From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -

From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho - From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -
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CHAPTER 29. POSITIVE THINKING: PHILOSOPHY FOR PHONIES The contractor should be punished when a bridge kills thousands of people and destroys the labor of thousands of people and makes the country borrow more and more – which India will never be able to repay. That is absolutely clear, because how are you going to pay it back? Slowly slowly, you are becoming slaves again – economic slaves. Political slavery is gone; now economic slavery is coming from the back door. If you cannot pay money, then you will have to substitute it by something. If you owe to America, or if you owe to the Soviet Union, then you will have to give them bases for their military forces. You have to, because there is no other way to pay them back. And why do these countries go on giving to these poor countries, knowing perfectly well that they cannot get it back? In fact they don’t want to get it back! This is a new form of slavery. People don’t understand that forms go on changing but things remain the same. Political slavery became costly, very costly. To those who were the masters, it became more costly to have a slave country than not to be bothered with slave countries. That was more economically profitable. Leave these poor countries politically free – but what are they going to do with their economy? They will beg from you, and then you can exploit them economically. And in fact that is the real exploitation. Political slavery was useful because you were powerful enough to exploit them economically. All such exploitation is economic – if you were politically powerful then of course you could exploit them economically. By the end of the second world war it became clear that it was no longer feasible, no longer economically useful to have political slavery in the world. But the real thing was economic exploitation. Drop the political slavery, influence people, make friends – and go on exploiting them economically the way you were doing before. Now you will do even better because you are friends, you are helping in every possible way... but for what reason are you helping? Russia goes on pouring money into India. In Russia itself there is poverty; they are not too worried about that poverty, they are more concerned to create factories in India, steel plants in India. Go on giving as much money and expertise as India asks, because soon they will be so much in debt that while politically they can remain free, it will make no difference – your armies, your military bases will be inside their country; they will have to give in to you. Their political freedom will be just paper freedom: underneath they will be slaves again. In India nobody is punished for all these things which go on happening. In India there are really miracles that happen. They have five-year plans just like Russia used to have five-year plans. In those five-year plans so many dams have to be made, so many roads, so many bridges, and the country is given a great hope that within five years everything will be changed: poverty will be gone, every village will have a school, a hospital, and everything. And on paper these things do happen. You can see the road has been made, on the map. The contract has been signed, the contractor has taken the money, the engineers have been working, the laborers have been paid, the machines have been purchased. Five years of work and the road is ready. The road is even inaugurated by a great leader – and there is no road! You see the picture of the leader in the newspaper, inaugurating the road. They have made just a small piece for the inauguration, so that a small piece of road is shown in the picture. And the leader From Ignorance to Innocence 432 Osho

CHAPTER 29. POSITIVE THINKING: PHILOSOPHY FOR PHONIES is inaugurating it, cutting a ribbon with the scissors, and people are clapping all around. And it is a miracle! If you go just one furlong ahead, there is no road – and the road was going to be one hundred miles in length. It is non-existent. Great miracles! But take it positively, and don’t complain against anybody, otherwise everybody will be caught: the leader who inaugurated the road will be caught and asked, ”What road have you inaugurated? Where is it?” The minister who gave the contract must have been bribed. The contractor must have taken the major portion of the money that was going to make the bridge, and everything else is fictitious. Engineers have been paid, workers have been paid; for years the work goes on, and reports go on coming into the files that the work is going well, and the road is coming along, and it will be ready even before the time set for it. It can be ready any day; the way it is going it can be ready any day. And then the great leader comes to inaugurate it, and people are clapping because they believe in positive philosophy. They know the road goes only one furlong, but still they are clapping because a great leader has come, and they have all been given money to clap Praise the leader, wave flags to welcome him. And these pictures will be the proof. All these people have to be punished. And Mother Teresa says to those poor people, ”Don’t complain.” Whom is she going to save? The criminals? Yes, I use the word ”criminals”, because I don’t know anything worse than that. Sinners I cannot call them, because I don’t believe in sin. But they are criminals. If it is the carelessness of one person who did not lock the plant correctly, and it kills two thousand people.... And this is a government report of two thousand people killed. Whenever there is a government report, particularly from India, multiply it by five and you will be almost right. If they say two thousand people have died, that means at least ten thousand people have died. If they say one hundred thousand people have been seriously injured, don’t believe their numbers – at least five hundred thousand people must have been injured. Who is going to count? The government officials reduce it as much as possible so that there is no negativity in people, and positive philosophy goes on living. And then they call in these people like Mother Teresa who say, ”Don’t complain.” Why? Then what about Adolf Hitler’s gas chambers? Take it positively – and yes, if you want to take it positively, it can be argued in a very positive way: those millions of Jews that evaporated in the chambers, the gas chambers of Adolf Hitler.... Now think positively. If they had lived they may have been poor. They may have suffered any kind of disease, tuberculosis. cancer. And they were all Jews, so you can understand they would have suffered from AIDS, because Jews are the oldest homosexuals in the world. And it is not that I am saying it, I am simply quoting the Old Testament. Even God could not take it positively! He had to destroy two cities, Gomorrah and Sodom, in the Old Testament. It is not written by me. God had to destroy both the cities completely! Why? Sodom became so famous that now we have the word ”sodomy” because of Sodom. People were making love to animals – that’s what sodomy is. Now sodomy means making love to animals, but it comes from the name of the city, Sodom. People were making love to all kinds of animals. From Ignorance to Innocence 433 Osho


The contrac<strong>to</strong>r should be punished when a bridge kills thousands of people and destroys the labor<br />

of thousands of people and makes the country borrow more and more – which India will never be<br />

able <strong>to</strong> repay. That is absolutely clear, because how are you going <strong>to</strong> pay it back? Slowly slowly, you<br />

are be<strong>com</strong>ing slaves again – economic slaves.<br />

Political slavery is gone; now economic slavery is <strong>com</strong>ing from the back door. If you cannot pay<br />

money, then you will have <strong>to</strong> substitute it by something. If you owe <strong>to</strong> America, or if you owe <strong>to</strong> the<br />

Soviet Union, then you will have <strong>to</strong> give them bases for their military forces. You have <strong>to</strong>, because<br />

there is no other way <strong>to</strong> pay them back. And why do these countries go on giving <strong>to</strong> these poor<br />

countries, knowing perfectly well that they cannot get it back? In fact they don’t want <strong>to</strong> get it back!<br />

This is a new form of slavery.<br />

People don’t understand that forms go on changing but things remain the same. Political slavery<br />

became costly, very costly. To those who were the masters, it became more costly <strong>to</strong> have a slave<br />

country than not <strong>to</strong> be bothered with slave countries. That was more economically profitable. Leave<br />

these poor countries politically free – but what are they going <strong>to</strong> do with their economy? They will<br />

beg from you, and then you can exploit them economically. And in fact that is the real exploitation.<br />

Political slavery was useful because you were powerful enough <strong>to</strong> exploit them economically.<br />

All such exploitation is economic – if you were politically powerful then of course you could exploit<br />

them economically. By the end of the second world war it became clear that it was no longer feasible,<br />

no longer economically useful <strong>to</strong> have political slavery in the world. But the real thing was economic<br />

exploitation. Drop the political slavery, influence people, make friends – and go on exploiting them<br />

economically the way you were doing before. Now you will do even better because you are friends,<br />

you are helping in every possible way... but for what reason are you helping?<br />

Russia goes on pouring money in<strong>to</strong> India. In Russia itself there is poverty; they are not <strong>to</strong>o worried<br />

about that poverty, they are more concerned <strong>to</strong> create fac<strong>to</strong>ries in India, steel plants in India. Go on<br />

giving as much money and expertise as India asks, because soon they will be so much in debt that<br />

while politically they can remain free, it will make no difference – your armies, your military bases<br />

will be inside their country; they will have <strong>to</strong> give in <strong>to</strong> you. Their political freedom will be just paper<br />

freedom: underneath they will be slaves again.<br />

In India nobody is punished for all these things which go on happening. In India there are really<br />

miracles that happen. They have five-year plans just like Russia used <strong>to</strong> have five-year plans. In<br />

those five-year plans so many dams have <strong>to</strong> be made, so many roads, so many bridges, and the<br />

country is given a great hope that within five years everything will be changed: poverty will be gone,<br />

every village will have a school, a hospital, and everything.<br />

And on paper these things do happen. You can see the road has been made, on the map. The<br />

contract has been signed, the contrac<strong>to</strong>r has taken the money, the engineers have been working,<br />

the laborers have been paid, the machines have been purchased. Five years of work and the road<br />

is ready. The road is even inaugurated by a great leader – and there is no road!<br />

You see the picture of the leader in the newspaper, inaugurating the road. They have made just a<br />

small piece for the inauguration, so that a small piece of road is shown in the picture. And the leader<br />

<strong>From</strong> <strong>Ignorance</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Innocence</strong> 432 <strong>Osho</strong>

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