the relationship. You expect the same devotion and affection which you lavish on your mate to be fully reciprocated now. Entertaining in your home or hosting an event or party with your mate or spouse would be rewarding to you. If you are currently unattached, this period may feature a brand-new love attraction whom you may meet during a social gathering. On other fronts there is an urgent need to satisfy your own self interests and to directly challenge any imposition on your personal space. At this time, you must learn to control your impulses and actions in order to improve domestic harmony in your life. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by themes of love and nurturing in your domestic environment at this time. Whether socializing or staying at home with family, you enjoy warm companionship and greater emotional connections. You feel an urge to please your loved ones now and show your concern for them through a caring and supportive attitude. Opportunities for a new romantic interest is favored at this time, as others are attracted to the love and joy you radiate. However, be wary of promises and pledges from your mate, as they may not be carried out to your liking just now. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by a positive difference in your close love relationship. You are likely to sense a heightened state of expression and feeling coming from your mate or loved one. The emotions you feel now may lead you on a new path of discovery, specifically with regard to your values and attitudes toward intimacy, love, and companionship. If you are currently unattached, you might draw others to you now who reawaken some of your deeper feelings and memories with respect to love and previous relationships. The love and guidance you receive from others can help squelch any fears or anxieties which hold you back from accepting love and affection. You are feeling particularly affectionate now and the company of your love partner or very close friends is important to you. This is not a time for solitary activity. Sharing, harmonizing, and love are the themes now. However, if you are not happy in your personal life, your problems may seem especially pressing at this time.. SCORPIO This week's scenario is highlighted by it being a good time to assert your own needs and desires, to communicate to others what you really want. You are sharp, clear, decisive, and articulate. You can't stand being idle now; you are ready for challenging, intellectual activities and attacking difficult problems on the job. Partnership and marital issues also may demand your involvement at this time. You can't seem to run away from problems in your relationship since you feel pressured to take some type of decisive action. Something very minor, perhaps an old grievance, can set you off at this time. Aggressiveness or asserting power over your mate will not smooth out tensions and irritations in the relationship at this time. A diplomatic, cooperative, and friendly approach would require a great deal of compromise and understanding on your part but it may be the only way to come to a resolution now. SAGITTARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by it being an excellent time to attend seminars or educational, spiritual, or healing conventions with groups, clubs, or organizations. A busy, yet enjoyable, period for gathering with friends where the unexpected can happen at any moment! Family members may feel like doing new and exciting things together and you will wish to share in these experiences. This is a time when your personal freedom issues are acceptable within your social circle. Children, as well as other family members, may feel more self-sufficient and less dependent upon you to satisfy their individual needs. New dimensions of reality, altered states of consciousness, and expanded awareness come to you unbidden during this period. You may thus feel quite confused and disoriented, as if there were no solid ground beneath your feet. Things you believed to be true may be seen as merely a facade. You may also wish to turn away from some of the experiences and awareness that you come to now, but there is really no turning back. CAPRICORN This week's scenario is highlighted by emotional well-being and contentment. You feel quite relaxed and carefree, and this would be a splendid time for a vacation. Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting everything to work out well with no effort on your part are negative possibilities now. You feel very lucky and you are likely to be lax or extravagant with your money. Material benefits are, indeed, likely at (90 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path this time, but beware of being overly generous or depending too much on Lady Luck. Open communication with a lover, friend, or relative may help relieve your worries or concerns at this time. Your close, healthy, and meaningful relationships can provide you with invaluable insight and new perspectives on resolving fears and inhibitions. You may also feel more inclined to look into ways to improve your personal health and well-being, especially if you have been undergoing recent stress or a minor health setback. AQUARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by relationships and a need for teamwork and cooperation in your romantic and social life Love relationships and friendships are kept on an even keel by demonstrating patience and diplomacy during this time. Your leisure activities may change for the better or will most likely be more interesting than they have previously been. This period can be a stimulus to creative work or thoughts. You may also win the support of someone who can benefit you financially or in a particular area of talent or expertise you possess. Combining your creative abilities or intellectual ideas with others can result in a moneymaking enterprise or fortunate partnership for you. This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home. You are feeling hospitable and loving and need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. Home improvements or beautifying your surroundings in some way is also favored now. PISCES This week's scenario is highlighted by a current workload which might involve heavy obligations and commitments at this time, try not to over-commit!. Pressure or demands from superiors may be difficult to cope with and your work habits or routines may come under close scrutiny. Your work situation may also become unstable due to the lack of success or the overthrow of a boss or other authority figures in the company. Delays or frustrations may hinder your enthusiasm to approach new projects or complete assignments that are tedious and time-consuming. An important personal goal, project, or relationship may suffer problems or setbacks due to work responsibilities. Priorities need to be straightened out and inefficient work practices which stand in the way of progress should be eliminated. Patience, self-discipline, and a willingness to try new methods and practices may be necessary now. You will survive! =========================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION - Glossary of Astrological Terms Here is a glossary of terms frequently used in Astrology. AFFLICTED: Unfavorable planetary aspect: Squares, Oppositions and Quincunxes. AIR SIGNS: Signs possessing the qualities of the element Air: intellect, thought process etc. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. ANORETIC DEGREE: The final degree of a sign (29th). Also refereed to as the degree of fate. ANGLES: The lines of the chart wheel which lie at 0 degrees (Ascendent), 90 degrees (I.C.), 180 degrees (Descendent), and 270 degrees (M.C.). These major points represent Cardinal Qualities. AQUARIAN AGE: 2000 year period influenced by the qualities of Aquarius starting approximately at the new millennium. ARC: An angular measurement between two celestial planets or points. Any part of a circle, measured around it's circumference. ASCENDANT: The Rising Sign. The degree at which the Zodiac rests over the horizon of the birthplace at the time of birth. The Ascendant represents the persona and image to the world. (91 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

your ups and downs, and to show loyalty and commitment to the relationship. You expect the same<br />

devotion and affection which you lavish on your mate to be fully reciprocated now. Entertaining in your<br />

home or hosting an event or party with your mate or spouse would be rewarding to you. If you are<br />

currently unattached, this period may feature a brand-new love attraction whom you may meet during a<br />

social gathering. On other fronts there is an urgent need to satisfy your own self interests and to directly<br />

challenge any imposition on your personal space. At this time, you must learn to control your impulses<br />

and actions in order to improve domestic harmony in your life.<br />

VIRGO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by themes of love and nurturing in your domestic environment at this<br />

time. Whether socializing or staying at home with family, you enjoy warm companionship and greater<br />

emotional connections. You feel an urge to please your loved ones now and show your concern for them<br />

through a caring and supportive attitude. Opportunities for a new romantic interest is favored at this time,<br />

as others are attracted to the love and joy you radiate. However, be wary of promises and pledges from<br />

your mate, as they may not be carried out to your liking just now.<br />

LIBRA<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a positive difference in your close love relationship. You are likely<br />

to sense a heightened state of expression and feeling coming from your mate or loved one. The emotions<br />

you feel now may lead you on a new path of discovery, specifically with regard to your values and<br />

attitudes toward intimacy, love, and companionship. If you are currently unattached, you might draw<br />

others to you now who reawaken some of your deeper feelings and memories with respect to love and<br />

previous relationships. The love and guidance you receive from others can help squelch any fears or<br />

anxieties which hold you back from accepting love and affection. You are feeling particularly<br />

affectionate now and the company of your love partner or very close friends is important to you. This is<br />

not a time for solitary activity. Sharing, harmonizing, and love are the themes now. However, if you are<br />

not happy in your personal life, your problems may seem especially pressing at this time..<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by it being a good time to assert your own needs and desires, to<br />

communicate to others what you really want. You are sharp, clear, decisive, and articulate. You can't<br />

stand being idle now; you are ready for challenging, intellectual activities and attacking difficult<br />

problems on the job. Partnership and marital issues also may demand your involvement at this time. You<br />

can't seem to run away from problems in your relationship since you feel pressured to take some type of<br />

decisive action. Something very minor, perhaps an old grievance, can set you off at this time.<br />

Aggressiveness or asserting power over your mate will not smooth out tensions and irritations in the<br />

relationship at this time. A diplomatic, cooperative, and friendly approach would require a great deal of<br />

compromise and understanding on your part but it may be the only way to come to a resolution now.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by it being an excellent time to attend seminars or educational,<br />

spiritual, or healing conventions with groups, clubs, or organizations. A busy, yet enjoyable, period for<br />

gathering with friends where the unexpected can happen at any moment! Family members may feel like<br />

doing new and exciting things together and you will wish to share in these experiences. This is a time<br />

when your personal freedom issues are acceptable within your social circle. Children, as well as other<br />

family members, may feel more self-sufficient and less dependent upon you to satisfy their individual<br />

needs. New dimensions of reality, altered states of consciousness, and expanded awareness come to you<br />

unbidden during this period. You may thus feel quite confused and disoriented, as if there were no solid<br />

ground beneath your feet. Things you believed to be true may be seen as merely a facade. You may also<br />

wish to turn away from some of the experiences and awareness that you come to now, but there is really<br />

no turning back.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by emotional well-being and contentment. You feel quite relaxed and<br />

carefree, and this would be a splendid time for a vacation. Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting<br />

everything to work out well with no effort on your part are negative possibilities now. You feel very<br />

lucky and you are likely to be lax or extravagant with your money. Material benefits are, indeed, likely at<br /> (90 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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