From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -

From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho - From Ignorance to Innocence - Osho -
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CHAPTER 11. TRUTH: NOT A DOGMA BUT A DANCE But one of the emperors of India, Ashoka, had sent one branch of the tree as a present to Ceylon with his own daughter, Sanghamitra, who had become a sannyasin. Sanghamitra carried a branch of the bo tree to Ceylon, and from that bo tree a branch has been brought back again and put in the place where Buddha had become enlightened. It is part of the same tree, but the third generation. But what these people in Japan are doing shows something significant: it is what religions have done with man. They have been cutting your roots so you don’t grow up – you only grow old. And the first root they cut is doubt; then enquiry stops. The second root they cut turns you against your own nature, condemns your nature. Obviously when your nature is condemned, how can you help your nature to flow, grow and take its own course like a river? No, they don’t allow you to be like a river, moving zigzag. All the religions have turned you into railway trains, running on rails, running from one station to another – and mostly just shunting, not going anywhere but still on rails. Those rails they call discipline, control, self-control. Religions have done so much harm that it is almost incalculable – their pot of sins is full, overflowing. It just needs to be thrown into the Pacific, five miles deep, so deep that nobody can find it again and start again the same idiotic process. The small number of people in the world who are intelligent should get rid of all that their religions have done to them without their knowing. They should become completely clean of Jewishness, of Hinduism, of Christianity, of Jainism, of Buddhism. They should be completely clean – just to be human is enough. Accept yourself. Respect yourself Allow your nature to take its own course. Don’t force, don’t repress. Doubt – because doubt is not a sin, it is the sign of your intelligence. Doubt and go on enquiring until you find. One thing I can say: whosoever enquires, finds. It is absolutely certain; it has never been otherwise. Nobody has come empty-handed from an authentic enquiry. From Ignorance to Innocence 152 Osho

10 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove Question 1 OSHO, CHAPTER 12 Faith: the suicide of intelligence WHAT IS THE GREATEST HARM THAT THE SO-CALLED RELIGIONS HAVE DONE TO HUMANITY? THE greatest harm that the so-called religions have done to humanity is to prevent humanity from finding the true religion. They pretended to be the true religion. All the religions of the world have conditioned the human mind from the very childhood to believe that this is the true religion – the religion in which you are born. A Hindu believes his religion is the only true religion in the world, all other religions are false. The same is the case with the Jew, with the Christian, with the Buddhist, with the Mohammedan. They are in agreement on one point, and that is that there is no need to find the true religion; the true religion is already available to you – you are born in it. I call this their greatest harm because man without authentic religion can only vegetate, cannot really live. He remains a superficial being; he cannot attain to any profundity, authenticity. He knows nothing about his own depths. He knows about himself through others, what they say. Just the way you 153

10 December 1984 pm in Lao Tzu Grove<br />

Question 1<br />

OSHO,<br />

CHAPTER 12<br />

Faith: the suicide of intelligence<br />



THE greatest harm that the so-called religions have done <strong>to</strong> humanity is <strong>to</strong> prevent humanity from<br />

finding the true religion.<br />

They pretended <strong>to</strong> be the true religion. All the religions of the world have conditioned the human<br />

mind from the very childhood <strong>to</strong> believe that this is the true religion – the religion in which you are<br />

born.<br />

A Hindu believes his religion is the only true religion in the world, all other religions are false. The<br />

same is the case with the Jew, with the Christian, with the Buddhist, with the Mohammedan. They<br />

are in agreement on one point, and that is that there is no need <strong>to</strong> find the true religion; the true<br />

religion is already available <strong>to</strong> you – you are born in it.<br />

I call this their greatest harm because man without authentic religion can only vegetate, cannot really<br />

live.<br />

He remains a superficial being; he cannot attain <strong>to</strong> any profundity, authenticity. He knows nothing<br />

about his own depths. He knows about himself through others, what they say. Just the way you<br />


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