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that resulted from reported environmental damage (SCS Engineers, 1984). These include deposits where historic mine tailings contribute to water quality degradation and, in some cases, affected aquatic life. The extent of degradation from historic mining appears to be related to the magnitude and duration of operations as well as deposit type and climate. Any area that was extensively mined for long periods of time is likely to have experienced some environmental impact. Skarn deposits that enter production today cannot be compared with skarn deposits worked a hundred, or even twenty, years ago. Many currently active mining or exploration projects involving skarn deposits operated at some time in the past at a smaller scale and are currently being re-evaluated for different metals (gold, silver) than were sought in past enterprises. Many abandoned or inactive skarn deposits are the focus of recent exploration because of economic changes or development of modern technology that allows previously uneconomic ore to be mined. For example, skarns that were mined in the past for base metals or tungsten may now constitute exploration targets for gold. Known or potential environmental hazards from historic mining can, in some cases, be mitigated by reopening the site to mining activity that involves reprocessing historic tailings using modern mining practices. REFERENCES CITED Andrews, R.D., 1975, Tailings-Environmental consequences and a review of control strategies, in International conference on heavy metals in the environment, Symposium proceedings, v. 2, Toronto, 1975, p. 645-675. Apte, S.C., Benko, W.I., and Day, G.M., 1995: Partitioning and complexation of copper in the Fly River, Papua New Guinea: Journal of Geochemical Exploration 52, p. 67-79. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 1989, Public Health Statements. Bailey, R.G., Avers, P.E., King, Thomas, and McNab, W.H., eds., 1994, Ecoregions and subregions of the United States: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, 2 sheets, Scale 1:7,500,000. Beus, A.A., and Grigorian, S.V., 1977, Geochemical exploration methods for mineral deposits: Wilmette, Illinois, Applied Publishing Ltd., 287 p. Bowie, S.H.U., and Thornton, I., eds., 1985, Environmental geochemistry and health, Boston, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 140 p. Brooks, J.W., Meinert, L.D., Kuyper, B.A., and Lane, M.L., 1991, Petrology and geochemistry of the McCoy gold skarn, Lander County, Nevada, in Raines, G.L. and others, eds., Geology and ore deposits of the Great Basin, Symposium Proceedings, Geological Society of Nevada, Reno, p. 419-442. Broxton, D.E., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance data release for the Billings NTMS quadrangle, Montana, including concentrations of forty-three additional elements: U.S. Department of Energy Open-File Report GJBX-150(79), 200 p. Cox, D.P., 1986, Descriptive model of Zn-Pb skarn deposits, in Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A., eds., Mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, p. 90. _________1992, Descriptive model of distal disseminated Ag-Au deposits, in Bliss, J.D., ed., Developments in mineral deposit modeling: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2004, p. 20-22. Cox, D.P., and Singer, D.A., 1986, Mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, 379 p. Cox, D.P., and Theodore, T.G., 1986, Descriptive model of Cu skarn deposits, in Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A., eds., Mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, p. 86. Doebrich, J.L., Wotruba, P.R., Theodore, T.G., McGibbon, D.H., and Felder, R.P., 1995, Field trip guidebook: Trip H- Geology and ore deposits of the Battle Mountain Mining District, Humboldt and Lander Counties, Nevada: Reno, Nevada, Geological Society of Nevada and U.S. Geological Survey, Geology and ore deposits of the American Cordillera, 92 p. Einaudi, M.T., and Burt, D.M., 1982, Introduction: terminology, classification, and composition of skarn deposits: Economic Geology v. 77, p. 745-754. Einaudi, M.T., Meinert, L.D., and Newberry, R.J., 1981, Skarn deposits: Economic Geology 75th Anniversary Volume, p. 317-391. Emmons, D.L. and Eng, T.L., 1995, Geologic map of the McCoy Mining District, Lander County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 103, scale 1:12,000, 12 p. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995, National priorities list for uncontrolled hazardous waste sites (40 CFR Part 300): Federal Register, v. 60, no. 79, April 25, 1995, p. 20330-20353. Ettlinger, A.D., and Ray, G.E., 1989, Precious metal enriched skarns in British Columbia: An overview and geological study: British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources, Mineral Resources Division, Paper 1989-3, 128 p. 109

Ficklin, W.H., Plumlee, G.S., Smith, K.S., and McHugh, J.B., 1992, Geochemical classification of mine drainages and natural drainages in mineralized areas, in Kharaka, Y.K., and Maest, A.S., eds., Water-rock interaction: Seventh International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Park City, Utah, July 13-18, 1992, Proceedings, v. 1, Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 381-384. Francis, B.M., 1994, Toxic substances in the environment: New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 360 p. Glass, N.R., Arnold, D.E., Galloway, J.N., Henry, G.R., Lee, J.J., McFee, N.W., Norton, S.A., Powers, C.F., Rambo, D.L., and Schofield, C.L., 1982, Effects of acid precipitation: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 15, p. 162A-169A. Hastings, J.S., and Harrold, J.L., 1988, Geology of the Beal gold deposits, German Gulch, Montana, in Schafer, R.W. and others, eds., Bulk minable precious metal deposits of the western United States: Geological Society of Nevada, Symposium Proceedings, April 6-8, 1987, Reno, NV, p. 207-220. Johnson, T.W., 1991, Geology, hydrothermal alteration, and Cu-Ag-Au skarn and replacement mineralization in the northern part of the New World district, Park County, Montana: Pullman, Washington State University, M.S. thesis, 326 p. Jones, G.M., and Menzie, W.D., 1986, Grade and tonnage model of Cu skarn deposits, in Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A., eds., Mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, p. 86-89. Larocque, A.C.L., Laughlin, A.W., Hickmont, D., and Chapin, C.E., 1995, Metal-residence sites in weathered sulfide-rich tailings and sediments, Kelley mining camp, Magdalena District, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 6, p. A-192. Loebenstein, J.R., 1994, The materials flow of arsenic in the United States: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 9382. Meinert, L.D., 1983, Variability of skarn deposits-guides to exploration, in Boardman, S.J., ed., Revolution in the earth sciences: Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co, p. 301-316. _________1989, Gold skarn deposits-geology and exploration criteria, in Groves, D., Keays, R., and Ramsay, R., eds., Proceedings of Gold '88: Economic Geology Monograph No. 6, p. 537-552. Meyer, G.A., 1995, Tailings impoundment failure and floodplain sediment contamination along Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone National Park, MT-WY: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 4, p. 47. Mining Magazine, 1994, Minera Bismark, p. 195-201. Mosier, D.L., 1986, Grade and tonnage model of Zn-Pb skarn deposits, in Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A., eds., Mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, p. 90-93. Norman, D.K., and Raforth, R.L., 1995, Cyanide heap leaching-the process, environmental problems, and regulation in Washington: Washington Geology, v. 23, no. 1, p. 30-41. Plumlee, G.S., Smith, K.S., Ficklin, W.H., Briggs, P.H., and McHugh, J.B., 1993, Empirical studies of diverse mine drainages in Colorado: implications for prediction of mine-drainage chemistry: Proceedings, 1993 Mined Land Reclamation Symposium, Billings, Montana, v. 1, p. 176-186. Potter, W., Chang Ben, K-Y, and Adler, D., 1982, The effects of air pollution and acid rain on fish, wildlife, and their habitats: Rivers and streams, U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS 14-16-0009- 80-085. Ripley, E.A., Redman, R.E., and Crauder, A.A., 1995, Environmental effects of mining: Delray Beach, Florida, St. Lucie Press, 356 p. Salomons, W., 1995, Environmental impact of metals derived from mining activities: Processes, prediction, and prevention: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 52, p. 4-23. Salomons, W., and Eagle, A.M., 1990, Hydrology, sedimentology and the fate and distribution of copper in mine related discharges in the Fly River system-Papua New Guinea: Science of the Total Environment, v. 97/98, p. 315-334. Sangmeshwar, S.R., and Barnes, H.L., 1983, Supergene processes in zinc-lead-silver sulfide ores in carbonates: Economic Geology, v. 78, p. 1379-1397. SCS Engineers, 1984, Summary of damage cases from the disposal of mining waste: Unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Smith, K.S., Plumlee, G.S., and Ficklin, W.H., 1994, Predicting water contamination from metal mines and mining wastes: Notes, Workshop #2, International Land Reclamation and Mine Drainage Conference and Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-264, 112 p. 110

Ficklin, W.H., Plumlee, G.S., Smith, K.S., <strong>and</strong> McHugh, J.B., 1992, Geochemical classification of mine drainages<br />

<strong>and</strong> natural drainages in mineralized areas, in Kharaka, Y.K., <strong>and</strong> Maest, A.S., eds., Water-rock interaction:<br />

Seventh International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Park City, Utah, July 13-18, 1992,<br />

Proceedings, v. 1, Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 381-384.<br />

Francis, B.M., 1994, Toxic substances in the environment: New York, John Wiley <strong>and</strong> Sons, Inc., 360 p.<br />

Glass, N.R., Arnold, D.E., Galloway, J.N., Henry, G.R., Lee, J.J., McFee, N.W., Norton, S.A., Powers, C.F., Rambo,<br />

D.L., <strong>and</strong> Schofield, C.L., 1982, Effects of acid precipitation: Environmental Science <strong>and</strong> Technology, v.<br />

15, p. 162A-169A.<br />

Hastings, J.S., <strong>and</strong> Harrold, J.L., 1988, Geology of the Beal gold deposits, German Gulch, Montana, in Schafer,<br />

R.W. <strong>and</strong> others, eds., Bulk minable precious metal deposits of the western United States: Geological Society<br />

of Nevada, Symposium Proceedings, April 6-8, 1987, Reno, NV, p. 207-220.<br />

Johnson, T.W., 1991, Geology, hydrothermal alteration, <strong>and</strong> Cu-Ag-Au skarn <strong>and</strong> replacement mineralization in the<br />

northern part of the New World district, Park County, Montana: Pullman, Washington State University, M.S.<br />

thesis, 326 p.<br />

Jones, G.M., <strong>and</strong> Menzie, W.D., 1986, Grade <strong>and</strong> tonnage model of Cu skarn deposits, in <strong>Cox</strong>, D.P. <strong>and</strong> Singer,<br />

D.A., eds., Mineral deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, p. 86-89.<br />

Larocque, A.C.L., Laughlin, A.W., Hickmont, D., <strong>and</strong> Chapin, C.E., 1995, Metal-residence sites in weathered<br />

sulfide-rich tailings <strong>and</strong> sediments, Kelley mining camp, Magdalena District, New Mexico: Geological<br />

Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, no. 6, p. A-192.<br />

Loebenstein, J.R., 1994, The materials flow of arsenic in the United States: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information<br />

Circular 9382.<br />

Meinert, L.D., 1983, Variability of skarn deposits-guides to exploration, in Boardman, S.J., ed., Revolution in the<br />

earth sciences: Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co, p. 301-316.<br />

_________1989, Gold skarn deposits-geology <strong>and</strong> exploration criteria, in Groves, D., Keays, R., <strong>and</strong> Ramsay, R.,<br />

eds., Proceedings of Gold '88: Economic Geology Monograph No. 6, p. 537-552.<br />

Meyer, G.A., 1995, Tailings impoundment failure <strong>and</strong> floodplain sediment contamination along Soda Butte Creek,<br />

Yellowstone National Park, MT-WY: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no.<br />

4, p. 47.<br />

Mining Magazine, 1994, Minera Bismark, p. 195-201.<br />

Mosier, D.L., 1986, Grade <strong>and</strong> tonnage model of Zn-Pb skarn deposits, in <strong>Cox</strong>, D.P. <strong>and</strong> Singer, D.A., eds., Mineral<br />

deposit models: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, p. 90-93.<br />

Norman, D.K., <strong>and</strong> Raforth, R.L., 1995, Cyanide heap leaching-the process, environmental problems, <strong>and</strong> regulation<br />

in Washington: Washington Geology, v. 23, no. 1, p. 30-41.<br />

Plumlee, G.S., Smith, K.S., Ficklin, W.H., Briggs, P.H., <strong>and</strong> McHugh, J.B., 1993, Empirical studies of diverse mine<br />

drainages in Colorado: implications for prediction of mine-drainage chemistry: Proceedings, 1993 Mined<br />

L<strong>and</strong> Reclamation Symposium, Billings, Montana, v. 1, p. 176-186.<br />

Potter, W., Chang Ben, K-Y, <strong>and</strong> Adler, D., 1982, The effects of air pollution <strong>and</strong> acid rain on fish, wildlife, <strong>and</strong><br />

their habitats: Rivers <strong>and</strong> streams, U.S. Department of Interior, Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Service, FWS 14-16-0009-<br />

80-085.<br />

Ripley, E.A., Redman, R.E., <strong>and</strong> Crauder, A.A., 1995, Environmental effects of mining: Delray Beach, Florida, St.<br />

Lucie Press, 356 p.<br />

Salomons, W., 1995, Environmental impact of metals derived from mining activities: Processes, prediction, <strong>and</strong><br />

prevention: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 52, p. 4-23.<br />

Salomons, W., <strong>and</strong> Eagle, A.M., 1990, Hydrology, sedimentology <strong>and</strong> the fate <strong>and</strong> distribution of copper in mine<br />

related discharges in the Fly River system-Papua New Guinea: Science of the Total Environment, v. 97/98,<br />

p. 315-334.<br />

Sangmeshwar, S.R., <strong>and</strong> Barnes, H.L., 1983, Supergene processes in zinc-lead-silver sulfide ores in carbonates:<br />

Economic Geology, v. 78, p. 1379-1397.<br />

SCS Engineers, 1984, Summary of damage cases from the disposal of mining waste: Unpublished report prepared<br />

for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.<br />

Smith, K.S., Plumlee, G.S., <strong>and</strong> Ficklin, W.H., 1994, Predicting water contamination from metal mines <strong>and</strong> mining<br />

wastes: Notes, Workshop #2, International L<strong>and</strong> Reclamation <strong>and</strong> Mine Drainage Conference <strong>and</strong> Third<br />

International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report<br />

94-264, 112 p.<br />


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