From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -

From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho - From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -
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CHAPTER 29. POSITIVE THINKING: PHILOSOPHY FOR PHONIES Belief is to cover something. If the doubt is too big then you have to stretch the belief into a firm belief. You have to repress your doubt very strongly, because you know that if it is not repressed strongly it will throw off the cover of belief and you will be naked before your own eyes – hence the shock. The shock is not irrelevant. If I criticize Mother Teresa, why should you be shocked? Either you see that what I am saying is right and there is no question of shock, or you see that what I am saying is wrong; then too there is no question of shock. From where comes the shock? Shock needs two things: one part of you – the deeper part of you, the repressed part of you – sees the truth of what I am saying, and the repressor part of you does not want to see it. This conflict creates the shock. You may be a firm believer in the philosophy of positive thinking, but I don’t think you understand what the philosophy of positive thinking means. First, the philosophy of positive thinking means being untruthful; it means being dishonest. It means seeing a certain thing and yet denying what you have seen; it means deceiving yourself and others. Positive thinking is the only bullshit philosophy that America has contributed to human thought – nothing else. Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and the Christian priest, Vincent Peale – all these people have filled the whole American mind with this absolutely absurd idea of a positive philosophy. And it appeals particularly to mediocre minds. Dale Carnegie’s book, HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE, has been sold in numbers just next to the Christian Bible. No other book has been able to reach that popularity. The Christian Bible should not be a competitor in fact, because it is more or less given free, forced on people. But Dale Carnegie’s book people have been purchasing; it has not been given to you free. And it has created a certain kind of ideology which has given birth to many books of a similar kind. But to me it is nauseating. The very idea that you want to influence people is the idea of a salesman, and that’s what Dale Carnegie was – salesman turned philosopher. It has happened many times. Just recently Werner Erhard, the founder of EST.... He was a salesman of encyclopedias, dictionaries, but in trying to sell enclyclopedias and dictionaries he became aware of salesmanship. Then why bother about encyclopedias? Why not sell ideas directly? – which are a more invisible commodity. People can’t see an idea and yet they go on purchasing it. And once you have paid two hundred and fifty dollars for a certain idea which you can’t see, you have to pretend that you have got it; otherwise people will think you are a fool. Two hundred and fifty dollars, and you have not ”got it”...? It is very simple. In the East there is an old story. A king caught his prime minister fooling around with his wife. Naturally he was mad. In those days, this was a common punishment: he cut off the nose of the prime minister. And the nose was cut off only when somebody was caught fooling around with somebody else’s wife, so that became a signboard. Wherever you went, your missing nose went ahead of you as a declaration. From Ignorance to Innocence 424 Osho

CHAPTER 29. POSITIVE THINKING: PHILOSOPHY FOR PHONIES But the man was a politician, he was a prime minister. He simply escaped from his kingdom to another kingdom and entered the other kingdom as a saint. Now, nobody can doubt a saint. The nose was certainly missing, but to doubt a saint is to commit a sin. But some curious people asked him, ”What happened to your nose?” And the saint smiled; he said, ”That’s a secret. It is a certain technique to attain to the ultimate truth. But you have to lose your nose: the nose represents the ego.” He is on the right lines: he is creating a philosophy – people’s egos are written on their noses. The crowd thought that what he was saying was significant. The nose represents the ego, and the ego is the only barrier between God and man. There must be some technique that if you remove the nose, the ego is removed and you meet the ultimate truth, you realize it. One idiot immediately was ready. The politician-turned-saint called him in the night, alone, because it was an absolutely private matter. Before he cut off the nose of the man he said, ”When I cut off your nose you keep your eyes closed. When the nose is removed I will say, ’Open your eyes,’ and you will see God standing before you.” The nose was cut off, and the saint said, ”Now you can open your eyes: God is standing before you.” The man opened his eyes – there was nobody. He said, ”But I don’t see anybody.” The saint said, ”Now it is your problem. If you don’t see God, people will think you are an idiot. Do you think I see Him? I don’t see Him either, but now try positive thinking. What is the gain in being proved an idiot? Say that you have got it.” Werner Erhard may think that he has created the philosophy of EST. That is not so. It was created thousands of years before by this politician who cut off the nose of that idiot. That was the first EST graduate. The idiot thought it over and he said, ”That seems to be the right thing; yes, I see it.” The saint said, ”You have also become a saint. From tomorrow you start spreading the philosophy by word of mouth. It was just as Werner Erhard has been doing: no need to advertise in the newspapers and the magazines; no need – just by word of mouth. It is more impressive, more alive: there is an eyewitness. An advertisement in a newspaper may be just not true, but the man with the nose missing, smiling, radiant with the realization of the ultimate truth.... The next day people saw there were two saints now. And the number started increasing by the same strategy. First your nose is cut off, then the alternative: either you prove yourself an idiot, or you become a saint. Now who is going to choose to be an idiot? Even an idiot cannot be that idiotic – when he can become a saint so easily. And now there is nothing left, he has to become a saint. It seems to be perfectly right – people are respectful, and the crowd around the saints is increasing, and the saints are increasing.... Even the king of that kingdom became interested. He asked his prime minister... the prime minister said, ”You wait a little, because I know this man – he was the prime minister of the neighboring kingdom. I don’t think that he has attained ultimate truth, he has simply lost his nose.” Politicians understand the language of politicians easily. He said, ”You wait. Let me enquire of the other king, From Ignorance to Innocence 425 Osho


But the man was a politician, he was a prime minister. He simply escaped from his kingdom <strong>to</strong><br />

another kingdom and entered the other kingdom as a saint. Now, nobody can doubt a saint. The<br />

nose was certainly missing, but <strong>to</strong> doubt a saint is <strong>to</strong> <strong>com</strong>mit a sin. But some curious people asked<br />

him, ”What happened <strong>to</strong> your nose?”<br />

And the saint smiled; he said, ”That’s a secret. It is a certain technique <strong>to</strong> attain <strong>to</strong> the ultimate truth.<br />

But you have <strong>to</strong> lose your nose: the nose represents the ego.” He is on the right lines: he is creating<br />

a philosophy – people’s egos are written on their noses. The crowd thought that what he was saying<br />

was significant. The nose represents the ego, and the ego is the only barrier between God and man.<br />

There must be some technique that if you remove the nose, the ego is removed and you meet the<br />

ultimate truth, you realize it.<br />

One idiot immediately was ready. The politician-turned-saint called him in the night, alone, because<br />

it was an absolutely private matter. Before he cut off the nose of the man he said, ”When I cut off<br />

your nose you keep your eyes closed. When the nose is removed I will say, ’Open your eyes,’ and<br />

you will see God standing before you.” The nose was cut off, and the saint said, ”Now you can open<br />

your eyes: God is standing before you.”<br />

The man opened his eyes – there was nobody. He said, ”But I don’t see anybody.”<br />

The saint said, ”Now it is your problem. If you don’t see God, people will think you are an idiot. Do<br />

you think I see Him? I don’t see Him either, but now try positive thinking. What is the gain in being<br />

proved an idiot? Say that you have got it.”<br />

Werner Erhard may think that he has created the philosophy of EST. That is not so. It was created<br />

thousands of years before by this politician who cut off the nose of that idiot. That was the first EST<br />

graduate.<br />

The idiot thought it over and he said, ”That seems <strong>to</strong> be the right thing; yes, I see it.”<br />

The saint said, ”You have also be<strong>com</strong>e a saint. <strong>From</strong> <strong>to</strong>morrow you start spreading the philosophy<br />

by word of mouth. It was just as Werner Erhard has been doing: no need <strong>to</strong> advertise in the<br />

newspapers and the magazines; no need – just by word of mouth. It is more impressive, more alive:<br />

there is an eyewitness. An advertisement in a newspaper may be just not true, but the man with the<br />

nose missing, smiling, radiant with the realization of the ultimate truth....<br />

The next day people saw there were two saints now. And the number started increasing by the<br />

same strategy. First your nose is cut off, then the alternative: either you prove yourself an idiot, or<br />

you be<strong>com</strong>e a saint. Now who is going <strong>to</strong> choose <strong>to</strong> be an idiot? Even an idiot cannot be that idiotic<br />

– when he can be<strong>com</strong>e a saint so easily. And now there is nothing left, he has <strong>to</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e a saint. It<br />

seems <strong>to</strong> be perfectly right – people are respectful, and the crowd around the saints is increasing,<br />

and the saints are increasing....<br />

Even the king of that kingdom became interested. He asked his prime minister... the prime minister<br />

said, ”You wait a little, because I know this man – he was the prime minister of the neighboring<br />

kingdom. I don’t think that he has attained ultimate truth, he has simply lost his nose.” Politicians<br />

understand the language of politicians easily. He said, ”You wait. Let me enquire of the other king,<br />

<strong>From</strong> <strong>Ignorance</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Innocence</strong> 425 <strong>Osho</strong>

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