Rare Plant Register for Huntingdonshire - Botanical Society of the ...

Rare Plant Register for Huntingdonshire - Botanical Society of the ... Rare Plant Register for Huntingdonshire - Botanical Society of the ...


Appendix 1 Extinctions Many of the species listed below are undoubtedly long since extinct, having disappeared with the last remnants of their habitats. For some species, the evidence for them ever having occurred in the County is very weak. Despite the above, the re-discovery of Marsh Lousewort (Pedicularis palustris) in 2005 and Parsley Water-dropwort (Oenanthe lachenalii) in 2008 shows that there is still some hope, however slight, that some species might be re-discovered. Species Last Known Sighting Adoxa moschatellina 1 Moschatel ? Andromeda polifolia Bog-rosemary 1840 Antennaria dioica Mountain Everlasting 1884 Apium inundatum Lesser Marshwort 1913 Blechnum spicant Hard Fern 1972 Botrychium lunnaria Moonwort 1880-1890 Bupleurum tenuissimum Slender Hare’s-ear 1884 Bupleurum rotundifolium Thorow-wax c. 1895 Carex hostiana 2 Tawny Sedge 1884 Carex strigosa 3 Thin-spiked Wood-sedge ? Carex vesicaria 4 Bladder-sedge 1880-90 Clinopodium calamintha Lesser Calamint 1851 Dactylorhiza viridis Frog Orchid 1936 Dianthus armeria Deptford Pink 1984 Drosera anglica Great Sundew 1840 Drosera intermedia Oblong-leaved Sundew 1848 Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved Sundew 1848 Dryopteris cristata Crested Buckler-fern 1889 Eleocharis multicaulis Many-stalked Spike-rush 1846 Eleocharis quinqueflora Few-flowered Spike-rush 1846 Eriophorum angustifolium Common Cottongrass 1850 Eriophorum latifolium Broad-leaved Cottongrass before 1836 Filago lutescens Red-tipped Cudweed 1886 Filago minima Small Cudweed 1880 Galium saxatile Heath Bedstraw 1885 Galium tricornutum Corn Cleavers 1950 Hammarbya paludosa Bog Orchid 1840 Lactuca saligna Least Lettuce 1951 Liparis loeselii Fen Orchid 1850 1 Wells considered this un-localised record dubious and it is certainly very disjunct. 2 Only doubtfully recorded, see the Flora for more detail. 3 Source reputable but not seen firsthand and details/specimens lacking. 4 Source reputable but not seen firsthand and details/specimens lacking. 88

Limosella aquatica Mudwort 1908 Lycopodiella inundata Marsh Clubmoss before 1850 Melampyrum pratense Common Cow-wheat c. 1930 Menyanthes trifoliata 5 Bogbean 1926 Moenchia erecta Upright Chickweed 1887 Narthecium ossifraga Bog Asphodel 1860 Orchis ustulata Burnt Orchid 1890 Oreopteris limbosperma Lemon-scented Fern 1860 Parnassia palustris Grass-of-Parnassus 1888 Pedicularis sylvestris Lousewort before 1965 Persicaria bistorta Common Bistort 1886 Persicaria minor Small Water-pepper before 1926 Peucedanum palustris Milk Parsley 1845 Pilularia globulifera Pillwort 1864 Pinguicula vulgaris Common Butterwort 1909 Potamogeton polygonifolius Bog Pondweed before 1906 Potamogeton praelongus Long-stalked Pondweed 1967 Potamogeton trichoides Hairlike Pondweed 1908 Potamogeton x grovesii Potamogeton pusillus x trichoides 89 1909 Potamogeton x nitens Bright-leaved Pondweed 1910 Pulicaria vulgaris Small Fleabane 1846 Rhynchospora alba White Beak-sedge 1846 Rosa sherardii Sherard’s Downy-rose 1910 Salix aurita 6 Eared Willow 1884 Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush 1845 Sparganium natans Least Bur-reed 1909 Stratiotes aloides 7 Water-soldier 1828 Teesdalia nudicaulis Shepherd’s Cress 1926 Teucrium scordium Water Germander 1826 Thelypteris palustris Marsh Fern 1860 Umbilicus rupestris 8 Navelwort 1880 Utricularia minor Lesser Bladderwort 1845 Vaccinium oxycoccos Wall Pennywort 1845 Viola palustris Marsh Violet 1886 5 Still present as a garden escape. 6 Long extinct as a native tree but over recent years it has become fashionable to plant this species when restoring old gravel workings. 7 Still present as a garden escape. 8 It is difficult to visualise what niche this species would have occupied at Holme Fen and there is no specimen to support its presence. Could this be an error for Hydrocotyle vulgaris?

Limosella aquatica Mudwort 1908<br />

Lycopodiella inundata Marsh Clubmoss be<strong>for</strong>e 1850<br />

Melampyrum pratense Common Cow-wheat c. 1930<br />

Menyan<strong>the</strong>s trifoliata 5 Bogbean 1926<br />

Moenchia erecta Upright Chickweed 1887<br />

Nar<strong>the</strong>cium ossifraga Bog Asphodel 1860<br />

Orchis ustulata Burnt Orchid 1890<br />

Oreopteris limbosperma Lemon-scented Fern 1860<br />

Parnassia palustris Grass-<strong>of</strong>-Parnassus 1888<br />

Pedicularis sylvestris Lousewort be<strong>for</strong>e 1965<br />

Persicaria bistorta Common Bistort 1886<br />

Persicaria minor Small Water-pepper be<strong>for</strong>e 1926<br />

Peucedanum palustris Milk Parsley 1845<br />

Pilularia globulifera Pillwort 1864<br />

Pinguicula vulgaris Common Butterwort 1909<br />

Potamogeton polygonifolius Bog Pondweed be<strong>for</strong>e 1906<br />

Potamogeton praelongus Long-stalked Pondweed 1967<br />

Potamogeton trichoides Hairlike Pondweed 1908<br />

Potamogeton x grovesii Potamogeton pusillus x<br />

trichoides<br />

89<br />

1909<br />

Potamogeton x nitens Bright-leaved Pondweed 1910<br />

Pulicaria vulgaris Small Fleabane 1846<br />

Rhynchospora alba White Beak-sedge 1846<br />

Rosa sherardii Sherard’s Downy-rose 1910<br />

Salix aurita 6 Eared Willow 1884<br />

Schoenus nigricans Black Bog-rush 1845<br />

Sparganium natans Least Bur-reed 1909<br />

Stratiotes aloides 7 Water-soldier 1828<br />

Teesdalia nudicaulis Shepherd’s Cress 1926<br />

Teucrium scordium Water Germander 1826<br />

Thelypteris palustris Marsh Fern 1860<br />

Umbilicus rupestris 8 Navelwort 1880<br />

Utricularia minor Lesser Bladderwort 1845<br />

Vaccinium oxycoccos Wall Pennywort 1845<br />

Viola palustris Marsh Violet 1886<br />

5<br />

Still present as a garden escape.<br />

6<br />

Long extinct as a native tree but over recent years it has become fashionable to plant this<br />

species when restoring old gravel workings.<br />

7<br />

Still present as a garden escape.<br />

8<br />

It is difficult to visualise what niche this species would have occupied at Holme Fen and<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is no specimen to support its presence. Could this be an error <strong>for</strong> Hydrocotyle vulgaris?

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