From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -

From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho - From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -
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CHAPTER 20. SURRENDER: THE EGO UPSIDE DOWN Religion is a disturbance as far as the hierarchy of the organization is concerned. Religion is a continuous trouble; religious people will be trouble. The Catholic church has been throwing out from the church all the people who are really religious because those people will not support this criminal act of destroying religion. They will oppose it, they will rebel against it. But the church has so much authority. The head of the church, the pope, is a religious head and also a temporal head; the Vatican is his kingdom, a political nation. Once it was big, vast; now it is only eight square miles, but still he is the temporal head and the spiritual head. There are religions where the temporal head is separate and the religious head is separate, but then there were problems of conflict. The temporal head has all the power of the army, the law, the state; and the spiritual head has no temporal power. For example in Hinduism, the shankaracharya is only a spiritual head. But that creates this other problem: a continuous conflict between the state and the religion – and of course the state is powerful. You have to remember that the higher a thing, the more fragile it is. The lower a thing, the more strong it is. Roots are strong, flowers are not; although roots are meaningless if the flowers disappear – the roots have meaning only because of the flowers. But the tree is not so stupid as man; so there is a harmony between the flowers and the roots, there is no conflict. Flowers represent the spiritual fragrance, and the roots represent the state, the army and all its power. The roots can deny food to the flowers and the flowers will die and disappear within no time. But no tree is so stupid: there is a harmony; the roots go on supporting the flowers, the leaves, the branches. And it is not only one-sided. The flowers, the leaves, the branches go on taking rays from the sun and carbon dioxide from the air, and they go on continuously sending them to the roots. It is a communion, there is no question of conflict. But in religion it has been a problem. If you keep them apart then soon the state starts trying to control the religion. For example, in England the church is separate but the queen is really the head of both: of the church and of the state. The church has its own head but there is a crowned head who is over him. What can the archbishop of Canterbury do against the queen? In Russia the same was the situation. The church was separate, the czar was separate, but the whole power was in the hands of the czar. So it was just for show that the head of the church crowned the czar as if he was above the czar. But he knew and everybody knew that this was only ceremonial. In reality he had to follow the czar and the state, support the czar and the state, because without the czar, the church would die: it wouldn’t have any support, financial or otherwise. That’s why Catholics tried to make church and state, one: to give both powers into the hands of one man so there was no conflict. But the trouble is when a man becomes politically powerful, that political power tends to corrupt him. He may misuse it; it is almost certain that he will misuse it. From Ignorance to Innocence 278 Osho

CHAPTER 20. SURRENDER: THE EGO UPSIDE DOWN In the first place, if the head has both temporal and spiritual power, then the people who are spiritual will not make any effort to become the head, because the spiritual person does not want to get involved in power politics. Then, only the people who are politically minded... they may be in a religious robe, they may be bishops and cardinals and ministers and they may have studied theology, but they are not spiritual people. If they had been in the world they would have tried to become the president or the prime minister; it is just accidental that they are in the religious robe. Their ambition can be fulfilled here only by becoming the pope. So they will make every effort to become the pope. When they have the power they are bound to misuse it. They were never spiritual in the first place. Hinduism tried another thing also. If you make one person a spiritual head there is a possibility that the person is not really spiritual. You may have erred, because there is no criterion by which to judge, and it cannot be decided by election because people have no idea what spirituality is. How are they going to decide who is spiritual? They can only nominate. It cannot be chosen in an election – if you have an election you bring politics in. The Catholic pope is elected, so naturally the politically minded cardinals make every effort to approach all those people – perhaps there are two hundred cardinals who choose the pope – so there is an undercurrent of campaign, an election campaign, continuously. Even when there is a pope the campaign continues because popes don’t live long, for the simple reason that by the time the person becomes a pope he’s nearabout seventy. So you can hope that within two, three, four or five years he will be gone. This polack is going to be tough – you cannot hope that he will be gone so easily, he may stay longer. His predecessor was only in office for nine months – that is more gentlemanly, but who expects a polack to be a gentleman? That was more gentlemanly: in nine months he disappeared to give an opportunity for another person to become a pope. But very few people are so generous. Hinduism tried to ensure that their religion would have many heads; all would be nominated. But then there is another problem: great confusion. Hinduism is a great confusion – you can’t even call it one religion. It is a thousand and one religions together, because there is no central control. Anybody can gather disciples and can become a head and nobody can prevent it. The idea was to give freedom but it turned out to be confusion. Any idiot can find a few other idiots who are always available everywhere. There are so many sects in Hinduism; each sect has many sub-sects and each sub-sect has its own head. They don’t even have a talking relationship with the other heads of the same religion! They are continually fighting in the courts because sometimes it happens that two persons claim that they are the head and if they can give some kind of proof... One of the most important temples in India for Hindus is in the Himalayas, Badrinathdham. For almost ten years it has been locked under police control because the court is unable to decide who is the head because the shankaracharya who died ten years ago wrote two wills. He wrote one will perhaps twenty, thirty years before when he found somebody who was potentially very capable, and From Ignorance to Innocence 279 Osho


Religion is a disturbance as far as the hierarchy of the organization is concerned. Religion is a<br />

continuous trouble; religious people will be trouble.<br />

The Catholic church has been throwing out from the church all the people who are really religious<br />

because those people will not support this criminal act of destroying religion. They will oppose it,<br />

they will rebel against it. But the church has so much authority. The head of the church, the pope,<br />

is a religious head and also a temporal head; the Vatican is his kingdom, a political nation. Once<br />

it was big, vast; now it is only eight square miles, but still he is the temporal head and the spiritual<br />

head.<br />

There are religions where the temporal head is separate and the religious head is separate, but then<br />

there were problems of conflict. The temporal head has all the power of the army, the law, the state;<br />

and the spiritual head has no temporal power. For example in Hinduism, the shankaracharya is only<br />

a spiritual head. But that creates this other problem: a continuous conflict between the state and<br />

the religion – and of course the state is powerful.<br />

You have <strong>to</strong> remember that the higher a thing, the more fragile it is. The lower a thing, the more<br />

strong it is. Roots are strong, flowers are not; although roots are meaningless if the flowers<br />

disappear – the roots have meaning only because of the flowers. But the tree is not so stupid<br />

as man; so there is a harmony between the flowers and the roots, there is no conflict.<br />

Flowers represent the spiritual fragrance, and the roots represent the state, the army and all its<br />

power.<br />

The roots can deny food <strong>to</strong> the flowers and the flowers will die and disappear within no time. But<br />

no tree is so stupid: there is a harmony; the roots go on supporting the flowers, the leaves, the<br />

branches. And it is not only one-sided. The flowers, the leaves, the branches go on taking rays from<br />

the sun and carbon dioxide from the air, and they go on continuously sending them <strong>to</strong> the roots.<br />

It is a <strong>com</strong>munion, there is no question of conflict.<br />

But in religion it has been a problem. If you keep them apart then soon the state starts trying <strong>to</strong><br />

control the religion. For example, in England the church is separate but the queen is really the head<br />

of both: of the church and of the state. The church has its own head but there is a crowned head<br />

who is over him. What can the archbishop of Canterbury do against the queen?<br />

In Russia the same was the situation. The church was separate, the czar was separate, but the<br />

whole power was in the hands of the czar. So it was just for show that the head of the church<br />

crowned the czar as if he was above the czar. But he knew and everybody knew that this was<br />

only ceremonial. In reality he had <strong>to</strong> follow the czar and the state, support the czar and the state,<br />

because without the czar, the church would die: it wouldn’t have any support, financial or otherwise.<br />

That’s why Catholics tried <strong>to</strong> make church and state, one: <strong>to</strong> give both powers in<strong>to</strong> the hands of one<br />

man so there was no conflict.<br />

But the trouble is when a man be<strong>com</strong>es politically powerful, that political power tends <strong>to</strong> corrupt him.<br />

He may misuse it; it is almost certain that he will misuse it.<br />

<strong>From</strong> <strong>Ignorance</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Innocence</strong> 278 <strong>Osho</strong>

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