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<strong>UEAICATEA</strong><br />

TO<br />


,illaa,nAzJAqBEg<br />



wss^N friuttArt*t^o (tAqE)<br />


AND<br />


Msr{IaABEgUfll<br />





THE BARN OwL (Tyto Atbr) IN CENTRAL<br />

PUNJAB<br />

ilar{Afut*tAa ilfi {rloaD-u L_t{ASSnw<br />

ii.s.., {. tt t. {urF,<br />

A ih6n $bmincd in D€ni.l tunlhcnr of<br />

r.quiEm€d oflh€ tt gFc of<br />

aocwoFslfif,Ossnr{t<br />

IN<br />

z@[ogq<br />






Ih. Cmrotld oa E\miMtiJ'llrrvor:ri/<br />

Univ6ity of AgrialluE, Fri{ED.o'<br />

rt_lqld,-1<br />

OEAN'<br />

Facdlw of s'i'ncer'<br />

or Agncultu|l<br />

''We, lhe Sup.Nisory Commin€., ertiry lbat ihe @nl.n$ and fom of lhdit subnincd bv<br />

MR- MUqAMMAD MAUMOOD-UI-SASSAN has b€s found snisfebry md<br />

tcmnod lhd ir bc p@sd foi cvllultid by thc Exttnal EMis for lhe aq4d of thc<br />






.xc1(r{0wL6affi9dw(a<br />

r dn tE ntlat to Df. Mia Athtt 84 Jot tB fr.b onl 7ui{dtu. it ti. p.p'ft,bn of<br />

tiit naa.tipt I Jut 6o$/nr{ to 6. ni nu41t! I vilA I MuU 6 Afu Ein I tn rtto vC tfr'nFflt<br />

e Dr, Atbrr Ali Khr., Di Ejo R.!ool, DL ShrbD Aknl.l R!tr. a'.r' DL<br />

Mlnrbb.d Att.rfldt a;w6d6l ng4d.tu Speial tfra sdfttu @Mr. D.vid fi.<br />

Jonnsor, PtiMNt lMtga@ of rtu eln^ttodatbla., fo/ tit .di@t ttutut in tln @d<br />

ptui* q wt 6 fri' rt.b in ?tutunnt ttu tbu,t frt /'tut. It\ o4o dn o[podrni, b $tnr,D.,<br />

Lbdnt r'rhid fu edng w loN eotubb ?oF6 an 6rf, d,tr Jtun 1)s' s6.^ tu M ,6.ft fu<br />

frit.Pu/a@Mt utu, I .n tbt rr,i.{f/& Mi N. M, $onrk y, atsio"et aidoa ed'(t<br />

orauraiJ., qeilkna ABtun4J6 t\ .NMtit di i.iR ontM.. w rq& AnD.d-i' rir<br />

6.4 t!'ns tt .o@ oJ,t nut@<br />

I nd a6o .\tu' at |n,itut' b nr Mnfr ddftaJ$ou aqcc;e4 Mriz. Hrbib<br />

Ali d'.tchufrn Mr.dr Ranid r''lMr, Mlh.nDrd tunrrl @i@4Io/<br />

@weinr tt ftal\fe'<br />

et6t oJaq t olil p stu*ut to r, 'f.rtiotukldttd(kL)e46<br />

t6.n f4p drr'<br />

| nir8q mn'd fii3<br />

ttuhMt wfrbrttay *Faltufu filsfdit.b {Ef. drt@frtut ti' tuo!fl\.n a tunt<br />

alfercit eppo4ltua pawl ifioot r? to ,riq6irt t *t./@tio\ n @!6 t6r 6a o M<br />

[tunfu tu tu atiM ths hrtoJ Etidnatibt<br />

No noubr,4it Mt &. rtrden ptiadal rD 6Ja I dn gtutq irr'.bt nro ry<br />

6turh.6 arr'<br />

trrr aqdfJ Di Mul.no.d Mmhtrq-ul-Hseo, Dr. Allrf-ul-Hr$.!, Afi.b-ul<br />

llBn a'1MlbroDd M.hrb-ulE$.n u6. no.n sfrDu@d b @iti tu b<br />

'hot6d 'hdft<br />

ry Raqi6 nh{,Mtue !.r ltuff. b tt aLr, tu 6.rseMpqtt tadtuItun ttafrui,A<br />

dJ& t M r Jat @trdn/ l.fun i w,ut'otu jnr $ibbt w/t3 oJ intue inL6.6 &r'<br />

'rtb nu'@Jo nrftuEl 6J.Pd{sttd^ S@u. Eountdtior dnf,vw (eafr"su4 !n&l<br />

nvot t par.t N6 a-Al/tBb (2JB) otu{ t0at62o1 tult cti4 7tu ftun&t turyn of th.e tM<br />

tnliq arw! tt ent$$ &tsrAlst


NO. IITLE -]Z t^cE<br />

2,<br />

3.<br />



I<br />

m.<br />


Rodrd innibitins poioials<br />

STUI'Y AI.EA<br />

Hafizbod and sh.ikhupud sub-@<br />

Faisaldbad, Jhec, T. T. sinSh dd oke suus€a<br />

Balta*al.sse sub-d€a<br />

Usla nuhlmld $tsNa<br />


Colldrion axl analFis ofFll.ls<br />

Smpline for mall ndDals<br />

Coplmds<br />

ViUages &d r@houss<br />

No.{Dtped e6<br />

Ordinadon of spling u.i!s<br />

Food slativily ad Elaliv. .ncomtedalB<br />

Bioh$ass.Mdt<br />

ruSULTS<br />

ForaSing habitats dd lhcir sall MnalfaM<br />

Crepl0dr<br />

Villag6 and f.nlhoBt<br />

N@rrepp.d a6<br />

Combi&n trallilg data<br />

Pell.t size ed pEy i!.ms<br />

I<br />

5<br />

6<br />

?<br />

l3<br />

IE<br />

l9<br />

2l<br />

25<br />

26<br />

26<br />

21<br />

28<br />

ll<br />

t6<br />

t7<br />

l8<br />

38<br />

l9<br />

l9<br />

39<br />

,t0<br />

4l<br />

42<br />

45<br />

45<br />

50<br />

50<br />

5l<br />



Lin d Deasrn€nls<br />

t^.liry Glaicd veiadoN<br />

Dirtrict Faishb.d<br />

Unjrcuig ofAsnctft'r<br />

UbD€s CRH<br />

Neala CRH<br />

Aninpu CRH<br />

Ncwe CRE<br />

Koi Khuda Yu CRH<br />

Ilikisda CRH<br />

Bunla CRH<br />

Kldl|@CRH<br />

Tqbdi CRH<br />

Rodu Koru CRH<br />

Distirci Jhang<br />

JhoBCRH<br />

Chinb@sBli CRH<br />

Mosque a1 chak no. 232 J/B Noulan<br />

Muradwah CRH<br />

Dsnicls T. T. Singh .rd or@<br />

coja CRH<br />

Reoala Klud CRH<br />

Dislricr Sheibup@<br />

Sdtrwls CRH<br />

Mudh BalEhd CRtt<br />

Disrict Hafiab6d<br />

M@hi*dt cRH<br />

Nsulda CRH<br />

Bhobra<br />

Sullt k€e CRH<br />

Dislnd-wi* @npdisioo<br />

vdi.tios in 0E owl diet !t diFereii snrdv ms<br />

Saeml ldiatioN i. th. diel<br />

Msin lrudy d Wintd<br />

spring<br />

Sunm€.<br />

Fdl<br />

Sub@ nI GalDqar@gE)<br />

Conpdison ofdiet ar dilleml lealities<br />

57<br />

6l<br />

6l<br />

66<br />

69<br />

70<br />

70<br />

7l<br />

7l<br />

1l<br />

12<br />

72<br />

73<br />

13<br />

13<br />

73<br />

15<br />

15<br />

11<br />

17<br />

17<br />

17<br />

77<br />

79<br />

8l<br />

8l<br />

E3<br />

83<br />

88<br />

8E<br />

88<br />

EE<br />

E8<br />

93<br />

96<br />



Bidn of Frr bod<br />

ll0<br />

lla<br />

I{.rdB.d mo.i4 Lt'b<br />

lla<br />

B...dhg d.dd..<br />

l2l<br />

Cl|!tdbood rirt<br />

ta<br />

N6r bo(.r<br />

t25<br />

Did dri.8 tlc o|io tfr.diry ae<br />

vI,<br />

VII.<br />

vltr.<br />

D$CU$!O<br />

Ilihiat<br />

Licdiv rcu Ydnioor h dia<br />

SGlwiiidi!tlid<br />

DiltudlFlddo<br />

NddlfrihrbEdn<br />

Adi-!od.d.d!,ld.tof lt hnoal<br />

sltwalY<br />

LITBATI'XI clllD<br />

Irl0<br />

14l<br />

l4l<br />

t43<br />

146<br />

l/A<br />

150<br />

l5l<br />

155<br />


ho.f<br />


|. The lmrions ofthe vaiou sit6 in the n.in study m i... Sub'aE I $.12 33<br />

hpled lor the bam owl duirg ite thc y6 of rhh srody<br />

2. TEp su4e$ (%) of snallmdrEls ih fie wh€rice dohi.ated copldds or 48<br />

3. Tdp $c.s (vt orsall n nnals in $c qtMl{ug.!!a donid.d cbpleds 49<br />

4. Tlap succ€s (oo) orrcme snall malmds in vrllas$ dd fmhocj 5t<br />

5. TBp su(.$ (%) ofsllsdnEls snlp-tnpp€d ftom (a) forcsr plebliom, (b) a 54<br />

sd duneilllal [,bir!r .d (c) mbldds of @tEl Puj.b<br />

6, Conbincd Tr.ppi.g dala for lhe snaU nmnah caueht frcm vnious h.birats 55<br />

duing th. sccond yed .xtending Aom D..enbq 2000 through Novhb.i 2001<br />

?. Montly md @nal vdiadN itr lne wi8hl ed lilM mdrcnst (mdinm J9<br />

lengrh ed hainm beadth) oflhe peUds oflhe bm owl<br />

8. Univdiatc dalysis ofvdi&ce t$dns $Nnd vdiation i. the Eisht {a),<br />

ndimnm hnsth (b) dd ruimh be.dth (c) of lhe p.llcls of the bm owl<br />

9. 'lte 2l n6d@$softh.bm o*l l@r.d in lhe sixdLtlicisofthes!b.a6 lad 62<br />

II fmm which lh€ owl's p.llclslre.oll*Gd<br />

10. Alistof thc ues comon in th€ pEmiss of $€ CRHSof sube6l dd 2 65<br />

ll. Relative.bundme ('/, of th. vdious PI.y itcm tpr*ntcd in 6e peu.t @d6 67<br />

ofthe bad owl @llecred foh ditrftor sir.s loered in 5ub-@6 I ed 2<br />

a. Disrid Faislabad 61<br />

b. DishictJhog 74<br />

c. Dhtricts Toba ler Singh Sileh dd Okd n<br />

d. Disfticr She dup@ 80<br />

e. District ttafizbad a2<br />

12. A disrrict-wi* Elative abudmc€ (%) ofrhe prcy ilens Fprcseded in thc Fll.1 85<br />

mpl€s ot lh€ bam owl froE suts@ I ed 2<br />

r3 RelariveabudaE (70)of thc Eiou ptly iatuinthcMd*oflhcbmowl 87<br />

Fllers I'on $e min sody ea, and slb.als I i.e Baluwlmspr (8N) md 4<br />

Usra Muhamnad (UM).<br />


14. s.e@lchdses inthe Elalive abudbe (70) ofpGy itcns inrhedielofthe E9<br />

bam owl in th€ thft ydly mpl€s liom th€ Maitr S$dy Arca<br />

(a) fiBt y@ {De.mhq l999-Novenbd 2000)<br />

89<br />

{b) s€cond Ye& (D{ebbd 2000-Nov.mbq 2001)<br />

(c) nid y@ (De.mber 200l -Novbenbd 2002)<br />

15. SeMnal ci&gs inde rdadve.budde ofpEy ncminthc di.toflhe bdn 92<br />

o$ls ofrhc nain nudy arcr duing rh@ ys (fDn S?plembs 199<br />

$orgllAugul2002.<br />

!6. SeMnalchmces in the r.ladve abudse (7o) olp6y itcns in thedi.r ofthc 99<br />

bam owl duing tn€ third y.e (Dcmtrr 2001 -November 2002) al<br />

17. NMbd of idividuds of e..h food ith Ep@ned ii 23 ffpling uirs l0l<br />

Gi&, located in Oe @jn study ea.<br />

18. Results fora coftspo.dc@ dllysison 23 sampling units Gitet ofihe pry 102<br />

ilems of tne bm owl non dr'd Pujab.<br />

19. S6allnmmals stuFtrapped fron six habitaE ofcendd Pdjab thlt we€ als 106<br />

identified fion th.ir enl@t in de p.ll* of lh. bd owl.<br />

20. T6p swce$ for lhe mall nmo4ls MFltapFd lion sn{ hlbitals of{E 6!nr 103<br />

nud! @a thdl vcE aho ide ified fiom lheir remnan$ in lbe Fllels of the<br />

21 . The Foponions of $e small namals in th€ envionmenl th.t wet al$<br />

@oded frem owls' pell.ti-<br />

22. Preponrons of lh€ stt llnM@ls in ihc bu oels did thrt wee ftpped<br />

from six difcE habiHs ofthe naD study @d.<br />

21. Fo.d prefcrcoe (A) and Ftativ. .Metd lat6 (ci) for thc snall Fllm.ls<br />

species Fpr€Fnl€d in th. pellets ofbm owl of Dain siudy are6<br />

24. Avcd8e body wighi (g) .!d avlFse MdibL le.slh Gn) of smll Emnals<br />

coll*ted fon nain studY @.<br />

25. coivssion f&toro loreacha8ecl6softhesn.ll mmhalprcvs consuned bv l12<br />

the bamowls of lhe hain snrdy 4ea.<br />

26 Contibuion of the v.riout p€y it m lo the lo|!l biol|N consmed bv the IIl<br />

bsm owls of m.il nudy @ dwing fie ihc y.s (Dcembd l99'Novemb.r<br />

200r).<br />

9l<br />

I | |<br />


NO, flTI,E PAGE<br />

27. Nmbd ofe88s &d chick Gdded toln lh€ !d oflhc bD owk ofthe s r23<br />

disticls ofthc min study r@<br />

2E. Sdenrl distribudon of€8$ ddchi.k@ordcd fromth. n st oflhebah owl t29<br />

of six disrdcrs of dE Min 3n!dt ,@<br />

2e Nwbs of csss ed dnck |urd.



L A nap of Palistd showing the loetion of four suL@s (SA) viz. SAt 23<br />

(HafEbld &d Shei!.hupu!), SA2 (Faisalat€d. ,hds, T. T. sinsh .nd<br />

Ok@). SA3 (Bah.valnasd) dd SA4 (Us1a Muhannad).<br />

2. A map sho{irsrhc lftation orsei disiricl! of Puja! (Patis€!) &d a 24<br />

towi ot BalEhisbn iiom vte thc infonDrioi on fic bdn ovl s@<br />

collecred duing th. cows. ofpdql sludy.<br />

L Loation of fie 47 Min sit s (in 0E aix disticrs ofPdj.b), *nich w 35<br />

egulal! chck€d for rhe pGence ol rh€ bm o*l duing rhe p@fi<br />

4. veiario.s in the (%) pbpodioB ofs Duir6. dd f!|s dd mi@ in tlE 94<br />

seasoml dieb of the bm owh or $e Main Study A@ (MSA) duing ihe<br />

rhFe yea6 oflhb sludy.<br />

5. s€soE! @iatiotu in lhe Elative abunde* ofA rr&6, odenl3, bars 95<br />

ed bii& in th€ thrce yeas s.en-vise dala on th€ diel of lhe b@ owls<br />

oflhe mi. study d€d.<br />

6. Poponiotu of eighi specics of rah and mie, bars md birds in lhe ihree 97<br />

ye{s combi.ed seen-wisc food pr€y d.t on th€ d.in sludy eea<br />

7. Relative abuddce of $e fou eajorpGy €l€gori$ in th. seemled 98<br />

doul diet ofthe bm owl .r BalledMgn (BN)<br />

8. odi.stio. of23 smpling unns GUs) (i.e. the food data flom 23 silct 103<br />

lirm die min study @a.<br />

9. Moithly ldiarions i. lhe Elaive sbuddce or fou mjor prcy 116<br />

cdresori.s of th€ b.m owls olde min stldy @.<br />

r0. Dier ofth b€m owlofthe main study @ duing ns main b€€dins t37<br />

ses. (Aug!sr- February) md olride this pdiod.<br />

ll. Contribudon ofrh. wios pi.t irens ro th€ dier ofthe ban ovl ofrhc 138<br />

maih sudy ea duiins lhc D.in br@ding @6on (AusurFcbruary) sd<br />

oursidc this !€riod



l. wood€n Br boxe in.|.llcd ar ukb@ cRH (a), Ami.pu cRH (b) and 43<br />

Nouh vill.s. (c) for fic b€m owl.<br />

2. lioraging hEbirat ofth. bm o{l k@plmdt prcent ia rhe main $udy 4?<br />

I Sohcnon-copFd toEgrng ha,bnab ofrhe bam osl 52<br />

4. Bonr renn&$ of em. food pFys of the bd o*l iddtificd fdm rhe 58<br />

pcllec @lldt d fren diflfttrr ld.lili€s of tlE nudy 'H.<br />

5. A de.d ddb.rgia tr€e hebouins a nest cEvny of lhe bdh owl a1 Kor 64<br />

Khuda Yd CRH.<br />

6. A view of lhe Mund*d! CRH which hd bsn abondoncd by &€ 64<br />

krigalio. Depanmmt.<br />

7. orc of rhe lasc mi@rs (igh) wilh cm..r.! srille $p.d a. 06! ?5<br />

vhile thc .dje snalls oe rB us.d d Nsr by lhe bon o*l al<br />

8. Debris conp silg owlt p.llels at th. nouth ofth. cnlmcd.xir ofthe ?5<br />

ncsr or tbe bm owl al Nouhn @sqG.<br />

9. A hollow in the tlunl of a nulbery bee ws uFd as a bedinS nesr in I I t<br />

$c 1999'2000 at M@hiwala CRri rhar wd @dccd uft for ihc owl in<br />

$e ndl *en by dE villasc bors 4d &@y.<br />

10. Thc head ofa pepingoui bM owlfion alree cavily aiAmihpsCRH. ll6<br />

ll. Wide oFning of. n sr qvity ofbm owlal Jhon CRH. |l6<br />

12. on b€ine dislubed by ! climbins srlo, a bM owl is esapitrg fron l17<br />

one ollhe 1{o exitr of th. nstl qvity at Kot KhudaYd CRH.<br />

Il Sc.sing thc pe*ne of a Mrka d@ to its ct, a bam owl i3 lovins ll7<br />

lhe n6t cavily 6l Thibw.la CRH.<br />

14. lhe nodh ofa nesl cavity oflhe bm owl in tn€ trunt ofs.Llbergia l18<br />

rN Rodu Koru CRH.


15. A brrn owl r€sl csvity with ltr sdlei oFning (lsxl2.n) E@rd€d ll8<br />

dui4 lhe pEfi 3nidt !r Nall|@ CRH.<br />

16. Soh. natuil.nd fifi-narbrBrsotrhebqn ovl. ll9<br />

l?. A clurch oi iix .sss in . tBt box !t UldrE CRH (phoroEiFed oi 126<br />

SepLmbd 9, 2000).<br />

lE. nE ld chic& of cl|nch of fire chicks al Utbe$ CRt eith fttlly 126<br />

develop.d feial disk ed doMy plurge (plotoE.phd on D.cmh.t<br />

2r,2000).<br />

19. Fm r ctqtch of six .ggr b I Br tox !t Wb.B cRrL G c88 is 127<br />

nissiiS r,hilc thc ahell of &othd onc is broker (pholosnph.d on.luly<br />

r2,2000).<br />

20. A €htch ofsix.sss.r Tlikiw.la CRH i! r hoUov in drlb.4ia ItE 12?<br />

(plbbgoplFd on Scltcnbn 29, 20{0)<br />

21. A clurch ofsix egigs in. hollow ir fitu r.n!21€st Bc !t Stl.r*d! l2E<br />

cRH (phoroglaph€d otr ociobq 9, 2001).<br />

22. A clutch ofnine eggs ofUe bamovl'n tre. hollow al Mudh Balkhs l2E<br />

CRfl {phdo€ralhd @ Ocrob.r 5, 2001).

a$srBq-r<br />



lhjs sdy on t,/o a/ra yerea (Hanen) ws condwcd ar rh@ l@lilies. One of<br />

these locllities (namcd !s hain jrudy da) coisisled ofsix disrrich of rhe povince of punjab<br />

of Prti{!n. qhich togdher tom ttEr pd of$€ Indu valt.y $ar vs t{gety bouded by rhe<br />

rives Rali dd Ch.nab. The olhcr lNo d.as w€e the canal-irigaled clltilations @und<br />

Banawalnas& md Usra Mullln,nad. Bahaeltmstu, a southm disr.icr of punjab. teared<br />

betwan dve Suduj ed Cholisra! desn, M aomqly vegcrared wirh a mpiol rholn fo$l<br />

wbile tjsra Muhmnad (dislricl Jaf&rabad, povine of Balrchi$an) E foneny und* lne<br />

dry sublropical *hi+lersen *dblbd.<br />

'I he nai. srudy fta has tdgely been ndsfomed *otogicauy ov.r the l4r I 50 y%<br />

by rhc inrrcdudion of coal irigaton. Accodine lo Tsb€, ., aa (t96?). hefoE rhc s,l<br />

ftie0toi dcvelopncnt fou najor biotc associolions w€re pEsefl in lhe main study ar€a: (a)<br />

rh€ dv€rfled plain compl*. (b) thc tropicat |noo ptain berw.en lhe dvc6, (c) Uc sdd hilts,<br />

ed (d) rhc village cohplex of eologically sidple houses.<br />

'rh. lbpical rhon focsr @cupi€d rhc plaitr bound.d b' iv€6. Tle plaiN krc<br />

chmclcri^d by rhe prcsnc€ ofalkatin€ ht s vcSelared qith tow busbes of sltuon lbnjly<br />

bd vast *pse of sandy soits doned with buhcs of eacia ed $aft€rcd r*s, oarcn in<br />

ctomq; ol- Proeph rpi..gsq Sateedoa oteoid5 .!d


with the sid€ly s r€red snrll vill.Ses (Tahei e, a/., 1967) Dighl have been the main prcy<br />

foods oa the osl if il erer i.babited the rid lhon ptain. PEsunably. befoe !h€ inloduction ot<br />

idi8.rsl agiiculru. i. rne hopical $om plain!, the osl would have ben confned n.inly lo<br />

$e nparirn for€sr which offercd bener food, ..sling ed rcosiing opponunities. The owl d@s<br />

ior @cur in de$ris in PEkisrm (Rob.ns, l99l).<br />

l he hpical lhorn plains tud rhe sond hill cohnunilies of the main study dca s€ how<br />

largcly supplanted by canalirigated rce{ringed cropldds. forest pletations. ud ude and<br />

rural habilalions. Tl.e chuges mut hare nosr lilcl, incrcded the nesting. r@s1io8 dd the<br />

leeding nicbes of lhe owl. Th€ lFpulatiotr of srch small trEnnals 6 lhe l6ue shdw' the<br />

hous di and lhe hous mous in rhe villdges dd fmhore. which d npidly incrding<br />

borh i. number and in siz. sm ro hav€ ire@$d er.ally<br />

(Taber et al., 1967: B.A ct al.. 1979.<br />

19E0. 1981. 1986r ubaidullah s, a/., 1989i MudElaq-ul-HM er zl. 1998, 1999). wnh th€<br />

exccprion of rhe hoe rat which sppes ro b. conlincd lo the limils of lh. hoes, the 0$6<br />

r"o rFci.s de found in the holM a wll 6 i. the coplands (8.8 ed KlDn, 1984; Bcg ,r "r.<br />

197?. 1978- 1979: Msn laq-ul-H6s.r o/.. 198- 1999). Sone spei.s. for exdple. the<br />

$n-funcd rierd rn (xar6 acra./a), fie lcsr budi@r Et (radtcoto bensoL$k) {d the<br />

shon-oaled nolc al (,&sof,iu t dtca) *t'ich v@ pEvisuly nol pE$ in lhe area. aG now<br />

found in $c culdvaliotr if, larye NnbeB (Tab€r er d/., 1967r Beg dd Rea, 1978: Bce md<br />

Kid. I98.li Kha md B€g. !984). The 0exiblc nesif,g ed breeding habi$, oPlonuislic f@d<br />

habirs dd high bioric polenlial oflhc bdm owl (Cottan md Nehon, 1937; Man', 1994; Tavlor.<br />

l99,li w.lk rt dl. 1999) *ould hav. helpcd $n lop ordet prdato! in fully.rploidne lhe<br />

ccological changes $ar rool placc in $enopical $oh nlains aRer lhe intoducton orcanal


idieation Dk !o contut of $lsonal flooding rltrolgh Ersanon, Dqrag€s abd in€.sive<br />

cuhivalions nes $e main rivrbants, de npari& foEsts hav. tdsety dispp.r€d (Rob.n:<br />

l99l). llence. rhe inisat€d cuttilarions oflne plains seh to be lhe main habiral ofde ban<br />

Ihc bm owl is lhe most widety sp6ad of a lhe owt sp.cies (Bunon. t984) ed<br />

exlosivc lile8r@ oo irs f@d habits ad repbdrcrion is avaitabte. Bul, suirci..t infomadon<br />

nss not been gadered ovenl, fom irs enrir€ roge. 50!|h Ads is one of the r€8ioB wh.rc<br />

pubhhed lircratuc o! rhe owl is s@€ dd sitc€d. whisder (t9j0) od wail€ (1948)<br />

repoted !h the owl was pPs. in rhe Rasatpindi ad Satl Ralge, whit. M@n dd Gfoy<br />

(1912) in rheir hehoir on ..Tbe Food ot Th. Birdr in India wrc that rhe owl d.pen


tlsFod€n t(' 0E ch&s6 itr rh. t{d$ap.s fo osirg inanljE d.nognphic ald rgiottu al<br />

developnenb in th€ Egjor.<br />

n!. objeriv. of tb. l|ej drdy ,.8 jo:<br />

L Quddt ihc loelity lnd season rclared vdiarions n the diet of the b6rn owl<br />

pop'nadds of 0E min srudy ars. enlnt dd lourth puj.b. dd soudEi.tD<br />

2. Cherriz. lorE of tE FFrdudE p.tuci.B of rtE 6am owt p.puladN tivirg in<br />

rhe .ero.@synm ofta main sludy @ (mtr.t puJsD),<br />

3. K,ow $m.thing IiDh rh. dict of rtrc owt abour th. stuLDDmat ct)muiii.! of lhe<br />

.s@qrsr.B ofcenr.t &d $urlEn punjab, ard sou$anm B!|Enie!,|' od<br />

4. AsBs lh. impacr of the baF ovt h irribirinS the pd uls and nice poputarioos<br />

bfesing rh. copted..

AAqTER-II<br />



Oqls @upy vinElly atl of tn. wotldt mjor hsbitais, b€iry tb.e onlv liom<br />

exrFmel)' hieh elevalions snd trteles ponions ofhash deens such s lbe Sdhafa. Thcv occur<br />

on ers) conti.ent exc.pt Anbrcd€ dd rrc s!.cies. lhe shon_.ared o*l (Asio lam6) {d<br />

ban o$l (? z/ra) have coloniEd $ne of dc mosl Enole @eanic isldds in $e world (del<br />

Hoyo .r !1. 1999). Owh blons to the order Stisiromes whkh conpftes lwo fmilies;<br />

Ttrtuill@ \Vn owrs) dtd S.'iqi.l@ {gTicalo*ls). o,ls (wilh $e exepion orrhe Holedc<br />

speiet dc lcs well knom 6 a gouP thm sy othd bird sp*ies vitui and Vai$n 0998)<br />

reviewed th€ slate ol knowkdge abonl owh in the 6t Africe t opics dd *esien lndid<br />

octr lsldds. He not d thll nore of the l0 owl s!ei6 foud in the rcgiom 96 sumcidrlv<br />

k.oqn 1o rh. people. They arc th. cotogicol cquivol.nls oflhc dav-huting hawks ed li'l6ns<br />

Sone of lhes. dd $pecially lbe bam owl. have h€en regeded as dobib rcdenl calchd<br />

(Brcklc)_ md Coldsnith. l9?5: Glw- 1975: Smal. 1987: d€Jong. 1998)<br />

The blh owl is equipp€d wilh lniqu. &alonical feaotcs. which dable n !o *Nb ns<br />

prey from !e(hes, and in flighl. Once ledted. the prey is capluted md su8ucd befoE bei.8<br />

anef, Ir is almosr @iely nocltm! lhnuShout mo$ of its tug. (T.vlor, 194). Ils tchniqlc<br />

of hunting depends pndarilt on ils qla-odindy ms of hcdinS, wbich cnables il lo loca&<br />

pEy in ol4l drtn€ss (Payn., l9?li (nudeo and Konishi, 1979i Knudsn, I98l) 1. addition.<br />

ns excetion.lly long les ad r.lons help it to hu1 os ope. al6 (T!vld. | 994) lB fligh is<br />

silenr ar lNquencies audiblc to humm etr md.r ulirMnic levd (Thoqe sid Ctiffrn, 1962)<br />

FOOD llAlITS<br />

Bm of,ls ulilia a side tuge ot prcy nens including a r@elt of small Mmalt<br />

(Hftm Md Jobic. 1980: Anonynou. l9E0; Cdpbdl gr ,/.. 1987i Tore$Mm ed<br />

conrrcms. | 989: Aftbrasky g/ a/., 1996,199?, I 993i B&bosa and Beml l96i vvmo and


Turini. 1096r Rabaca &d David. 1997r Robens er at. 1997: del Gush. 1999i Vm-VuEn.,<br />

z/.. 1998r Rilai c/ 4/,, l998i Jorgetron er c/,, 1998i d.Joo8. l98i C.pizi er d., l998l<br />

Esponda rr /- l98i Maai ad Camori. 1998r Jakic .r a/., t 999; B.lldq, 2000; Boo @d<br />

Baani.20do; Khalilou €r d/.,2000; M.hnood-ulH*d ?r a/., 2000; Mcchie, 2001i Debror<br />

€r a/.. 2001: Boe od Cuidali, 2001: Pelo .r al., 2001; trtur er al. 2001; Hey*@d snd<br />

Paley.2002)- birds (Carpentcr od Fall,I967i Buden,1974i Nuftell, l985iAnonymous, 1994i<br />

Yonrliv and Wml, l9?i Esponda e? ,/.. 1998; B€llcq, 2000; Malnood-d-HN. e, al,<br />

2000: l).bor .r,1, 20011 Boe &d Guidali.200li LetuE e/ u/..2001). repr'tes (V.mon.<br />

1972: deNauois. 1982i Yon-Tov and Wool. 1997j Bellocq.200q Lckwe ?r a/,.2001).<br />

amphibinns (Hcft6 dd Jaksic. 1980; Mahnood-ul-HM .r zr. 2000: Bellocq. 2000:<br />

L.kuizc a al.,2001), fish (Benl, 1938), dd insds (dec'oot. 1983i Rabaca md David. ls97;<br />

Maim@d-ul-H6s €r at, 2000i BeUeq, 2000i Boe dd Cuid.li, 2001; L€kllE,, ul.,<br />

2001) Allhough a majonry of small nmals caplmd is rne$rirl yer lh€ capluing of bats is<br />

nol uncommon (Rupcher l9?9., b; B6udd ald Kays. 198& Mahmood-ul-HM ., a/.,<br />

2000: B.llcq,2000: Boe and Guidoli, 2001i t kU@ g/ a1..2001). Belloca (2000) ud<br />

Heywood and Pavey (2002) havc also r€poned rhe pr€snce of marsltials in its dier. The<br />

mnanN of eme diuMl smll mantuls @ not re in lhe pellers of lhe owl {Mahno.d-ul-<br />

I las$ ?/ ?/..2000r Khalilou s/ al.2000).<br />

l he owls ha!. @nomizd th.n dis.nivc abiliy by voiding rne indig.srbl€ food ilehs<br />

orally in the fom ofpelle$, The p.llets compie such lellt le Ddts ofprey nems rs rhe<br />

bon.s. hai! fdhcB. b€aks. clas md heavily cuticul4iad pnc of inen b.dies (Wall@c<br />

dd Horllnds, 19?6). ExaminarioD oflhe pellcft no1 only revclls valuable infodarion about


$e dier ol $e osl bur slso lboll lhe smsu mmmd faM of lhe habirat ot @ll4rion (Maatli<br />

and Carcmori. 19981Jakic a,41.. 19991de la Pena e/ d/,,2001)<br />

Dimal p€llels diflq siglificelly in th€ir dineBior froh $os. .jeted no.tdallv<br />

whilc rhe o$l is ill fo6gi.g The fomer e signii@rly largcr ed h€vi* thtt lhc laLr in<br />

rhen lined dimeNion ond wi8lt md @ deposited ar the dimsl @si iouidali md Pigo2zi.<br />

1996) In$e pEseir srudy. rhc pcllels were coll€cted fron lhe roostinS and nesliog$lesonly<br />

The dier of th. ban owl in EwoF (Pidoplils€hle l9l?r Lang, 1948r Pncd dd<br />

itlsh 1964rBhonshdtl, 1966: KnoG, l97li Schnidt,19734 SLcalen dd Aslbqg, l9?li<br />

Clue. 1971. l9?4. 1975: Hmr4 1974t Lovdi ., al., 19?6: Saif,l_Oidns dd Thouy. l9?Ei<br />

Bethge and Hayo. l9?9: Cunin dd Cuisin, 1979r deBNij.. I9?9; RupEchet, l9?9 a b;<br />

Bos. l98l: Bandrin, l98lj Pikula er d/,. 1984; Man4., d/, 1985r Snal. I987i Tavlor'<br />

1994: Read &d allsp, 1994; MonlaMi, 1995: vvdo dd TunL l99q Robens.r,/. l9?j<br />

Tmvaini ?, d/.. 199?i dcjong. l98r M@ld sd Camori, l99E; Esponda e, sl. l9E;<br />

( ryizi .r,/. 1998i Bon rnd Baai.2ooor B.llocq.2000iMc(lhie.200li Paolo Pr,/..2001r<br />

Bos and cuidrli- 20Olr de la Peffa d/ a/.,2003). Anoicas (Fnch, 194?i wallace, l948iCise!,<br />

1965: Aulr- l9?l: fcncb ed Whanon. l9?5r H.tm &d Jdl$ic. 1980; Bvd. 1982; Colvin.<br />

1984; Knigh od Jackm6n, ! 984; colvin and Mclqa 1986: Ro*nbe.8, 1986; cmpbell ., 4/<br />

198?i Mani. I988i Jorg.nsn er./, 1998: Van.Vuren.,,l, 1998) and elswheE in ns rage<br />

(vcmon- l9?2: Ducketl. 1976i Monen dd M.nin, 1979j Lenlon, l980iP.Fns. 1982lsnal./<br />

a/.. | 990: Rifai .r a/.. 1998. Ktalilou .r al. 20oo; Heywo.d .nd Pslev. 2002: de la Peia ., a/ .<br />

2OOl) n stll docun.nlcd. lnfodalion of, tnc bm o*l of Asia and p.niculdlv South Asia is<br />

generallrpoor Mason dnd Lefroy ( 1912 ). Ali and Ripley ( 1969). and Robe!$ ( l99l ) weE the


m.in sures of infomalioo on thc bsm oql i. Sou$ Asi! Dwiie thc pa{<br />

'et d'cad's<br />

Akha' dd B.s (1985)- 8.8 ?r a/. (1990), Mahmood_d-HM sr ar (2000) and Ali €r d'<br />

(2001) ha\e Foyid.d inlomalion on f@d n birs. Gsring b.havior ed v@liztion of ene<br />

l@al spccies of owl. Khan ( 1994) and Khdn ( l9%) have ddumented sone inlo@tion on the<br />

food dd bceding hrbils of lhis owl tom Pakis(o<br />

SeNill dd clim.ric ch&ges in th€ di.t of lhe bsn o*l lake Plsc€ $rcughoul ik<br />

6ge (webstcr. l9?3iMani, 1974i Dawe et r/. 19781Baudvii. 1983idcjonS l98llColvin'<br />

1984r Campbcll ct d/,. 198?; Bom, lgEl;Bdbosa sd Betul. 1996; dclGwlt' 1999r Bose<br />

dd cuidali. 2001: Debol €r at,200l) ercepl in $oPic'! coudries wlEG thc clinatic<br />

condnions tend lo bG morc stabl. ihmughout Uc vcs- S@nal choges in lhc preporlion of<br />

!016 in the b.n oql s .liet in tlE lnF6re rcgion e wll do


rc$n.s ol lhe bam owl- The r.laiombip of lh€ bd oel s f@d niche silh $al of erc!|<br />

honed owl (Knisbl md J&knan, 1984) liillc owl (Oofia and PigSozi. 197). twv oql<br />

(Montandi, 1995; Bo! sd Baz4i. 2OOO), svnpatric lo.8-ea.ed owl and ranv o{l (Ctpizi<br />

er aI. 1998) h6 sle bcen studied in difreE p6rrs ofth. world Th' di'l@PosilioD of th€<br />

o n indicaive of ils acivity in dinft nicobabillts. plasli€nv in ns abilitv lo captuE<br />

spe.ies of difrmnt sircs ed i$ b.havioFl adalbbililt ro lile in md mund hlllm<br />

selrlehen6 and vaned envnom.nts thlt explains ns widc apr'sd di$tibution i' $e world'<br />

'Ihe diel of th€ bm o*l chde6 with lhe chmg6 in the htbii't (dcBruln' 1979:<br />

Capizi4r,/.. l998iM.zzoni dnd Camod, 1998r Bellocq.2O00r Mohmood'ufHasen d4l'<br />

2OOOI P.olo.r,?..2001i Mcchi..20olr D.bor rr al 2OOl:Letl)mda/'2001) lD lightlv<br />

grmd pdures dd riv€ines of Nelhdled., onlv @mmon voles dd small nmFals such as<br />

@nnon shes. *hn _hIhed shB. wood nice ard field volcs w€E r€sul&lv tats<br />

(deBdijn. 1979). Cooke e/ 4/ ( 1 996) hale ePoned a posilive ss@iation b€rwen thar oi tbe<br />

6eld mous (,4Ax.t?tat t^dr,4*) d


]-hNugholt the world $e shews and vol€s irc $e bv fr ihe nosr prefeftd pr'v ofihe<br />

bam o{l (Srrcatn sd Aselbqg, l97li Glu', 1974i H@r" 1914; Lo\an et al' 1976'<br />

de8ruiji. I 9'79i Baudvin. l98l; Roberls !r 'l . I99?i Mcchie' 2001 ; Bose md Guidtli' 20Ol )<br />

The predomin&cc oflne lol€s in $e owl s s@na diet in ihe @6lal salt ndh ofN€w<br />

Jc$r' is relded lo the loss ot snow cover i' sudmer {Colvin l 984) Snall ddnah los' or<br />

gaio hear in hoi or cold enviroon.n6 not rapidlv due |o th€ir latser bodv sudbce dca ro<br />

volume 6lio conequentlv thev exhibit coinict behaliollr holh in cold or hol e'vircm€ots<br />

ln cold climar. thev 6ave lo b.come eiive !o securc a rate oihid f@d intale ed hate 10<br />

b.@de inactive to @n*rve eneqy On ttr olh€t hand' in hol oviomcdl- the connid is 'n<br />

baqem toraging con*rying wld od kcePing @l (P'|€6' l98l) Thus shcws nusl lorage<br />

noa or less @tu|lntlv klE th'v e d the low{ exlEn' of lhc si4 dsc stues e<br />

nor e|n? oo wm cloudv nighs aod les 'cliv' os nidts oi lull moo lho *w n@n<br />

(Doucd fld Bider.1969i Mand. l9?l: vict'rv and Bids' l98l)' ehich could h€ i eryrcted<br />

6 a bcha\ iouBl adaPlalion 'itlE |o rcdue n€| tos or !o Ed@e Drctlation nsk<br />

ShE{s cone wi$ $inal bv linni's llnen acdvilv afll derdiig nEn bodv wicl<br />

(ChNhfield.I9EI.1982) On lhe @nln'v. ir w foud thd dEn nqnbd 6 a Dev oflnc b€m<br />

owl vas eEater in wi erthdin sumdd (Tavlor' 194)6d from $is n ws infedd thtt !o{<br />

vegerdrio. cover i! wi n ncurrdiG the etTd ofedued lcrivnv The noist onlli€E and<br />

tcritorial bchaviour of shFs aho m*es thd noE wttuable lo Prtdsrion<br />

(Cla* t956i<br />

Tlmer and lleMn, 1973r Codv, l982iChrchfield l90) Funhemoc $€ thws dd voles<br />

once locarcd m nuch easi$ lo calch tbd oth't 65 dnd nic€ {Fd ed Ambrcs l976i<br />

Denin! and CBnlbrd. 1989i Nhhimora and Abe 1988)


Thc d.l)_sis ol$e conenrs of the owl s p'lle$ hav evdl infomatio! of consid'Eble value<br />

in dssins lh€ dive6nv ol small ndnals (Cl@ 1970: vvdo ed Tuini 1996: Mganr<br />

ed Cdmod, 1998: lal$ic /l I999i d' la P€n&<br />

'r ' '/ 4l ' 2001) Nudericallv' sm'U Deods<br />

fom up ro 90% of $e bm ovl s dicl in dif'Gni ld1s or rhe qorld But 6 sinple cou't oi<br />

skulh or lovc. ja$ in !.lle$ of lll. owl l!k6 no rcost of the difi€nng si*s of th' pEy<br />

irns. Mtr b.


In lhe Calapag6 klande |he bom owl ft$s in grolDd in the uslk of lavo tubes and r<br />

sMlt volcsic @nes idecd! lgEl) ln lbe evd'n of Afncs it !s lh' old n6ts or<br />

hmnedop (scoP6 m,nla) (wile' s' 'l l986i Fry 'r al 1988) and thc @mun5l Bsls<br />

ofsociablc s€ar€r (ln,ierairbrdt'J) (Fry e'di 1988)' Theow! fr'qEnllv ndrs in churchd<br />

(!loncr. l96i: Schonf.ld a.d Ciibig. l9?5 i Brutsn! md deBtuiin 19?6: Julliard dd Beueq<br />

1983i Pitula s/ a/. 1984i Baudvih lg86) a'd in d'srlsd 'nd neelccted coMses ud f@<br />

buildihss (Tavlor. l9l) The owl h ale knom to ne$ hdo'iorslv wirb sone o$tr bird<br />

slecics such s jackdaws (Tevlor' 1991) Wilhio ! chu€h 1he bell towe! is lsed noF<br />

liequ€otty $d r@f sPacc (Baudvin 1986) The 1qo most inpondl cril'ria for the seleclpn<br />

of rcsl sile bv $e bam owl d' (a) laf€lv fton the isk of pEdllion bv ndmalis pledatos<br />

(c.lvii. 1984) dd (b) av'ibbilitv of esr catitv wi$ ninimM noor d€a of 0 09 nr (Sivcrio'<br />

194) bul h @* lh@ is a choie tb' owl *ill p|efs dtv cotu'aled sit's with oininm<br />

dhropogenic influcne on Nhich i 6 @npomie (Ttyltr 1994)<br />


l hc breeding eason of 1hc ban owl vo's gognthicsltv $bughout the wrld udet<br />

$e iniluence of diflcrenl sdnuli lndeasing sutrmd lehpmluE $inulaEs lavins in nofln€m<br />

lempeErc Egions when lhe f@d 'budance is still dalining dd ihe small idnal PFv is<br />

jusl b bKd (Baudlin. 1986) but d inccde in fie tenslnal ed seneral adivnies oflhc prcv<br />

(cldt. 1956: Tuder and lvq$n l97ll Codv 1982; chuEhfield' 1990) in celv spling<br />

$bstanlilll!inc€slh.iravai|.hi|itytooglsinl]M.insthelayingd4te.Thusinallthe<br />

Euopean bd owk. esg hving is stiEulacd pdnanlv bv ldpeBtE dnd sco'dadlv bv food<br />

shile &) lo8$ hd 'o influen@ Conveelv the 6i'fall is the pinary sd f@d is sonddv


factor rhar innumces rhe esg laying in the ravduah habihr of Mrli {wihon e, a/., t 986) while<br />

in venezucla fte f@d supply is lhe sinsle imponer factor th stjmulald egg layjng in bm<br />

ovls {Ldder er,l, l9l). Eeg layin8 in Acoilir is ste @stard ro a t*r cxtc ro food<br />

suppl' (Irlci!. 1968i Monen./ d,, tgTTiMonon &d Mani.. l979rHollmds. l99t).<br />

Annual variations e exhibired bolh in lhe sran of taying dd in thc med laying<br />

daI6 by all the b6n owl popul.lioB havinS r cguts rnd di$imr b6ding se&n $tulghout<br />

then tuge. In Scorlad, il vdicd lrom 90r April !o 26th May and r&ged 47 days ovf I 2 yds<br />

(Taylor. 1994), in Fmce l6rh Aplil to 8lh Ju. cov{ing 5l days ovd eight yea6 (Baudvin,<br />

1986) while . gap of 15 days 6 @rded by dc @ti6i lrd l.16| s.@n orcr tiv. yes in<br />

Ne! J€6er populatio.s of ban owl (Cotvnr 1984).<br />

Loodl v.rialions in rh€ nesting habnal @ al$ knom ro inU@nce lhe laying dates. The<br />

difemces {B probablt due lo diffeENe in pEy abundmce adund the ncst and $e pai6<br />

nesling in pcy nch habitars lay @li€r lhd rhosc n6ting in prcy-poor habillls (Colvin 19841<br />

Baudvin. 1986).<br />

D'c b.o owl esSs alE oral in slEF. whirc in @tor.l.id efter ar rm or rh@ day s<br />

inErurl Th. gap hetw€en lb. laying dates indicalcs lhe food dcliv€r€d by rh. nales 10 $eir<br />

mates durinS.gg layins which my become evcn toogd dnging ftuh lhE 10 svcn days dd<br />

elen $o we.ks {Roben5, l9l ; Trylor, | 94: aronymN. 1994).<br />

hcubation pe.iod .angcs fom 29 lo 14 days &d mosl ol $e €8gs haah within j0 to<br />

12 days {Bunnll aa, 1982r Muller. 1989j Rob.ns. t99lj Taylor. t994; Ali prat.,200l). Th€<br />

clrch sie is clNly @ftlaI€d !o food srpply ad rhe nMbq ofcggs pq ctucn va.ics f.om<br />

+6 (A.oiynous. 1994),l-? (Robcrs, l99l). r -ll (S'paybs, 1992),l-ll (Mani. 1994) and


4- l I (Ali cr al . 2O0l ). Latge clulch 6ay ale rsuh loft polteynyi Mani ( 1994) t corded lbut<br />

ces wherc lwo female be owh resled sinulwEouly in the @e nest ln lhc p€t vol.<br />

yed d aveoge o15.5 €8gs p.r clolch and m av@ge ofl2 to 4 5 ha b€s Goded in lo*<br />

vol€ y€s6 (Schonfetd and sirbig. 1975; r€s, 1977: Baudvin, 1986: Chdsn dr al, 1988i<br />

Mullcr. I 9s I ). Afncd bm owls ale E+ond |o low md hieh rcdmt @nc.nt"tion (Wilson ,,<br />

a/., 1986) wb.rcd th€ NonI Ancrico Fpuladons of bd owl @ not consisenl bul<br />

rlcnge clurch size in Tax$ exhibiled. sharpdccline in low rodenl teds (orieni.r,l. l9?2:<br />

lhe ovdall hllchins su(*s of $c owl\ esss in cer@v Fmcq Mali ed<br />

Maldysia has ben iecor.Ld 6 7l % (Scnonfeld &d Cnbig. 1975) 82% (Baudvin 1986) 8i%<br />

(wilen ?, a/.. 1986). ed s4% (Leilon 1984), respetivelv Almost 80% of dE eess $ar fail ro<br />

harch @ .nher lasl or scond 181 in th€n durh.s (Tavlor' 1994).<br />

Harcbing of lhe .ges oFus in e Gvnchoms m@et Hatching in tis fahion<br />

bencllb bm oel.olosicdty by aloiding Fot<br />

lood d.neds bv aI ln' chicks o'lhe se<br />

brcod ar lh. sane ime Tnis b.haviour ..obles rh.n ro .e.r hoG voung<br />

pd bod $ar suld<br />

orheflir be i m poss ible i f halching h srnchtoni zed ( Husel. 1 9 72) The ch icks hatched earl iest<br />

reFcsenl rhe lowest moialny rac (Wikon eI d/, 1986) while lhc lasl ed the p'nuxrmarc<br />

harchliies exhibit lhe hiSh*t monaliiv rates complising 80e/o of the 1otll expities (Baudvin'<br />

1978). Mmnslid pEd.tors such 6 be.oh manin (M/ti"ro'4) &d n@oons (Colvin in<br />

Taylo!. 1994) my. in a,ldiion lo slltvadon. increde lhe monalnv 6t. of bd owl chicks<br />

Mani (1994) mr|ed fo. si en v.6<br />

in lha irilaLd fmlan'Ls ofnonhem UDn md<br />

d@un€ntd l9l nesing ttt€mPls whrl. sludving the Fp@dElion of dB b@ owl Mon of $e


owb n sled at on€ yd of.ge dd prcdued om brcod Fr y@. Th€y ely ptudwed.<br />

s@nd bd)d or r€ple.d fsil€d fi6t.1urch6. Complete fitsr clu&hes lhtt.veraged 7 l? e€igs<br />

(n=27J) serc signific.ndy ldger the repl@nd (av.tage - 5.81, n = 16) and s@nd<br />

.lurch.s (alcne€ = s.79. n = 19) bur tn.E B no sienificer difl€rcnce b.twen the ,i& ol<br />

fi6r (aveage = s.45) &d sond brco& (.v€6ge - 5l?) R.pl@nenr btuodr wer€<br />

siSnilicetly smller (aveBee = LE]) thm thc fist Fuu clu.hes {er€ Frduced in 88'/o or all<br />

rlE resrins atenps while ?1"/0 yi.lded d l.at orc nedStiry' S@.stul nests on rvmg€<br />

pbdu.d 5.09 o.dglines pq brcod, 4.94 pd sond brood ed 3 60 pe. rplaccm€ b@d<br />

&cond ateEpls *ft rct N likEly to ptudu@ nedglines N ein r fi6l or t!pla.4€ ancmPn<br />

Of $. €8es fiar halch.d, 8?% wiv.d to flcdgins Mdch 13 a lne nd dar' for the<br />

inirialion ofegg laying and ldl6t *cond cld.hcs h.lch€d o. o.lob€r 4 P'6isrqt smq @!d<br />

and los lehp.muBs sienincolly dclaycrt 0B oMl of.8g lavi.8 ond redwd $e nunber of<br />

sucestul bdeding an mfls. Clutch siz, ho*vs, did Nl vary signifiddv in vdios vd<br />

Mani (1997) $udied rh. liretid€ tplodlcti€ swc.s in lhc bun owls in nonheF Ut.h<br />

and epon€d llle nd age ot firsl biedins ro b. l.06 vc6 (tu8e


bui tne ase sl qhich $. breding begif,s did not sronSly arcl lifetinc EPoducliv. 3$es.<br />

Bedin8 ase had a wc.k b non4ignificflt efle.t on cl ch sit and the nmb* oifl.ddincs<br />

Foduced<br />

in a beeding season Habital leiabilily did nol affeq liiedme tPoducive success<br />

Veiabiht in rhc sev.rny of thc winlr *srhd had a strong innuoce on lif.lid€ EPoductilc<br />


The bam owl is uhiveN.lly acknopl.dged for ils appetle for rodenb and olhq snall<br />

ndm.ls. As r Esdt oflh€ pEpond.tu ofDdori in the dict offi. bd o*1, it is thousht<br />

to be playinS a. inpondr relc b th. contiolofth* poEnftl agriculluEl P.sls (L.k@ 3,<br />

d!.2001). lt h6 been reponed thal in onlt 20 ninut€s the ban owlcaudr sixt€en nice, thEe<br />

gophs. onc rlt a.d one squiftl (Aio.yno!s. 1980). In B.mud! Isl&ds. 15 lo 20 pairs of<br />

owl @nsmed 15,000 6ts F ytu (M.ddioi 1990). Sipawns (192) *nmrcd thar rh. owl<br />

caughr five €rs ps day, Thu the bam owl nay pnv. ro b€ e import! agenl for O. conFol<br />

ol ds and mi@ (Contoli. l9?5). I-lnron (1980) rcponed that the biolosical conirol of ds<br />

involvins lhc bd oel @ metirg g@l success in $e oil paln pl&lalions ofMclstsia.<br />

Dwkar {l9l) foud that dr. b6m owt Fpuladon via dE B of n*l boxcs dd poFr<br />

nanagcmeil could be spread over a large ea of plmbtions ensuritg & even pFdalion on tat<br />

Mmoz dd Muoa (1990) h.ve studicd rlE con ol or sh.ll Mmals in paln<br />

pretltiotu in Ce ral Chil€ by nodiling rhe hrbibt of pred.tou (tiL T. albo dtd<br />

PwdalorB sp.- a cmid) ad the pey. one of tlt€ srious probleds on the paln plmlarion<br />

m thc danagc caued by od.Dc. Allcr cleming the 0oor t8clatio. and prolidins P.dhes<br />



lor lhe prcdalory birds in a slatd of P,,!s ,R,r';oro, thes workes s$di.d the prcdalotFev<br />

Elationship lor hoe thd a ye{, This modifi@id impmr.d the visibility dd ce of adal<br />

mmuvering oi bam owl. lt al$ irc@5.d the wllMbilily ol th€ n


effetive populdion mdag.not ari onl4ation in Nelhdl.nds- Ih. dudy wa nad. in trc<br />

dismds o, Ne$ohnds. Thc audy srM.d ov.r two @Ilsutiv. D.riods ol nic y6 i.e.<br />

196?-75 af,d 1976-E4- The aboveDmlior.d l@lo^ wrc dalyzed in tlladon !o €nemsl<br />

faoos such as food supply. winld weathcr condilions. ne sile avaihbility and cheges in the<br />

rual lrndscap. and in lhc famine pdctices, ll ws dieovercd lh.l thd londscape diveuity<br />

favo$ bsh osl dd it' popdation incels€s in a ben€rpresdcd mix.d fadda!&.<br />

hsrall.tion ot mst boxes nrrh6 €nhees dE bm owl pop'iaton. 4e dic nea. nmber of<br />

youg Eiscd in id boxcs is signifi@rlt highcr d6 $ar in nlludl nBE, Thc lo$ offonging<br />

babibt due to lapid ubariztio. dd a sh,rp incEse in ftafftc ar ih. najor f&1os<br />

conlributins loqar& the delin€ in bm owl populaiioB.

gt slEqIII<br />



Pali$d k mudly donboid.l in shap. &d lies b.tween 24 &d167-nonlt larirud€s<br />

dd6l.0 and 75.0'e61 longilultes. The |olal 4a of Palista! is 80?,048 kn: that @<br />

lopognphicslly be suHivid.d into trvo distin t regios - dr noulain t dain dd tlblel&d io<br />

thc nortb fld the gradational fl5ts in lh. suth - th€ tndls PlaiDs Th€ Indccmgetic pl.ins<br />

were lormed in the Te.lidy when gel depresioN in liont oflhe n€wlv up'holed Hinalevd<br />

app€ded. The proess of alluviation ftom th. hiehl&ds dd the subs.qud severd@ of rhe<br />

riv.r Indus lion the river Ces.s following ihe upliff of lhe Siwalit svstem rcsulEd in lh€<br />

pEsol fom of$e lndus nd Gansclic Pldns (Wadia. !951) Tte plain is ser.dllv rcalneless,<br />

sloping Bcnd! rcwards the sa - & impon4l hydrcSnphic l€aurc in dlarion lo flooding and<br />

iFig{ion. Thc l.dus is $e only $ulh'0owing dvq in Pati$a', dd is fed b, fie gl&ic6 i'<br />

lhc Kratorm ReC. Gig. I ). Th. rotat lhgth of fic dvs in Pttisttn b 2900 tm ard lhe toal<br />

bosin ea n 259210 lh2 ompriins n*ly ot. rhid of lh. blal ag of lhe @stry (Rob'6<br />

l99l)-<br />

1he pRenr sfudy ca on the bd o*lis a P.n of lh€ Indus Plain<br />

which li's betwco<br />

32"04 dd l4 18 non! latitu{td dd 32"2?' snd ?f4l 6l longitudes cnconPa$ing th€ main<br />

study dea which co6pn*s 1h. six disbicts of $. povinc€ Punjab viz Fbislabad Jhae'<br />

Tob6 Tek siish (T.T. S'n$). shciknupuB dd Hailabad rh't lic in th€ the lsd trsl betw€ei<br />

$e rive$ Ravi m{i Choab. while Ok{. n located in thc led rdcl belw4' lhe rilea Sulluj<br />

ed Rn (Fis 2). SoDe pellels of lhe bm owl wete als collcct€d fon lhe fmlmds of<br />

Bah.Mlnagd (30'49N. 7l "42€). a sohe*hrt euih.n distncr of th€ Prevince<br />

of PulFb md<br />

ftoh $e cmaliogaled fmlands @und th€ lom Use Muh@iad (28"10N 6f02E)'<br />


Fie I A nup of Palisb shosi.S r\e localio. ol fou suFatd viz SAl (Hailirbnd dd<br />

sh;i rupu6 dMrcrs). S.Al €ahalab.d. JhansT. 1 sinsl md Otda disllicl9 sA3<br />

(lUhtrulnactdistricr) and SA4 (Ush Muhmoadl<br />

Pakistan<br />

*,urr,rfit -fl

Fig 2. A mao lhoHn! the l@riotr of s.n disticts of Pujab I P'rsh' Md Us<br />

ir',i-"i*J. r"tt".ud dhtridor Baruhisrd rtum<br />

"i*.<br />

qhcrc Dfomarionon th'<br />

i"ii"ii* *rr*'.4 a-"g @u*c orne Pmnr<br />

'hc<br />

studv rte major pan or $e<br />

:il;;"'i;;;;h,'d;;;i"en ds) Ri\i dd ch€mb wbre the 'm'ler 8s<br />

i,ii,i' -^"J iii* -l B"r'"Mrnagar dnrrid or Punrab ed raflrab6d diddcr or<br />

a<br />

-{y<br />

f,<br />

i;<br />

fi<br />

lxEr<br />

I<br />

3.<br />

!<br />

Wr)<br />

cb%<br />

ru,<br />


Disrrid l.lled!.4 which is ir euth6lcd Balwhisl4 povina Two<br />

River viz. $e .ives Ravi &d Ch.nab dlvese through $e main study aca<br />

Snduj, floss along 0E nonhmcm hord€r oft. BahaslMgrr disrrict<br />

On $e b6is of lhe ninor diffedcca i! lhe climalic co.diios,<br />

w5 $sreSated ido rhc iouovinS sub-ams.<br />



Ihis sub@a conprisins of thc distlicts Sh.ikhupu (]l'42N 73'30'E) fld<br />

Hafzbrd (12'MN, ?l'4lE) is cb,er.d4d by ebuoPicll @ndnc al climate wh@<br />

cooditions ad sub-humid $d dinfall h rclaiivelv tlioble The fom€r dislrict N'ives<br />

ehnv.ly les 6ii (loom - 559m) rhd |n€ lano wh.e rhe Nud dinfall tdics tom<br />

5o0m lo lol6m. The nee fti.inm dd me{inm snn@l tenFrstues e 16 6"c dd<br />


lhc disticb Faftdabad (31'25N, 7f07'E), JhrnS Ol'16N. 72'19!), T T Shsb<br />

(30'57N. 72'28'E), md Okda (30"48N, 73"278) compise ihis snb'arca The n'ualninfall<br />

in lh* dislricls vdica from 254m ro 38lnn. Mav, Jft &d Jdv e lh. hottesl monihs oI<br />

the yqr. lhe hol dd dry Friod<br />

usually exl.nds from iid'Mav b nidJllv wh41he ned<br />

mdimud remFr$d may be a3 hiSh s lg"C Verv ofun lhe lemp'Btue r€achcs lo 4?"c<br />

md Gcdsionally may shool to 49"C It the sMnr monft, du* stoms follox€d bv nis e<br />

frEqueir, The noisooo EiN hdly fdl in Jllv and August wbich d' the @hien frontl'r of<br />

$e yar. D(obd and Jenary d€ $e cotdcsl monlB of thc vd<br />

wilh the nem mtomM<br />

lenFdure of 6'C. Almost etery wint r, $. mininm .igh tnpetalure nav fdl b'low 1he

STUD! AREA<br />

f@ing point. Jusl wst to lhis sub-rea is the Tbal d€sn wbcc $. mud dinlall arde's<br />


'I his- alnosr d arid .tbrrict (29'59'N 7l "42'E) is l@led a1U€ pedpherv ofcbolisrd<br />

deen. lhe dver Sutluj flors done ils norlhweskm boddarv of this dGdc! Like the<br />

preding two suh-aIs, BahlwaldgBr n al$ a ce.l-inigaEd @loniz€d suFue H'E dte<br />

cumare is houeJ sd dri.!: M.v, June a l .lulv e rh. honcsl non$s of th' vcd<br />

sd Scflmb.r ec lh. hot dd hmid morihs of ln' v4<br />

whil' Ausut<br />

Th€ md runinw and mdNm<br />

sMna is 23.9'c &d 439"c qnik in winr€t il is 44'C ed 156"C<br />

rsF.tively. Dnring rhe sumns, cxMelv hot winds blov md dul stom 4 coinon i'<br />

.!une and July. Dunng $c winls. the iighl |cmp'6lw nav rdh tE2ine point while lhe<br />

d.t remFntw duing stlmd mv b€ s hiSh 6 4S'C or ectsionallv up b 50 C Th'<br />

avdgc @ud Einfdl in this distict is about 2??m thll scncdllv ftus dEng $e nonlis of<br />


U a Muha@nt KIB (28'l l'N 68"Ol'E) b abM of$e sulh clstd disEict ofth'<br />

povincc ol rhe Baluchish call.d Jafidbad The eutbt$len Pan of Bduchisd is<br />

chanadsiad by Fonouned hmid vinds dunie moNon sden; olheNise n is hol' dry ad<br />

lion-tcc for lhe Esl of lh€ vce The nat@l vegeldion of southem Baluchind 3d Sindh<br />

Kohislu is dry sub'uoPical emnde.gr'en scrub fotst The Bain featu$ of fte foresl de<br />

fie clunps of cac$elik. ,rprorbia thal doninale l4dsaPe Tne pft@ding dFe sub_M


of rlp rlldy 4 l@led in $.1 p€n of th€ lndu phii *hich w fomaUv v.geut d sith<br />

hpi@l rhom foen, mo3| oi which in ic onginal lom ha di$ppeled (Robetu, l99l ).<br />

'fhe n@ mual Einfall in Jaflqabad district is about lolnm od thc med @u.l<br />

&frpedue is 27'C. Like the oder thrc sub_dc6. this suLdea is 1o0 drv lo culdvale .xcePl<br />

sirh rhe lid ot idgadon. Jarmbad is bcry lo hae q l-inigatcd agicultua.<br />

Th$ the climat of thc pr.541 nud, dca on bdn osl rdg6 lon suhlnid ro<br />

slbtropical whec the rains nainly fall during ihc monsooo mo.ths o' Julv dd Aueusl The<br />

Md.6 @ hol and dry ud wi eB s hoddlelv cold Usudtv bv mid_May the hor sten<br />

sls in and fion this tine on*ed uP lo rhe ..d of Julv thct is m din of impoiaft' Ite<br />

@cdional dusr stoms &d 6in prcvid. tebPordv relief fton oPpr€ssive hear' Lare sumner<br />

dd ea'ly fall nonths e hot ed huid ftc .v€ns. nintall is vdilblc nost oi shich is<br />

@ived dui.8 l$e July uroush A!gu$ 6d the Bmlinine duting $e vinter (Jdutrv dd<br />

FebMry). Thc abov. Patems of dinfall and t mFBt!rc t€sul in lwo p'rio& of pl&t gto$lh'<br />

the fisl ext€ndine fron Febru.iv {uough MNh md the othq one tom Au8usl lhDudr<br />


Aboul a cent!ry ago befoG th€ idsoducion of irigatioo cdal svsled four lypes of<br />

ccologically $Flated habna$ cxisled in 1he study aca. Thee included tbc (a) fl@d plains of<br />

nvd Ravi d.! ch€mb, (b) topiel thoF fo6t' (c) sd dw a@s and (d) viua86 (Tab€r e'<br />

dl.. 1967). Th.e habitals suPPoned a ldielv of @rc- and micto-Ia@ With the inccc in<br />

lhe humln populadon &.1rapid colonization followi'8I i'tcnsive calal inigalion svsten a<br />

lot ol habi6 cn&Ces hak uLn placc. RenrM$ of llDpical thom fo6l or tu sdondary<br />



giovrh loms ldgely ocN in snall pdches onlv S&d dunes arc @ excett hee thc Thal<br />

sd Cholistsn desen. Ite hydtic habil.t h8 .xrcnd€d in lh. me&while A si@bk Fnion of<br />

thc inig.ared l.nd of tE coulry b alf.cled bv alkalinilv ealinitv and war€r loeging (AhtEd'<br />

1999). Cell irigarion ha h.n fit d the tFcica lil. thc hom o*l that m f!rcurcd bv lh'<br />

spcad oa iFiClrion dd crllivstion, tn rddifon inig.tcd forcsl plelatioB @'l{id' dil<br />

oad{ide 4d rcad{ide pldatioff halc 8rcarlv chdBed lhe l&dscape in which $c $om<br />

focst preliously predoninaied lrigaion cmals along wilh lhe stnF of ioFsl plant'tions ad<br />

gra$y nuvial l ats h5!e helped sone ripdie sn.U mud'ls for exeqle Neso*ia indlcu 6nd<br />

Ta@a kdi.a to .xtead :dltrj.tt w9e ro l& plains (Tab.r ,r ql . 1967)<br />

Anothd inp.ndl habi.r of th€ rual l&dsc!p' of th€ snldv aM is thc hund<br />

s.nl.nc comprising Yillag6 ed famhou$s, which s inc@ins born in n!mb" dd sie<br />

in c enre of lh. fdtqpanditrg hl|!M poPularion. I d'village disMs haE $ond'd and<br />

ir hs be.one e6id for m atndr ind@' lom of the hoB Bt (xats 'ar6 Nllidioi to<br />

populat almo$ all the viuaees (MBht q'ul_Hds d a/ 19?; 1998) The owl tniShr lind<br />

io$s and cites closer b the.SmecosFEm io be iddl plrces for neslin8 dd roosiing' sd<br />

hutiig sEall lJ(ll,tMals p,niculelv the sp4ie! lik' Rat6 runa sMcts ntinu Mut<br />

HlNin dd Bholla (1937) T.bd e, ai (196?), Ali drd Rrplav ( 1969)' B!8 ed Qudtn<br />

( l9?2i l9?6). Robetu (l99l:19?), Beg and Khe ( 1984)' Beg et al ( l9??: 1978i l9?9r 198 | )'<br />

Akm (1987). Rd (1991 1998), Ali (195), MahFood'ul_HM<br />

(1995) md Mushataq_ul-<br />

Hssd ,r al. (1998i 1999) w@ the souces fom which infomarion 'bod the faua or th?


$udy ,ra wd gteeed ln lhe following Pags onlv thos dimals which m'v (a) sfr' 6 f@d<br />

to lhe osl- (b) compet with the owl for food' or (c) nighl pred'tc otr the owl have been<br />

Sm.ll nmmals belonging to rhe o.de6 lNctiton (houe sttN Sucd nui'h dd<br />

s!vi\ ptgny sbrew s e,tuc6), Chiopld Ch€ Kden! pipis?elle PiPbte B ce'lo"k6<br />

lh. Khul s pipisrellc P t!r/i. lle lndid pvgnv piPisL'lle P titlt &d th' SrEater vello* bai<br />

s.otophilw heath.t, Rodsti. (lhe hos ftn Ratts rz s' the sR-fuded field Et '/t<br />

neltadatMill,ttlio netado'tJotoe noE Md t6els fie linlc lndi4 lield mous M<br />

,@d4a. $e les! bandidr d Ban licota b"gale6h' nE stnn'siled nolc d rvetotit<br />

indiea. rhe vns!\ rd Golltnda elio". thc Indid hairy-t@l€d leftil Gqbill8 deadovi nte<br />

lndid Ge'bil lara'a t dtca, lhe Indie dsr jild M"ta'd 'n'iztu' 8d $' five sniFd<br />

Futunbulus pematti) {€ lhe poEndtl FEv iEms ofdE o*l TlE vougoc of<br />

'lnnq]'J'nel<br />

$c Indid haF ,€P6 ,isri.,lb my ale he ilcludlr.t in tnis lisl Of dr* lnall ndnals' rr<br />

hwiafue, F Pengnti 8d L nig rb'lit at dimal fom<br />

Adong rhe cdivoN n.lmats, tlF Indian jlckal cohsf Ni6' tta dc*A tox<br />

nipd r/prd. $c Bengal fox l/ betgdledit' lh' mongees HtP*t's 6d H<br />

'tlvu'bi<br />

ou.opunctdi,s. nE i88le .^ Felis c"!s &d thc de*n cat tl pEv lpon dcns<br />

"rt'<br />

Besid.s, lhese dimals nat .ho pr'v upon bm owls' specialtv flcd8lings qhicb l"ve lhe<br />

sai€ty of the natcnal ..$ dd fall doM on $' glouDd The c'$ sd 6peciallv the t'ous ca$<br />

(F: .lo'sli.,t mav even bc mo'c sver FEdaroB of thc osl t/adntr ao"of dd 3 vocrv<br />

of $stes. {hich se @Dhon in thc *udv ea nav rcb fie eges dd chick lion the owls'<br />

nsts. Nineen sF.cies of owls havc b'en hoM to ocd i' Pali$a! (Robefis' l99l ) h

sTUDYARf,A<br />

addition io fie bm owl. fou other species of owl viz the lndian scops owl (Or'r<br />

,.[r,z@n/), the dNry honcd owl (8rro .otom'r''4), 0t spon'd oslet (Ath'ne brtul<br />

and ibe shon-eded o*l (,4iiolaur?6) ae connor in mt studv sdas ofPuniab The sPotred<br />

oqlel h comonesl of atl thes€, md afrers tlF cultivatiotu s wll 6 th' *ooded urban ma<br />

A nunber of dimal raPtos b.longing b th. order Accipitrifomes ed Falconifomes dc<br />

pEs.t in fic ea. Of rh*, lnc @mon m6 lite 0E blet winS'n-ki]€ (EldB ceruleu) '<br />

the Shik* (,rcc,Pikl ,adi,t, the while'et€d bu@d (B'rssrlr ,.64) &d rhe lag8er ftl@n<br />

(Fal.,j,eqdr) alper ro bc lhe pohdal @dFtiloB offi' bam owl<br />

A nlmber of ree cavrty n*ting birds ale @cur in lhe studv @a Th' ones which<br />

miSh be conpelins *$ lhe bam owl for tlF n6&s dd tftstine lre houos include the<br />

spoited owlel (..1 brgta), lhe common nvna (,4c'jdd'erer tr'nii) th€ ms{insed pda}cer<br />

\Psiraculo toahd),tlE WEelaniu p€rElccl (f "4ztio)' lhe erev bo-bill (1016 M!t'r)<br />

dd the Indian orrer (Col4.,4 ,4r84l4aii) Th€ Pied woodp€cket (Dek*ocopt! osinitid)<br />

thc yello$ fonred w@dPelct (D tuhtutt4sx) sd the copFBmith (Megulai'a<br />

h4.nocephulu) te rh. hole-rtsleN dsr caac oul th€ir owh nesl cavnies wnich due b the<br />

d@y ol dc *@d dd slargcmst bv rhe l&gcr @vilv rcsres lilc lhe pdkcs mv be<br />

squied by the bM owl for dsting ald roosdng purposs Temitc rcdvnies in nv siudv<br />

.s sd ro be impott in cclting ldge lt c hollo*-<br />

Birds like the house spdoB (Pass,r dote$E'r, $e d'w'ded bulbul {4t'o'ol'r<br />

.o/€.),lhe @@on babbl€r (rrdoid.r.a!do6), the jusle babbld (I r'nidru) rl.F @mon<br />

nytu (Actitlothdd tthtis) nd ihe ose'dnged p'dt"t (P rrau'ri) which abound in $e<br />

srudy aH lhe Porential .vie Pev<br />

of the bd ovl'<br />


atxsBqrl<br />

il"Aetaqlills At ltD ivlEtD{sDS


llle pesdr study extendcd fom D{emtq 1999lh@ush Nov.mbs 2002 in lhe six<br />

districts ofrhe pmvjo@ oith€ Phja! (Paldnd).'nEc dislricts 9@ faslabad, Jhe8, T T.<br />

SingL Sheikhupd, Hdfiabad ad Okm of the prcvine ol Pujab (Pakisl$). 47 difcent<br />

i6ring sncs could be loc&d in th* disnicri Of 0Ee. 28 wr l@rcd in F.i$labad. ninc in<br />

Jhans, four in Ha,i@b!d ud two .ach in Toba Tck Sireh, OkM md Shcikhlpm dblricb.<br />

Especliv€ly (Table I , Fis. 3).<br />

Duing $e €xplohlory phe ofthis nudy tsr enended ftom Jue 1999 to Novdber<br />

1999. old dd udislubed buildr4s, ruins, ablldoncd wclls, deE (rm hoas), $e srovs<br />

ed foresl pleialiod ircluding cdalside md rcldside lre bchs EE checked for $c pEserce<br />

of$e bafr owl duDng the explohtory palsc of this sMy whhh.xhded liom June 199<br />

dotu8h Nov.nber 1999. s@n il beme appent th.l tlB bfr owh of Dv sludv lM<br />

hvour€d the grcvcs ofrhe old re6 pErnr in ftc p@is.s ofcMal Esl houss l€aled on the<br />

ba.k oi irisation @dls (Fig. 3).<br />

Oi 0E 4? nesd.g sites @orded ftoh 3utsat ! I (flanabad ad Sheiknup@) ard 2<br />

(Faislad. Jhmc, I. T. Singl md Okara), 23 *@ st€.ted fot this snjdv &s {*v iwolv'd<br />

niniFm rnvelling. all l,\cs sii6 *t visitd a! l.sl one in a nonlh for colleding p€uels<br />

ed drln on b@

Table l. The locarions of rhe vdiou siles in rh. nain study @a i.e. sub-deds I and 2<br />

sampled lor the bm owl duins rhe t.€e y€6 of lhis siudy. (CRH = Cml RBr<br />

MllmroaMuemof F&ulty ot s.icnc6<br />

Raln Bdcb C&.1n6 Carwala<br />

27| R J$ Bmch n.d DiiLor<br />

SialwaldcRH 248 Pit! Bmch, Fahalabad-smudi Road<br />

6l Jtrds Brdch, Fais.labad-Aminpur road<br />

Bad of Jh&R Bdch C0rl, Aminpu<br />

NeaaCRH Banh or Jher Bdch CaMl<br />

B&l of ft08 B@h Cdal<br />

Banl olfianr Bmch Ceul<br />

6 ftds Blmh. Sidc brach rc€n of Faisolabd-<br />

Thil$walaCRH Neq 74 Jhdc Br.nch, Fa'saltbad-fims 6ad<br />

o.e (m non Satios nain bB slop at Faielabad-<br />

K-r"; cRalr Gose6 Brdch Caml, Faisalabad-Salifla oad<br />

co8m B'uch Canal, Faielabad-Sariea Rosd<br />

Burala Blmh caal. md Jomwah cnv<br />

CRH"<br />

Faisalabld-Jensrh Dad<br />

Kh@'@ on Fais.lab.d-5atiM Md<br />

229 Rath Brtuch, MdEmadqall<br />

lamwolo-ftunmNala @d<br />

J@wala.KhunMwala @d<br />

52 Ra}n Brsch, o! a blmh r@d frcm Fai$labed'<br />

One kn frcd smudri city at th€ bant of Bunl.<br />

smamraaCRH:' Tddlidwla.Kmaliaoad<br />

smudri-Pir MalFl oad<br />

KhiddeRala CRH" Smudri-Pir MalEl @ad<br />

TelklMicRff<br />

Faisalobad-smun.li oad ned 133 lhss Btuch<br />


Bdlt of Bhaba Btuh cdd<br />

Baitrdd CRH'" A Lw ldloneles &06 Chinoil on lhaog-Chinon<br />

Cnat Kot Qazin@ t li& FoBr Pleladon<br />

45 kn on F.isalahdd-Jh4s oad on Chi@s"li<br />

b'r' !@p<br />

VinqEt of rhc mosque !r 212 ,B Noul&<br />

Vi!q!:r ofrhc moscu d 2ll JB Juueula<br />

qhal No 175 JB, Mundwh<br />

Chal No 2?l JB MMgdiviltage<br />

B.nt oI fi.ng Brtuch<br />

8mk of Jhans Bmch Cmal<br />

coja cRx" Two kn Aon cojh cily ar tbc banl of Jhes<br />

N-u.n" cRH-<br />

BanI of Lov.r Bdj Doab Ceal, Remt Khurd<br />

Banl of Low Bdi Do.b Calrl, Oke<br />

Rnrji 8|fuh (e1, n@ Cbd( rhma<br />

Bek of Ralh BEDch Cmd<br />

Bs { ofJhing B@ch Cd,l<br />

Sulnele CRtl" Bad of ftlrg Bdch Cel Pindi

Fis.l. Locationof$e,17 nain sites (in six disricrs of Pu.Fb) rhal wse eguldltch4kcd ior<br />

rhc oE*n.e of rl'c bdn o$' dunn! dre Ptesenr rudt lhe dr$F ha\c bccn<br />

demamred bt R{ l,ncs rhe ma'n 'Fisanon cel-/b'Mchc" b) blde lines M'l rhc<br />

vdious sits by steen dob snos ndcs m siven in (he l able bclo$'<br />

ll:1llqelcttl _<br />

.b11<br />



During lhe thid yes of this sludy a snpl€ of 252 p€Uet of bm owl wa conected<br />

lrom te premhes ofGov.rhnent conprchensive High sch@l localed in &la{almgar cn}<br />

ed a c..alside foFst Pleraion<br />

l]ming fircugb .opld& in the licinitv of Balav'hagar<br />

ciry (Pujab). Thjs sne @ visnol fd 12 tincs ha vw d the de ofon'visitp€rFo n<br />

Fon lhe founh sub4a viz. Una Muhdad Kh4, dislrid Jaficabad (Baluchisrt!) bm<br />

owl p.U€is wee coue&d frcm lhc red banr ofm irgaion cdDl'<br />


The p.U€ts of the bam owl wd€ dGtlv colleded fom insid€ lhe nest evides ot liom<br />

$e ground uhden€ath lhe calili.s dd r@$s Cre *6 ta*en nol lo leave ev inttct pellels in<br />

ihe ncsl or on lhe gound below $e rcost lo prenPl nixing of Fllcts<br />

of iw or nore sonpling<br />

periods. For $n !.ry lten th. fEl peUd smpEs Aom ev Sivc! sirc of cou€bon w6<br />

Mov.d and 6 nor erdined for th. Ftt renmts pw't h lncm'<br />

All lhe p.llas 6llal€ l fiom a Sivo spol sr Pto"d in a sepMle p6Pe' ba8 alo'g<br />

wi$ alaB indicatinSthe dale dd.xact leatnv ofcoll'dion Th€ pelle8 *e dn€d over n'8<br />

al 55"C in s oven b.fote b€ing sioEd foi vsying periods 6l dme<br />

All the Pellets @llectd tluins fie fisr ved of rhis studv w'E {'ided on a<br />

eledrohic bala.ce ud lhcir lincd neasld' s viz ndioum lenglh GE) and mdinm<br />

bradlh Gh) ueE taken The p.tleb qcr di*nlanBl'd lo slcd out such emns$ of Pcv of<br />

ihe osl 6 bones, hai6, l@thc6, b€dc, clNs ot veiebole food md culiculeized Pans ol<br />

inr€rcbBtc f@ds The* rcnl@rs ffi ddine


thc study ca wc made available in $e laboralory fo. @np&ien Eltn th€n it sd not<br />

posible h know th€ slcics of ndy mmmdi4 pt€vs beaE rh'ir bonv cmmts wE nol<br />

go.d moush to .tloe their speific idenrifrcsdon<br />


Sndp liapPing wD cdied out ih th€ sub_ee6 I md 2 during th' econd ve& of this<br />

study. AU types of habilab likely tcl h&bou snall nffids in Sood 'umbd liz the crcplads<br />

non@pped aG6 clo* lo cmplddl' villggct aid lm hoNs wE spl'd for sau<br />

ltmnals Ce $$ t len no1 10 Enovc lh. stnall nmals iion {i$in 2 lo of dt ol lhe<br />

knoM nesN oflhe bam owl.<br />

'nE tdps used wec 6t (mebllic) (l?x9.5cm) &d mou$ (wood") (10x4'scd) taps<br />

The tnps w€r *| at dBk sd chEked on th. ndl dlv @lv in the 6odin8 'IlE traps wq€<br />

b,itcd qnh thapali" {i.e. Pa}isttri bdd, stcd in cdring oil) Vcrv oft'n, dts Mov'd<br />

lhe ban ftom $e smp tDPs b€fore mv .ninal wB itapFd Mey timcs $ne pEdalos<br />

c6ov€d the animals frcm lbe rsts otun lcaving behind a Pise<br />

of thc akin or hind linb'<br />

Panly co.suned sninah weG aiso @mmon Bul, no corecdon laclor wa used to cnlculat€<br />

th€ trap srcc.s tlEl sas calculared 6 foUos:<br />

% TFp sEess = {(nMbd minils captued) / (trubd ttap niShls)}'100<br />

In $is study thc trap swcess *6 usd s m ind.x ofpopdaion den3ily md wE ued for<br />

€ontdinS tbe abundancc of toddts io differcnt slb_habiiak Ths dc nmv ciical PapeB<br />

on trappine mdhodologis ed vdiou o.ds hav€ bce! Eed lo int'rpd $e dala (e g Slickel'<br />

t948: ZipFn. 1958). How€t, for rhc PurPo* of this s:ludv |he sinpl' conc@r of FappinB<br />

$(es ounincd above wd adopted


Au lhc diDals €ughl in rap6 v@ gi*i a field nMbq itrdicating tlE dlte lcalilv<br />

ud habnal of@ptu oldr sFcin€6. Thc ap@inc6 wE bought in dE lsborarorv dd<br />

predcd ar low lcnFrar@ in n .a, befoE being wiShed dd m'6uEd Th' denbl dd<br />

skull chMclEistis of the mamali4 speimd wa noled besides lhe 'xl.mal bodv<br />

chmrcB to Nss th. lPPoxinlte ag. of sh speies Tlc lhE l}Fs of habita$ vd<br />

| . Cruph.d!. Sn!+lr.9ping in tlF @Plard5 B togelv mnfined lo d !M of aboul 120<br />

hetats ol cdli[isded fd! dd. about tO kn nod Faislabad citv TlE ldpping w$<br />

caF.d oul !t 16l one in a nodth non D@'nbq 2000 lo Nomb'r 2001 Fiv' *rt ofsn'p<br />

Mps. cach cotrsislins of tso 6l .nd oN mols. mp w@ *l in d 4c of! siven field cop<br />

Thu, a rolllor l5 taps {ten rar mps aril firc nousc Fapt wlE *| in @h &e olrh' field<br />

The tlps wee s.l for le to lhe cotsuirc gh's dd lhe lolal nubs of mF op'hted<br />

d$inS ach lElping nigbt ldicd liom 60 ro 90 Fr niSh AU the inpon4l sub'h'biuG reE<br />

ellplcd $ough nor equdlv i ensiwlv B6idcs th' lta crcF (viz Phe4 dce susa car€<br />

and ftddq). rhc mind cop6 !u'h s onot\ puls tnd vcgctabl6 *eG tl$ tlaPPcd Alkalis<br />

fi.ts cloe to $e crcplands wF tlF splcd- TtE* alltlinc rac|s along qidr lhe minor<br />

cmps h!!e ben cfer.d to s ni*ltanou $tshtbir'E it dP $!dv<br />

2. vitl.s6 .d F.m tlo$6. Twlrc tudonlv $leted vill'ge ltl l@atcd *idh ! Edu<br />

ofTOKfrof Faisdabsd citv lNw mptcd d lrc dc of ore vitltge Fr mon$ Fon lh€$ 12<br />

!itla8s. a lolal of 61 viulge hous"' 16 rithge shops lJd ei8!t nou milts *6 ddomlv<br />

eldr.d a.d spl€d ltr addition o tEe tG srutws 26 fm hoBs toc'ted in thc fields<br />

ar varyin8 dislanas Aom th. vilhg' sd al$ spLd


L Nor+mpp.d ^rc.r. Suihblc non_ctupFd g@ *€ selsl€d non $e dislric$ of<br />

Faiellbad, Jhtug md T T Siosh for thc @llcciion of tn'u nMds I1EF non{opFd<br />

.B @npdsl (!) d oFn 3mdv foEsr pldlldon le'lctl in l?8dB Mdhiwla tehsil of<br />

disrici Jhng (b) Khieda nain dran blt} ad end due !g in Fhsil GojB of disuid T T<br />

Singn Md (c) Kh@ns $al. sbland in r'hs kn@ie wal! of disEict Fai$labad ln atl<br />

$* sub-h.birab, lhe d.ps *c s.l otr lra|Ml litu !t $srios *poml'd bv s disl&c ot40'<br />

50 fdt liDm efh orhc's Ar ...t {ation I t?ps (tso 6t dd oft 6ou*) w't set Thec v4<br />

t 5-20 statioB in @h l|.tst rnc.<br />


OrdiMtion is a rcm us.d o 'tesibe a *t of |@hniqG in which emPlin8 uits (SUt<br />

aE alr&scd h cldion to om or ruE @rlidte dis sEh thar rheit rclatile po6nion to lh€<br />

uis o.l lo *h othe. providts lwinm i'fodsdon abo rben @bgi€l sinil&ili6' The<br />

CoGFnderce Analvsis (COA) v6 u'd fotlowing Ludwis &d Rcvnolds (1986) rot th'<br />

ordinttion of dE mpl6 i e- splinc uDtJ (SU9 fton 23 sil6 l@l€d in sub{t'es I aid 2<br />

unn dF pogd CoA BAS. Tt' SUs @mFii'd trF nmber of sD'cireB ofvdiou sP'cies<br />

@rdeii in rne sPlcs of th. bd o*l Pclt'ts frch difler'nl sitts<br />


since $e FDponion of small nMsak in 0|€ empl€ obtaftd fron o*l P'Uets wrc<br />

difr@ fren lh.n pFPonion in tlE @Pnlpped sPlc ch'son's ldimud iil'lihood<br />

dliMror (l98l) giv6 bv H.dricr 4 d (1989) vE us'd to n@@ |hc food rl€ctivrlv vdu6'<br />

The lomnla is Sivo b.lo*:<br />

ai = (dni)f,'j., (!i/ni)


Wh@ Ji h the proponioo ofthc ilh species in the prcdatols diet ed ni is lhe poporlio'<br />

ol lhe sme sp4ies in fie envircment Tbe s.le'tivitv vatNs re e sctled that lhev 6 b'<br />

i.terpi.ied ai the prcponion of de die! which could consist of 1vP€ i' if aU the lood tlT€s<br />

weE peent in equal nMbq in the cnviemenl tn othcr votds ai snouB b€ equ'l to l/S'<br />

if $erc is no sl*tiw Prcdation<br />

$dca 'S' is th' total nsbd oi sP€ci's in $e mrromcit<br />

While onsidenng the ovt s prffficd for difient Pcv hos nt €ncounLt<br />

fEqudcies {irh then sec ale lcpl in dind Thb is inpntuht as lhe 'nco! er fitquencies<br />

of diffsefl pty itens {ith the owl difio due lo a vdietv of e$ons For $is Een $e<br />

.tlaile mcouot€t values wrc ale @npuert using the following equ on given bv Hedrick 4/<br />

wherc ai (nd) is fie muins value or ai'<br />


€i = at gi (Id)<br />

For assessine the bionass of diffclcnl pEv sp€'i€i th.l $e bom owls of suts&6 I<br />

s.d 2 had consuded, rhe bodv seignr' fie mddible lengh ud lhe gcn€lsl retures orrhc stull<br />

includine the {.e parsn on $e occlwl suf&e of lhe nold wete notd in the |rEP'caughl<br />

sp€imen' Thcse bodv md shnl feaNes weE usd for apptoxinaing the age of $e<br />

s?€imehs Krosi.s lhe rlario6hip b€tqd lhe 'ge ald lh' s6enl sloll fealuEs' nolar<br />

*@ panem dd lengn of modibt6, il e!5 Possibl€ |o es |he approxirat! ag' of 0rc<br />

sMll nmhals thar *@ apieenr'd is the o*l's p'lr's'<br />

Thc iofomatioD on rhe bodv {eishr ofs srlt"r s6 obnined frcn Ali (1995) vhil'<br />

orC ellr,/i. bats sd birds waslak'n liom Rob€ns (l99l l99l) such prev ir'ms t's lmphibians


a.d inetr wE isnor.d s lhcn plqofiios in lhc did of the bm oql E reslbiblv sall-<br />

Thc birds and bals th we id@tified fron $.n m@ts Peenl in rhe pcllcts of thc owl<br />

ihcluded the house spdrow (P4$er do'err@r), ihe Ed'vented bulbll lPvcnatutut Calit) tne<br />

j6eL babblet (Tu.loid* caudat6), tE cohmon babbler (l vfid'J). lhe comnon Fvna<br />

(Aqildheris tktk) ed tlq @tuEen p&.'.er (Psitt$ula *rtuti) *hich abound ii the<br />

to order to know $. relalive impoilrc. of lhe v4ious PGv of the owl' a 208 PGv<br />

bioN w6 t*m s $andad uit t d all olhd spei€s w@ conrcned into prv d'ls<br />

lollowiie Soul,bm (195a) This M done bc.5N the val@ o' tuh pEv sP€rcs @ dorc<br />

realislically expicssed by bulk rather rhe bv nunbcr of pEv ilens (Bucklev dd Coldsnirh'<br />

197t.<br />


Tbe b@ owl ncs$ @ €laivelv dimcuh io lda& 4 conpaEd !o fio* or orh" owl<br />

!p€i.s (Tom et 4/., 2001) as &ey e l&gdv o@tunlal. bo$lv non-vocal dd do not defe'd<br />

$.ir t nirory (alm st al, 1982; Shtrul, 19?6; Bibbv e? z'. I92) Thev n'sl at srch places<br />

which N dific to b. locjt d &d th4fot muv n6lins P!i6 so umoiied, dd bv thc<br />

peoph livins in rhe clole vicinity or $e ncal sitc (Tavlor' 1994) fte bd owl apped lo<br />

del€care shit€ sitli.g al the nouti of lh. ncais end toosls Wlic ndks on th€ ouler sidc of<br />

$. cNny beuay.d thc prc*ne ofdE b6m oql<br />

!.tnsive 6cld cffons \r* mdc ro lo6lc s nov 'sls &d @srs ofdE bm owl 'n<br />

dc atudy dea d possible. On@ a bEe

chicks. Such fcan@s of $e<br />

Sround, nunb* oI openin$,<br />


The ncst cavili.s qcrc checkcd Eglldlv throudoul the sludy priod for lnc pE*nce<br />

of the bd owl or dy olhcr dinal ih'l nad rcPl@d ilF owt or d€adv h'd b€en livi'8 in<br />

ln.d. Hocybes ed hotuB sd found ro sh@ en. ofthe owlt rcsts Thc comon mvnt"<br />

$e ros nneed pant*l dd the If,did tullq lm found ui'8 ft' caviths in spn's sd<br />

smnq. Snak6 od junel. cats qG foud *cuPvins ttc hotlows $at had b'd in E olof<br />


nesr caviris s their imer dimensions. $eir heighl fon the<br />

En ldalon in $e tG dd lh. cFci.s or $c lEe hebourine<br />

wooden ne box.s have trcqwdlv bc.n used 10 ptovid€ ecure md addidonal nesring<br />

sn.s ro th€ bam owl fid @ them fielv 4 b@din8 ftsls &d @sts (l€nron' 1980: Dwke!<br />

l9l), Appdialing th€ pa@ilv of suit ble ncsling sil€s iD $e owl's habiht 25 w@dd nesr<br />

boxcs (45xa5x80cn) elch with 6 oP.ning 05xl5cm) 't tlE fonl vft in$dled al wioE<br />

localities in $e study @a duirg th. fist v* ol lhis sludv (Plale I ) The* box's l@ affired<br />

on lhe uee hnks sing iton nails sl va4ing h.ights fiom rhe goud al suitabl' sites in the<br />

*udy e. $h€E the chances oflh. box* king sbten wd ihougl lobeninimdl

Phr. l. woodd n6t boics in$all€d d trkb..r CRH (rI Aninpu CRH (b) dd Nonld<br />

villase (c) for rh. bm owl.<br />


q{AgltE&',\)<br />





The bam owl is a furtiv. stMttropic open countv sp'ci€s' lt is e opponuni$ic<br />

tEtlator trhosc dier b gEatlv inllu.nc€d bv lhc @mposilion of tbe availablc DEv fiua in a<br />

panicular $en of a panicuh a@ ln ordd |o find d 6sw€r lo the seMl sd spatal<br />

vdialions i. rhe dier of lhc bam owl one slDutd 'ls l@w $e dGributio& lbudtFe and<br />

encou.tcrubihy of ils Fi€ndal PGv items in th' habirds il huB for iood Such s aPPNch<br />

hay help i. kNwinS snething aboul t\e o*ls pEfcrenccs for veiou pr€Y ilem &d ther<br />

olnembilirl oi being c.ughl bv $e orl.<br />

'l he osl mat visil ! vdietv of habints of 1he aglo4osvstems ot lh€ cental Punjlb rn<br />

s.@h of lood The leg€totional dilesriv dd oe prewnce of hume habiltlions of vai'd<br />

sies in asGcosysrcDs ofthe s!b_e6 I od 2 de Gll€cr'd i' iis nch nmmal faun' (Iabd<br />

sr 4/.. ls67). ftice main ItFs of habitals occur in centdl Plnjab $ indud€ cmpldds'<br />

lillages and tm hous6 &d the mFoP els sucb s fordr Plsllio6<br />


dd s'rublands'<br />

'nc nalu. of lhe copltnds in thc cniat Punjab vdies The veiabilirv is g'dqallv<br />

dlatd lo pdipnatio. dd svailabilnv of wtt* for imsatioo At snc pl'cts Bh"t_cotlon<br />

aSrdosyieE dominares at oihds cirh'r sh'al-ricc or {hest'su8ar cdc e donind dd ar<br />

$ill ene plac.s wheal_ric€{ugar cme svst€n is @mon Wheat-sugar @e &d wheat-rice<br />

croplffds wete prcvalent in lhe vd dea sudoudihg th€ nestins sd oosting si$s of the bM<br />

o{ls of th. Plcsnl study ['beat is sor dtjnly irom l't' Oclobd $toush earlv Deembq<br />

and is hdv*ted liom mid'Apd thmugh @lv Mav Tmspl&ldiotr ofiice lalcs placc dDng<br />

June and Jdl' wheteas iB hdesling erlends fom latc SepkFbet thrcugh crlt Nolcnb€r'

f,ISULTS<br />

Thc f@6 qh@ hold'r8s m snrl s {hqt @li4 s $'t rhev @v b4st the Nt bv<br />

abour $e econd w€ek of April. tn this way drey g€t a 8!p<br />

of dt l.st lwo and a hall month's<br />

prior io dc ltuspldtalior of ne, 'Iris Fdod is used for ercwing *al fodds cbps sd<br />

vcgerables. othesi*. the fi€lds e hn un-uliliz.d dll $.v @ plouded &d idsat'd bcfor<br />

rdsplahtins ri.c. Duing the Pqiod ql€nding fbm iid'Apnl thDugh Jue $e leeeLtion<br />

cov.r is $$ty in the coplands dd $e snsll nmtnals should be moG vulredble to<br />

pdd.don thd at o$4 tmes of $e y.ar.<br />

-nE cft cop, on th€ othd ha.d, it fi. rusl s1!bl. h.bit t in the cmpl&dr 6 il 3itv3<br />

in the fi€lds much lodg.t thd dy of tr crcPs greM in fi€ arca l$ hwesting scns in<br />

Octob.r md @nri.es rilt late spdrg !ftd qhich its mll sn Ed Patchcs G bn in mc<br />

fields lo be !$d s s*d, In the ehcat'suCa. cde bded coplads, Novembd'Dsenber is lhe<br />

pqiod *n€i mosl of $e cultivatcd hnd is g€nttllv deliciol in snibblc vee'lation @vs (Pltr<br />

z).<br />

Th. wbcalice bas.{t coPtandr ofth€ ltudy ds wE snaFrraPp€d ovd 6075 ldp nicl s fu<br />

tr.pping Bsulred in the captre of 135 sp.ciFens of B"d'c'ra be'galetui!' 46 ot Ratt's<br />

fl.ltada, 91 ot Ms WP ,. d22 of s!,lM uuod (Trble 2) Speines of all th* spc'ils<br />

w€rc pres h oll fic fou seen l smpls; lhe onlv exccption b'in8 thc abstre of S<br />

',.ir!s in rhc rol dd Vintd 3mPl6 Th. $8!Mnc fieldr 'pp's to b' te PEfcF d<br />

h.birals ol A. &,saleriis, X D./,4& md M6 spp. 6al i'f'sled $B €rcp h"vilv for th€<br />

ge.tc! pan oiihe yed (Table l) File species ofsnalt mmmals'viz B Ds"8al'ro's(lJ3) x<br />

zeltda: (rr4), M6 spp (ro8), S nvi$ (63\.rt Totio indica ( lla) l@ caughr'i tri!6<br />

*t in larious croPs of ih. wheatiugar me domi.dl coplmds (Table 3)

Pl.t 2. A fi.Lc adjGm io t $g.M n.rd is Mdv fd wing wbal {3). Ria rtd-nie<br />

tunadE; de 6.ld; oe out ir dE oD.! b L.d oi dE sh'ot t'!dt" s"dlins!<br />

;d riil6 Erroed bodi@t td b@wiinpadb hs6kd c{c ficldtEndd rts<br />

i.!.bidts sibdblc lo b6n wl Dr.nrlio (b Or th. oa livB i! *b slo'ed<br />

butlufdss (t|v! b.lm Dis;lrg b ohtsLd Fn old' ca f''l& d io<br />

lotu oths fi.ld! ofc'ins ru6o.i @ts tupdins *h.'t ficld! td' otrd 'x@iv'<br />

;ov.r dd lbudel f@i to lodal popuLtibs which bted int Eiv'lv i! lh's<br />

fi€lds du.i!8 lb. string sa&. on b.i!g &ptir.d of @leonm fouNbg<br />

hw6dnB oa*td@v;lhe todoE b@m a3y pEv lo pcd.lotr io LL3ptilg

1 lble 2. Tnp su4ess (vo) of stEll Iimnah h the vhear-rice doniMt d copla&ls ol<br />

$. $b-N6 I 4d 2. SDp t?ps wE us.d fq c!!|Uins th* 4imls (n =<br />

nu6bs of mimls €Dntr€d.).<br />

225<br />

r.)t{r)<br />

I l)(t<br />

t' 2)<br />

155(3)<br />

AbbFitrioE: Rh,B bensaledisi(ft 'R ntttad.tus-' M nutrulf^dM<br />

,rodrgai S.m.. s. tudtd.<br />


Table I. Iri} suc.es f "r of small namtls h de qhqGsur' cee dom'ndcd copluds of<br />

fie iubes I ed 2 Snap rtp, q qe Bcd lor ctpludng !h$e dinds (n _ nmber<br />

of minab caDtu€d,),<br />

l02l<br />

201<br />

rm3<br />

0n(r)<br />

rr0(rl<br />

r,21t29)<br />

J23(ro)<br />

t.rr<br />

(l3a) 006)<br />

| ?l(r)<br />

Ti<br />

1,1&1)<br />

t,rl<br />

(v) (4,92)<br />

AbbHi.tion.: B.b-. 8. b.,CdeBx:R.^ N rchadaiMs' M n@l$ $4 M<br />

boo.tugais 6,S nurin6i'l-i 'T idica



Vill.ses dd fornhoes thd re scatced sll ovet lhc cultivaliom. @ m ihPonml<br />

featuc of rhe ml of €cdral Pu.jtb As thcv e in@ing both h nmb'r and in si4 lhe<br />

populatio. sir ol the sp{ies liL. S. ftfri"8, R. tott6 Md M n6.!&r in $e aeroecosv$eE<br />

My h. inci€sing, izx6 rar* h ldgelv @nlin d lo rh. viUases dd fm houss in ca@l<br />

Punjab (Mushaq-ul-Ha$d er 41, 1997) As such $€ food Esource for th€ bam orl in lh€<br />

ae@costln is ituteine.<br />

sone of $c lillases ed fmhoues, which did tor li€ in rh. close prcximilv ro the<br />

owlt ncs! {eF spled fot r.t! En t die ev.ry nonth. ln all in 5400 tEP'niehts sp'fl in lhis<br />

habif.t conplex csul|d in fie capnE of621spe.inos oli rarts' 120 oI M nt'culus.69<br />

otS n rin8 NdEl nfT. itdica. TlE fomd ltt e speci.s wee sord€d in the fou seasonal<br />

sples. $he@ t ,ttd,.4 v6 Gpcsted only in in sPring sPl.s o'nv 0.ble 4) TE<br />

src$ lor r f4rls Ms lhe hign sl md emained alndt constmt lhroughout lhe y.dr n<br />

tugcd lbn I Ll% lo 12 0e;. M6 t6.!lb cxnibiled high sbodanc. in smnd (3.19l').<br />

ress in rint& (2 44%) dd spdng (2.5Elt dd de l€ar i. fatt 1061c/.) stucus nwiM<br />

cxnibind ndinm abudmce io fsll (3.41%). while duins lhe rcnaininc three Fens. ils<br />

abudsce B low. Iatsrz,rr'i.a thar @ reDwnted ir lhE€ of lh. fou sdnal spl6<br />

ws non ablndml in slllmd (4.22%), les in wintei (l 54vo) sd lesq in ftll (0 74%)<br />


Foesr plantadons in lhe fom of blocks ed cs6l_ ed toad{ide b.lts tEed wirh a vu.lv of<br />

sp..i.s d @mon in the cential Pbjab. B.sides ihe pldlaioc. reBn4ls of1h. lropical<br />

rborn aoEst riz. rhe scrublmds dd sd dun.s m ale a rcgula pan ofte agm@svsl€n<br />


TrbL 4. I ED sl|c.s (9{) of son. otl n@'Mls b villagd tuxl tm holc ot lh' s!L@!<br />

'*-' ;;;d;. ;;i;;; wo tor."prurine rhc* &i'uk (n - nubc' or minars<br />

r2.006r)<br />

%Tnordrnr<br />

AbbBi.tioN: R,r', Rzl6 /4,n!:,M 6 ' tl neul^tT i'-'T lhdlcolSm'S du'dr<br />



Ioe$ plant tions. sn.l .lu.c a@ and $rublmds suppon rd'fl populrions sd<br />

nishr bc *ryins d ioFging h.bil!|s for tbe bm owl in c'nral P6jab smPlins etrons in tre<br />

foEsr lldhdon (l7S J. B. Mochiwala, lenlil ed disiiicl Jhadg) of corral Plnjab €!!hed in<br />

ihe epruF of fivc sPeincN of nie ald.ighr s!€cimar dn of T ir'lica a\d Gqbillu<br />

sl€o./o*, ( lable 5a). 'nE nice \|4 tecoded in tlE wintd (0 81%) sd fall (2 6?%) $tnle C<br />

gLad,wi was re@ded in $e sPrins (164%) dd $' fall (333) suplcs r i'dica wE<br />

dorded in th@ of rh. four s.em viz spnry. sl|md &d fall ad lhe ovcbll hP sec*<br />

ws 1.49% while $e trap suc$s lor the nice ed O Eleadowi Ns 09J'k tud \'49%'<br />

sdmplina cflons in 6c sd dw d along $c Kh!&da min doin (r'hsil Goid<br />

sd district T.T. Sinch) rcsuli.d in $c qFue oi Tselvt mice, Tcn T innic! (3 65%' dd rvo<br />

spenens of t .ttud (T.blc 5b)<br />

A tolal of 85 spsin.N of mic. &d fou of ? ltdtda wcr€ kapp'd ftom 6 scrubldd<br />

dca on Khunesala'Cnal Jhum bad. Sdonal &d @mbin€d tlp swe$ for 4h sP€ci6<br />


The dpping .!ara frcn rh. rhG alDE m'ntiored habihrs htve h'Gn Poolcd in llble 6<br />

The nicc md t i,lt d wde lrapFd tom all lhe habiials *hile fie otheu {'G gemuv<br />

rsrrictcd in $et distribulioo. foi cxmplc $e R 'au6 a bengdlensis R na\a'ls G'<br />

aeldr'ovi tnd S drutu wE t€.oded &on mtv oft of rne fivc h'lilaL smpLd in lnis @a<br />

The hous shre* was Eprceor€d in $e smples &oh tuee ofrhc fiv€ habitlts' As a Esuh of<br />

trappin8 .fons omprisinS l9 l S9 mp nighs. 1922 spccins of smtll d'nFars

Plta. 3' s.n lo!{tupp.d for.dq l.tftrn ofalc h.n orl ssdv lar v.l.ltLd bv<br />

!4haMei;wut dbvt lidkaaldM Doodls4 tt, Enbodo6nrot@dr<br />

vcg.ucd wl[ gtlls bwi.€ 'Euld dd! &il tloE ov b.@m DfBt dwirh<br />

M;td- (b) S-,blt d! (ct ud d.v tldv tlt. (d, .|! ofrcn irh&icd bv I<br />

h.li.a. G elion t d M boodwa. Thr *6|,r.Dd rhoM i! O) htd t€n<br />

t opoEilyclccdfold.s'nt.

Table 5. Trep su@ess of snall mmdls stup.lrapFd fom (a) t loGst plet tion, (b) a sad<br />

dde-nullah halilol ed ic) *obldds in sutded I sd 2 (n = nMb€r of 4imals<br />

(r) Focr pl.4!!!9s<br />

(b) S.trd duo6-no[.[<br />

251<br />

292(D) r7?(l)<br />

AbbHi.tiotu: Mts. M macths Nd M boodLgat'1.i.' T. indica, A.e ' Oqbillut<br />

"letdrrii Sn,S,,.irui S€,S etrltc,r<br />


Table6. Conbined rappingdat for the sntll nanD,ls c.!€l fren wioB h.bilalt of $F<br />

a@ | ed 2 duins lhc s@nd y.4 cxlendinS fiom Dcccmbd 2000 lhtougl<br />

November 2001 . l. = nunbq of aninals caDtur€d.)<br />

SynboLr: 8.b., a.,ergdl.4is: R.n-. R. tutunai R.r'. i,turl,/,ri MB: M<br />

ned6^ d M. b@drsoi'f i,T indi.a:G.8, Aerbila Cleadovi;<br />

s.m.. S r&D6: S.c,, t et6.a


ft€ caprued duing the prriod exiending fom Junc 2000 throuel' May 2001 The ovetall irap<br />

s@.ss for tbe mi.e wd L65% in.opl ds ed 2.20'lo in viUage and fdm ho!s6. R tarru<br />

ws Korded fon village - f.m ho& conPlcx only *hm irt trap slecs wa 325%<br />

Sinilalt. A ,.r8ol.ai, dd i @Ikd4 *!r lsr&d ody fm rhe crepl.nd! wilh a tr.p<br />

suces of I | .54% and t .45ta Ep€tiEly. Th. lnp sucs for the nia {d U t di.4 in lh.<br />

sd dunes ws 4,l8vo &d 3.65% .rd in sbluds l5 85vo dd 0-747c Gpetirlv C<br />

Sidcdd , wa rapped fton e oFn sddy arca in 6 forc$ Plelalion<br />

sfi.rc i$ rap suces wa<br />

1.48%. S er49lr M cauelt Iiom the vegeuied banls of! dniMge nullai p€ssing $rcugh .<br />

ssdy dedr ihe tap sues being O.7l%, Th. ov.dll tnp suces for 6 ALddovi ed S<br />

./f!.!t Ms 0.04% ed 0.01%, csFctiv.ly,<br />




A rot6l of 2160 peUsts m colled.d fom suLm6 I ed 2 duiing the lhre yEs of<br />

this stud!. rhet nhbe6 b.ina l8l. ll39 &d 618 duitr8 the fiRt. *@rd dd dird yd.<br />

GsF.rilell. Thc* p€llcrs w ollqi.d fDn $e nesl fles &d ftom th. Sround sudee<br />

under $e owlt roosts duri.g lhe breeding $asons. Th. Fllets colle.ted durilg lhe fist<br />

founeo oon$s ofthis $udy Ee weided and th.t mdimm l€ngth dd muimm bedlh<br />


W.igl . libh 7 givs infomalion aboui lhc Fo hly dd sendl vdiliioE i! thc siz of trre<br />

pellels of ihe bdh owl. The avenee weielt in the $asonol smples vari.4 thc sinler pellels<br />

almged 5 78 g, rhe spri.8 5.ll& d. irll 4.319 dnd lhe smno on.s .v.d8cd 1.688. The<br />

seMl uriaton in rhc weidr of $e Fllels vs stiatkidly ngnifi@t (F = 29.4,10i dt = ],<br />

481 | p < 0.001) Th. {inic! and spdng pelLll w.idrcd h€ai€r thd $os of lhe sumd md<br />

fall, th€E b€ing no difedce be$een the wint t ud spn.8 dd !mm.r &d fall p.llels<br />

Llnar M*!rcE.!c, The nonihly tnd 3.ed vuidions in rh. ndimrm l.nd and mdmum<br />

hddrh of rhc D.ltcts of lh. b,m owl R Siv.n in T.b!. 7 Of the 435 p.ll.B 16? E! il6n'p.d Md<br />

hcnc. 'ere nor lki for mdsu*nent The sv.rg. le.3th in rhe monrhly cid ,csnal spl. *s<br />

vai$le Borh thc sumne! and fru pellds ive4Sed l.74.nd 1.97 cm lon3 thil.lh. winretand spri,8<br />

on6.veEsed 4.5Ocm.nd 4.44 cm lons. Thesc lvedgcs w.E sisnifiBntlydift E (F=91'14;d t=<br />

l,ll4; p < O.O0l). Ttu *ini.r Flhts wre 3ilniliwlly l@Ser rhe lh@ ol lh. summB.!d flll<br />

.|4 rhe sp.i4 pcll.ls *crc loqlr .hr rh. slmocr ond bur th.y rcE nd longd tht ds. ofth.<br />


iffi".. ** **" ",*<br />

lood ptqs of the b@ al i& 6'd ton 6' Fll'ts<br />

con;ted rrcn difimt localiti.s ofth. snrdv am

Trble ?. Monlhly ed sasonal vdiatiois in thc w.idi ed lind m$u€nmls (Mimum<br />

leneth md ndimm &qddr) oI dr p€ne$ of th. b€n owl.<br />

weiSht G)<br />

M.& +5D (n<br />

WINTER<br />

I l8 + r.r9 6?)<br />

i& 99-2000<br />

Feb.9 2000<br />

5.104 2 46 (4)<br />

5,74+ 2,16lr271<br />

4 68 ! L62 {5?)<br />

508 ! t.79 (4)<br />

4.0E + 0.95 (29)<br />

{3' + t,{E t90}<br />

1I + 0?4 (29)<br />

3.26 + 1.07 (q))<br />

M&. 99 5 t4+ 2.22 (861<br />

4.61+ 1.90 (4)<br />

52lr r.7t {7)<br />

5.J r 2.lE (97)<br />


4 B + r.0600)<br />

4 50 r 1.08(l)<br />

4.60 + 0.91 (4)<br />

3 00 + 0.60 (?0)<br />

3.00 * 0.7t (3)<br />

3.lt i 0.65(4)<br />

!.00 + 0.61(?7)<br />

Jul, 99<br />

1.68+ l.6l (|| l)<br />

].47 + 1.52 (44)<br />

2.04 + 0.90{t<br />

!J8 r 1.60(t60)<br />

SUMMER<br />

t9r + 0.9r(7r)<br />

I ZE ! 0.55 (26)<br />

I00 + 0.00(t)<br />

l.?4 r ltSt (9E)<br />

fALL<br />

2.1E + 0.@t1tl<br />

2 18 + 0.42(26)<br />

2.30 + 000(l<br />

2t2 r 0.62 (9E)<br />

Oct,99<br />

2.74 * 0.Sl(t<br />

4.22 + r.55(4)<br />

4.54 + 2.t2 (54)<br />

4.31*1.90001)<br />

l 74 + r.08 (24)<br />

r.97 * r.03t53)<br />

2.@ ! 0.86(24J<br />

2.19 ! 0.66129J<br />

r.59 : 0.7(53)<br />

4.59 r 2.,l (aE9 4t6 ! r.r9(3lE) 2,19 + 0.ra(318)<br />


Tablc 8. Univdi.tc ltslysis of vd'@ lcsdng e@d wiadon in th. sight (r), Minm<br />

logih (b) dd mdimM bGrdth (c) ofthc P.llets offic b6n owl Siulu alpl[b.t<br />

show staftticluy non{iellificot diffcreice or p= 0 05<br />

D. F,<br />

3<br />

481<br />

4U<br />

Du.€n'3 nrftiDL n!* rda<br />

t22,t48<br />

4.t49<br />

5.780 5.310 3.680<br />

B<br />

D- F.<br />

l<br />

3t4<br />

D|rncrtr\ bultiDle rrnr. l6t<br />

4_500<br />

AB<br />

lr7<br />

Dustr'r ElrrDl. n!I. t6<br />

4.500<br />

D. F,<br />

3<br />

I4<br />

AB<br />

12.028<br />

1.315<br />

7.542<br />

.636<br />

3.730<br />

c<br />

3.730<br />

c<br />

60<br />

29.440 l-900E-llr.<br />

Fll<br />

4.310<br />

B<br />

Fall<br />

3.990<br />

BC<br />

8.091E {6..<br />

ll.E61 2,2268-07..<br />

F.ll<br />

1.990<br />


Rf,SULTS<br />

Thc av€rage breadths of winler, spnn& fall &d sumer pdl€ts *e tesp.clivelv I 26 cn.<br />

LOo cm, 2.62 cn ad 2.69 cm. Thee *&@l deage wc sienincsdv difrw (F =<br />

I l,86lid. t l.ll4i P < 0.001). TIF ElalionshiP mong lhe seMn l aver.gca was tbe sc $<br />

iorcd ror rhe leneths (Table 8c).<br />



In oKls lo kmw ld.tily rclated cheg6 in rhe dicl of lhe bm osl a lold of 2E64<br />

peu€6 was mlyz.d Ofthee, 2360 w€re fom $e nait sludv ata ie sub-aea I dd 2 252<br />

from rh€ snbdbs of Banav.ln.sd cny (Pujab) wh€r sndv sbtands, .8al idsal.d foEsr<br />

plulotions 6d coplmds *t prc€nt dd 252 w€e Aom fsftldds md scrublands found in<br />

$c viciniry of Usla Muhmad Kb.Il. dnrict lalfsabad (Balu.hist n) Fon the naii sludv<br />

@. rhe peuets wcr @lleled frco 23 difi.E @sts leai.d in th€ disttids of Haliab3d'<br />

SheikhuNn, 1 . l Singh, F'aisalab.4 Okda dd Jhmg The number of th. pelleb coll€cled<br />

from ah or thce sit s *6 dill4.i A ror.l of | 163 pell.ts 6 @llct€d fion lhe II turs<br />

loc.icd in .iisrrict Faisalabad, 394 fton lolr bosls i! distid ,hdg, 142 ftoD a hanv @srs<br />

in disttict llafizbad ald 388 fon two rcNn in Sh€ dupm dislnct The sanples of lh€ owls'<br />

Fllcts f'on sinsl. @sls in T. T. Sinel (! = 3?) ed ok@ (n = 36) dtr'icts' \@ shal!<br />

of thc 23 Flaled @sling sn6 in 0'e slb'atlas I and 2, 20 wGrc lMled in lhe<br />

prenhs of can.l resl houes (CRH) (Tabl. 9) ftes coral &sl houses verc built bv rbe<br />

Britbh tu1e6. .fler the inttoductioi of iriearion ca!.ls in thc s€d at fie b€giMing of th' 2Ll|h<br />

@nlur- The disi.ncc beiwat th. @@ntiw CRHS is gene6lty 16 km For @b of di' CRII

Tade 9. The 23 nst9r@sk oftlF bdmowlleated in dr sii disricroftn sub-{l6 I dd2<br />

lom whicb rh€ o{l's pellcB w* @lLcred.<br />

Sik<br />

I.I. Siun r.d Olrd Ditlri.E<br />

CojB cRH<br />

Mi@tof MNMoI F*ul.y of S.i6ce<br />

Ralh Blmh Ced n@ C.r$da<br />

6l Jh@s Bdctl Faisdlbld'Amjllq44<br />

Banl of illnac Bruch Caml, Aftinpu<br />

Bark oI I6s Bdch c@l<br />

Bark of lh&g Btuch Ce.l<br />

ThitnMla CRH Nd ?a ,hrnr Bdlr Faisdobud.Ihag '!.d<br />

Burala CRH aosed Brmh Canal, Faisobladj!4qdg4<br />

Khtrlm on Fais.llbad-Sari@ rc.d<br />

Faiel.b€d-Ssnun&i mad nd lll Jhdg Bmch<br />

Ba.l of Bhawooa Bmch C.nal<br />

a5 rd oi Faielab.ajhttU -.d<br />

btrs stop<br />

chur No. l?5 J8, Muud{d9<br />

-',Mroi$.moscEar2l24le!!4<br />

on Chiddwali<br />

Tfi6 trorn cojia city at ltre uant orlhme<br />

Btuch cs.l<br />

To* ot r*e s&i ooaU C*a. ncnul Xl'u'd<br />

r"rh-'E;;i6;, mtt'"t tlrqq<br />

ttnr of R $ Bdch ca$l<br />

ffiof rhdqof<br />

rh6S Btuch Co.l<br />

Bank of I h4SBdch Cdal<br />

62<br />



a chunl of lad of 12.5 aG h.s sinc. b€o cmsk n by th. lriS.tior Dcpannenl for ns<br />

6id€.t c@(4l@s of the canrls ed CRHS Sone of ttcse CRHS (.8 Aninpu CRH sd<br />

Oojn cRH) have had 25 eEs of this.mdk d ldd. Exepdng aboul one &rc of rGd ldd<br />

eMd rhe CRH buildiner. fie 6:t of the land it cultivared bv thc udlren ro Erow cops likc<br />

shst rice, lodd€u and vegeLbl*. Bcyond thc ptni*s ol th€ CRHS w'G th€ car'l'sid'<br />

pl&rations md copldds in which *hear, sugar cN, ice dd iodd€r cDPs wce the<br />

"mon<br />

'nE CRHS d in f4t s pln of rhe @al-side foBl pld|alio6, {hicb d P|tsI<br />

alons all the @jor irigalion c.nils. Th. re* of tlE CRHS ae ho*ev€r dillet€nr liom ftos<br />

fomd in lhe cdol-side plmtalions beinS geherrllv old€t @d of diff'rcni sp4ies A lht oflhe<br />

comoi rees found ir the p@i$s of $e CRHS h giv@ in Tabl€ l0 Tbe oe_ritgcd<br />

Psareet (Ptit'rcuta k'amzd ed thc St ar l lid P!6rd (P t!P"''a) '1$<br />

lbr beeding and rcostins pu.pos (Khd 2004)<br />

f!vo' U' cRHs<br />

The anslysis of lh€ pellet of the bah owl collcclen nom 23 localides Evealed thal 'l<br />

mai' y dcFodcd o. snall ndmals for ils food Bi(h. mPhibidt 4d ins'crs co ribued<br />

elativ.ly Ery linlc toqards ns dier Thc sltll Bamds identifi€d fiom their Enrmts in $'<br />

osls p.lleB w€€ Srrc6 ,afu6 s enscs Fhonntlss PeMnIi lot6 tott's R<br />

reltada, M6 n6c,lu!, M b@duga, Bandicold bengal4is' Nesokid indieo' Taterd indica<br />

GoUuh.la .llioti, ild sile^ifiad Emdts ofdls @d micdbio €6 bars tar muld not b'<br />

idodticd ro sp..ies l.v.l<br />

A disltict'wi* brief d€eription of 4h ol th€ sites rnd the remnlnts or th' wnous<br />

prey it ms recorded in rh. pellets oflhe brm ow1 is Civen t'low B6id's becring a ntme eNch tr' *ts

Pl&5.Ad..d d.lbdSitri.. ttttoli.t! !.dc.vitv oftt bd! dl |l r.ol Kiub Yt<br />

CRH.<br />

PLte6.A vis of dE MuErlw.l! CRH<br />

slnch h.d b..d rlaldod.d bY

Table 10. A lin of rhc ft6 @mor in lbe pMiss of ih. CRt* of sub{B I ed 2<br />

Bohri<br />

thAloptuagtu ddetuPltllo<br />

'Thc old* rB of |h* 3pai6 N nor prere to lhe forndim ol eviris in<br />

rJmr s ed linbs $s ttE orhs.bove lis@d u'e' {Kh& 2004)<br />


gircn . sDeinc nMbd to lFlp ldle fic food data docdot d in thc T6le I I -<br />


ln Faielabad disticl the Pcllcrs<br />


of tlE boh oql wft coUe&d Aon II sn's nE<br />

clalirc abundme ofth. pEv it ns rcpcent d in $e FlLt spl6 ftom 4h of $e lil€s<br />

l.U v.siiy of Agri.llirln. Th. .dp!s of UnivGGiIv of Agicultut' Fds'lab6d which li's<br />

in rhe hcan or Faisalab.d Cnv is vcgdn€d sith lall tle6 flow€r b'ds and lam- The ldse<br />

|16 bclons.d to l2 sFciq dd avedgcd 25m in Hshi T'min'lit' s'ldna]ia ed cuiDa<br />

wE lh. domi@t tei GoG of b.ngo' cit'N dd ptlm d'16 lft 'l$ p6e al {E<br />

@pu OnatanaMrcn 800 er6rof dE oivditv @pB vlcal n@ $8d cm miu<br />

rniller erehd. oil s.€d @F a.d t vdi'ty of vegprablcs e 8rem for 'xFnmd'rl<br />

Th. bd ovl hs bco sn jusl fou times onlv tt th' U'i!'6rrv cmpus ddng u'<br />

p6l25,3au (8.& M A'Pcs Com) Dudtrg th' nst vd ofthi! eudv lh"e bdn owl3<br />

boushr ar dilTs€ riFd of fie vet fDn E 'dsb!t' (ma!el'M) of Pit K'm Hue!<br />

Stah Gne 36; T.ble I ) .dd clas.d ar tlF Unitdirv Onlv on' of lhce *s found living in a<br />

@vity in a salm.lia fte otb of ' bs owl wq' hdrd dditrs its bft'di'g !'@n ln rh'<br />

Fllct otlded non $rs !ir. ffiMts of foE lP'cics oi saU r|Mntls" ed bitd! wr'<br />

epemed. s 'ut6 (5@/.) x tu/,a& 061e/') &

Tablel l. Relative abundance (vo) ofrhe veots prev itcms clEsnt'd h th' Fuel mpl's oI<br />

tl'e bm owl cou€cled from .lifi.enr sils l@aled in th€ sub'ar@ I dd Il (M=<br />

nunber of Fll€tsr n = nmbo of pr.v ir@s ii M )<br />

t0(t<br />

Sitelr l=Univediiy of ACticullur. Fais.labrd<br />

2=Ul(bsa CRH<br />

j=NaMla CRH<br />

6=Aninpu CRH<br />

?=Ncqd CRH<br />

8= Kol Khudd Yd cRH<br />

tt<br />

61<br />

)<br />

| 3{4

4 r(2)<br />

I t =Tblcimla CRH<br />

l4=Bmla CRs<br />

2?=Tdtldi CRH<br />

28=Rodu Koru CRH<br />

Inl<br />

J (r) 7Z(5)<br />

6E<br />

M-ll2<br />

).90) 34(14)<br />



2. Utb.or CRH. A par of owls lived in th€ CRH pEmi*s in which 159 l@s b€longing to I I<br />

sp@ies weE pesent. Tbese tees ardged l6m hid Detbdsia sd E jina janboli"d (M)<br />

w@ rhe doninml rces heE An cl4aled Mbled of tbo e@einsi&maleprcml<br />

in inc cbse vicidt of fic CRH A Elcl of *6t Lnd vcgdared ib PrcMpit iuliJltu tu<br />

alons $c canal h,nt for lrc km ad addcd funhd @logictl divsilv lo lhis bftdine sne ol<br />

the oql. Thc main cop6 grom in clos. ptuxidrv to the CRH wd' whdt' sngEr c&c lodder<br />

and Gg€tabl$. Ar old absdorcd mU *6 de pEsnt in the CRH prehi*s but it {a not<br />

inlabited bt the bm owl<br />

'I1E Pair nesled in e ldge cbn in lhe runt of a elnalia fte bu1 later o! it shin'd lo d<br />



A pan of bam o*ls ftsr.d ed tusl€d in a €vnv l@t'd in rhe linb of a salnali! le<br />

A dd ol I ? I p€Uets was olldt€d hom ihis sic iTablc I la) An e@in'don of thes p'llers<br />

dealed rhar rhe owls pteyed oo sdall mddah belongine to 'ine species Birds vde d$<br />

eirs s u,r,,rs (64.9r^), M nutulus \1!6h). x tu tt (4 5%) 6d N indica (4 tv")<br />

@ufled for moe rho 80% of lhe orls dier<br />

6. Aihpor CB}r. Thc @npoud of lhis CRH wG rled wilh 135 tles of l4 sp€Es:<br />

dalbeqia add d.te palm being the doDi.dl on s A euava orhard eas prest in the vicinilv<br />

ofthc CRH b*ides 1h. fields of whear. susd 6e. mai4 dd sotdM<br />

A b@ding pait of bam owls {6 r@dcd hft ar lhe st.n of thc snrdv bur laGr on $e<br />

stafr of lhe CRH bld u thal rhc osls *€a d.$oved bv |he lell Foplc<br />

R€sulB lv lne<br />

nmber of pellets collected lion thh CRH could not exceed the figure of 16' s 'ut"r<br />

(?0.7%) and bnds 0 4 7%) weG the najor Pry iietu coDsuded bv the owls (Table I la)<br />

?. Nd.r CRH- Thft weE lO? tres belonging lo cidl spclics in rhis CRH Tncs tres<br />

avmsed l8n i. heislr' Orchardt ofsuava sd cirus wde aho ple$nt in its vicinirv whe@<br />

sugd cm€, {hca( haie' rice &d veseubld w.re lhe main cops olth' fields 'round it<br />

A bm oql h.d ben foud rcostrng in ue croM of date Plls<br />

down lard on. Howcvct, bd owl peuetl *G @ll4Ld ioB difictem Ples<br />

vnhh w6 chopFd<br />

*nhin the<br />

bouodsies of fte cRH No nesl of th. owl could be lo€ted fom insidc the ptenhes ol lhis<br />

CRH<br />

A lolol of 283 peuels of the b.n oql seE @ll4ied fiob hcc Nic aPclis of sm'll<br />

samals weE repre*nled in $e pell.n (Table I I a) Ilt' 'vl als consmed birds s 'u"r

RfSULTS<br />

(56.6vr), R nelada (r5.31A), R nnw (1 JoA) Nd B ,e,sars'r'r (6 8%) rom'd norc thd<br />

80% of the diet oI the owl in thh @4.<br />

8. Kot Khudr Ytr CRH. TheE were l4l ts belonging 10 l0 sp€cies in lhe prcnis4 oi $is<br />

cRE. Ac&ia, dalb€$ia, salmttia sd cualvPtB vec |he n@ericatlv doninm sp€oi's'<br />

Sugd cane- wh€ai maia and $Ighu s€e $€ oajor crePs 6f this a@<br />

Herc. . pan nest .! dd ro6ted in a hollow of & old dried slump of dalb'Bia h ale<br />

r@s1e.l on a neeby salmalia l@ Ei8Jtlv-nine P'llet *erc colhded iom this sile S u'lulr<br />

(55.4%) was lh. most i.tnsiv.lv ealetr ptv of th' cighl smatl damnDls' species ecorded in<br />

tlle pelle$. Unddtified nts {9 1o t' B benCole&is (5-9v') ed R 'atd (4 27t along with tbe<br />

5. uu,r6 d@ur.d for noa ths 80p6 of lh' owls' di'l<br />

r1. Tbilrii.l. cRE. H@. 12 +ei6 shat'd ihe I5l rcs ofrh€ CRH which lvdg'd 22m<br />

hish dalb.4ia fics ad jol@ rcs b€ing lh' domiMt oms Whe! $s!r @q ne ud<br />

hairc *e $e @nnon cops of this lMlily'<br />

The ost d$.d sd @s1ed in ! ldge @vitt ofa F ue TlE<br />

'd'galtan<br />

q0le *e<br />

lcd dd fed under |he shad. of$is tF $ th€ p'llets uiicb fell dom otr rh' sreud got<br />

rmpled and $6he


Only fou p.ll€ls cootd b€ coll@kd 8om this CRH No o*l Bt or mst M foud<br />

h€8. Bars (13.1%). M t dtua dd uid61ifi.d rarr (33 1%), bnds (25 0%) and s 'ui"r<br />

(8.4%) vce eprc*nled in pdl€rs (Table I la)<br />

18. Kh.nu CRJ|. Abo l32 tr 6 b.lonsi.8 lo I I specid wt pEstir in lhe @mpo$d<br />

of $e cRHi dalh.rgia, mulb.nv, &eia md tc@lia beins rhe domindl ones The res<br />

avdged l8n in h.idt. Thc ficlds dund $e CRH w.t used lo 8re*<br />

wh@l, nce, suB& cde<br />

Only ll P.ll€h {erc @llected from a cavily in a r'msalis lrc' ihat *fl'd s s<br />

oc4ional mcl. The prey llllrMts in the peucts belons.d !o fiv' sleies of mdl .mnds<br />

s ',/,,6 (5s%). bats (ls"/o) and bnds (lovo) foded 80v' ofln' PEv i'ns coNMcd bv rhc<br />

2?. T..Llroi CRlt. In fib CRH thcrc wd |5l ft6 belonging ro ninc spci6 The tre"<br />

averaged 18n in heighl Dslbdgia ed lopld w€rc de domi@l species hdE The<br />

sududing Uelds wrc n*d lot sowios<br />

whsll, suser cs€ foddcr sd v'8ctablei<br />

A p.n of bam oek pan [t d in a 6vitv l@rcd in dE linb of u old ccdttllo ue€<br />

Tbe p€llcls wde .olleded fron inside the calitv dd flom ih' €Pund dd't this tr* Dte owls<br />

N@ frcquenrly sd msting in lhe tbick coM folioSc of beri plnt duing rhe hol sllm'r<br />

no hs bu no pell.l wd foud ftom uder thb nee<br />

ln the 54 Peuet @llal€d frcn this CRH S '!/'6 (65 2%) M pdoni@r' x<br />

ws forlo$ed by unidenrified ab 11 t'/o). B be"4ah$is l12vr) dd M M"tu! l5Ec )<br />



2E. Rodr Kod CRH. TheE wF 201 tfts b.longi!8 to l0 sp€cies in ths CRH Thc aveBg'<br />

heigltl oi rhe* rees was ] 6m D.lbersia. acscia and jam@ wcE the donitur uees hee The<br />

cst hose bujlding heF ws nol *€ll k.p dd i( es cltriv€ly l6s di$ub€td bv !m 6 n wa<br />

lo.ded lwy fom the htt!@ h.bilalion. Al about ltm disrace from dE CRH tuund€d bv<br />

the @pldnd ws a $rubl&d IlF slmb.lin8 neus, dcFnding on th' sas4n \@ copped<br />

wi1h wheai. ric., sued cdq naize ed veg€t bl€s<br />

Thc bm owl rcguldlv oosled heE in thc

RfSULTS<br />

A paii of bm owls n6t€d in a F.e hollow whicb *d aboul onc m€1er deep dd nre<br />

meleu sbove $e gould. The plir lrid egss ed Bisd chicl$ OD a ebseqkfl visil a jungle<br />

cal (f.rir .rau) wd foud 6ling in the nen.<br />

lh E coUection of 88 p€ll.Ls fom this sit S zur'n6 (67 8olo), dd bids (l? 8%)<br />

iomed moc rho 8opl" ofthc oelt food; rcdcntsjoi ly as6lcd forjusl14.4% olthc io1or<br />

33. Mosqus tt Ch.k tro. 2!2 J B. Nolltn This mosqre was located in the cenrer of the<br />

village 212 J.B. Noul&. Thc E6s .@ lhe top of on. of thc mi@ls of thc hosque q6<br />

beiig u*d by a pair ofbm owls 4 msl ed tusr. Onlv 4l Fll.rs 6uld bc olldtcd fom lhis<br />

sire. The o*ls depend.d h€avily on S Dot ,r (?7.5%) for th€ir lood. Bn& N€t€ a pan oi dE<br />

d.nu 6 $ey fomed 5.6% of th€ prcy nens Su.prisinglv ]t. fattus *a nol pEel 'n rne<br />

spL wh.@ odEr b

Trblc I I (Conrd.)<br />

Di<br />

Jb<br />

r3<br />

29=Jho6 CRE<br />

l2{hinbtu*aliCRH<br />

3l= Ctd No 212 JB, Noul4<br />

l5-Mdldwala CRH<br />

t.1(l<br />

r.rll<br />

'15<br />

I tol

?1.r. ?, Oe orrh. llrsc minccrs (riSnt) with cllm&d rrill. Fcd 3 t Mq wbilc $e<br />

rdia.dl mslld@ ws u.d $ rmst bv th€bdowl a'tNoubnmtqua<br />

rr.t r. O.r,i*rno.i iogo*t'spellct!atth.noui!ofUGdt r,nc'/'xilofth'odtofthc<br />

brE oel!t Nourd m5cu..



only on€ boh owl mosl fton each of tbese lrc disiricts ws smpled for th' Pellets TlP<br />

nub€r of pell.8 collecbd fom bolh oftn.s @s1s *6 cl.liv.lv s6all'<br />

!9. Gojn CRH. The I 12 tes foud in thjs CRH belo!8.d io s.m sFid .nd avenged<br />

l6d bigbi dalbe€ia. salmlia and eualwtus wft the doniml sp€cies 'nF Eajor oots<br />

greM in th€ nckb Nud thc CRH w thc of sugA .@, *hd! and foddd<br />

The bm o pan n st'td in ! hotlow p|F61 in . a t l4rda re whilt it bosred in th'<br />

foliage of a F rrrga&roir s w.ll s in a cavity in n1 'rl,c, bec.<br />

A b|!l ot 3? pellels M @lle|.d fi!6 $rs sic Oabl. I lc) t nuina (65 6%r' R"<br />

nelada (16.6%) .td B DdnsaLair (6-67, s.E th. bencr@su€d ih6 lhc ot'r Fty<br />

,|l). Ro.l. Khlrd cRIr Thk CRH is l@r.d t@ {E Rci,l. loM (disttict Ok@) Tnifit'<br />

six Fllels wc mll*led frcn this CRH A! rtulvsis of Uce pcueis rcvertcd thlr S Mi'6<br />

6ro.e ecoured for 68.40l" of the toi.l .tier of th€ owl. B b.nsateNis (l0svrJ dad M<br />

M6.16 (t-27o) wcE the orhd imporrdt Pr.v illes. Il* t[G sp&id fmcd NE rh4<br />

80% of the prcy itens rccord.d in the p.llets (Idble I I c)<br />


Pelteb ofth. bm owl wE @lleled Am tto tii6 (cRHt lo.{'d it llis disEicl'<br />

42. salrm{h CRH. The 76 rees in this CRH avensed I ?m hid dd b€lons'd ro six species;<br />

dalbdeia dd jal@ beine tb. mosl abunddt oft. SugEr dq $'lEal nce and itifoliM Bw<br />

ihe €mon cDps Srom<br />

in th. dvi|m of thb cRH.<br />

Durirs the firi y.s of the sludv neithcr P€lle!<br />

ddns ln. $b. qrctrt tuo<br />

't4<br />

nor thc owls w@ sight'd hcE Hwaer'<br />

of tl'. dudv a p!i! of owls 6 sishLd EsDlet d $' CRIL<br />


d Dirtncs T.L Si.lh rd OIr otud<br />

sFcojh Crul<br />

t3()<br />

r.3{t)<br />

.l.l{)) 1,5(7)<br />


Itu o*t @picd. dep evitv in {F tndt of d old F<br />

'e'ga'cai'<br />

prlst in me of lta lnnh6 of tt€ me tE B cw clEk'd for dlc F*!c'<br />

peltets b€.ac a ldge honevbe hit d@ to iB molrh I pr6ar<br />

af,auLIs<br />

Amrbd qvity<br />

of thc o*ls'<br />

S. trtttu (?6.2y.) sls dE Ein eue ofrutiD'fi ro rlc owls Amdg lb' od6l!'<br />

R tultura(r e )atntgM bedls4 (6 6%) }4 b'tt'tqDsoEed spaci* (TabL l ld)'<br />

41. Mldh B.b.h.tr CBU. 'ftis CRH h.d a ttrd of 9l t'6 lhtl b'l@8Fd io wo spetg<br />

dd av.6s€d lsm hi8h. Datbdeia j!|M dd Nngo wG t!' doEinsn sFi6 Tbe bundits<br />

of lhis CRH h.d complclelv fdlcn don- wnnrn a ttdiu of 5OF of thb milr t stl buildi'€<br />

bl@l, a few *rymt hotg dxl a mosq@ *4 PI4rt<br />

Th€ dtiE Crur Ld b'ar ab€ndoi'd<br />

Rie, *tEal. lugs @c dd Mi4 94 t[c ojd coF h thc fiel& eud llF 6t bo@<br />

The owls n6r.d in ! €vilv lhst hld a cbntd op@ing in tb' ruol of! srld'lit [&<br />

The tE 6 pE*nl io a field of the CRH *h@ qnd and ie *w ltoh tltaEtclt A<br />

lol.l of 25s Ftlers wst @ll.d.d frotu llis silc s 'uiru (?4 4v') *s lhc plldonin'nt food<br />

of th. o*k, she@ a' 6e,8u,.6t:t (S.l7O $s dtc s'c!d bei dsd'd prv iten (Ilblc<br />

I ld).<br />


SmPl6 of th. bd owl p'lleE 9d Ltir6 froh tb' fo|lo*ils fou 3il4 ld't'd i!<br />

4.1. Mochit.b CRH. The @mpoud ofdis CRH htd ! sttnd orsg lrs bclongidg to niF<br />

spei.s nr ir 'Ite avedge hcidl of thes ued *s 'bo!t l8n DalMa' jms' F: ftl@osd<br />

md n.nso lere lhl doninanr rEs Whear riF dd og! @' l@ lh' mii' cb9! oftlh lo'dnv'

I!bl.ll.(cmtd)<br />

Dbri.t Sb.tti<br />

lr(?D 2.1(3)<br />

6.6(r2)<br />

t,2(r)<br />

Sitsr 42=s.lNd. CRH<br />

43=Mutlh B.luchan CRH<br />

].(rD<br />

r (2e)<br />



H@, o pan of ovls nst€tl i. o de€p hollow, {hicn tu ibrcugh most of th€ ldgth of ihe truk<br />

of m old nulbetry i!ee. Thc incubatine owh @uld bG Fi lioh the groud rhftugh a n@s<br />

sIil in $e wll of th€ holtow Thc local Foplt,<br />

in then lncnpt to havc a bdrer vics of ihe<br />

owls {idef,d the slir which fo@rt $e pat b abedon iis ncst (s Pl't' 9) Si@ irEn no owl<br />

ihhabitcd lhe pPhies of lhb CRH iU lh. md of lhis sluilv<br />

?\ wPlc ol ?2 pellcts M lrt€n foE this silc An emi@tion of thc p'llds nvltl€d<br />

ltlar 75 2% of lhe di€r @ due |o S. 'rit6 Amons the odsft' M a@16 l6V ) ad B<br />

,.nsaiezlir (a.6o^) seE thc b.tt€r@Bumed food its (TabL l le)-<br />

45. Nru.!. cRIr This CRH hltt 42 tFs in ic Fdiscs which b'lons'd ro lile s!6r4;<br />

dalbcrgia" reMdia ald dc.ltflos being doni@l o!* as $c cRH s cl* lo ! villoge<br />

rhe rillage cllildFn frcqudt d its Prcmis tguldlv A lsn 8t&sv ft'ld wss ale plgrt s<br />

$. vicinity of $c cRH whc.t, 'i'c dd sugd c4 wc lh' tuin @F gsM in Dost of th'<br />

nekrt of lhis sit Pee@ of a ldge gNv [&l in rh' vicinitv added Ne v€gebnonal<br />

divc6ry b U€ foEging halitat of lh. owl-<br />

mde of | 58 p.lleis M ollecd fon rhrs t(dnv lte tdponion<br />

of S tdjM<br />

G (41.4olo) 6 conpdcd to 4? l7o of 6ls dld hie; A benaaleBis (l0lv.)' R tuuae<br />

(8.5vo\ M booduco (7 -9 ) sdx fand (5 4vo) beins the tuin contibuloB<br />

(Tabl' I le)<br />

46. atobn A psit of oels @31'd is t hollow Fs$ in the lru'l of a eucalt?is tt€' wbich<br />

ws peent ar thc FnPhery ol a vill4' l6'd BhobE siiured on rn' b' of Jhog bl@b<br />

@'|!l tbal sc ior v.rv f' ftom Pindi Bhali4 toM Hows' th€ pan M rcr @ded ro<br />

bGd hete An sElFis of 39 peucts @ll*t'd frod rbis locditv shoqcd lhtt lhe hoM snw<br />

alon fomed s6 2% of lhe dicl of tht o*ls (TabL ll')<br />


Sia6: 44=Mochi*5h CRH<br />

45'Ne!@ CRH<br />

46=Bhobra<br />

41=Sutheki CRH<br />

5,tl12)<br />

6.6{15)<br />

82<br />

)<br />

lf,too<br />

7 6{n<br />

.130)<br />

.].10)<br />

14.ll1)<br />



47. S!k[.k€. cRI|. A pan ofowh i.h.bited a ovilv lcat'd in th' nunl ofa lree Eucalt?lN<br />

dd dalbdeia wee $c doninad nes of$is cRH \r'he!r tud rice wft the @jo' cops or $e<br />

l6ility. Thc Enrfuls of lhc pEv ns foud in ?l FlLts<br />

olldted Aon this sitc alFrd $al<br />

S. nwk6 (5s.4vo). B bersalsruir (1410/') dd i rolld (? 6%) jointlv fom'd norc thd<br />

8Cr./0 ol $e dier offi€ owls hq€ (Tabl. I le)<br />

'nE i.fomatior sivcn in lhe pc.ding Dog6 on th' dict of llc b'b o{l in dE l<br />

Pujab cm bc ffiMred 6 fouo*:<br />

,S ,,.irrr qas EPsent€d in $e FII'i spl'! hom 'u ihe 23 sil€s The rclative<br />

abund..ce of lhis pcy sp@i.s vdert fsn 41 4"6 to E62% lnd a@g'd 65 6% Ral! al|d<br />

nice wE also Epeenled iD all $e site smplcs Thev dounted for 115%to 4? l%of lhe<br />

o{k dieli rhe avcla8c b€i.8 27 8% Bats werc dotded ai 12 of the 23 site mpl6 in {hich<br />

|hen tlativc lbutdse dg.d ton O.l% ro 13 l%; $c Nm8' Fmponion<br />

for dt rhe 2l sir6<br />

q6 2.tr/' Birds €. bettei consMad dh blls Thev *rc rcPrcenred io 20 sit' spl$ in<br />

sbich th€ pDportion oflhh food nem tuged fton 0 Ol% to 25 0%r 1hc av'Es' for all $' 23<br />

si!.s m 42% Hcrpinbs (av Foponion olv') td ilen (d Prcpoiion 0l%) re<br />

GpEsnied in tnft ad two sPlesi Fsp6tv'rv'<br />


Tablc t2 de@enre irfotuiior on rhc utilizrion of vtnou pcv lcns bv the bdn<br />

owh in six di$cts oi the nain studv aEd Shrcvs and rodenls werc th' lEin 3tapl6 ol lhe<br />

di.i of the owl in lhc six .tislricts of lhe Pujab The shws wcrc mor inmsively uili*d in<br />

shcithupu6 (15-elt, Okar. (58 4%), Fiasaltbld (672vo) ald Toba T'k Sine! (65'6v") lha i!<br />

Hafiabad (56.3"/0) and Jh38 69 5%)<br />


Rf,SULTS<br />

ADong ans od nie,I E.lada dd t ,e4st€sir }m h'nd erc of f@d to rbe<br />

owl rhan the othq foms (Table 12) The fom* sFci€s s i e'sivelv consmed bv $e T T<br />

Singh owls dxl l6t inltuiEty by th. Olln oqls *'ltib a '€48d!rit 6 tu mst<br />

i ensively by lh€ Otd (10 50 ) dd Haifi4bad (9 4v0 owh ed ih' L4i bv ihe ShdllNpu<br />

(5 4%) owb. As lhc numbd of p.llcts in th. spl6 fren tl*s iwo dittricts I rcl larse<br />

enousl, rh. daia foi lhes dislricls mov not be rcliablc ln rhe rcnaiing dhricts' dF<br />

preponio.s otthes.6b @g.d frcn 38% ro 73% std 54% lo ?47o, Gpetirclv I1t<br />

av.Esca lor lhe sir di$ncts ll@ 6 2ol. md 6 t%<br />

lar6 ratrs was bend consu€d in Hsfizibad (4 4%) ed laieLbad (4 2vo) disrid<br />

ihd in $e o$d fou disFictsi its Popottiotr in the dier of$e oqls of 3ix disticts tr8'd frod<br />

| .@/, ro 4A% averagi^g ro 3.5%. the PmPonion<br />

of I td./,,t in the dids of lhe owb of the<br />

sn disdds tuged fron l.l% lo 4 3vo (av 2-5%), Th. Poportiotr of M M'rga shich w<br />

nor record€d in $e Hafizabad ehple, vdi.d fton 14% 10 4 8"/d th€ &vetage fo! th€ six<br />

dic.ti.ts @ 2.5V,. Neetia indie ws Epr.*nEd in all rlE six dislricts' sdpl6 of pell'8 of<br />

$e owl whee ns proponions tu8cd ftod I 2% (Hafiabad) to l 5% (otM) (av' I 6%)'<br />

The poponioN of t ,,tdr.a in th€ ovls of the wioB disticts rcntined wnhin i mwh<br />

snaller !&ge vtryins tom 0.6% {sh€ithuPu6) lo 24% (ntud snd aveBin8 to l'6%<br />

conuibution oi C €llto?t lo $. di.t of the owl @ Elativ.lv $nall lt ws EPBdt'd in lhe<br />

sples fNn laislab€d, ftde ard Hafiabld onlv sirh d average proponi@ of 0 3'l0<br />


Thc suLais I &d 2 wet ldv sinild with Gp@1 |o th' dicts ofrhc owls livine<br />

1heE. ln sub-arca I , tbe poporrion ol rhe shrcws. ds dd nice, ball dd birds in $c owls

Iaucl2. A dislrict-wie Elarive ahnd.G (%) of th. pcv itas e?!!selt d in th' pclld<br />

sole of th. b€m owl ftom six ditnicis of sula@ I sdd 2 (M = nunbdof<br />

D.ll.c; n = nMbo of pty ncns il M)<br />

M"l?<br />

tt(a) I t{D<br />

r.4r) J.}{])<br />

3.50)<br />

r.6(r)<br />

85<br />

1.5(2)<br />



Ftlers w 65 1o/', 21 .3vo, 2.2Vo and 4 7'lo as conparcd to 66 2%,28 9%. 1 sr/rvr ttd 3 l%<br />

dp@rivelt in tbe Fll.|s smptc fton sub_at ! 2- On aaoul of thh sinilditv' lh€ tlala ftom<br />

$ese tvo sub-ded *as lumped dd the t{o suFde6 h.cane! wrc gilen lhe nde ol Main<br />

The owl population of sub-seas I dd 2 depelded heavilv on S t'rt'6 for ils food s<br />

the slEw lomed 65-50, ot the tottl diel of th. owl Th. orhq te s!b-'s wF difrcEnt<br />

ftoo th€ maio sludy ea 4 they b.lo.8ed to diff*nt 4ological en* ed had m@h sdull4<br />

hmm popularion dosig csPeially in lhe 3ub'@ 4. Th. prePonion oflle shtw in tlc dicl<br />

of the bad owls of the sub_aE 3 ws 59.0%, whrle in $. sub_@ 4 il w6 4 0% Rats ed<br />

^ie Ion d 27.a%, gl'V/' dtd 13.2% of lhc diels of|h. bM owh ol o!' sludv aEa dd<br />

sub'eallnd4(Tabl€ l3).<br />

In th€ diel of ihc o*k of the min slu(|v ac., lhe mn*hFv food conPns'd biidy !al5 tnd<br />

mice (27.8%). bnds (4.2%) ed bats (2 oo/t while in sub-dea 3, n @nPn*d birds (18 9%)'<br />

ds od hice (l3.2vo), dd iMts (? 4%), qhiL in thc $Lag 4' dE mn-dftw di'r<br />

conpri*d nls md micc (92.8%), md heD€dl* (2 8%)<br />

The d ad mie food in rh. del of ih. Min studv 'fu ws leg'lv due to t<br />

beseate8is (6.st ),R nattada (62'/'J, Ms spp l5V )ddi farrd (3 5%) ln ihe sub_dea<br />

I fie pedoion pessurc @ nod or ls ev.nlv di$iblrcd mone dt six sFic6 of€is snd<br />

mi@. while in the sub-a@ 4, i kelado (53 6%) dt1 M,s sl]p (2E 8vo) w'E the chief food<br />


Tabl. l3. Relative abunde@ (%) of th€ veioB pr€v ii.ns in th' sdples ortnc bm owl<br />

Fll.|s ftom rhe min sfu(lv !t . sub-als 3 (B.h!wbagd) ed 4 (U3!<br />

Munanmad (nd).<br />

6.5(?17)<br />

0.r(r0l<br />

8?<br />

M-252<br />

t.1l?t<br />

2 (3)<br />

0.2(D<br />

t*D<br />

4 0(2t




Tabl6 14 dd 15 DGst infomtion alo|n tllc s.!en l dr'E of bdD osl i! tlt lhF<br />

ydly spl6 fom MSA.<br />

Wi!&r Duins lh. eiild of 199'2ooo.t D!'iru don o@ucd for 7E l% of dF dier of<br />

0r owl, rhe cr h.ins dE lo 6l! tnd nie. axl bitd!. Duins tlE following teo wint!6 th'<br />

.tict r€d.incd rltio6r mhsgpd (IaU6 l4a h c). h th. mbin'd d'tt of thG {ircti'<br />

S'ui,6 (??.?96) lnd 6t! ttd nic. (20.9%) wc tt dicffood Pcvs AnoiB 0F mders' i<br />

whakla. B. b.nealedtt, &d R. 'and w@ tL inDorLdt food p!!$ (ttblc 15)<br />

Spri!& Th. FoFnio. ofA 'uins in 0F tlG triiS<br />

64.!%. Aeodingly. lh. pDponion oftiB !d nie F!y!<br />

diGG of200l s 59 ?%,46 1% dd<br />

in thc spdng didt inPold b'ing<br />

33.E%, 41.3% ed 32. , Espcctiv.ly (Tlblcs 14.' \ c) Fd $nE E*rou tt@n' u|c<br />

pbportioi oflhd food @Nm.d by lhc oek v$ sslld in tlE lping fo'd oft[t s"ond<br />

y{$rnth*oftt +dn8softt fil3r lld lhid v.G<br />

TIlc shoi.s. of sh|* iD thc s@nd<br />

ycs's spdng di.l ws conF.laLd by 0E ost by coorunitg no!! odcnB rd wie Plqs ln<br />

lhe Mbin d {r!t! of $c lhE stnngd lhc DtlPo.tio<br />

of s tu,ro M 54.Ev. !d rho* of<br />

rh. ds rnd nic. .Id bnib wc 15.9'6 rld 6.6tq llsPetiElv. Amng U' mdc s' A<br />

b.asate$k std R. neltada wE lhc Di! Fcy i.ins (I.blc 15)<br />

Su!.i Thcc 6 t shdp detiE in th. Preponion of ,t 'uin8<br />

i! !* 3'|mcr dicrs or<br />

b€r ow!. vhc@ thc conbincd poponiod of tu &d mie thot uP lo cxcc'd lh'l of dtc<br />

shr.* dldns sll fic lhc au ltc.s (T.bb laa b, c) TI|c prcPodior of rcd'nts in th' lhG<br />

ilmd srf.s {s 49.694 53.6% ed 49 5% rs coo?.ttd lo 255%,202% atd 40 zvr or<br />


Tabl. 14. srdon l chages il th. rcl.liv€ ab|lnd@e e/o) ofpt'v it@s in tlF dier of ft !€m<br />

os& in lhc th; y*ly spl6 iln lhc tuin studv aE (M = nMbE of P'UGI$ tr<br />

= rudbq ofPEy item3 in M )<br />

(o) Fi i vs. (DeeEb.. 199' Nov'Eber 2000)<br />

M-l?.'<br />

7ll(t3l)<br />

2.(t<br />

r.36)<br />

0.(D<br />

zats)<br />

rl(3) r 0(2) l.toD<br />

3.1(2D<br />

E9<br />

2 4(t<br />


(b) Ssotrd ydr (It .@b.r 2!00' Noverb.t 2q'r)<br />

% R.|!@4cs!!ErgL-<br />

M=2 M- l4l<br />

r75(J3)<br />

2r(1)<br />

7,(12)<br />

l r00)<br />

t.70D<br />

t41) r.t(n<br />

r.3€)<br />

o.J(!) rJ.rct rt(rt)<br />

0.(l<br />

0.t(?)<br />

1(r7)<br />

0{t<br />

pJr) (ld3) oro (r?91)

(.) Thiril yar (De.ub.r 2lrlc Nov.dh.r 2001)<br />

M-317<br />

2.215) 1.24 0.3lD 73@t<br />

lr.20t .l(I<br />

5l{t<br />

2.1(2) 2.5(]) 1.(t6)<br />

r(o<br />

tlttl<br />

9l<br />

5.2(t)<br />

2.(2)<br />

12,(r2)<br />

ln(D<br />


lable 15- s.@El chang6 in th€ E!'ti* abudan€ of pFv ir'G i! fi' diet of rh' bom owrs<br />

'--'<br />

"iir'"*i'.t,iy"."dulinsrh@v$is(fionD.amba 1999threushNov€nbd<br />

2oO2). (M = nMbq of pcue€; n = rubd of Fv ites itr M )<br />

r0,9{33!)<br />

0l(t<br />

20.s0.]1)<br />

) r(2t 2.1(rr) i,x||6)<br />

0,lc)<br />

92<br />

l.r{7)<br />

0r(2)<br />


R,ESULTS<br />

rhc sr@*s duins fte lirsl. s*ond ed hird suMas' Gperivclv (TaU's l4a b' c) Thc<br />

ttladv. inpofiane of b.|j 6 . food of the owl g@llv imFottd ln lh' lhG sul|t@ s<br />

twFd dala the dietry Pict'ft did trot ch..gc; od'ni3 outMb€tld rhc slw* wiile h6G tftl<br />

bids fon€d a nEh latSer pdrt of lhc owt\ di't t'! in ov of lhe othtr tIle $@N OfdE<br />

r&io6 mdcnt sp.ci6 R n lado sA B bt'Saledit w hettet @nsued rh'n dF olhd<br />

rcdhr pEys Pa*nt in rhe stlmer did (table | 5)'<br />

F.lL tn all $c dG 6ll spl6. t tuiro agai"rt its 3$tus of & lbelut'lv doEiMl it'm<br />

of dr owl-s diet. The impor$ne of rod6! b{ ed bird food dc'lincd (tsble 14 dd 15) ln<br />

UE onbinerl da|j! of tbe f.Is, ]ll tdclid 'dged s rhc b6t'utrliz'd pcv amng th'<br />

Ths $. parEm of stetil 6iltr$ it the cldive tbNdda of s muins 'nd<br />

Dddts in lhe dict ofth. owl m chactdzed bv llt d"lin' in the n@cri"l $p'rioritv ofs<br />

zu.i,,' i. spdng siich turds .bbed h sulns e

Fir. 4. V.dsio in th! doFrd@r of tb. S tsi,s/t, .td l|tt ed dn'! in llt !'ffi'l di'!<br />

- - tl" bod Ad ltdr ddrt drii8lto!'F-roflbir'dv'<br />


Fk, t. SG'.l vdakE b |h. dnir!$mdrE of S na's' |td'c' td rd hitlb h<br />

''' -;ffi<br />

;rt-*LG.rdiEd"@rb'[aofibboslof bo'bs'dv<br />


b6c and birds wcE appmximtelY sinjld Tt M tucda cure {6 sinile ro ll 6o'r''gz<br />

!u the smmer *Mn. p6t which h devi.ted fton thc paftm in be.onins not abmdsl D<br />


Tablc 16 ed Fig, 7 PEsdt i'fomalio on th' s@td vsjadons dwine 200G<br />

200I inthedietof $etaho{t inBN TbeFl*irea!l)n&s€of S nu uinth'owls' diel<br />

pelcd in wi er dtl v6 tlE lowcn in spring fte odot Pievs followcd lhe s!tr pdr'm<br />

BaL {* not rcpt€e ed in th. owls' diet hd' Bir& *E m6t i ensiv'lv 4t'n in sPrine<br />

when rhen abundance in rhe owls' diet wd clde to thit of s' mu nu (Fig ?) lnssrs weE<br />

@rded in sprinS, sum4 @d fall diets ohlv Like lhc rcde'ts 1hev serc abudet 'n sullrer<br />


The ovq all fo.d dlia for @h of lhe 2l ld'lilis of th' tuin sludv .@ hlve ben d€siSMted<br />

heF 6 sPling uniE (SUs) Table l? Prde s rhe data n'itix lor th€ l5 food il€ns $d 2l<br />

SUs while Fig. 8 depicrs the postion of each of the SUs in th€ hvPeBp'ce' which ws obt'iDdl<br />

by applying corespond€nce d,lvsis lo ihe 'ta|6<br />

Tbe Pla"nent<br />

of $e SUs in rbc btT'sP'ce<br />

w6 detmiDd bv lh€ taxonooi' dive6itv &d rclavlivc abund&cc ofthc Nsblage offood<br />

pEys onPositrs rhcn Tt6, lh. SUs h'bg $c cdlrrdblc diYqsitv muld tend to be d4d<br />

nqr |o dh otl*r in lhe hYPeGPtce'<br />

Tnc hlse$ clustr of s'n SUs tts fonn'

"'tffi*#ffiJ#*H's*f'Affi<br />

or'tsA).<br />


Fig. 7. R.ldis drtddE of dt tou Fet c-.tori" in tb dl<br />

b4n owl !t B.!.sdn8t<br />

ta<br />

'd<br />

dl did dtb

Tablc 16 s.en l cbansd in tlE rclatis abud,ne (%l ot pFv ir'tu ir lh' did of bdn owl<br />

dunna $. vea .xt0dins fiom Sepl.mbq 2000 thrugh Ausust<br />

'- ioo ri'i e"l'"*"!d- tsN, (M=odbdof P'lleb:n=nMbdor<br />

DEY itcms in M.)<br />

r.5(5)<br />

5r t(l?l<br />

1,50)<br />

r.r0) r 5(r r.2(t<br />

||.10,r)<br />

0,3(l)<br />

,8,{Gr)<br />

(7) O'9<br />


RF5ULTS<br />

Ano$er clule of $re sus Viz. 12 dd 3l ton Jh&g &d sU 6 fion Faislabad v6<br />

cheded4d by a strcnsq (€l abundm@ 65 - 78%) oft '/'i'd' low abfdde (14 - l5%)<br />

ornuid dd a Elaively high prcDonion orbirds (6 - l8v') A Uird clGrcr offiE l@slv<br />

sp&ed sus viz 5 dd 18 from Faelabad tnl 35 fion &dg B dlsdngudt'd bv t Eldivclv<br />


E<br />

s<br />

I<br />

E<br />

I<br />

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R<br />

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Tlble 19 povides infomrion ato |h. nMber of shau namtuls io fie mPl6<br />

siaptEpped froi six najor hdbiials of thal Pan of$e central Pdjab which lomed lhe msin<br />

sfudy a@ or thh study. A btal of eidt speics of s'll mMntt]s wG 6ugh1 'n snaP uaps-<br />

Scv.n oflhe* spcics w* al$ GPrcstcd in ihe Fllets<br />

of thc bm oel @lletted ftom me<br />

dain study e€a a.d 1nay rccounl.d for 88 5% ol dE owl s diel (Table 12) ll @v be pointd<br />

out that no €IIon 6 nade to *gEg'r. ifE sdPlopp'd lpdinehs of thc mie inro dt<br />

spccica M D8d.,i,r and,ll ,oodlgu Th.v have bfrn pd under M'r sW Getbillaut<br />

g/€.r',wi who* em@Ls s6 lol @ordcd in th. p'llels s !'pp€d fion a sgne of a<br />

foF$ pldlarioo goM on a sddy soil. SP@i's like N indica ^nd A sllrbti Pcrc nol<br />

ep.esenled in $. tlappql samplcs. Tlre fomo sp@i's is lsgelv subtemned in habit and<br />

favos dE embrltndts of iniSltio! dd d$img€ @nals- lr is @lv eldt in $e mdonlv<br />

sr tdps (Hu$ain. 1992) G s/liorl is ml cohno' in lhe siudv ea ud it ohlv tery rarelv<br />

apFB ii rhe MFrt?pped splca (M A B.s' peM!'l @nnui€don)<br />

Table l9 gives rh. nmber of sP4iDeN of rhe scvo ndmdie sp6ics in lhc six hsbitats of<br />

rhe nain sudy atss, vhile in Tabt€ 20 is sivcn $' tlp succcs offor each ofthese sFci€s As<br />

$. rhpPine nighs spent in th. vsiou hnbilars wE nor uilom it @ nor advieblc lo @<br />

rhe nunber ofsp.cinens captuEd for a silcn spei4 fot conputins rhe FoponioDs lnsEad<br />

the tbp suas wd used fot onputitg th. Proponio6 of veios sFci's Table ? l Povid's<br />

infomarion abod $e prcponions (of rhe t aP qughr small mqmals) conpured uins rhor<br />

rap succe$ lmped for 5ll th. hrbitats. Tabl. 22 giv€ lhe Popotion<br />

of thc ane *ven sFcies<br />

in $e sple otth. owl-c.pnE

Tablelg. The nmbq of salt nmDds $EFrtPp'd ton six h'bids of thc doin lnrdv a@<br />

' ""'<br />

i"**i i-i"u, o"r" un* $cie<br />

uriicl we rto rcPIgcd in [E p'll6 ol th<br />

b,m 6$ L hlv. becn inclu.led h lhis llble rTh€ Ttbk n bsd on lnpprlg @u<br />

flon Tables 26 )<br />

s,ruhe bas.d crelhrds 6015 n<br />

-Whe4-susd<br />

S..<br />

No. tp..io.!t<br />

Lr 8b. Ti.<br />

91 B5<br />

cee b6ed 6l 134 l0E 153 B4<br />

5400 69 621 120 E8<br />

5t9<br />

214<br />

516<br />

19189 155<br />

2<br />

2 623 t80<br />

5<br />

t2<br />

85<br />

427 288<br />

l0<br />

ll4<br />

!74<br />


Table 20- Proponios of tn. soll tuamak in lh. $tp'trapped sdtplq ,ioh 3i' h.biiats of<br />

$e mah sludy d€a (central Pujsb). ft. Tlble b6ed o! the data ofTlbls I9<br />

S. R.r. B.h Ti.<br />

wlafie ba$d coplsds 0.004 0.004 0.0t6 0.027<br />

Wnalsug& cN b.ed mddds 0.010 0.o21 0.0t7 0,v74 0.(Dl<br />

vilkqcs dd fm hos.s 0.0t8 0_l t5 0.022 0.0t6<br />

0.009 0.015<br />

sfld du.s and drainag. nllbn 0.007 0.004 0.036<br />

0.002 0.159 0.250<br />

Cobbin.d for rll hbit t3 0.034 0.007 0.1l5 0.029 0.267 0.046 0.1t8<br />



dd lhat S. r,fitb s'at nM.ddllv tlE nod .lonintd irm ofrhe owb' diel sd tuld 6ffh<br />

in $e fiel.l trapFtt sple!, wbas r t:tdtc, tur'd f61 l! thc @Plc of Utc owl captured<br />

sMll Mnals, the lder spcciB ws pl@d sixth (Ttbl€s 2l tld 22) Sinilelv' Mtu spP<br />

fron lhe second lo the foudt posilio[ X tar'ai &od tE thid lo the nnn posilon .'<br />

ba,g.le,s,i frctn the fou$ to sord Posidon, & 'alada fon the sixlh b $' 1hnd po$ion'<br />

wbile s sr.!r.,r rehined iB seve h pGlion both in th€ rapPed ed o*l €plured snpl€s of<br />

'ItF sdcn spai6 of sall 'tmmals ca!rcib€ €xper€d 1o elicit th€ simld b'haviou<br />

to lhe sn.p t aps Wdks r'lto h.v€ !a5t dPaimc! of tt!Ppi!8 lhes aitEls in $e n'ld<br />

agFe lhal S n,ttd ed t itt.a @ cdght noF @dilv h th' ftps fts thc otnd oB<br />

(Bcg, M. A. dd Mshlaq-uulas.t! M p'6' Com )-<br />

rnsFle of ihi! bais' S t4ina 6urd<br />

lll4in jur nnh postion otr $e basi! of i$ ahldd& in lhe tapped snnplts Though mt e<br />

lbunddsthe Pf* laPpi.g d'ta noi $G culriutioN of l[c ntin stldv d show ir lo be'<br />

L i,,ctca is knou lo be $e mosr lbrd&r spdis of todqn in &' drver r8iotu of Pafi$'n<br />

ln vid of the abo€ dr$65on it I loSical io alsse $at l!' pmpoiron ol the s€ven<br />

sFci6 of s.ll n'rnuls in {E owl5' di€t s lh€ 6' t of*l€ctve pcdaton bv fi' o*l<br />

H.!st, food *l.clivily vatue for '&b ofthc Fev sFci6 M comput'd Th' food eldlivilv<br />

valu.s (ei) for fi6e re 8iv.n ii |he Tlble 2l rhc TlbL $ssesls rhlt s '/i'd '!s<br />

th' mon<br />

crpiured (by orl) species relalive ro ils ibndm@ in lhc ltDdv !rc& Tnt sel'divirv vtlucs for rhe orhe'<br />

preys wed iel6tiv€ly lery lowi th'ir sel'ctivitv v'luca in d@6i!s ord4' we X zcl&r'4<br />

B. bengakax, R ruttus Mus sPP S ensdt and t iel"d ildietrng no pEfcMc' foi thm<br />


TrDlc 2l.TL FtrPotrioB of ....h of tt. tr6 rycci! of dll omd5 oo6@'d ui!8 tL<br />

6nbi..d tlD tr.d flt !I th. til hitint!<br />

0,034 0.o<br />

0.007<br />

0l!5<br />

0.00E<br />

0.13t<br />

0,029<br />

o6r<br />

0.015<br />

0.319<br />

0.(x6 0.055<br />

0.33t 0./()4<br />

Toai o,an l.el)<br />


Tabl. 22. Pbponion oflh. sev€n sFci6 of s.lt bllnDtb in th. pool.d splcs ofth.<br />

Dellers oflhc bom owl colleded fron thc nsin ssldy ater'<br />

2t8l 0.142<br />

0.00t<br />

lt6<br />

26<br />

0.019<br />

0.0?0<br />

t61 0.057<br />

2t7 0.074<br />

t94<br />

0_017<br />

ltm<br />

T.blc 2t F@d Drcf@nce (!i) ad reldirc @coufs (eD vdu's for lhe $all tntnmls<br />

rcpr.rd€d in l,t Flleas ofbd osl<br />

109<br />

(li) (ci)<br />

0.819 1.000<br />

0.006 0.001<br />

0.011 0.039<br />

0.091 0.l ll<br />

0-00E 0.010<br />

0.064 0.074<br />

0.0(D 0.002

I.FsULTS<br />

The r€6on for fie obsw.d dispotilv i. el..tiviiv lalu's of the Prcv spccis uda<br />

onsidedion w6 rhar ihe encouid tuqudci6 of lhe o*t miSltt hav' wicd on a6ou1 of<br />

vdying rcasns such s secr.tivcne$, Pedil4tion for @w. ebt'ftmd hode of lifc'<br />

l@motry ad.F.rio6, Eudio_vist caplbililics ofth' FEv ed thc owl\ cap$ilitv of locaiing'<br />

qptlrins and hddlinS Ptet &imlls of difi*nl si6 Emounld fr€qu'nci's plav I vittl Flc<br />

i. d.remining the fsd pEf€rcn6 of pr'datoB Tlble ?3 d@ma'E fte Flarirc<br />

cn@dedbiliti€s (eD of lh. $rcn ptlv foo

Table 24. The average body *€ight (d md Mdible tdgth (cm) offn vous dd adulB of<br />

tull naDm.ls oll@lc

T.bL 25. Convasion flltds for tt }!uit &d ldultt of4|od'l PFv! c{plxt€d bv lh'<br />

hdn dlt oflt dil sdy .a<br />

l.E5 215 2.15<br />

3.?0<br />

4.lE<br />

3.45<br />

2!5<br />

5.EE<br />

295<br />

4.50<br />

2.5r1<br />

E. bqleat 4t<br />

0.45<br />

0,ao<br />

3.40<br />

3.60<br />

xfi<br />

0.75<br />

05l<br />

E.l5<br />

6.15<br />

6.53<br />

0.75<br />

0.51<br />

526<br />

d55<br />

4.0E<br />


Tabte 26. Contributiotr ofthe veios PEy it€ds (4cefl b€rp.tiLs dd insls) !o tle<br />

total bioM$ @sm.d by $c bm o*h of lh! main 3iudv ,E! hom 1999<br />

2la6 67.9 59,4<br />

2l3l 61.4 2.15<br />

l<br />

0l<br />

28 0E<br />

0,!5<br />

0.tt<br />

n2<br />

ll6<br />

25.5<br />

3.6<br />

2.50<br />

542.33<br />

515.U)<br />

,7.6s<br />

6.87<br />

6.tl<br />

2-6 5 t.00 0.6t<br />

2t7<br />

2.5<br />

t,m t280-10 r6.20<br />

5.01 271.62<br />

52<br />

t0<br />

lao<br />

32tl<br />

1.6<br />

03<br />

2.0<br />

.J<br />

t.25<br />

1.00<br />

241J6<br />

t2_5<br />

19t2t1<br />

1.03<br />

041<br />

0.85<br />

1.17<br />





A bral of 40 tu$ of lnc bam dl ws @tded itr lhe six dhtlicls ollhe min sludy<br />

a@ dunng fte thrce yws of lhis srudy Tweolv_two of thee wct localed il Faielab'd<br />

dislrict. eigit in Jheg disltict, three e&h in T T Sineh od sheikhlpua dislricls dd ibu n<br />

Hafzbad disLicl. Thirty-lh@ of fi* *erc PEed<br />

in fte houovs ehil. the FMining sw€n<br />

*r loclred in M-mad. sE*$s. The tn6 h.ttouing th. wl rc$s *E Dol"tata ri$4<br />

Solanlia nalaba/ie, ficw beisaledis, E@altPts citridora MM alba TqnaMlid<br />

ujuw MdhEilera itultca, cid{ella toog Phoener dacvifetu' Ficu! rclioqtog E ciu<br />

Jambolinaed Butea hoaovemL Oflhe 33 nc$s,23 \|@ l@ated in lh' tuls &d even in<br />

th€ linbs oflrEs. Tw y{ne ofthe* rre n6lhoUows b.dotrlvon oP'oing sv€n h'd two<br />

lou had [ne &d one hld fou openings FivG of th* rE hollows ue subs€q*nilv<br />

o@upied by d'n.h likc jugl€ cai (rrlis ciau) (l), snake (l), motilor lizad (/ara"t<br />

',,td, (I) ed yelloww4ps (2) Some ofth. tE. nests orbm owlar' shou in Plarcs 9_16'<br />

The didelq (al b@sr heigbt) of th. tults of tbe lE s hrbornng rh€ owls GB<br />


H.a. t A holtry it ih. nut oft d'tb.rv tt s u!.d s t h!.ding !'tl i! lb' 1999_<br />

20oo at M@hisah CRH lb.t wB @d.r.d ulir for t!. owl in tbc ldl t€tM bv<br />

|}. vi[.g. bq/3.rd doy.

ll.e ra. Tt banlof.p..piliont EdlA@.tE8ity.lAoistlcruf,<br />

Pbt ll. a wid. o!dri!3 of. n . c.v'ry ofba! al .t thon

Ftr. or ui'u ai"o'*a ty. "ti.uus t!rt--r h-t @l n spirs to d of tb'<br />

twod'Eof th.st wny.rrlol<br />

n t U. S-rlng ,t" p.*." of . wdtd cl* to ii' M! t t'm 4l i5 levilg tn' 4il<br />

€vrty .l Thikiw.L CRg

'ttr. U. rt" -urh of" *t otirv ofibe b.D o*l i! lhc Eul of t &lbqgis ltc 'r Podu<br />

KoruCRH.<br />

Plil: l5. A b@ owl rcst crvitt qith the M.U.sl opoing ( 15 x l2cn) scold'd duing the<br />


Pl.r. | 6. A long hollow in LhG nhl ofa Mulb€trt Ee ( fr<br />

r | * h'ch er(nd'd doMwsd! rill tr<br />

wa riibur rou fd 6!h lnc Bmund\ red s t 6r b t pst oft€m o*r3 d<br />

i'l*r'i""i" cni rm"et' i.'ticat;Ui iI rbc inbl th' owl could be *4 aom<br />

" 6c;ud Thevilhcech'ldMtcdllv vsibd t'c !o*lh' os|l*ho$n<br />

a".&J,r,""i i ir'"li"."t'; lds \dc'lslir hollow m'rs F runl lb) at<br />

ri'ai i*r*h;crs e.'i.*.tdeMGqEtrNollevill'8e(c)wts"xtErc<br />

bn miMcr (d) sdcd 6 n6twhilerhc.djdt sDAll4 (') *ded a d rctDs tt'


ThG ol lhe $ven non_re€ resls reE presr D {oodcn tr6t box* imtallcd in the<br />

Es dui.8 this nudv lh. owl &eded two of lhd 4nd omerime whib U€ third box *6<br />

ed for b*eding in t999 &tl2000 ln (he min brceding wn of 2001' this n€sl box wG<br />

abodoned bt 0te p.il 5nd prodwhg a dd'h ot sevcn €8gs<br />

ThcE w.re folr sites in Jhss distrid *hee tne b@ owl *se t@rded !o oest in<br />

buildingsi the in $€ tecess ofde niod$ of viuaB' Dosques e't one o! lhe imer comic' of<br />

a done oi. shrjDe Tte nosqles \!w locat€d in th' center of$e villag$' r'b'td th€ sluin'<br />

was locatcd abou lwo kiloneleF awav frcm th' neesl villag''<br />

Al one l@arion viz. the Jhod cRtl bts'


The mindel of lnolhcr n6q@ in t n€sbv vill's€' Ch!} No 23l J B ldievala (s'&<br />

no. 14) *s l@ded to htrtoutlo a pair ofbm owls Thb ptn w3 also tlestloved On onc of<br />

ny lisils I M lold thal lhe owls w@ killed bv a be who wdi'd rh'o fot prcpanng ene<br />

kind of'ncdicin. fon thei! boncs This pair had bce' using th' nind€i as a nes'@d for<br />

Bm owh visited don€ of a shnn' bqttd in Chsk No lTl J B MamgMi The<br />

c{aaker of rbe shrine told lh.r $e o{h peved upoi lhe Pis@6<br />

(col"'o rivta) rhd @teo<br />

ed nsled on thc @hi@ of fie done The cetakd sls bld $!t sotEric th' o*ls wd<br />

caught dd rclcsd fd away Aon tn€ sttire in ooPlisc' uih $e in$!'lion of $e head of<br />

thc aldn., A couple of$e owls enich qEn @ght for heing cLs!'d v@ ob|!i*d dd<br />

brcu8hl by ne lo lh€ cmp6 of lh. Univ'Bitv of ASticdff' Faildat'd snd! rhev *F kepl<br />

dd fed in a woo

(n=21) wE @ded duing lh. Pdiod dddhs<br />

desigHed d 0E no@.t be.dinc sest! 'nd filc<br />

t@ s.plenbd lbre{sh Dembd,<br />

ndts *id4td rcFld.rio* etivirY<br />

Dring thc main brc€din8 sason. d& fif| cldch of ie s$n of 1999 s E !d'd sirh six<br />

eggson Sdptenbq II No {i6h esg w6 l@il'd an'r Odort' IS in l99 nF Exl v€{' lne<br />

Ild clulch of 8 eegs dd one chick {6 ieordcd on Sept.mbd 9 l! 2001' rhE cggs *cr€<br />

reod.d in a n st on S€ptenb€t 6; fou mo€ cggs {@ ad'l€d larer o! to tbe clutch The bsn<br />

osl is m incone b@d.r (Dl@t 'r dl , 2000) ed lavs '8gs orc bv onc with s i eN'l or<br />

about lso days belwes 6v tqo cotr{uliv€ ege hyilgs &td thal s esg i*e! aboul 30 davs<br />

for har.hins (Tavlor, 1994) Fon dE above infodation il dav b' lafelv inf'ied $at in tn€<br />

bom owl population of nv slldv .@ e88 laying stds duilg ihe sond bdf ol Augug 'Ilie<br />

n cbtch 6 at6in€d bv |he b'!'ding owls b'$6n s'pt'mhct 9 dd Novdbd l But' mosl<br />

ofth e8g lavites |oot pla'e fiom nicAugust trcugh 'hobs lh€ Gvlv bdchut chicks<br />

ud nddv @nhd non dE *!ond wltt of S'pcmbcr till lhe 'nd of NoilEbd Fledg'ng<br />

of the yosg owls rc complded by<br />

'audv Pltra l? o 22 sho* the cres !!d chiks of 0E<br />

t€m oql id difiere @srs.<br />

. As ncnion.{t cdliq, son' bGding rcrivitv e!5 d$ obentd duing M'yJw of<br />

2000dd 2o0l On Mav 10.20oo i*o cg85 r€B @nl'{t ion a rcst O!Jw I'onlvoreof<br />

thc esss NA bn i. the nesl 4d on<br />

'd' 28' s ttead cluck @ found ir thc 6t Ano$q '51<br />

*ith one eeg md $ree chicks in eslv stsg€s of grc$lh $'!s lsded o' Iune 2' 2002 qlnch d<br />

Irly ? q.s emptv. Six egls *Ere reconl€d on June ?' 2001 in I nest but nore of thes eegs cvcr<br />

hdched. Jst ole eg8 w$ I@ded fton dothci d'st on Mav 17' 2001 which did not h51ch rill<br />

lun 28. Frcs a nest h lhc nir&el of ! n6qu' one eg! ss recd'ded on Mav l?' which als did nol<br />

h!|oh. Thus norc or rne* bEeding 'fios oucidc $e mlin brc'ding !€@n ws fodd lo bc succ'$rul<br />


Table 27. Nmbcr of es$ dd chicts Fcord.d flon thc ncaE ofuc boh osl in<br />

the six disiricts of dE din $udY @<br />

(.). f.ildrb.d dntricl<br />

E1'!<br />

Site<br />

It-09-1999 6 0<br />

0+10.199 2<br />

lE-10-1999 I 3<br />

09.09-2000 6<br />

25.10-2000<br />

5<br />

30n )-2000<br />

2t-12-2u00<br />

3<br />

07.06.2001 6<br />

1247-2001<br />

060t2001<br />

5<br />

l<br />

0l-rl'200t 7<br />

20-12-2001 7<br />

Anitrpu CRE 20-t2-199,<br />

I l{0-199<br />

m-t2-1999<br />

t0-05-2000<br />

0l{6-2000<br />

0<br />

KotKbutt YdCRH<br />

28.0G2000<br />

05nG2000<br />

30.1r.2000<br />

29-t2-20@<br />

r-tG200l<br />

6<br />

t5.l l-2001<br />

27-t2-2ml<br />

2 2<br />

29-09.2000 6 0<br />


.trd T, I. Sitrrn dbFict<br />

Jhon CRH<br />

05-t0'2000<br />

3G.l l'2000<br />

29-12.2000<br />

l8-l&2001<br />

t5,u-2001<br />

0r-lt-1999<br />

3Gr2-t999<br />

l7-05,2001<br />

2647.2001<br />

04-lGl999<br />

0l,ll-1999<br />

8<br />

29-09.2000 2<br />

02.1l-2000<br />

0?-12-2000<br />

4<br />

l8-10-2001<br />

2<br />

l5-l|.2001<br />

2<br />

GoiE cRH<br />

(.). Sh.ilq<br />

02{62000<br />

09-09'2001<br />

3<br />

0l-ll-2001 2 5<br />

20-12.2001<br />

5<br />

t+02-2W 4d.!d)<br />

Mudh Btluchan CRH<br />

(d). n.rq4lgjgEg!<br />

22-|-t999<br />

06.1,2-1999<br />

l0-09-2000<br />

2Gt0-2000<br />

IGIl-2000<br />

21,t2-2W0<br />

05-10-200t<br />

20-12-2001<br />

l4-02-2002<br />

t2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

9<br />

I l-09-1999<br />

I<br />

t5-tFt999<br />

I<br />

22-\t-19,9<br />

J<br />

06-12.1999<br />

10.01-2000<br />

2<br />

09.09-2000<br />

I<br />

28-09-2000 5 2<br />

26-10-2000 2<br />

2<br />

l0-lr-2000<br />

21.12.2@0<br />

t24<br />

l<br />




ln all. a total of28 clutch &d s ndv boods ofthe bm owl were record'd duing lhe<br />

Min breedins s6on 6 weu as ourside lhis period duiine fie three veds of$is $udv The<br />

clubhcs mScd in sirc fom I to 12 &d avdgcd 5 25 + 0 4?l (SE)- The N@gc b@d sz<br />

6 L l o r 0.3s9 (SE) (Table 2s). Duing lhe dh bradins scsn' the clut'h and brDod tircs<br />

u@ 5.?8 + 0.465 (SE) dd 3.62 a 0.3E6 (sE) (Tablc 29) In $€ 6vG clul'ha @tded odsidc<br />

lhe sain betlins Fen, lhe nMbd of .ssF dsed fbm I to 6 and !v'd8'd 2 6 + 0 829 (sE)<br />

or th. five chtches odv two didenced hatchins bll none of rhee chhks liv'd tong enoud to<br />


Twenly{ix ncsr boxcs qft in$all€d at vdos lcalnid in the mlin sludv ad (Table<br />

I l). The ncar boxc i.sLll.d ar Ukb@ CRH (Site No 2) m ns'd s a btedins ne$ thrice<br />

duig th€ lasl l*o veds of this srudv, that is, !bo!r on€ y'{ afto being ilst'llcd (Plttc l)<br />

Boid.., ibe oql us.d thd moE @sl boxes fot @ni!8 gr!o* Thur 15% of th' tr61 boxes<br />

evid.med occlpadon by the owl. Onc nd box at Kot rhula Ys CRH (Site No E) dd<br />

eolher ar Mudh sal@hln CRH (sit€ No 4l) hdd beeo occupied bv tndisn RoUd (Co'aciols<br />

tdga?eair) and rllow alsps, EsFclivelv scvd oflhe "$ box6 wG siolo bv tlF ldtl<br />

Fople duting lhe lirsl ved ol tnsn idlUalion and n{o norc w not avsilsble to bm owl as<br />

$ey had bccn apprcPna&d bt ofier oBdisrns A toiql 6t 35% ol 1h' n6i box6 {de nor<br />

o rtt .*lr' enorrto tu"tor lhal d6ed€il mdtiot h@ 6 thc dislubdEe lhd $e<br />

""uit"Ul"<br />

l(al people &d espNiallv lhe voug bovs caused pGv€ndng fie owls ftom brceding A par<br />

thal lsed lhc nesl box inslalled at Te*ttini CRH (sit' No 2?) for sone dm' wa' forced lo qun<br />

n be.!w of Fldng lhc box eith sroms and o0s obi4ts Evd sone !" bouos sflus a<br />

n46 to $e owl evidened sinils rcis ofvddllisn<br />


iiiii *re" i" *, b.' .r ult&n cRH Ohoaosnph'd<br />

"r " d s'ehbd e<br />

20oo). bdy ora s. u d]lqqqElglggl:gl<br />

^d@d<br />

ts. Tn. h,, .1t,"* of.lut h of fi'e chicls Lftbe cRH-with tultv dd'loFd fe6l<br />

_- 'r<br />

lisr a"a aomv ptms. tphorosipb.dd Dc4b'r 2I 2000)

Pl.l. 19. Fod 5 clui.h ofsit .8g! in . Bt box .t Utb@ cRH, one .gg i! ni$ing ehil.<br />

dEshellofrmlh6@ist@t6(pholornd.ddruly 12,2000).NGof rhe<br />

A clurch ol sd .88! ar Thitdisdr CRtl ia r holtow<br />

{phoiosnphed on S.rt nber29, 2000).

Pl.r. 21. A clutch of six €ggs ir r hollow iD fiet ,.rpl€trt ne al S.LMl. CRH<br />

(photosrlph.d on O.tobd9, 200 1 ).<br />

PLr.22. A clurch of tue88sof the bs owlin a t* hollow.t Mudt 8.lEbs cRH<br />

Gnotognpt.ddocrobs5,2001)<br />


Tablc 28. The clulchcs ed $e broodr oI lh. bdr owl re@rd€d duing rhe @in h.eding<br />

gen as well d olrdde ir in rhe lix dBiricr3 of thc nsir sndy .E l@rd<br />

(c) sb.il'l'u<br />

d1<br />

Site<br />

T si<br />

1999<br />

2000 6 5<br />

2001 6<br />

2001 1<br />

t999 I<br />

t99<br />

2000 2<br />

2000 6<br />

2001 6 2<br />

2000 6<br />

2001 5<br />

1999<br />

2001<br />

2001 Fall<br />

lhoR CRH 2000 6<br />

2001<br />

t999<br />

2001<br />

199 5<br />

2000<br />

200r 2<br />

coj,a cRH 2000 3<br />

dl<br />

200r 5 5<br />

t999<br />

2000 I2 6<br />

2001 1<br />

1999 3<br />

,000 8<br />

2a 2E<br />

No E8stchkls 147 s7<br />

5.15 3.l0<br />

SE 0.473 0..t89<br />


Table 29. Th€ du&h6 and $e boods offie bh o*t t@ded dutu8 rh. main b€.ding<br />

sqson in fi€ six d'slricis of$c nair study dF lmrcd i! pujab.<br />

1999 6<br />

2000 6 5<br />

2001 1<br />

1999 I<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001 2<br />

2000<br />

200t 5 l<br />

t999<br />

200r<br />

(br. Jhrhg 3nd T, T, Slbsbdi*rict3<br />

20@<br />

Iall<br />

l<br />

2001 Fall 6<br />

Muddwala CRH<br />

(c). Shciklupun distrt tl<br />

1999 8<br />

199 6 5<br />

2000 5<br />

2001 2 2<br />

2001 5 5<br />

I999<br />

2000 t2<br />

2001 8 7<br />

MochiwalaCRH 1999 l<br />

,0m I<br />

Clur.h<br />

2l 23<br />

l14 E]<br />

5.82 3,62<br />

SE 0.,165 0.422<br />


Tablc 10. clurches &d b@ds oflhe bhowl Ecord.d ouisid. lhe nain bFeding s.en Aoe<br />

rhe six disrricls oflhc main<br />

2001<br />

cojd cRH 2000 I l<br />

5 2<br />

tl<br />

2.60 0.E0<br />

SE 0.E29 0.51<br />




The min bEeding s€etr of th. b6n owl polllation of lh. m.in sludy a@ €rrdds<br />

ftom de $cod h.lfof Augut threush Jeury wbil. som. b@ding acrivity B ds rcrd in<br />

Fom May though August rcdcnts pq€ more idetuively huled by lh. owls ihe w de<br />

how sbrcN (Tablc 32. Fig. 9). Pa$ Au8ur, the picrur€ wirh rcsp*t ro rhe diel of $e owl<br />

$.n€d chflginS !s the shrcws b.ga .ppering in tte dicr in ldEs numbd- This ptu*<br />

conilued ill D*ftb€r, pdi which tlrc poponion of sbes bege dclini.g &d tnat oi the<br />

@dcnts staned inpoving sibulid€ously. By M.y, th. rorlcnls outnmb€Ed the shds ond by<br />

Augusl thc se4al pocess was @nple!€d who th.y had rcniev€d muimum Dmedcd<br />

supcriorirr ovn th. shews. fts Ue owl deF.ded h.lvily on the shEs for ihe major p6n ol<br />

the min b|edinS son. It B dlrils rhis pdio4 lncn om io trc de.d (v.ry on@<br />

daapiiated) hoa shEws B@ nquody foud in rhe owls r61s. CondFaion oI swar<br />

gldds on rh€ throat sd b€hind lhe ds is r€sposibl. for tn. chdctdisric ftuk pDdrction<br />

(Drydeb and Conaway, 1967). Perhaps for rbis Eaon the parmt rehoved the hcatls of $e<br />

shr.ws befoe offcring $d lo rhen chicks. Allhougl nuy radonal birds do not d lhe<br />

shPw (Rob€ds, 1994 yd n M rh€ nain $@ of ruuimc to th. bEediry owlr dd then<br />

dBtlings (Fig. l0).<br />

!ig. I I shos the r€lative sb$duce of sbr€$, rodcnts, blts and bitds io th€ di.t of<br />

rhe owl duling the maid breedinS seso and outside that p.riod. Ite houe shtq fomed o.<br />

lhe avfrgc ?7-6% of the owl s dier duing (h. mlh bcding tun a comFlld io 52% ou$id.<br />

lhh p..iod while, lh. mddG form.d about | 77. md l9%, Esp€.livcly. Thr* sp.ci6 viz. t4 ,ror'rgd<br />

d=63.4r. df= r, p < 0.or), I| rdM cf= r r.50, dl= l, p < 0.ol) lnd c, .llidi ll- t.36.df- L p<<br />

0.0 | ) werc bener .oNumed oubide the ndii brcediiS sffn lhd duins tlF main beding l.Mn<br />


Table I L Anificial nesrs iBr4led in the pr€mis ofvdious c&at E$ holB ed<br />

in dE crepld4r adjafur ro rhcm. (-Ihe nst box6 *tr ini.Ld tio6<br />

D.enber 1999 thrcw[ Nov.mbq 2000)<br />

I Me.2l It<br />

2 Utbe CRH 5<br />

5<br />

8<br />

t4 Budla CR}I<br />

ll<br />

Md.23<br />

May.l0 5<br />

Me.2l<br />

Ma.2l 5<br />

May l0<br />

Feb.2l<br />

l<br />

Feb.2! 5<br />

Md.l0<br />

21<br />

t2 5<br />

3l<br />

l5<br />

Md.16<br />

4l 3<br />

Mochiula cRH 5<br />

45 7<br />

Feb.2l 3<br />

Hejght<br />

5<br />

5<br />

l<br />

3<br />

l<br />




Tle nain beding e6on of U. bm owl popubrion of the min study ma exto.ts<br />

Itod th€ *cond half of Augst thrcud Jau!.y whitc sme brceding &liliry ws al$ nol€d in<br />

Fiom May tbroueh Augut rcd€nrs wre norc inteneiv.ly huted by ih€ owls the ws rhe<br />

houe slnew ( fabl€ 12, Fig, 9) P6t Au8usr, the pictur. wiih respd to the .liet of the owl<br />

daned chmging as lhe shws b.ga appEdi.g h th. diel i. l&ger lunb€r This p@6s<br />

conlinued dll Decenber. pa$ which th. proponion of shrys b6gd dectiniig ad lhal of th€<br />

@dents staned improvine sinllla€owly. By May, th. rc&nls o rmb.rcd rhe shcs dd by<br />

Aneui rhe Ev.@l ptucs B conptctcd ehcn rh.y bld &hieved msinM mu6i@l<br />

$psionty ov.. the slEs. IlrN fi. owt deFidcd hevity on dE shlws for lte mjo.Fn of<br />

the main bEeding s€en. lr B dlring ihis pdiod, wh@ ore ro i$! &ad (very ons<br />

depirakd) hoE shEs w@ filq@.dy foud in fic o*h, lcsts. Conederion of swesr<br />

slmds on rh€ ltnoar md b.hind ih. * is rcsFBibtc to, fic checrdisdc DNt pbduction<br />

(Drydeb ud co.away, 1967). Pelhlps for tnis tlen thc p@!rs cmoved rhe hadr of rhe<br />

shress befoE ofereing thm to lhet chiclj Ahhough nuy rapional bids do,o1d rhe<br />

sh@ (Robens, 1997) yel il qa $e main souce of nuirin.nr lo the b@ding osls ed tieir<br />

Fig. 1l sbows lbc elarive abundaDcc of shees, rcd.nts, bars dd birds in ihe diel of<br />

lhe owl duing the main breeding s@soo and oubide rh.t p€.iod. Ibe houF shEw fomed on<br />

$e avemee ?7.6% ofthe owl\

Tabl..l2. Monhly veadoB in th. Etrn€ .b!td!& ot pEy 'rtu in lb. F ds of<br />

ur b€m owl colltrled foh lsuqy !o9o rlwusn Dechb.r 2OOl The<br />

pellet smples for .eh of lhe rl&. ys l4 lhped Donth-wi*. (M =<br />

nmbdofpeuels; n = n@ber of prcy itetu in M.)<br />

M=to9 M=240 M=4ll M=216 M= 7t6 M=45<br />

35.6{6181 n !267) 561(Jgtl stt{l79l Jt.l(26l<br />

65 5(1501 51.3{179) t7 |t6)<br />

0.3(l<br />

0jrtl<br />

0_ll2)<br />

r,J(,6) l0li69) Jr,qrot ,t3:0aa) 2&J(t ) arJtJr)<br />

2 r(r5) 2.o(10) 6 5(14) 5.r(t7) r.0(r) 7.r{5)<br />

I t{24} 81(r9) 8.5t261<br />

I.7 2) t.8{6) | 0(5) 2.(?) 7.(5)<br />

Lt(3) 1.5r5) 2 3(r2) 1.306) I t(41 1.4{l)<br />

| )(4) r05(5t r7..4O8) r0.t(I) 7.(s)<br />

I x8) 4.1(3)<br />

0.4(]) r_5{5) 1.5{5) 2.X9\ 1.4(r)<br />

0-3{t)<br />

r.(r0) t,2I4l 2l{r2)<br />

0 9{t) 02tl 1.2{4) 0.7(2)<br />

l. t(6) t.316)<br />

0.(21 0.2(l<br />

2 X2)<br />

142 326 307 70<br />


M- I7l M-37 M=lll M-222<br />

f,3.0 (33) tT.xtzl l,L6(lll) 70.6{t21r<br />

3r.0{r3) t7.91t21 s4.6(8)) 706n27)<br />

oe{4 tqr)<br />

r.t(2)<br />

5&0(sn Jrr,|!)r l3,t(3al<br />

6.1(r4) 2 0(2) t Sil J.3(5) t.(r) 2,217)<br />

lt.0(15| .] o(2) J rrr) | 7(])<br />

I0{l) 3.0/2\ 9.9{rt) 4 4(8)<br />

l,0t) t.0(J)<br />

6.1(ro t.(5) r0 1(?) 2 0(, r 70) 1.2(B)<br />

2.215) 2 (2) 3.0(2i 2.{Xl) 1.7(.t) 0.t(l)<br />

2 7l6J l3(5)<br />

2.0t2) t. (2)<br />

2t.(X21) r.q6) t.()t<br />

3.(X31 :9(9)<br />

t7 0(t8) 6.0t61 1.9(t2\ 6.(lr) 2.4r)<br />

tt0<br />

lll) I52 l&) Jl!<br />


Fi& 9. Moidly Ei.ti6 i! lh. lelldve abultd.rcc of fou mjd pF oLgdi6 oft* b.n<br />

owlofdE mid srdy 'a<br />

I9<br />

I<br />

I<br />

tf<br />

i(D ,<br />

ol<br />

ao<br />

"l\<br />

iDl<br />

t0<br />

0<br />

|'<br />

D6<br />


Fig. 10. Diel of th€ bm oel popdation of ih. min study 8ea dding il! @in ba.ding<br />

sen (Ausun- Febtudy) ud oln sitL this pdiod. (MBS, min brE€din8 !€eni<br />

OMBS, owsidc mb beding st&n.)

Fi& I l. Cq|tihnd of ttE EiN FsI s?.cF to0E dicl of lb. t.lr ort!ofo. !||i! sodv<br />

Ar.rduinsibtri!bl.rdilg!G@n(Au€d-F.t .ty)udo$!id.lit!D.riod<br />

Gi,rRS, dh kr.dirg s; OI{BS, outit dh hi..di$ !cft,)<br />

I a<br />

et:-raflrrj<br />

-----:-_-----1<br />


tfs(JLra<br />

Two oftb* $€ci6 yiz M 6ood€a ltd G .llro{ 8rr.r![t col-i- stblr!& ed<br />

ad&.!t crcplrdb in my 3ndy dr{Robtq 1997i Brna 1992), {lil. i 'o n b !.rkrly<br />

dfined vilLg*, ftrn hou66 sad oih.r bud!! dr|lllia83 rd.r.ot ,n lh. ruEl lms<br />

(Muh!taq-ul-H!s6, 1997, 1998). P! E!, olbidc lh! nolEal hldilg pdiod tt owl<br />

139 i-

gtxqrtEqvr<br />




The bdn oql is hi8tlly 0criblc vi6 Gpet to its hdilrt (B|&rd, 193; HoE, 1963i<br />

Sshon&ld and Girbig, l97t; Bod6M dd deBruijn, 1976i Shadock, 1976j KaN, l9?7;<br />

BN.r a/.. 1982: B@ts4 l9E0; decr@t 1983; Julli.d dd B.@! l98l; Colvi!, 1984i<br />

Pilula rt /, 1984iBaudvi., l9E6; Wilsoo er d/., 1986j Millsp dd Milkap. 1987; Shaq.a<br />

1987; Fry c, ol, 1988i Trylor, l9l; siv€rio, l9"l; Taylor. l99l; R6d.q 1998). k ba.<br />

poie ial for high rcproduiivity (Covin, 1984i Mani, l9E8). Ib hnbir !o eptudoce<br />

polygmously is als ! hbif€st ri@ of i$ opponuistic dispositid (Madi, | 990). Trr* trlic<br />

nBt hale h.lped the owl in €xploiiing the cheg.s tbal oclftd in the lmdsape of th.<br />

tropic.l thom plains of Pujab 4d dry Nb'trlpi..l $hi{q8rrtr *rubland ofeulhesffi<br />

Baluchht n following the introdudion of cmal iriCrted agdcdtE. App@ndy thc hon owl<br />

is doins well. !r lqs! in the aelD@systm of thc Indu plti6 *lrF hllm h.bitatiots, th.<br />

trced farmlonds, $e foresl planldtion fld scillblmds togalFr prclide a divebny of food 4d<br />

nesling opp.nuiri.s. Howevcr, thft e c.filin f&tm 0!t st@ ro linil the owl popolalid<br />

ol Ois sludy d.a: ( I ) as lhe p.opl. corsidd th. owl fl oho of bld lu.k, n is b.ing .bhoned<br />

dd FEeured sv.rly, (2) th€ urent bod of Glling old te both i. rlE ru.al ard ub.n<br />

$itines is d.p.iving thc owl of ils nestile sit s, lnd (l) intcNivc w of peslicides cspecially in<br />

the cotton bclll of the co$try mig]|t have b.cn.freting tt owl Frdltlm advcEclt ft.*<br />

de ene of $e prcbl.fts thar .*d io be invcsiigried in turuE.<br />


The di€ts ofrh.lhE local populaliohs ofthe b6m owlofthis study were at v&id4,<br />

Th. owl population of lbe min nudy oe dhibiLd a sftng d€Fndme ont uu,M 6.<br />

solre ofnutrinenl (Table 12). Howcv€r, rcdenls w als inporlanl conpoDqts of ils dict


heE. Thc owl population inllbiting th€ cr.l-irigaled fms of B8lDwalnagd, leal.d ar ihe<br />

cd8. of Choli{an d*rl d€p.nded on S drrt6, bi.dr lodots &d herFtil.s for its food;<br />

birdi b.ins & inportant pEy nd Oable Il). FunlE qcsl. Nud Usta MulMm.d of<br />

dislricl J.rerabad (aaluchblaD), ode s beme $e chief pr.y it 6s, *t'ile houc anGw<br />

playcd $e ole of a mimr fod p€y. AlMg dE b

DlscussloN<br />

Eladvely h@vily (CarF er a.d Fall, 1967; Bud€q 1974; Bell@q, 2000i Bosc and cuibali,<br />

200D.<br />

The odbarion of the bm owl dicl dau fion vdiou ltudv siies (- spling uits) oI<br />

$e min srudy ea in the sFicd hlTqspe. (Fig 8) sres6i.d thil ilE ctoppils p.ttem &d<br />

tn€ conposition of the teail mmhd codmunilid in lh. cstd inS;ar€d dgNcNvsten of<br />

diffdenr (ological b.6 w nol e ircly


Thee chdges i! the pey inport n€ *E rl.t d lo abud{e and ercou|eobilitv of lhc<br />

food peyt thal in tu weE Flated 1o thc prevt rcpnd@tilc cvcles dd th' chdg's in<br />

legehdon colq of rhe laft mds Such opponunhiic hudng bv bm o*k diclar|d bv the<br />

rlalive obundanc. dd encodrctabiliry of $c PGv ilens h4 ben eponcd bv a nMb€r of<br />

vo eE (c.g. W.her,1973; Mani.l97ZiDrM et al lg?A;Baudvir! l9E3; dcJong' 1983;<br />

Colvin, 1984: Cdpb.ll e, rl, 1987; Bbh, l98l; Bdhoe @d Boal' l96i d.l Cstt,<br />

1999i Bo* dd Guidali, 2001; Debrot er o/., 2001 ).<br />

Mosl of the snall mamals of eiral Pujab &d particultlv lhose rPccnled in thc<br />

oqh' dicts bre.d round tbe yed .x€pl foi lwo io th$ @lder monlhs of ih' veari the<br />

exccption being M '6././,r (Rda ond B!8, 19?6) i dxd (Mushaq-ul_HM tt41,197)<br />

ard N /r/i.? (M.A.Bce" 2004. P6. Comm ). Cnncollv, thtv c.8 lo brc.d loh thcnd of lh'<br />

Novcmbe. tomid-FabnEry bul lhe du{ion of this Piod of E?lodwlive qli.$me vMd<br />

fton y€d to yd depotling on the wany ofih. *ntes.In. mrml vd i 'miw ht'dilg<br />

talcs place iton lale winrer dnoueh midaFine (B.s dd Ajmal, 1977r Khm ed B'g' !901<br />

Beg ard Rana, l9?8i Bes a al.. 1981, 1983, 1986) Duins wj.ter md sFin8, thc whcal fields'<br />

which covc! more tbm 60% of tbe lotdl cultivatcd led in enlral Punjab' pbvid' cxcdive<br />

covq ed abuddt f6d b ln€ rcdc s. FoE APlil througb @lt Mav' 0r *h"l @P s<br />

hdesled. Belorc hfl€sting of th. cmp, dE voung od@ts ndi comin8 oot of dE Mlod<br />

bmws for lodSrn8 dd nay fatl pEy to pEdllo6 ircluding rhe bm owl Enigntion of<br />

ditrcrcnt odent populalioE tom tlE whldt fi.ld! begiN airded 1iD6 evcn bcfoE ih'<br />

np.ninsof$edop(BesodRnna l9?EiYs..n, l9?9iSryd i98l;Be8,€ral' 1983) Bur<br />

Le'gdlsrrir, b€ing l&eely $bt€tued sd a good hoard€r ot rhe eeds (Chakabonv' l9?7:

DlscussloN<br />

Ubaidulkn d a/., l9s9) srays in th. hNdted *hear fi.tds ior varvi'e l€ngths of tine As suc[<br />

ir Fdtes iMlf wlne'lble io th€ pF{tation when ir t€ws thc h4st€d whar liclds for @vd<br />

ed food opponuiri6 Ttis P.rht's qPlsi$ whv rhis d' ortrldbcred dF olhd mEids in dE<br />

spdns dier ot rhe o*l (Fi8 6c).<br />

The pedod cxrending aon Mav ro nidJulv b Bually hot dd dry dl ovq the plains of<br />

Pujab. ve8ctation co!4 i! s6tv €ven i. th' @plalds rt is thc time whdr @ditnenl of<br />

mo$ of the youog bids ad Mnals lo thet esFctive populations htes pl&e (Taber er 4/<br />

I 96?r Robens, 1991. 1992. 1997). 11 qs duing lai€ spring wher the poportion of vomg bitds<br />

ed mm@ls begd to indese in the did of $e owl md petk in sumq diei<br />

The biolic poie.ti.h of S tr,6 is low s conFred b le rodmt poPuLlioM ihit<br />

aff*t the villages dd mtleds (R@ ad B'A l9?5: Ilnt tral ' l9?7 1981:B'8ddAjbal'<br />

I9??i Beg md R na l9?Ei Sneil e, al., 1980; Kha ed B'& 1986; B!8' l9E6; Mushtaq_ul'<br />

Hass .t zl., 1998, 1999) The lr.pong dal! of olii lrrdv nom huod habilalioE Nprdds<br />

anl *rubb4s show.d thar .hhoqgh $c shres s lhe l€'$ ablndel in all the sn'dlnpp'd<br />

splcs. )€r n ov€dh€ldioglt oulimb€Ed all th' o$d food Pcvs it the di't of lhe bm<br />

owh of rh€ m.in nudv aGa h ws only in $e sMDer s6on wh€n rodents' oat loo s I<br />

Sroup *e€ belter . en lh& lhe shew (Figs 4 &d 5) For $ne llsn th' oql pt€fcr'd lhe<br />

house shr{ over all lhe Prcv it€ns aY'ilablc lo il in the studv d'a Bul' the owls PI feMce<br />

for the shEw Ndlened durins he slUmd slen *hd in the md@t PoPulatior voug dd<br />

Eive iodiliduh w.re hid EPrcsrd iho at @y othd tine of the v'5 dd the t'gedlon<br />

@vd ws eee U(|rc th.e ciamstan@s, &' bd'tfs mighl h!t' ben profuble food<br />

pE s to th€ owls At orh€r rin$ of lhc y@, llF slld sbould hav' ben ! noE Nt{n@ti*


pl€y lhh th. rcd€lts- The pFpondcl@c of $e shtw in rh' di€t of $c owl sb P.d!!6<br />

rclared io irs relaliv.lt bctei .nootenbilitv The hoE shEq like ihe bdt owl is cl@ly<br />

clal€n to nm. It fodgcs boldlv in ad Nud lhe hulrlln dwlin!' sd elesdd<br />

Funhemore. il is i! lh. h.bn of b.mvitrg iB pren@ bv dinirg sltriu chin'dry squeors<br />

sdile il n hu.ting or h dgeg€d in in|EsFcific 'n@ub rvlilc lh' sluw is lh€ no't<br />

pltGrFd prey of th. o*ls ot rhe tuiD snrdv ar.'" ene n9lontl birds do not €r il bdtw of<br />

is Nrry odow (Robens. l9?)-<br />

Like t t,t d, rtt tu.da affer.d boft hud blbit'los and<br />

'rAldds<br />

in 6!rl<br />

Pujab ouhumbqi.g lhe foro in bolh fie habiials (Nd €r ai l97; Mushtaq'ul-H'!$ .'<br />

41. 1998, 1999), yct n fod€d ! Elstivelv @all psDoitd (2 57') of the owls' diet (Ilble l3)<br />

I ra,,rr, whict havily infencd $. vilLg6 ed fm bous of the cdnl hrjtb (Mshrq-<br />

ulH6sm 4 al. 198, 199), 6 rcpEer&d in rhc dier ofrhc ban owls in a nuch sulLt<br />

poponion fia! $c hous shF* This 6t, being m inddr 5Fci6 in the tuin stldv @ and<br />

.ts.sbft in Pujab v6 6.fin d lo hue d*tlinSF ed ihe imediate swurdinss (M A-<br />

B.& 2004. Pc6. Com ) lts low rpt*nlalios h tlF pclLrs oft\e o*4 nish bc snributed lo<br />

its indoor dispcftion (Toble I l)<br />


The value of diff@.l pFv itcms of thc did of lh' owl @ b' @mFond noF<br />

dalislicdly by bulk rathd $e bv the numh€t of rht ncms (Bucklcv dd Goldsirh' !95}<br />

PEy s.l4rion by bah owl dep€nds upon 6 nunbq of f&tofi which inchdc tlE si* sd<br />

nunilive value oflhe of $e prv (vdelo et al , 1994)' abitiv of thc PEv ro Noid caPl!rc (Lrn<br />

l9?2i rols. 1985), aclivitv potletr of tbe prcy affecting Pslalo'prcv €ncoultN (Heddck d'

DlsclJssloN<br />

d/., l9s9). concealing mloualions (Kiufrtu. l9?4) dd thc q &d age Elared vul@bilirv<br />

oflhe pEy (LonSland ed r.nrint, 198?)<br />

The blh owls oi my study eas ate hainlv snall @als viz shr€ws and, lats dd<br />

nie. Most oldE mrs elt€n by lh. ovl wE flirlv ldgd itr size the tk steq Th' btb wk<br />

of ihe $udy e@ exhibitcd a tcnd.dcy of swilching ov{ frcm a F€domi@llt 't<br />

u rirs d'ct<br />

ii fall. vinlcr ad gFnd pan of lhc sFing lo ! drel domiBt€d bv nts ed ni4 duing btc<br />

sFing od sumer. Pey swilching Nd . pheno@n thlt indicated o inEre Glalio'ship<br />

b.t@o pEy irm ov{ dme (On ni €rzt,1972; vd-vq6., u? ' l9l) Th' phenootun<br />

had ben repolted to be i! bm owl populations thal oncotrsted on one or a few speies al<br />

on€ ime od swiched ro dolhq as availabihv chdeed (T!vlo.' 194)'<br />

A nMbet of facios @!ld have b€en EspoNiblc for naling thc hose shFw $e nosl<br />

of fie favounE f@d P€y ofihe borns owh ofnv snldv !@ Th'* felos iieht iNlude iis<br />

noisy inta{p@ies &d is loiasing behsviow eilwcing pcdmtl'prcv eMotcs (Robens'<br />

f 9r) and iB noderalr My siz. Th. tnP sGc* io. S- 'u'ru sn A wba'la 962l.h<br />

dd 1.4%. r.spectively lNpite of th.it los Ebuds.e S ,oi'^ ed X keltada vtr\ am8<br />

body Eisl|l of 49 8m ald 59 gm fonned about ?4 1% {d ?% of lhc did of dE hdnn owl<br />

(T.ble 2l dd 22). Loryer sp€cies like R ratw Nn T indica, which which had ben<br />

considered ore of fi. mosi @hnon rodenls of Palisbn (Robats, l9?7; Musl tq-ulHas"'<br />

l99l). roftcd jul 1.7% sd 3.9% of the ovh diel AppMtlv $c owl Pref€ncd mediw<br />

si2e.t eiDdh lite t 'uitd dd /C. ,e/bdd. T[e lalter sp.ci6 B P'ldomift<br />

ofthe Ldk&! (Kh&. 1996) dd Us|a Mdmnd owl popll.tion (-I'bl' 13)<br />

in the dicls


Ditlercnti.l p!€d.tion bv ihe owl on voug od.'ls hs besr report'd bv Leki€ ( | 95t'<br />

Bbs {d Twies (t9?l), rdk ed Khok[d (1976), B*l|cv (197D' r'nglard ad Jcn*ins<br />

(1987) dd llle (1991). The bam owts of the Pt6nl stlllv am loo 'xnibit lhj5 t'trdcncv and<br />

pdlare difrcmdally @ jMile d! Thc dlt pcf@@ fd tbc juMil6 ot rh' lesd<br />

spdies nish havc b..n on !@dt of lhcir sntll4 siz' and tec Eltted wln6bilitv to thc<br />

p|qladon. Howder. th. owls would pcrer la.gd spdi6 ir th'v *G 4ilv available At<br />

Komsi. R fand l# prcfentd dq s nti's sd M 66dlus (Robens' l99l) Th€ ban<br />

owls do mt cns ldg.r prev ilm3 sEh 6 tan'r rifugtru lhal wieh'd up to l70g 'nd<br />

yous O/rlrolas!.t .!ttc!rd wigltidg lo0g Pdidcd<br />

cfrdilc (Motis, | 970i Glw. l9?4)<br />


oEv *@ 6ilv luilable ad @st<br />

Bd owls N higblv flqiblc in lhe @ of !'sl lilcs' $lich e filqenilv found in<br />

nuioni.alqt lNtls.rFs (Bm er a/. 19E2: Mtni' lD2) Th' owls havc high biotic<br />

polenrioh and shon lifc spon, Ilaing 4 Fel6ted life histdy statcgv (Colvin d ul l984i<br />

Marri. | 99?). An av€mg€ b@ osl life spd is l6s $& rto vs (Sl'*€r! 1952; Ketu' l9E I )<br />

dd commo.ly breeds al o.. vd of ag' (Bum atid Vdbrslon l9TT: Colvi'' l9E4) ond<br />

pDducins two or do n@ breds pe )tu (l' on' 1984; shulz dd Ydsuda 1985r Baudvin'<br />

l9?9).<br />

'nE bah owls ol my nain sfu(tv !@ s"o o tdd aloosr remd thc vcd b most of<br />

rhc brccding tttes pt4. duing th. pdiod exrcodinS Aod lhe taLr half of Aug6l b leu{y<br />

In dF penisuld M.la'6ia nesrile dcs vd $dd (lolon' l9E4) Even in |enFBre &ne

DrscussloN<br />

si.E Seneratly the o*l b.giN cting in.elt spring, resring @y cN in lhe winr( seen<br />

(sleMrd. 1952: walt .r dt, 1999).<br />

Duing ihe gMld Fn ofthc ceg t.ying Pdiod<br />

(qAich ext€nd€d ftom nid_Arglst<br />

thtuugl Ocbber) mddts fomcd & impottant cohpondr of $c diet of the b@ osl Gablc<br />

l2). Afis seplenb€r, dE 6p!or t4m. strongly pafiial to sbrcM dd rcoain d $ lill Jeu.rl<br />

wben alnosi all the yomg wft fledged. Yolng bm o*h e knom lo lwin it the cde of<br />

iheir psenls ror no€ ttid tm monihs affd being fl.dsed (Oreni s, 4/ , l9?2) Tlu!, bv the<br />

tio€ the youg owls ofny sludy trea w.r€ omPl.lcly oo theii om, they had cohPs€tivelv<br />

le$ conp€litiv€ envnom€ *ith Bpel to food duing M@h_s€ptedbd {hen ln@ *a !<br />

surf.n ol rc


s|udy @ should Nr b. a poblm 10 lhe incublring or brcoding poi6 Duins l[' @ld{<br />

mo.ths ofrh. yed lhe o{b hld availablc lo tlEo ctadklv longcr hoting hou6- To asid tb'<br />

ag6silc frobbings of ||re cos (CoM lP/€t&6), lh' @mon nrv Q'ridothtris trktisJ'<br />

rhe o*-ri.8ed Pa!.let (Prtracdd i@@r), &d bl!'l dDngo (Di'@ adnitinits\' tE<br />

bdn owl Msir.d in&tve $d slan


tlE dislribudon of ene sball ndmals. Fot .xdpl., A,,1d e'.B.a vhich ha b.en<br />

Mrderd frcm Mdd@d (N\\IFP), Sidkoi (Pujab), ft@ Mal4 motth of llds n€ 8nd<br />

Hub riler lall.y or fie lowd sindl (Robeas, 1997), is a !€w eord for 6tr 1 PuFb The<br />

f@d data hs aho con6med lhe pr€sne ofs n,ri,rr in Bah'walmgar (ec Rob€rls, 1997)<br />

s well as ol ext nsion in its Dtrge to solth.sLm Baluchlsls.<br />

whilc Tabc..r ar. (1967) failcd ro c^.i Badicon be,sote8it in 2200 tzp trighrs<br />

Iion ougnl! tlE ssne a@ which fms my nain $!dy arE.. n 6 rcporl.d bv Btg and Khm<br />

09s4) ro b. pHe rheE in ldse nmbe6 in @ly 1970s -Iris,6 wcll 3s tbe addiftnal<br />

infomadon given by snier a al. (19?8) ud Beg md Khe (1984) indicales lhal de €fs<br />

g€ogaphical wge hd btu .hrtgjng hpidly ovet the l.sr 80 yts. TIr p€sdt stlrdv<br />

indi@r€s th.t ir hs nov @hed e'nnn Pujlb &d euh{alrem Bdlcl*nt d wU.<br />

Xar,r r.rada sB lo be mrher spei6 *nicl lras ben bpidly dPddug iis @8e<br />

in dr culdvauions of Pujab. Mt d!l.! on in food of ihc bm owl shos th.t X t.l,add hd<br />

sched souih-.aslen Baluchi$@ doud Usu Muhasnad fton wheF n wd not reportcd<br />

e&lier. This rar n quite conion in this l@alily, fommg about 54vo of th. di€t of fie bm owl<br />

(Table ll). Howver, about 100 t€s a8o it wss momon iD AtuiLs Egio! of hdia<br />

(uoyd. t909). snich is ml 6r fron ny Min nudy a@ froD *h* Tab.r e/ a/ (l%7)<br />

@llded only r*o s!6in€ns of rhis El. Th. btlh at (G,lro'dd.Ibrt hlt b.cn Eod.d for<br />

th€ fi!$ line fom coEal Pujab, thd*s lo th. bm ovl.<br />


The brh owl cmot be efldtive in innibiliog th€ pst nts ed hic. of agicuhr. in<br />

ny min study @. Thc e[odmt erivirics of lh. bqh o*l h.ve app6antl! m adv.e

Tlblc 33. M@ cbtch atd b@d si4 oflh. bm owl poPulstid Aon diftMt p.ns ofdE<br />

*o.ld fiom hrehest to lowsl, (s€e Msni, 196 for Ef.E e )<br />

(.) Md!!!!r!-!4<br />

Mrli<br />

Mali<br />

1.11<br />

6.6<br />

6.0 Baidvi|L 1975<br />

5.25<br />

One'ie' al.,1912<br />

2.9<br />

5.45 M.ni,l997<br />

4.6<br />

3.8<br />

Ll<br />



impact on rhe rodent Populations on dcout oi (l) th. pFlicc of multimpting sltich tcaull<br />

in $. der€lopmed of a noMic s'stcn {,r@ ! vdietv of cbps povide thc por.cnve @vq to<br />

rh. rcd@rs ior the srtarcr pd of lhe ye, ed (2) the ftct tle th. hoe shrw codpeLs Bucn<br />

b€ttd tbm the rodenb for lhe bam owl giing th€ nuids inpsitv asabsl th€ EPtot HoB'v€r'<br />

by bringing hoE o*l .ens dd d4per inro fie creplads bv i'stallitg n6t box6 &d<br />

providins peEhes st st at gic Poinlr in th. ficlds lhe Pr.d$on P6@ o' lh' rcddts F y be<br />

e.hdced considqably. tt the noeic .rcpping svstem of the main study @a' sug& cs aid<br />

shat ields aE ftequendy plt*d side bv side; the cs€ fields e h4vilv infcsled {irh B-<br />

b€n8.lesis. R. nellada and M. mu*ds (8.8 atld Rda, l9?8: ysi'n 1979, g'8 et al ' 1979i<br />

Sniet pr a/.. 1980). Duidg tall ed winter, th. 61s md mice infesting the cme fi'lds visi fie<br />

adF@t wnedi neu! lo f€ed on rhc s*ds, $edlinss dd ilLs (Khe tt al 1980) Ilte<br />

per of thc owl ar sEh Pl.c m.v IEb n i! irc@ing iL food e$u6 Sidldlv' i' rhe<br />

iall ed win.r, th€ bdndioot tlis stav in lheir blms l@Ld in th' h'n€sted c@ ft'lds ror<br />

laryi.g lensths of tim. (Ulaidullab ?r a/ , 1969) b.foe nierding lo thc whcar field' H"€ is<br />

doths opporlunity whcn lhc FB apPsenrlv hav b.comc 6v ta4pis fd lh' owl Du_i<br />

s6rnM ( 1998) poien baited sugd c4 iclds for abour a Gk in Oclobd &d Ua l8ai! in<br />

late D*enbe io rid the cme c.op of the lats dd nice befoe thev *ould nove lo 1he wheal<br />

fields !o pludcr md eprodue lhcrc inletrivelv As ! Esul!6en wD a sie fi@t Eduction in<br />

od.nr d,ndg€ to crn mP ed mE sierifidilv to tb' *hc!t dP Sotu impotllrl p61<br />

sp€chs suh 6 A ,etSalerrir' X tuLt&ta andT. indho @8e Ep'oducing duinS tlE late fall<br />

dd pan of qinter. Th€F odoc de ihc nucles poPulttio6 Posesing<br />

lhe hiSh cFoduciive<br />

potcnliats (8.& ed Ajdal, l9??: Cdva and Gupi4 l9?-7: Khtt! 1982i Khon snd B'& | 984)

DFCrItSlOlr<br />

A &rtic rtirnils &m of tbd potddi@ i! !€.d.d D.&t! 6.t 8!t t tue lo diF$<br />

oycr lh! vrst ft! und.r th! stu l cF!, d(Ploit thc lhlndst hod !E!o!r!. tld llFrodu"<br />

qrloliydr. In . pbc. lit Ulrt Mtur4 citdc it. hc. !a!te it FE r. b !e'll<br />

nutnb.t!, ibe o1fb r.!y b.4ddnS 60r€ fltsur. d ft! loded ldplltliolt 6d al tt'y in<br />


ga$IEqvII<br />

SUeilgvtAW<br />



lhis study oi bu o{l (r/o a/b4 rrel/e6 Hden) M\ cmicd oul i'on Dsenber<br />

i999 fi.ough NoYenbs 2OO2 lnitiallv the studv da co'sist'd oI four sub_ar@' lhfe of<br />

snich $erc located i. the povbce of Punjab sd one in lne prcvince of Balahi$a b Ue<br />

sub-@a I and 2, six dnricb of cdtral Pdjab (viz Hafiabad' sh€itnlpu6' Foisalabad'<br />

Jhdg, T. f. Singh ed Okad) wF included Ther€ being no dilfeme in $e diels of b'm<br />

osls of $cse lvo sub_deas, thev wcr nqged to fom one sub-d'a call'd $e md'n sludv ea<br />

The sub-dea 2 conpthed $e culdvatd aca 4odd Bahawlnagd in southcm Pojtb while<br />

sub-aea ] wd l@aled in the so h'astco part of Esluchisld eund Uso Muhamntd<br />

A lotal of 4? os/nesi ol $e bdn owl w6 lGaled in fie nain $udv aEa b'foc<br />

skning the study in D*enbs I99 Of the 4? sites' 2l (lI ftm Fastlbod distrid fow 4h<br />

from Hanabad ed Jhmg dhsicE, nro tus SheikltuPM di$dd dd one 4ch fom T T<br />

singh ed okara dislicls) {€E thc mtin f@i of 6v studv on thc die! food pEv pered6<br />

dd eprc


idenrili€d to rhe sp{i.s level: s .ik ed C ellioti w.E re@dcd fom the main study er<br />

Bilds {lvl') and ih*ds (7%), which lomed a sigiic Pan ofowk oa sub-da 3<br />

wr absent rom ttre diet of owlt' of strL@ 4. The birds (4.2'ld, helFrild (0 2%) &d<br />

inscis (0.I %) co.tribuled ve.y little the diet of owls of th. mi! sludy fta<br />

Of lh. 2l sri.s ot the min study d, 20 sE on lhe pmi*s of caul et ho!*<br />

lo.at€d on fie bants of $e majo! inieaion cfl5ls. nE house sttr€* (s. tktrd wa<br />

aptlgted in tbe Fll.t mpt6 ion all lh€ 2l sit4r in which it's |llaive abutdde vei.d<br />

frcn 41.4% ro 86.2% ard arcraged 65.6%. The 6ll md mi* wre ale tpssnted in rll tle<br />

23 @ples mouli.g for ll.svd ro 4?.lol. of lne owl dieB; tlE lvdge Droportion bcing<br />

27.8%. Bars were Eorded fron 12 sit sdpl.s in which their ptoponion mged non 0.I% to<br />

13.3%; thc avdg. b.iog 2vo. Birdt *!a rcpNnt.d in 20 sne mpl6 in which lh.ir<br />

proponion !.nsed fDn o.lvo ro 25.@/" and aftt^C.d 4.2%. Overall, hcQ€tiles (ovelage<br />

pororrion 0.1%) dd in*cls (avemee prcponior o.lvo) wE epllgted i. lh@ ed r*o sitc<br />

Seasnal variadons in lh. di.t ofuc o*ls ofth. mlin sl'rdy ,F 9w didenl. Duins<br />

the wirtcr eeq,l ruo6 wa este. int.tuiv.ly foming 7?.7% of lhe lolll diel. lt M<br />

.otrmed slighdy l$ inldsircly in fall (7l.01/o), l$ i. spri.g (54.E%) ed th. le.n duing<br />

the sulms lMn (26.9./d. The ssoMl ri$ od fall in thc absdane of shd m dt€nd€d<br />

by u invero. potbn of ris {d flll i. tlE abu.d.ncc ofl|lc non{hEw f@d iGc td esFci.lly rh.<br />

nl5 sd micc Amorg rh. rcdenf fdd lr..ys R. nehado. ltib tpD. nd B. b.,9,/r,rit in snmmo rnd<br />

tlll, *eE dr hd consum.d fdd. Oifi.Ent tyFs offonging h.bi6 ofrh. bm o*l viz. do0!.ndi<br />

viuag6 md famlouss, a foBt pldbdon, r endy @ with dues dd $rubldds


*erc sMp taPp€d ior small ndnals specinens ofa bensdlehsi! R tutt6 R nelhnq<br />

Mr! spp, f indi.a, Gqbillus cl^d.vi S ndin6 ald s eT 6"r wG c'u8ltt 'IrE rap<br />

su@s for s ','id ws row (0.817t d @mptrd 10 fial of x ran6 (325%)' R ne(da<br />

ll.g4vo), f,i.e \2.2@ ), 8 bensoL6x (t 5V ) 6d T t'dtca 0 2?%) Bui' th' €n@uonter<br />

lalue (ei) for S. iu.inus ss hish (l 0OO) as @np&cd to fiar of R rctM (0 039)' R re'ad'<br />

(O.l1l). mic€ (o.OlO), 4 ,e,8aldas (0 074) and I i'r'ica (0 002) Thus s /oim wa tb€<br />

oosr c!9rur€d lood PGy of $e o*l Eldiw ro i|s abund4' wDinSlv d@ lo $ldliv'<br />

Fejltonof th. oqt on the sal nd@h'nE owlspdlt'F ster'd ih'shd6lhelfu<br />

souce ol $ct.urime in fi€ nain sludt dca s it wd th€ nosl cosl'ffedve of<br />

'l<br />

dE food<br />

pley species in rhe Eain studv dea. Irs bidr e'countef fFquenci€s' medium bodv siz a'd its<br />

hnbil offe€ding in th. oFn pe aF da& n m$ vun'Ebl€ b o*l tedatior<br />

Assfl ot lhc analt nrmal PEv on fie basis of lhcn bion6 hishlieht' fie<br />

inpotudce of sEh largc{irc.t ois 6 B btngale6is' R ntta' N indLta Nl T' indica 'l\e<br />

poponion of biomtss of the shew 10 lhe di.l of the bs ovl declin€d lo 59% $ coDparcd lo<br />

iB nm@cal proponion of 66% wnib lhe conbin'd prPonion of ratt dd nice inprcved bv<br />

.bout l2vo. Tnc small€r prcv ir.m ssh d lh. mie losl then imF dc€ a food ews<br />

The pict!rc offtc diet of thc o{t! of !ub_@ 2 viz Ballwai6gs w $ne whal<br />

difiqenl frch tho$ of the nain sludt dea {ith r$p41lo the Prcponions ofth' house shEs<br />

(59%), bids 09%), dts dd nicc (13%) and i €ds (7ol') Aoons thc ds dd mice' -[,'<br />

n6tu!6 (3.4v), M boo.luaa (2.Wor' R neholla (r'1o/o't N indi'o (t sv,) B bensal'$it<br />

(t-zro\, R tot& (r'M\ std1] ivli@(o.2%) wG cars in rhis s!tslM Thc ptoponion otlhe


house shtr w6 (?0 4ol") id ti. wintd dis *hil. in sPri'g sunet and fall irs Pbponion m<br />

41.90h, 54.4'/n &d 51.9./0, Esp*ively, whil€ th€ propotio.s of rats dd nice in lx's<br />

easnd diels ws l 7 6010. 5 4% 20 60l" dd 16 Opl", ed thal of lh€ bitds ws 12 oplo' 42 3%'<br />

ll.2% ed 2l.l%. respechvelv The suDnq diet ol ibe 'wl qd dillec fon the other<br />

ssns. s dunng lhis *a$n owk l'lded 10 consme $e vdou ercups<br />

ofprcv rcN nor€<br />

deolyr the poportioN of the hoB slww ode s' bst!' bir& sd b1ts beins 54 4v0' 20 6vc<br />

18.4%. I I 2%,4.Crolo and

fom thd wond wcek of s.plembd tilllhe €nd ofNovedbd Fledging of th€ voug<br />


owls ws<br />

@mpl.ted by.ldury Of all th€ n€sting an.oPls nad' ouldde th€ Min br"dinr s6on' none<br />

qd found to b. s@esfll Thc clulch si4 tu8€d fom I ro 12 ed atn8ed 5 25 * 0 473<br />

(SE). The aledge bMd siz ws I l0 + 0189 (SE) ofthc clutch€s F@dcd ouGid' lhe mn<br />

bddins *Nn. onlv lm €vid.ned h!tchi'8 bur mrc of dEe chicks lived lons cmngh lo<br />

fledsc. The o*k depetdql hqvilv on the hoM shEq fo' major tan of |het @n bcding<br />

*@n i! the main srudv a!.a S!@..- @i46 w lhs rh' Mjn sow of nuuinot lo $e<br />

br.ditrg owls dd thcit nes0inss.<br />

Keeping i! vi.w the pducilv of nesdng snss' 25 nest boxes vet ins$lled in the<br />

.opleds lo pblide subblc nesiing sites lo rhc owl Onlv fout (15ol') scrc o@upi'tl bv the<br />

owl while ni.e (15%) wE not avaitable lo ihe o*l as fi€v *€rc either stolo or wrc o@flql<br />

by th. other einals. The nesl box inslalled al Ukbatu CRH ws used tluice for bredt'ns one<br />

Thc bam osl ale h€lped to !pd'G (he di$ributronal dses of Imv sn'll mmrals<br />

th.t have chdg€d with llr' poltage ot tifi' Ban'li'ota b'nlole8k now sPp€ds to b€ vidclv<br />

distibured froh ental lo soihd Pujlb dd eul't6Ld Balshislan T1B owl al$<br />

confided Lhe pee.G of R tu ltoda e thnti srA S 't@ ldth' Min soldv @a and $'t<br />

of r ,ulru.rd in sufied.n Balwhistan (viz' Usta Mlnmmd)

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