From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -

From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho - From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -
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CHAPTER 4. DANGER: TRUTH AT WORK So only a very few people who are really seekers of truth will be ready to go through all this turmoil. Everything will go upside down: their God, their heaven, their hell, their devil, their messiahs, their prophets. A thick wall exists between you and truth. And all these people are standing between you and the truth. You will have to tell them, ”Get lost! Go to Oregon!” That is my translation for ”Go to hell,” because that has become too old. We should continue to make proverbs fresh. A Christian will have to put Christ aside; it is very difficult. It was difficult for Jews to put Moses aside when Jesus was telling them something far truer; it was difficult to put Moses aside. Now the same problem arises for the Christian; it is difficult for him to put Jesus aside. And Jesus’ claim is far more than Moses ever claimed. Moses never claimed that he is the only begotten son of God. Jesus claims that he is the only begotten son of God. Can you put it aside and tell Jesus, ”Go to Oregon”? It will be difficult. Rather than doing that, you would prefer me to leave Oregon. That’s what your politicians are trying; they are telling me, ”Leave Oregon.” That seems to be simpler, because with me they have no ties. I have not sold them any sweet dreams. I have not promised them anything, nor am I promising them now. My whole work is to demolish, to demolish all the lies that are surrounding you and not to replace them by anything else, but to leave you utterly naked in your aloneness. To me, only in your aloneness will you be able to know the truth – because you are the truth. You are not to go anywhere to find truth. Neither can Jesus give it to you, nor can Krishna give it to you, nor can Buddha give it to you, nor can I give it to you. It is not a commodity that somebody can just give to you. Just think: if truth is a commodity, a thing which can be given to you, then it can be stolen, it can be taken back, it can be lost – anything can happen to it. But nothing happens to truth. It happens to you, but nothing happens to it. It cannot be stolen, it cannot be purchased. There is a story in Mahavira’s life.... One of the very famous kings, Bimbisara, had conquered the whole of India and the neighboring countries. He had made a vast empire. He was a man who, once he wanted something, would have it. He had never come across anything that he wanted and could not find a way to get. He had heard many times about Mahavira, who was just resting for the rainy season outside the city, his capital. He enquired, ”What has this man got? – because I see thousands of people going to him.” Somebody said, ”He has got the truth.” Bimbisara said, ”Then there is no problem. How much does he ask for it? I am ready to pay. There is no question of bargaining, you simply enquire how much he wants for it.” From Ignorance to Innocence 46 Osho

CHAPTER 4. DANGER: TRUTH AT WORK The man could not say to the king, ” You are talking like a fool.” He said, ”It is better, your majesty, that you go to him and you negotiate. I am a poor man, don’t put me in this situation. You are a great king; he is a great tirthankara, a great soul which rarely happens. Only twenty-four persons reach that height in one cycle of existence.” He is saying that in millions and millions of light years, only twenty-four... and he is the last for this cycle. Now there is not going to be another man of his caliber again in this cycle of existence. When this whole existence burns out – when all these stars and galaxies and solar systems have gone, disappeared, and a new creation starts from the very scratch – then the first tirthankara will appear. ”Now this man is very rare because for millions of years there is not going to be another comparable to him. So it is better you go.” Bimbisara went with all his paraphernalia, and he was respectful to Mahavira – just a formality. In India even if a king goes to a sage, he has to touch the feet of the sage; that is just a formality. And he said. ”I have come for a simple thing. Give me your truth, and whatsoever you want – even if you ask for my whole empire – I will give it to you. This is my whole life’s standpoint: anything that I want, I have to have it. What it is going to cost matters not.” Mahavira laughed, he said, ”You unnecessarily came this far. In your very capital lives one of my disciples. He has got the truth; and he is a very poor man – he may be ready to sell it. I am not ready to sell it. And you must know that I am also the son of a king. I was going to inherit the kingdom of my father; I renounced it to get the truth. Now, how can I sell it for a kingdom? Even if you give me the whole kingdom, how can I sell it? I have already renounced a whole kingdom to get this truth, and after forty years of struggle, I have found it. I cannot sell it. Mahavira must have had a sense of humor that Jainas have missed completely. He sent him back to the poor man in the capital. He had never gone to that quarter of the capital, because only the poorest, the very poor, in fact the outcasts, lived there. His golden chariot was standing there before the poor man’s hut. The poor man came running, and Bimbisara said, ”Rejoice! I am ready to give anything you want, just give me the truth. Your Master has sent me; I am coming from Mahavira.” The poor man said, ”My Master must have joked with you. Perhaps he did not want to hurt you before so many people because you had gone with your whole court, all your advisers, ministers, generals. He did not want to hurt you or say no to you. That’s why he has sent you to me. I can give my life if you want. I am just your poor servant; I clean your streets. You can ask for my life and it is here, ready – you cut off my head But truth...? Yes, I have got it, but the very quality of truth is such that it cannot be given. Not that I don’t want to give it to you; I am absolutely willing. ”If you can take it, take it. You can kill me; if you find it inside me, so far so good – I am ready. I will be happy that I had the chance to serve you so intimately and so closely. But I warn you, you will not find it there because the truth has to be authentically yours, only then is it true. If it is somebody else’s, then it is no longer true. My truth cannot be your truth. The moment I say something about the truth, you only hear the words – the truth is left behind. The truth can never be squeezed into words; there is no way.” Words have been reaching the common people and they have been believing that those words are the truth – somebody believing in the words of Jesus, somebody in the words of Buddha, somebody in the words of Mohammed – but they are not the truth. No book contains truth, no word can ever contain it. From Ignorance to Innocence 47 Osho


The man could not say <strong>to</strong> the king, ” You are talking like a fool.” He said, ”It is better, your majesty,<br />

that you go <strong>to</strong> him and you negotiate. I am a poor man, don’t put me in this situation. You are a<br />

great king; he is a great tirthankara, a great soul which rarely happens. Only twenty-four persons<br />

reach that height in one cycle of existence.” He is saying that in millions and millions of light years,<br />

only twenty-four... and he is the last for this cycle. Now there is not going <strong>to</strong> be another man of his<br />

caliber again in this cycle of existence. When this whole existence burns out – when all these stars<br />

and galaxies and solar systems have gone, disappeared, and a new creation starts from the very<br />

scratch – then the first tirthankara will appear. ”Now this man is very rare because for millions of<br />

years there is not going <strong>to</strong> be another <strong>com</strong>parable <strong>to</strong> him. So it is better you go.”<br />

Bimbisara went with all his paraphernalia, and he was respectful <strong>to</strong> Mahavira – just a formality. In<br />

India even if a king goes <strong>to</strong> a sage, he has <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>uch the feet of the sage; that is just a formality. And<br />

he said. ”I have <strong>com</strong>e for a simple thing. Give me your truth, and whatsoever you want – even if<br />

you ask for my whole empire – I will give it <strong>to</strong> you. This is my whole life’s standpoint: anything that I<br />

want, I have <strong>to</strong> have it. What it is going <strong>to</strong> cost matters not.”<br />

Mahavira laughed, he said, ”You unnecessarily came this far. In your very capital lives one of my<br />

disciples. He has got the truth; and he is a very poor man – he may be ready <strong>to</strong> sell it. I am not ready<br />

<strong>to</strong> sell it. And you must know that I am also the son of a king. I was going <strong>to</strong> inherit the kingdom of<br />

my father; I renounced it <strong>to</strong> get the truth. Now, how can I sell it for a kingdom? Even if you give me<br />

the whole kingdom, how can I sell it? I have already renounced a whole kingdom <strong>to</strong> get this truth,<br />

and after forty years of struggle, I have found it. I cannot sell it.<br />

Mahavira must have had a sense of humor that Jainas have missed <strong>com</strong>pletely. He sent him back<br />

<strong>to</strong> the poor man in the capital. He had never gone <strong>to</strong> that quarter of the capital, because only the<br />

poorest, the very poor, in fact the outcasts, lived there. His golden chariot was standing there before<br />

the poor man’s hut. The poor man came running, and Bimbisara said, ”Rejoice! I am ready <strong>to</strong> give<br />

anything you want, just give me the truth. Your Master has sent me; I am <strong>com</strong>ing from Mahavira.”<br />

The poor man said, ”My Master must have joked with you. Perhaps he did not want <strong>to</strong> hurt you<br />

before so many people because you had gone with your whole court, all your advisers, ministers,<br />

generals. He did not want <strong>to</strong> hurt you or say no <strong>to</strong> you. That’s why he has sent you <strong>to</strong> me. I can give<br />

my life if you want. I am just your poor servant; I clean your streets. You can ask for my life and it is<br />

here, ready – you cut off my head But truth...? Yes, I have got it, but the very quality of truth is such<br />

that it cannot be given. Not that I don’t want <strong>to</strong> give it <strong>to</strong> you; I am absolutely willing.<br />

”If you can take it, take it. You can kill me; if you find it inside me, so far so good – I am ready. I will<br />

be happy that I had the chance <strong>to</strong> serve you so intimately and so closely. But I warn you, you will<br />

not find it there because the truth has <strong>to</strong> be authentically yours, only then is it true. If it is somebody<br />

else’s, then it is no longer true. My truth cannot be your truth. The moment I say something about<br />

the truth, you only hear the words – the truth is left behind. The truth can never be squeezed in<strong>to</strong><br />

words; there is no way.”<br />

Words have been reaching the <strong>com</strong>mon people and they have been believing that those words are<br />

the truth – somebody believing in the words of Jesus, somebody in the words of Buddha, somebody<br />

in the words of Mohammed – but they are not the truth.<br />

No book contains truth, no word can ever contain it.<br />

<strong>From</strong> <strong>Ignorance</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Innocence</strong> 47 <strong>Osho</strong>

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