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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website


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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

brighten up those around them. It's good to have them around to make one feel better. There is absolutely<br />

nothing wrong with having a sunny disposition or having a positive outlook on life. In fact, one of those<br />

with a sunny disposition was molested as a little girl, and still recovering, the other just recently went<br />

through a BAD domestic dispute and subsequent divorce. These experiences did not embitter them, it<br />

made their bright nature even brighter. This is wonderful and completely right.<br />

No, this essay is directed toward those individuals who have to ask permission from a list of strangers to<br />

do a spell to call the police on an abusive husband simply because it's a BAD thing to do, and it could<br />

come back and hurt them....<br />

Take off the blinders and the rose-colored glasses! Wake up. Be realistic and understand that the<br />

Universe tends toward Chaos, not chocolate and lollypops. There are thousands of sayings that prove this<br />

to you, but sitting around and hoping that the perfect job/lover/friend/situation will drop in your lap will<br />

not bring them to you. The Universe is a Universe of Survival of the Fittest. If you don't drop the<br />

"innocent" act and wake up and get a little selfish, you will wind up sucking hind teat and probably never<br />

advance past the state you are in currently.<br />

There is a whole movement out there that is perfect for your philosophy, it's called New Age. Go join<br />

that. And if you won't wake up, join the New Agers, at least be courteous enough not to spread your<br />

disease among the next generations of Wiccans, Druids, Asatru and Magickians. Some of us are actually<br />

trying to protect ourselves and gain a few things from this world.<br />

AHA! I just came up with the perfect visual to show you all how you are acting. Think back to the movie<br />

of the Decade.... Labyrinth. I know you all saw it, so remember the movie. Take as long as you need.<br />

Okay, now that you have remembered the sweetness 'n light © of that movie, think back to when Sarah<br />

first meets Hoggle. What is he doing? Killing fairies. BAD Hoggle!!! But when Sarah picks one up and<br />

tries to make it well, because she's so beautiful and wonderful, she gets bitten for her trouble. Seems<br />

Hoggle knows several things that Sarah could stand to learn after all. You are Sarah, those who are<br />

non-fluffies around you are Hoggle. We actually understand that sometimes it's necessary to destroy the<br />

wonderful and beautiful because they are a danger.<br />

I tell you something, had Odysseus' ship been packed with fluffbunnies, Penelope would have married<br />

another man. As it is, I'm glad there was one non-fluffer on board to kill those sweet-sounding ladies.<br />

(For those of you who missed this referent, read some mythology, specifically, "The Odyssey" by<br />

Homer. In there, there are mermaids who delight in luring ships onto their rocks, destroying them and<br />

eating the drowned sailors. They did this by singing to them in a beautiful tone.)<br />

(71 Reads) comments?<br />

General information: What Is Dark Witchcraft?<br />

Posted by: Nyxks on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:42 PM<br />

Many people ask, "what is dark witchcraft?". Dark witchcraft can have many definitions,<br />

however I will define it with the practices that most closely represent the path that I follow.<br />

A dark witch works with the energies of his or her undesirable traits and bad habits and<br />

uses that energy to produce desired outcomes. I will explain this more below. A dark witch<br />

also focuses on understanding and using the energies and concepts of death, destruction,<br />

and renewal. Dark witches work with the dark mother or crone aspects of the Goddess as a<br />

primary divine source. They do much of their work at night, when it is dark, they work with, and try to<br />

unlock the mysteries of the night. Dark witches also recognize and work with the dark moons as well as<br />

the full moons. Anything that pertains to death, mysteries, chaos, the subconscious, the unknown,<br />

divination, things with dark tones, and the taboo is well known and beloved by the Dark Witch.<br />

Think about all the energy you use trying to keep the bad memories you have surpressed, and all the<br />

energy you lose when you are in a state of guilt or despair over something you have done. It takes a lot of<br />

energy to stuff those things into the dark recesses of your mind and keep them there. One aspect of Dark<br />

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