Nessa Newt's Wetland and Bog Biodiversity Book

Nessa Newt's Wetland and Bog Biodiversity Book

Nessa Newt's Wetland and Bog Biodiversity Book


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<strong>Nessa</strong> Newt’s <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Bog</strong><br />

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> <strong>Book</strong><br />

NIEA <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Activity <strong>Book</strong><br />

For Upper KS1 Pupils<br />

www.ni-environment.gov.uk Agency<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong><br />


Teacher notes.<br />

Education <strong>and</strong> the Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> Environment Agency<br />

Life on our planet = <strong>Biodiversity</strong>!<br />

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> simply means the total variety of life on our planet. The state of the world’s<br />

<strong>Biodiversity</strong> was the central focus at the United Nations Conference on Environment <strong>and</strong><br />

Development that was held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. 156 countries signed an agreement<br />

at this conference to conserve the earth’s <strong>Biodiversity</strong>. Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> has a great level of<br />

<strong>Biodiversity</strong>, with many different habitats <strong>and</strong> 22000 species that we can name so far!<br />

N.I.E.A (Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> Environment Agency) believe that it is vitally important to educate<br />

people about their planet’s <strong>Biodiversity</strong> <strong>and</strong> how it is important in terms of the quality of<br />

their daily lives. Obviously the word ‘<strong>Biodiversity</strong>’ can appear large <strong>and</strong> is too difficult a<br />

term <strong>and</strong> concept for KS1 pupils. Despite this we feel that through this series of <strong>Biodiversity</strong><br />

Activity booklets even very young children can begin to focus on certain creatures, plants<br />

<strong>and</strong> habitats that are important to their local <strong>Biodiversity</strong> while at the same time covering<br />

important curriculum components. This will hopefully mean that when they encounter the<br />

word ‘<strong>Biodiversity</strong>’ <strong>and</strong> the greater details of the concept at a later age it will not be such a<br />

problem for them, having already encountered the term <strong>and</strong> studied many basic elements of<br />

the concept when they were younger.<br />

<strong>Book</strong>s available in this series:<br />

Harry Hare’s Field <strong>and</strong> Farm <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Activity booklet.<br />

<strong>Nessa</strong> Newt’s <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Activity booklet.<br />

Owen Otter’s River <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Activity booklet.<br />

Sarah Seal’s Coastal <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Activity booklet.<br />

For more information on these topics or to locate more copies of our resources contact:<br />

The Education Manager<br />

Corporate Communications<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> Environment Agency<br />

Klondyke Building<br />

Cromac Avenue<br />

Gasworks Business Park<br />

Lower Ormeau Road<br />

Belfast BT7 2JA<br />

Tel: 0845 3020008<br />

Copyright: Crown copyright

Here is your very own chart for you to record how well you have done.<br />

Put a tick or a stamp in the space when you finish a page.<br />

1 I know what a smooth newt is<br />

2 I know where the peat bogs are<br />

3 I know if it is an animal or a plant<br />

4 I know the seasons on the bog<br />

5 I know what we use peat for<br />

6 I know about peat moss<br />

7 I know about Bianca the butterfly<br />

8 I know how things move<br />

9 I know about birds that live on the bog<br />

10 I know about animals on the bog<br />

11 I know about the plants on the bog<br />

12 I know about <strong>Nessa</strong>’s<br />

pond dipping<br />

13 I know what the bog plants look like<br />

14 I know about pond life<br />

15 I know about differences <strong>and</strong> similarities<br />

16 I know about animals <strong>and</strong> their young<br />

17 I know what sort of creature it is<br />

18 I know why we should look after our peat bogs<br />

19 I know about the peatl<strong>and</strong> wordsearch<br />

20 I know about camouflage<br />

21 I know how a butterfly grows<br />

22 I know how to do the peat bog quiz<br />

23 I know how to make a frog mask<br />

Well done you really are learning a lot about <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong></strong>s <strong>and</strong> <strong>Bog</strong>s.

Hello I am <strong>Nessa</strong> the Newt. I am a smooth Newt <strong>and</strong> I live on<br />

a peat bog. I like to live in damp places. I have smooth moist<br />

skin <strong>and</strong> four toes on my front feet. I am green <strong>and</strong> brown. I<br />

like to eat pond snails, tadpoles, worms <strong>and</strong> insects.<br />

Peat bogs are very wet places. You would need to wear your wellies there. Peat<br />

bogs are covered in peat which is a type of soil made from plants <strong>and</strong> trees<br />

which were alive a long time ago. When they died, they fell onto the ground<br />

<strong>and</strong> rotted. After many years they turned into peat.<br />

I hope you like my Activity <strong>Book</strong> all about peat bogs. There are<br />

lots of things for you to do.<br />


Where are the Peat <strong>Bog</strong>s in Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>?<br />

There are many peat bogs in Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> because our weather is cold <strong>and</strong><br />

wet, which helps them to grow. In Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> there are more peat bogs<br />

than forests. But in the last 100 years some of the peat bogs have been<br />

destroyed.<br />

Here is a map of Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>. All the peat bogs are marked on it.<br />

Enniskillen<br />

L/Derry<br />

l Colour the peat bogs brown.<br />

l Colour the rest of the l<strong>and</strong> green.<br />

l Colour the sea <strong>and</strong> Lough Neagh blue.<br />

Choose the right word for this sentence:<br />

Lough Neagh<br />

Newry<br />

Belfast<br />

Most of the peat bogs in Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> are in the north/south/east/west.<br />

2<br />

N<br />

W E<br />


Is it an Animal or a Plant?<br />

Here are some animals <strong>and</strong> plants that like to live on peat bogs. Animals usually<br />

move around to find food. Plants usually grow in the ground. They do not move<br />

around.<br />

Draw a circle around each animal<br />

l Name one of these animals that eats plants ___________________<br />

l Name one of these animals that eats other animals ___________________<br />


Seasons on the Peat <strong>Bog</strong><br />

Peat bogs look different in each season of the year. Fill in the blank spaces to<br />

find the right answer.<br />

Spring<br />

These white flowers are the first sign of spring<br />

Frogs lay these eggs in ponds in spring<br />

Blue flowers which are shaped like a bell<br />

Birds build these to lay their eggs in<br />

Summer<br />

Plants need this to grow<br />

These insects have colourful wings<br />

These insects have stripey bodies<br />

The colourful parts of a flower<br />

Autumn<br />

These fall off the trees in autumn<br />

Squirrels start to gather these to eat during the winter<br />

Frogs get ready to do this in the autumn<br />

Some birds fly away to a hot country<br />

Winter<br />

It is not hot in winter, it is...<br />

This is made when water freezes<br />

There are no leaves on the trees. The trees are...<br />

These white flakes fall from the sky<br />

4<br />

s_ _ _ d r _ _ _<br />

f r _ _ s p _ _ _<br />

b l _ _ b _ _ _ _<br />

n _ _ t _<br />

s _ _<br />

b _ t t _ _ f _ _ _ _<br />

b _ _ s<br />

p _ t _ _ _<br />

l _ _ _ _ _<br />

n _ _ _<br />

h _ b _ r n _ t _<br />

m _ g r _ t _<br />

c _ _ _<br />

i _ _<br />

b _ r _<br />

s _ _ w

What do we use peat for?<br />

Peat is a type of soil. Sometimes people call it turf. It is made up of many dead<br />

plants. It takes thous<strong>and</strong>s of years to make peat. If you look closely at a lump of<br />

peat, you can see the types of plants that grew <strong>and</strong> died a long time ago.<br />

In Irel<strong>and</strong>, peat has been used for hundreds of years for different things. This<br />

means that there is very little peat left in the country.<br />

These are some of the things that peat has been used for:<br />

Draw a line from the words to the picture.<br />

Making fires<br />

Building houses<br />

Making electricity<br />

Used in the garden<br />

Can you think what will happen if we keep on using peat?<br />

______________________________________________________________________<br />


Peat Moss<br />

Peat moss is a plant. It likes to grow in wet places. Peat moss has been used for<br />

many things in Irel<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Draw a line from the words to the right picture.<br />

Bedding for horses<br />

To pack vegetables<br />

B<strong>and</strong>ages for soldiers<br />

Babies’nappies<br />

Why do you think that peat moss is good for packing vegetables?<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />


Butterflies<br />

Hello my name is Bianca <strong>and</strong> I am a butterfly. I live on the peat bog. I am a<br />

special type of butterfly called the Marsh Fritilary. There are very few of us left<br />

now. My wings are brown with orange <strong>and</strong> cream spots.<br />

Why don’t you colour my wings in? The letters will tell you which colours to use.<br />

B = Brown<br />

C = Cream<br />

O = Orange<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

B<br />

B B<br />

B<br />

B B<br />

O<br />

O<br />

C C C<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C O C<br />

O<br />

C<br />

O C<br />

O<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C C C<br />

C<br />

O<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O O O O O O<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C C<br />

C C C C<br />

C<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C O<br />

C O O C<br />

O<br />

O C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C O<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

O<br />

O<br />

C<br />

C O<br />

O O<br />

C<br />

O<br />

C<br />

B B<br />

O O<br />

C<br />

7<br />


How does it move?<br />

All animals can move from place to place. Some of them move in different ways.<br />

Draw lines from the animals to the word which describes how they move.<br />

Some of the animals may have two ways of moving.<br />

Write down all the ways that you move<br />

fly<br />

crawl<br />

hop<br />

run<br />

swim<br />

__________________________________________________________________________<br />


Birds on the Peat <strong>Bog</strong><br />

Peat bogs are good places for birds to live. It is quiet there so birds can build<br />

their nests <strong>and</strong> bring up their chicks in peace. There are lots of different types of<br />

food there for birds to eat - insects, spiders <strong>and</strong> berries.<br />

I am Ciaran the Curlew. I am<br />

quite a big bird with long legs<br />

<strong>and</strong> I like to live on the peat<br />

bogs. I have a long, curved<br />

beak <strong>and</strong> a long neck. I am<br />

brown with white just below<br />

my tail.<br />

I am Harvey <strong>and</strong> I am a Hen<br />

Harrier. I am a bird of prey.<br />

This means I like to eat small<br />

birds <strong>and</strong> animals. I am grey<br />

with black feathers on the<br />

end of my wings. I have long<br />

wings <strong>and</strong> a long tail.<br />

I am Sheila the Sparrow hawk.<br />

I am a bird of prey. I like to<br />

eat small birds. I can fly very<br />

quickly. I have sharp claws<br />

called talons for gripping my<br />

prey. I have a hooked beak<br />

<strong>and</strong> a long tail.<br />

Put these words in the right places:<br />

Long, curved beak Long neck Brown feathers<br />

____________________<br />

____________________<br />

____________________<br />

Put these words in the right places:<br />

Grey Black feathers Long tail<br />

____________________<br />

____________________<br />

____________________<br />

Put these words in the right places:<br />

Sharp claws Hooked beak Long tail<br />

9<br />

____________________<br />

____________________<br />


Animals on the Peat <strong>Bog</strong><br />

Peat bogs are too wet for some animals to live there, but many animals love to<br />

live on the bogs.<br />

How many peat bog animals can you find in this picture? ___________<br />

Can you name them?<br />

f _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _<br />

h _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

d _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ n _ _ _<br />

s _ _ _ _<br />

Now colour in the picture.<br />


The sundew is a plant which grows<br />

on peat bogs. The leaves are covered<br />

in _ _ _ _ _ <strong>and</strong> are sticky like glue.<br />

When small _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l<strong>and</strong> on the<br />

leaves they get stuck. The leaves close<br />

up on the insects <strong>and</strong> the plant _ _ _ _<br />

the insects.<br />

insects eats hairs<br />

<strong>Bog</strong> cotton grows on _ _ _ _ bogs. It<br />

has narrow _ _ _ _ _ _ . In the summer<br />

time it looks like cotton _ _ _ _ .<br />

wool leaves peat<br />

Plants on the Peat <strong>Bog</strong><br />

The cranberry is a small plant. It has<br />

pretty _ _ _ _ flowers in the summer<br />

time <strong>and</strong> large red berries in<br />

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .<br />

Birds <strong>and</strong> small animals like _ _ _ _<br />

love to eat the berries.<br />

september mice pink<br />

Heather is a bushy plant with small<br />

purple flowers which attract _ _ _ _ .<br />

Small _ _ _ _ _ like to hide there.<br />

birds bees<br />


Pond dipping<br />

<strong>Nessa</strong> was looking in one of the ponds on the peat bog <strong>and</strong> found lots of small<br />

creatures. Help her finish off her chart. She found:<br />

Four pond snails<br />

Six great diving beetles<br />

Two pond skaters<br />

Five water boatmen<br />

Eight tadpoles<br />

Questions<br />

1. Which creature did <strong>Nessa</strong> find most of? ____________________<br />

2. Which creature did <strong>Nessa</strong> find least of? ____________________<br />

Which of <strong>Nessa</strong>’s<br />

creature’s<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

do you like best? ____________________<br />


Plants on Peat <strong>Bog</strong>s<br />

<strong>Nessa</strong> the newt went for a walk on the peat bog <strong>and</strong> saw some plants growing<br />

there.<br />

Help her work out the names of the plants she saw there.<br />

Draw a line joining the plant’s<br />

<strong>Bog</strong> cotton has long narrow leaves<br />

<strong>and</strong> looks like balls of cotton wool<br />

The sundew is a plant which eats insects.<br />

It has small white flowers.<br />

<strong>Bog</strong>moss is a small green plant<br />

with tiny leaves but no flower<br />

Heather has tiny purple flowers<br />

The cranberry has a pretty pink flower<br />

name to the right picture.<br />


pond snail<br />

great diving beetle<br />

pondskater<br />

water boatman<br />

tadpole<br />

Pond Life<br />

The ponds on peat bogs are great places for small minibeasts to live.<br />

Write the sentences under the right water creature.<br />

I hatch from frogspawn.<br />

I skate across the top of the water.<br />

I am a large beetle.<br />

I swim upside down.<br />

I grow into a frog.<br />

14<br />

I have a hard shell.<br />

I have four legs touching the water.<br />

I am a good swimmer <strong>and</strong> diver.<br />

I use my back legs for swimming.<br />

I have a soft body.

Differences <strong>and</strong> Similarities<br />

<strong>Nessa</strong> is putting the animals she has seen on the peat bog into two groups.<br />

One group has animals with 2 legs in it.<br />

The other group has animals with 4 legs.<br />

Help <strong>Nessa</strong> by drawing a circle around the animals with 2 legs<br />

<strong>and</strong> a box around the animals with 4 legs.<br />

Which is the odd animal out? _________________________<br />

Which group could you put this animal in? _________________________<br />


Animals <strong>and</strong> their Young<br />

Animals are either male or female. Females can have babies.<br />

The baby animals eat food <strong>and</strong> grow up into adult animals.<br />

Draw lines to join up the adult <strong>and</strong> baby in each family.<br />

Some animals look like their parents <strong>and</strong> some look completely different. Write<br />

down two of the animals which do not look like their parents:<br />

________________________<br />

________________________<br />


What sort of creature is it?<br />

If you look at a creature close up, you can count how many legs it has. This<br />

helps to tell you what sort of creature it is.<br />

Count how many legs each of the creatures has to find out its name.<br />

No legs<br />

Four legs<br />

Six legs<br />

Eight legs<br />

More than eight legs<br />

17<br />

Great diving beetle<br />

Spider<br />

Millipede<br />

Frog<br />


Why should we look after our Peat <strong>Bog</strong>s?<br />

There are lots of reasons why we should make sure that our peat bogs are not<br />

destroyed. Here are some people to tell you why they think we should look after<br />

our peat bogs. Draw a line to connect the person to what they might say.<br />

Peat bogs are full of<br />

water which we need<br />

for drinking, cooking,<br />

washing <strong>and</strong> lots of<br />

other things.<br />

Peat bogs are beautiful<br />

places to visit. They are<br />

wild <strong>and</strong> very peaceful.<br />

18<br />

Many old things have been<br />

found in the peat bogs which<br />

tell us about how people lived<br />

in the past. Wooden tools,<br />

clothing <strong>and</strong> jewellery have<br />

all been found.<br />

There are lots of animals<br />

<strong>and</strong> plants living there.<br />

We do not want to destroy<br />

their homes.

Peatl<strong>and</strong> Wordsearch<br />

Hidden in the wordsearch are the names of animals <strong>and</strong> plants found in peat<br />

bogs.<br />

Put a circle around the words when you find them.<br />

c p e a t r n t w c<br />

u d n g a o e f f o<br />

r s u n d e w l r t<br />

l d o u p q t z o t<br />

e g p m o s s a g o<br />

w l y l l k m j e n<br />

a c x h e a t h e r<br />

d r a g o n f l y b<br />

h c r a n b e r r y<br />

Cotton<br />

Cranberry<br />

Curlew<br />

Dragonfly<br />

Frog<br />

19<br />

Heather<br />

Moss<br />

Newt<br />

Peat<br />

Sundew<br />


Camouflage<br />

Some animals use camouflage. This means that they are the same colour as the<br />

plants <strong>and</strong> soil around them. Frogs have camouflage to hide from their enemies.<br />

They are brown, green <strong>and</strong> yellow. The colours <strong>and</strong> patterns on a frog’s skin<br />

match where it lives.<br />

20<br />

Colour in the frog so that<br />

he is hidden in the plants.<br />

Colour in this box so that the<br />

letters st<strong>and</strong> out <strong>and</strong> you can<br />

read them.<br />

Colour in this box so that the<br />

letters are hidden <strong>and</strong> it is<br />

hard to read them.

How a Butterfly Grows<br />

The butterfly lays an egg which hatches into a caterpillar. The caterpillar eats a<br />

lot of food. It holds onto a twig <strong>and</strong> makes a shell around its body. This is called<br />

a chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis the caterpillar is changing into a butterfly. A<br />

butterfly comes out of the chrysalis.<br />

Put the right word next to each picture -<br />

l Egg - tiny white eggs laid by a butterfly<br />

l Caterpillar - the caterpillar grows very quickly<br />

l Chrysalis - the hard shell where the growing butterfly is protected<br />

l Butterfly - the butterfly lives for a very short time<br />


P<br />

E<br />

A<br />

T<br />

B<br />

O<br />

G<br />

Peat <strong>Bog</strong> Quiz<br />

P<br />

E<br />

A<br />

T<br />

B<br />

O<br />

G<br />

Colour Me In<br />

22<br />

Some people burn this in their fire.<br />

This hatches into a caterpillar.<br />

If it’s not a plant it must be an...<br />

This animal grows up into a frog.<br />

A caterpillar grows into this.<br />

The colour of a marsh fritillary.<br />

The colour of peat moss.

Make a Frog Mask<br />

23<br />

Cut out then colour in!

Certificate<br />

Well done ______________________________<br />

you have successfully completed <strong>Nessa</strong> Newt’s<br />

<strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Bog</strong> booklet

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> Environment Agency<br />

Klondyke Building<br />

Cromac Avenue<br />

Gasworks Business Park<br />

Belfast BT7 2JA<br />

T. 0845 302 0008<br />

www.ni-environment.gov.uk<br />

Our aim is to protect, conserve <strong>and</strong> promote the<br />

natural <strong>and</strong> built environment for the benefit of<br />

present <strong>and</strong> future generations.

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