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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #76 10-18-2004 to 10-24-2004 Greetings, Welcome to the Seventy-Sixth edition of the free PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter. It is my pleasure to bring to you this weekly mailing list, of information, news, and offers. Please take the time if you will to visit any of our affiliates and or sponsors, who help make this Site and News possible. =========================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS WEEKLY SPECIAL - Pagan Afterlife WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT GENERAL INFORMATION - Lilith: Goddess of Power RECIPE - Spiced Up Potatoes CLASSIFIEDS =========================================================================== WEEKLY SPECIAL - Pagan Afterlife A Pagan died and, much to her surprise, found herself at the Pearly Gates facing St. Peter. He walked up to her and said, "Hello, and welcome." She stared at St. Peter in complete confusion. "Wait a minute," she said. "I was supposed to end up in the Summerlands." He smiled. "Ah, you must be one of our Pagan sisters. Follow me, please." Peter gestured for her to follow him down a small path, which went through the gates and down a bit to the left. They walked for a short while, then he stepped back and gestured her forward. Looking past his hand, she saw the verdant fields and forests of her desired Summerlands. She saw people feasting, dancing, and making merry, exactly as she expected. While shaking her head in wonder, the Pagan happened to glance over to one side and saw a small group of people a short way away from the edge of the Summerlands. The people in the group were watching the revellers, but not joining them. Instead, they were screaming and weeping piteously. The Pagan looked at St. Peter. "Who are those people?" she asked. St. Peter replied, "Them? They are fundamentalists. They're a bit surprised to see you all there, so they stand there and carry on like that all day." "Why? Don't they have better things to do?" Peter leaned conspiratorially toward her. "They don't really have a choice. They are actually in Hell. God doesn't like being told what He thinks =========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for October 18th to 24th, 2004 (64 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by unexpected visitors that may drop by or call you. Be prepared to entertain & get caught up on the latest gossip. Overindulgent partners may cause difficulties for you, let them know how you feel. Your intelligence and style will impress others. Focus your energy on the meaning of family and don't prejudge others. You may find others will annoy you & your opinionated attitude may ruffle a few feathers. Listen to what others have to say for a change. Listen carefully. You may find that they have some valuable advice for you. TAURUS This week's scenario is highlighted by emotional changes that will lift your spirits. Your productivity and morale will improve, thanks to your understanding of people and systems. It's intuition that makes it happen, not simple logic. Someone you work with may not have you best interests in mind. You may have difficulties in dealing with government agencies or institutions. Don't get yourself backed into a corner, get all the facts first, before making your decision. Jealousy may stand in the way of a good time. Spending time with family will be insightful & fulfilling. It may make you realize just how much you really have to be thankful for. GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by the powerful demands put on you from your work and your family life. The challenge for you is to choose wisely from your options. It is best for you to visit friends rather than entertain at your place. You'll be full of energy and ready to conquer the world, don't drink and drive. You'll expand your social circle through those you visit. You'll learn a lot from those you meet while traveling. Group endeavors will be in your best interests. You will meet romantic partners and enhance your reputation due to your dedicated contributions to a cause. Leadership should be your goal. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to utilize your communication skills. You'll need to be a good conductor. Do your share of the work and you'll be rewarded for your fairness. You should spend more time with the ones you love. Plan activities that are appropriate for all ages. Visit and see as many relatives as possible. If you allow your jealousy to cloud your good judgment, you'll make the wrong decisions. Emotional confusion will be reason enough to let things ride for a while. LEO This week's scenario is highlighted by your sensitivity to aggressive and emotional behavior. Be discreet and avoid embarrassment. You are in a high-energy cycle. Relatives may try to put unreasonable demands on you. Your discipline will help you accomplish your goals. You should try to experience cultural events that will leave a lasting impression on you. Your ability to find unique gifts will delight your family and friends. The right command at the right moment will have the best impact. Don't waste time waiting for others to get moving, take matters into your own hands. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by by challenges to your leadership ability. You may need to defend your territory. Deception is apparent if you get involved in power struggles. Try not to overspend on social activities. Learn to say no to temptation & pay off your debts. Opportunities to spend money will be present, but be careful to make the right choices. Take time to make sure elders have their papers in order. Take some time out from your busy schedule to relax. If you don't feel like going out on the town, invite friends over to share interests. New relationships may develop, as a result. Rewards will come to you from helping others to see their options more clearly. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to spend more time on your personal life. Don't get too involved in the affairs of others. You may have to continue with a low profile, soon you'll be able to reveal the plans you've been working on. You may want to put in extra hours at work to get yourself ahead of the game. Get involved in projects that the family can take part in. You may be overly sensitive and tired by week's end, if you have tried to do everything yourself. Problems at home will end in disaster if you aren't willing to listen to the complaints of loved ones. Put all your cards on the table and be willing to walk away if others don't come around to your way of thinking. Be sure you're in the right (65 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

ARIES<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by unexpected visitors that may drop by or call you. Be prepared to<br />

entertain & get caught up on the latest gossip. Overindulgent partners may cause difficulties for you, let<br />

them know how you feel. Your intelligence and style will impress others. Focus your energy on the<br />

meaning of family and don't prejudge others. You may find others will annoy you & your opinionated<br />

attitude may ruffle a few feathers. Listen to what others have to say for a change. Listen carefully. You<br />

may find that they have some valuable advice for you.<br />

TAURUS<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by emotional changes that will lift your spirits. Your productivity and<br />

morale will improve, thanks to your understanding of people and systems. It's intuition that makes it<br />

happen, not simple logic. Someone you work with may not have you best interests in mind. You may<br />

have difficulties in dealing with government agencies or institutions. Don't get yourself backed into a<br />

corner, get all the facts first, before making your decision. Jealousy may stand in the way of a good time.<br />

Spending time with family will be insightful & fulfilling. It may make you realize just how much you<br />

really have to be thankful for.<br />

GEMINI<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by the powerful demands put on you from your work and your family<br />

life. The challenge for you is to choose wisely from your options. It is best for you to visit friends rather<br />

than entertain at your place. You'll be full of energy and ready to conquer the world, don't drink and<br />

drive. You'll expand your social circle through those you visit. You'll learn a lot from those you meet<br />

while traveling. Group endeavors will be in your best interests. You will meet romantic partners and<br />

enhance your reputation due to your dedicated contributions to a cause. Leadership should be your goal.<br />

CANCER<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to utilize your communication skills. You'll need to be<br />

a good conductor. Do your share of the work and you'll be rewarded for your fairness. You should spend<br />

more time with the ones you love. Plan activities that are appropriate for all ages. Visit and see as many<br />

relatives as possible. If you allow your jealousy to cloud your good judgment, you'll make the wrong<br />

decisions. Emotional confusion will be reason enough to let things ride for a while.<br />

LEO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your sensitivity to aggressive and emotional behavior. Be discreet<br />

and avoid embarrassment. You are in a high-energy cycle. Relatives may try to put unreasonable<br />

demands on you. Your discipline will help you accomplish your goals. You should try to experience<br />

cultural events that will leave a lasting impression on you. Your ability to find unique gifts will delight<br />

your family and friends. The right command at the right moment will have the best impact. Don't waste<br />

time waiting for others to get moving, take matters into your own hands.<br />

VIRGO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by by challenges to your leadership ability. You may need to defend<br />

your territory. Deception is apparent if you get involved in power struggles. Try not to overspend on<br />

social activities. Learn to say no to temptation & pay off your debts. Opportunities to spend money will<br />

be present, but be careful to make the right choices. Take time to make sure elders have their papers in<br />

order. Take some time out from your busy schedule to relax. If you don't feel like going out on the town,<br />

invite friends over to share interests. New relationships may develop, as a result. Rewards will come to<br />

you from helping others to see their options more clearly.<br />

LIBRA<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to spend more time on your personal life. Don't get too<br />

involved in the affairs of others. You may have to continue with a low profile, soon you'll be able to<br />

reveal the plans you've been working on. You may want to put in extra hours at work to get yourself<br />

ahead of the game. Get involved in projects that the family can take part in. You may be overly sensitive<br />

and tired by week's end, if you have tried to do everything yourself. Problems at home will end in<br />

disaster if you aren't willing to listen to the complaints of loved ones. Put all your cards on the table and<br />

be willing to walk away if others don't come around to your way of thinking. Be sure you're in the right<br /> (65 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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