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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path some facts, corrected it in this draft, and went on. No one got mad, no one got defensive, nor did anyone get their feelings hurt. Had I been a fluffy, I would have retreated into "I'm right and you are wrong...." and left a lot of sore feelings behind, perpetuated inaccurate info, and proved how immature I am.) 2) Blind faith in anything said by the "leader". One of the most juvenile and lemming-like qualities in Wiclets is this one. Be it Silver RavenWolf, Cunningham, Lady Stuffandnonsense, Lady Stuffandnonsense's teacher from 30 years ago, a website or what have you, this is totally accepting whatever this person says as Gospel, the way it is, the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, even when faced with multiple refutations of that truth by other sites. Here's an example: Lady Stuffandnonsense has a website in which she posts the information that during the Burning Times, 9 million women were burned at the stake for being witches. She advertises this site to everyone she knows, and to her list of Wiclets who don't know any better. Lady Stuffandnonsense ignores the bare fact that 20 or 30 people, historians and scholars correct her "fact" and she never updates that site to reflect the more accurate numbers. Lady Stuffandnonsense's Wiclet followers go out and quote the 9 million number and get violently offended when anyone tries to correct it, or use logic to point out that 9 million women couldn't have possibly died because there would be no Europe left had that happened, or that men were killed too and so on. Which leads us to Symptom... 3) Anger when a "Sacred Cow" is questioned. Honestly, this one makes the least sense to me. Most mainstream western religions demand that you be obedient and not question what is told to you by the authorities in the Church. You must surrender your brain at the door. You are not allowed to ask "Why" thus and so is how we do things, nor are most dogmatic thoughts discussed or explained other than in the gathering of clergy. To the lay person, the worshiper, questions like "why do you use two hands to bless the bread" are not allowed, the answer is invariably "because". But one thing about Wicca is that it is not supposed to be mired in dogma or in pointless ritual. Practitioners are encouraged to ask questions and define things for themselves. They are supposed to think and ask and challenge and question. But it looks more and more Wiccabes are challenging the wrong things. Certainly challenge the statement "we do this ritual this way because" with "why do you do it that way, why not this way?" But don't automatically assume that because scourging appears in a ritual, and you think it's too kinky that it's wrong. Part of questioning the sacred cow is to accept that which you find strange. Please note, I DID NOT say that you had to practice it. I understand that there are those out there who are horrified at the sight of blood, and therefore will never do a blood sacrifice or animal sacrifice. But just because you find that particular practice repellant does not mean that it should be discarded completely. There are good and strong reasons that one sacrifices blood or animals, and there are ways that it is done which make the process and the magick stronger. It is not done casually or callously; it is done at times of need. But you must be willing to say "Well, that's for them. I understand why they are doing it, but it's not for me" and allow them to practice it. Let's say for instance, you find out that a priestess in your community does hexes. This is contrary to your set of ethics and the Rede. Do not go around bashing said priestess and saying how bad she is, that she's a member of a "left-handed path" and so on, but find out why she is doing those hexes and allow her to do them if they are her choice. After all, it's HER karmatic burden she is raising; it's HER that will be kicked in the teeth by Threefold Return, not you. No one appointed you as the moral guardian of the month, and because of that you have no right to say anything. In fact, by taking it upon yourself to run around and correct everyone's behavior, you are linking your karma to hers, and if SHE gets karmatcially kicked in the teeth, you will too. So the rule here is "live and (52 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path let live". But in order to question intelligently, you should be familiar with why something exists in the first place. In order to question and possibly discard the scourging in a ritual, you have to understand why it's there. Just saying, "no one is going to hit ME with a whip over a hundred times" is not enough, you have to understand what that whipping means in the context of the ritual, in the context of the religion and in the context of the symbols it represents. Without that understanding, how can you judge what should be there and what should be done away with? Saying it's not for you is fine, but it may also be a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater if you discard it. You could be throwing out a critical component of the spirituality and part of the Mysteries you signed up to learn if you discard this. Another major lack in fluffies is 4) Critical Thinking Skills. June 12, 2003 Let's look at an example for a moment: We will use for this example one of the greatest and most often cited "fact" of modern Wiccan/Pagan history; the 9 Million European Women Dead during the Burning Times. I have personally seen this figure quoted in numerous books, cited as "fact" on many pages, and found it being taught in classes on Wicca and Paganism. Most of those in the know, the ones who have done some research on the topic, have found that this is a complete fallacy. In the first draft of this document, I had a series of suppositions dealing with this "fact" but it seems that my assumptions made me talk out of my ass myself. So, I will defer to the experts in this field and send you all to these pages: Recent Developments in the Study of The Great European Witch Hunt and The Burning Times Myth are two excellent articles debunking this particular myth. Please read both these articles before continuing with this article. Done? Good. Now, given what you just read, does the "fact" of 9 million European women being murdered logically stand? I truly don't think so. What are scholars saying? That the actual death toll is between 40,000 and 60,000 with a POSSIBLE high of 100,000 ( Summerlands Remembrance ) but that's it. In fact, as more accurate data is found, the death toll is going down. It's approaching 20,000. ( Population sources for information on actual population totals during the time period we are talking about. ) But all of this assumes you don't believe the 9 million estimate, it assumes you have enough thinking skills to actually try to think things through and find out for yourself what is true and what is not, especially when facts are concerned, and sources are NOT cited. This means that you have to have critical thinking skills and the ability to question what you have been told, and the tools necessary to find out the truth. I did some web searches and found the above pages through those searches. The first one to find out population was done on Google with the key terms of "Estimated population Europe 1550" and I got thousands of hits. The second of these was sufficient for my purposes, but I bet any of the others that showed population statistics would have done. The second search I did was for "Estimate death "burning times"" and I had over 200 hits. But I knew how to find the facts I wanted. This is one of those skills that I see fewer and fewer people actually using. The Internet is one huge research library, and people don't know how to use a search engine. It's like looking in the index of a book in the library. One fluffy posted a question about some Gods and who they were, their myths, what they did and so on. Now, I was able to find all the information she wanted in about 10 minutes with Google, but could she be bothered to do that? Why not? This is part of basic fact-finding, a skill taught in EVERY school in America, and probably in the world. So why couldn't she do this? IMO, one word sums it up, laziness. She simply did not want to do the 10 minutes of work associated with this to find out the answer to her question. So, this needs to stop, along with not wanting to question "facts" especially when they are highly subjective facts. (53 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

some facts, corrected it in this draft, and went on. No one got mad, no one got defensive, nor did anyone<br />

get their feelings hurt. Had I been a fluffy, I would have retreated into "I'm right and you are wrong...."<br />

and left a lot of sore feelings behind, perpetuated inaccurate info, and proved how immature I am.)<br />

2) Blind faith in anything said by the "leader".<br />

One of the most juvenile and lemming-like qualities in Wiclets is this one. Be it Silver RavenWolf,<br />

Cunningham, Lady Stuffandnonsense, Lady Stuffandnonsense's teacher from 30 years ago, a website or<br />

what have you, this is totally accepting whatever this person says as Gospel, the way it is, the TRUTH<br />

and nothing but the TRUTH, even when faced with multiple refutations of that truth by other sites. Here's<br />

an example:<br />

Lady Stuffandnonsense has a website in which she posts the information that during the Burning Times,<br />

9 million women were burned at the stake for being witches. She advertises this site to everyone she<br />

knows, and to her list of Wiclets who don't know any better. Lady Stuffandnonsense ignores the bare fact<br />

that 20 or 30 people, historians and scholars correct her "fact" and she never updates that site to reflect<br />

the more accurate numbers.<br />

Lady Stuffandnonsense's Wiclet followers go out and quote the 9 million number and get violently<br />

offended when anyone tries to correct it, or use logic to point out that 9 million women couldn't have<br />

possibly died because there would be no Europe left had that happened, or that men were killed too and<br />

so on. Which leads us to Symptom...<br />

3) Anger when a "Sacred Cow" is questioned.<br />

Honestly, this one makes the least sense to me. Most mainstream western religions demand that you be<br />

obedient and not question what is told to you by the authorities in the Church. You must surrender your<br />

brain at the door. You are not allowed to ask "Why" thus and so is how we do things, nor are most<br />

dogmatic thoughts discussed or explained other than in the gathering of clergy. To the lay person, the<br />

worshiper, questions like "why do you use two hands to bless the bread" are not allowed, the answer is<br />

invariably "because".<br />

But one thing about Wicca is that it is not supposed to be mired in dogma or in pointless ritual.<br />

Practitioners are encouraged to ask questions and define things for themselves. They are supposed to<br />

think and ask and challenge and question. But it looks more and more Wiccabes are challenging the<br />

wrong things.<br />

Certainly challenge the statement "we do this ritual this way because" with "why do you do it that way,<br />

why not this way?" But don't automatically assume that because scourging appears in a ritual, and you<br />

think it's too kinky that it's wrong. Part of questioning the sacred cow is to accept that which you find<br />

strange.<br />

Please note, I DID NOT say that you had to practice it. I understand that there are those out there who are<br />

horrified at the sight of blood, and therefore will never do a blood sacrifice or animal sacrifice. But just<br />

because you find that particular practice repellant does not mean that it should be discarded completely.<br />

There are good and strong reasons that one sacrifices blood or animals, and there are ways that it is done<br />

which make the process and the magick stronger. It is not done casually or callously; it is done at times<br />

of need. But you must be willing to say "Well, that's for them. I understand why they are doing it, but it's<br />

not for me" and allow them to practice it.<br />

Let's say for instance, you find out that a priestess in your community does hexes. This is contrary to<br />

your set of ethics and the Rede. Do not go around bashing said priestess and saying how bad she is, that<br />

she's a member of a "left-handed path" and so on, but find out why she is doing those hexes and allow<br />

her to do them if they are her choice. After all, it's HER karmatic burden she is raising; it's HER that will<br />

be kicked in the teeth by Threefold Return, not you. No one appointed you as the moral guardian of the<br />

month, and because of that you have no right to say anything.<br />

In fact, by taking it upon yourself to run around and correct everyone's behavior, you are linking your<br />

karma to hers, and if SHE gets karmatcially kicked in the teeth, you will too. So the rule here is "live and<br /> (52 of 284) [12/25/2005 12:22:21 AM]

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