SNJM Spring Newsletter 2013

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Washington Partners in Mission<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

Always<br />

be Grateful<br />

for the days that<br />

God you. gives<br />

Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher

excerpted from the Centennial Celebration,<br />

Inland Register, October 29, 1987<br />

Celebrate 125 years in Spokane<br />

We are Grateful<br />

The diocese is called Nesqually. Statehood is still a year away. Horse-drawn carriages are<br />

the order of the day on downtown streets—what few streets there are. But already, by the<br />

summer of 1888… Jesuit missionaries have planted and nurtured seeds of faith among the<br />

native peoples….<br />

On July 25, 1888, three hot, dusty Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary stepped off the<br />

Northern Pacific train and into the history of Spokane. Father James Rebmann, SJ, Pastor of the<br />

parish, Our Lady of Lourdes…met the travelers. The Sisters of Providence…provided the first<br />

taste of a Spokane welcome, initiating a century of friendship and mutual support. Spokane,<br />

and especially its Jesuit clergy, had been bombarding heaven…for help to meet the evident and<br />

growing need for Christian education….<br />

The first Sisters spent July preparing the building on Main...for living quarters and the school.<br />

On August 28, three more Sisters arrived to round out the faculty and all six spent September 2,<br />

the day before the opening of school, in retreat, asking God’s blessing on the work ahead.<br />

The School of the Holy Names began a full range of educational services underscoring the<br />

charism of the Holy Names Foundress, Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher. She wanted her Sisters to<br />

be “educators in faith” whenever and wherever they would be called.<br />

?<br />

s<br />

July 25 arrivals. The day witnesses the arrival of the Sisters to open the mission of<br />

Spokane. For many years the Jesuits stationed at this place have solicited the<br />

Provincial House of Portland, Oregon to send Sisters but the scarcity of subjects<br />

prevented its acceptation. During the visit of Mother John the Baptist, General<br />

Superior, in February, she with<br />

Sr. Mary Elizabeth, General<br />

Secretary, visited Spokane<br />

and being delighted with the<br />

brilliant prospects for a school<br />

accepted the place and<br />

promised to send some Sisters<br />

from California to aid in<br />

opening the mission.<br />

(Excerpt from the<br />

Convent of the Holy Names<br />

Chronicles, Our Lady of<br />

Lourdes Parish School of the<br />

Holy Names, Main Street,<br />

Spokane Falls,<br />

Washington Territory.)<br />

Students, Holy Names Academy, Spokane, 1908<br />

Top to Bottom: <strong>SNJM</strong>s to first come to Spokane: the first Sr. Michael Archangel & Sr. Mary Matthew Moffatt;<br />

Sr. Michael of the Saints, CA Provincial 1886-1888; Sr. Helena of the Cross, 1900; Sr. Mary Wilhelmine, 1910

The Sisters of the Holy Names<br />

stepped off the train in Spokane Falls and were met by Father<br />

Rebmann and his dog, Caro, in his new Bruster-buggy pulled by<br />

Fanny, the horse. They arrived at Our Lady of Lourdes in time for<br />

Mass. As the Sisters and Father were preparing for Mass, curses<br />

reververated through the open church doors.<br />

Fr. Rebmann had left Caro loose outside the church. Fanny<br />

was tied to a telephone pole. Fanny’s lead had slipped down<br />

the pole causing her to try to pull her head up. A man<br />

passing by attempted to help Fanny but Caro was having<br />

none of it. He snapped and bit the man in the leg.<br />

Fr. Rebmann heard the commotion and went out to talk<br />

to the man and tied Caro up to the buggy. The man left.<br />

Father reentered the church to say Mass. But outraged, the man<br />

told a policeman that the dog was rabid. The policeman attempted to shoot<br />

the dog and fired three shots.<br />

The Sisters heard the shots and cried, “O, Lord? To what place have we come?”<br />

The terrified Sisters huddled together in the church pew “waiting for the crown of<br />

martyrdom.” Father raced back to the church door just in time to see the policeman<br />

running after Fanny, the buggy and Caro. Fanny made her way back to her stable.<br />

Caro was hunted down and shot as he tried to escape by jumping in the river.<br />

?<br />

School of the Holy Names, Spokane Falls 1888<br />

near what is now Main and Browne Streets.<br />

Father Rebmann in his Bruster-buggy<br />

with Fanny, the horse<br />

In <strong>2013</strong>, Sisters continue to serve as “educators in the faith wherever and whenever they are called.”<br />

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary is an international congregation of Catholic Women<br />

Religious. Together with Associates, Lay Consecrated and Volunteers, they dedicate themselves to the<br />

full development of the human person through education, social justice, contemplation, and the arts.<br />

3.<br />

Aug. 26, [1888] Blessing of the School<br />

[and living quarters]. The last five days have<br />

been busy ones preparing for the blessing of<br />

our school which took place this afternoon.<br />

Rev. [Rebmann] S.J. assisted by Reverend<br />

Father Folchi S.J. performed the beautiful<br />

ceremony. How happy are we to be in our<br />

home and happiness is still more appreciated<br />

from the fact that up to this time we have<br />

been guests [of our friends, the Sisters of<br />

Providence] at the Sacred Heart Hospital.<br />

(Excerpt from the Convent of the Holy<br />

Names Chronicles, Our Lady of Lourdes<br />

Parish School of the Holy Names, Main<br />

Street, Spokane Falls, WA Territory.)<br />

125 years later we continue<br />

to serve in the Diocese of Spokane.<br />

Thank you for your support!

?<br />

The Age of Active Wisdom<br />

This article begins a series of profiles that was inspired by Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM’s article,<br />

Ministerial Religious Life Into the Future. She suggests that women Religious are “not in old age but<br />

somewhere in a roughly 25 year period of adulthood two, a period...called...the age of active wisdom...<br />

this...stage of human life is perhaps the richest and potentially most productive period of the human<br />

life cycle.” We wanted to present to you Sisters who represent the ‘age of active wisdom’ who continue<br />

to live out the charism of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary long past what mainstream<br />

America would consider retirement.<br />

Sr. Anne Bosserman, <strong>SNJM</strong> (Corita Mary)<br />

graduated from<br />

HNA, Seattle in<br />

1954 and entered the<br />

Sisters of the Holy<br />

Names of Jesus and<br />

Mary in 1955. She is<br />

an accomplished<br />

musician and taught<br />

music in grade and<br />

high schools. She<br />

spent 16 years in<br />

parish ministry.<br />

Graciousness,<br />

generosity of spirit,<br />

passion and variety<br />

are defining threads<br />

woven into the fabric<br />

of her life as a Sister.<br />

Editor: How do you as a Sister in the ‘age of active<br />

wisdom’ live out the <strong>SNJM</strong> charism?<br />

Sr. Anne: Through a wide variety of volunteer<br />

works I try to live out our <strong>SNJM</strong> charism: The<br />

primacy of the Love of God with emphasis on the<br />

full development of the person with concern and<br />

action toward justice for the poor and marginalized.<br />

Through daily prayer alone and with my Sisters, I<br />

touch into God’s unconditional love. Reading about<br />

other cultures and countries I grow in appreciation<br />

of being a global citizen and the beauty of diversity.<br />

Sharing resources and insights with my Sisters and<br />

others is a wondrous gift.<br />

4.<br />

I partner with my <strong>SNJM</strong> Sisters and Associates and with<br />

lay people in many different fields.<br />

On Mondays I help our renowned artist, Sister Paula<br />

Mary Turnbull, create a diversity of art pieces. I work<br />

with a committee to grant scholarships for music lessons<br />

at Holy Names Music Center. Six times a semester, I<br />

tutor Japanese college students for English conversation.<br />

I did one summer in Vietnam also. These are exceptional<br />

young women who are struggling to learn our difficult<br />

language.<br />

With Religious Sisters from other communities since<br />

2007, we plan Twilight Retreats twice a year for women<br />

18 – 35, sharing the riches of spirituality we have been<br />

blessed with. I also represent the <strong>SNJM</strong>s at the Spokane<br />

Diocesan Vocation meetings which plan events about the<br />

life and ministries of Religious Sisters today.<br />

Sr. Anne Bosserman with conversation<br />

students from Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute.

Sr. Ann Pizelo (left) and Mary Ann Hartsfield<br />

at Our Place. Photo Courtsey of Our Place<br />

Our Place Ministries which, currently is run by Sr. Ann<br />

Pizelo, <strong>SNJM</strong>, (Angelo Marie) and <strong>SNJM</strong> Associate Mary<br />

Ann Hartsfield, is an organization that provides food,<br />

clothing, and basic resources. I thoroughly enjoy serving<br />

there once a week.<br />

Pax Christi Spokane and the Spokane Alliance<br />

are organizations that work for the common good<br />

locally and peace and justice actions nationally and<br />

internationally. I gain a lot of energy and hopefully<br />

contribute some of the wisdom of my years.<br />

Editor: How do you see the future of religious life?<br />

Religious life for apostolic Sisters has changed<br />

remarkably since I entered 58 years ago. Since the<br />

early church and through the centuries, women have<br />

joined together to meet the needs of the time. When<br />

the Holy Names Sisters were founded 170 years<br />

ago in Montreal, it addressed basic educational<br />

needs. Though we continue to foster educational<br />

institutions, our Sisters have also moved to address<br />

the needs of the 21st century by educating on<br />

a broader scale.<br />

I believe religious life for Apostolic Sisters<br />

will continue into the future with its changing<br />

ministerial face even as our world changes.<br />

I am proud to be wherever my <strong>SNJM</strong> Sisters<br />

and Associates are promoting justice and<br />

creating community.<br />

5.<br />

Twilight Retreat<br />

original Twilight Retreat content courtesty of the<br />

Inland Register, January 17, <strong>2013</strong><br />

Women Religious of the Spokane area offered a<br />

Twlight Retreat for young woman age 18-35 on<br />

February 15, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

The retreat offered space and time for prayer,<br />

reflection and an opportunity to share with other<br />

women who share a desire to deepen their<br />

spirituality and discuss topics that are relevant<br />

to their lives.<br />

Some of the participants have also indicated a desire<br />

to speak one-on-one with a Sister to discuss issues<br />

of spirituality, what it’s like to live as a woman<br />

religious, and the Sister’s ministries.<br />

The Sisters of the Holy Names offered Twlight<br />

Retreats at their convent in the St. Francis of Assisi<br />

parish. The retreat began with dinner followed by<br />

an evening of prayer and discussion.<br />

Gonzaga and Whitworth University recent graduates and young<br />

women joined Franciscan, Providence and Holy Names Sisters for<br />

a Twilight Retreat. Sr. Anne back row, far left

CHN Forest Fire, August 2012<br />

excerpted from Spokesman Review, City News, August 13, 2012<br />

Fire aftermath; photos<br />

by Rosemary Fuller.<br />

A brush fire Monday forced the evacuation of a northwest Spokane<br />

convent that serves retired nuns in need of assisted living services.<br />

About 60 people were evacuated from the Convent of the Holy Names<br />

as the brush fire advanced within 100 yards of the structure.<br />

STA buses and ambulances were used to evacuate employees and 36<br />

nuns from the convent...officials said. The convent has a wing that<br />

serves Sisters from around the region in need of nursing services.<br />

Fire crews saturated the area around the convent with water<br />

and a Department of Natural Resources helicopter was called<br />

in to help fight the fire. Between 75 and 100 firefighters<br />

helped contain the approximately five-acre blaze.<br />

?<br />

Far left, Sr. Pat Basel (M. Michael Francis)<br />

and Sr. Joan Christine Von Bank enjoy lunch with two<br />

of the firefighters who helped battle the Convent forest fire.<br />

The Sisters have referred to the fire event<br />

as an adventure, and truly, it was! It was<br />

an adventure into the web of services that<br />

make us so safe in Spokane. Fire fighters,<br />

police, ambulance and bus service, St.<br />

Joseph Residence and the Providence<br />

Sisters, Red Lion River Inn, many friends<br />

and volunteers—all formed a web of<br />

support that can only be part of the<br />

fulfillment of Jesus’ dream “that all<br />

may be One!” We are so grateful to<br />

have lived this adventure!<br />

Sr. Mary Ann Farley, <strong>SNJM</strong>,<br />

Community Director CHN<br />

by Frances Kendrick, <strong>SNJM</strong> (Kenneth Mary)<br />

During the August 13th fire in the convent forest, Sister Celine<br />

Steinberger, <strong>SNJM</strong> (Lorene Therese) Developent Director,<br />

gathered Blessed Marie-Rose medals and Rick Delano, CHN<br />

Director of Strategic Planning, dispersed them around the<br />

grounds during the fire. A number were also given to the fire<br />

fighters.<br />

Recently, fire fighters were invited to a “thank you” lunch at the<br />

convent. Several firemen asked if they, too, could have medals.<br />


We thank Blessed Marie-Rose<br />

for protecting our Sisters,<br />

our home and our forest.<br />

She has protected many people from fires!<br />

Later, at the inspection of the fire site, the line was found where the fire<br />

turned away. At its edge were found three Blessed Marie-Rose medals!<br />

Other evidence of our being watched over might include the condition of the<br />

soil. It is not deeply scorched and plants should be able to rejuvenate easily.<br />

Also, many of the burnt trees are not actually dead and are expected to<br />

recover in a year or two. The flat headed bark borer is already at work on<br />

those that were deeply burnt, a sign of nature’s economy in readying<br />

new uses for wildlife.<br />

The Boy Scouts worked to level the bulldozed<br />

fire breaks and sew native grass seeds<br />

supplied by the Forest<br />

Service. The Forest<br />

Service also offered a<br />

grant to cover half the cost<br />

of removing the dog hair<br />

stands, which are groups of<br />

little saplings which weaken<br />

the larger trees. (If you’ve been<br />

fortunate enough to hike in old<br />

growth forest, you’ll remember<br />

how clear the understory is of<br />

these.) The same saplings are a<br />

real fire danger. They provide fast<br />

and hot burning fuel which ignites<br />

the larger trees.<br />

Department of Natural<br />

Resources Forester,<br />

Guy Giffords, discusses<br />

with Srs. Mary Ann Farley<br />

(M. Angela Therese)<br />

and Anne Herkenrath<br />

(M. Leonore) the state<br />

of the Convent forest<br />

a month after the fire.<br />

The only trees burned to the top in our<br />

fire were those around a dog hair stand.<br />

The cut saplings will be chipped in place,<br />

their wood returning nutrients to the<br />

ground. In a side note, mule deer used<br />

to abound in the old woods of Eastern<br />

Washington. As under growth grew in the<br />

secondary forests, they became replaced<br />

by white deer and are now comparatively<br />

rare. Perhaps our new healthier forest<br />

will contribute to that species survival<br />

here!<br />

7.<br />

Center and above: The industrious<br />

work of the flat-headed bark borer.

Save the Date<br />

Celebrating a Journey of 125 Years<br />

Alums of HNA-Spokane, HNC and FWC are invited to join us for a weekend event<br />

celebrating the 125th anniversary of the arrival of the Sisters of the Holy Names in Spokane.<br />

Saturday, July 27, <strong>2013</strong> ~ Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute/FWC, The Commons<br />

Social Hour / Raffle / Silent Auction ...... 11:00 am – 12:00 noon<br />

Luncheon ................................................12:00 noon – 1:30 pm<br />

Tours of Campus ......................................1:30 pm – 3:00 pm<br />

Closing Reception ....................................3:00 pm – 4:00 pm(ish)<br />

Sunday, July 28, <strong>2013</strong> ~ Convent of the Holy Names<br />

Mass and Continental Breakfast......11:00 am<br />

Invitation will be mailed by late April.<br />

If you would like to attend, but do not receive an invitation by mid-April or for additional information contact<br />

Nancy Tankersley at ntankersley@snjmwa.org or call 509-327-7470 x121.<br />

Alum News <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

The following updates were received prior to February 6, <strong>2013</strong>. Due to space limitations, any information received<br />

after this date will appear in the fall newsletter. Some messages from alums who appeared in the previous<br />

issue may not appear. All messages, however, are warmly welcome. Enjoy!<br />

1927~1947<br />

Katherine Patterson Dougherty (HNASpo, ‘39) died July 10,<br />

2011. She loved her five children, 12 grandchildren and her<br />

husband of 60 years. Her daughter, Colleen, graduated in 1967<br />

with many cousins and her aunt, Ethel Patterson, from the same<br />

school.<br />

Mary Clare McGough Misek (HNC, ‘41) lives in Kirkland, WA,<br />

near her three daughters. Although she is 94, she is still able<br />

to prepare her meals, take care of herself, and enjoy the many<br />

activities.<br />

Frances Kalkwarf Hutter (HNC, ‘41) lives in St. Charles, IL, in<br />

an independent retirement home. Turning 92 on December 29.<br />

She is in good health, still drives and enjoyed a recent cruise on<br />

the St. Lawrence Seaway.<br />

Vivian Schmidt Cruz (IHS, ‘42) lost her husband, Art, in<br />

November 2012. They had been very happy living in Merrell<br />

Gardens assisted living in Gilroy, CA.<br />

LaVaughn Jurgensen Therriault (IHS, ‘45) retired from nursing<br />

in 1989 and lives in Seattle with her husband and three grandchildren.<br />

8.<br />

Marie Blaschka Pimentel (HNASea, ‘46) spent the last 20 years<br />

as a volunteer teaching women how to use the free energy of<br />

the sun to cook their food. She was in eight African countries,<br />

Turkey, Armenia and now works in Mexico. She is now 83, her<br />

husband is 86, and they are a team!<br />

Yvonne DeGuire Clement (HNC, ‘46) moved back into her prior<br />

home in Shoreline, WA. She is enjoying a beautiful room filled<br />

with 87 years worth of keepsakes and pictures.<br />

Carol Kramer Plymale (HNC, ‘46) spent one year at HNC<br />

studying piano with Sr. Marian before transferring to Seattle<br />

University for a degree in nursing. Her daughter, Mary Pat<br />

(Plymale) Graham, graduated from FWC in 1994 and all of her<br />

children were taught by <strong>SNJM</strong>s in Everett. She has enormous<br />

respect and gratitude for all of the Sisters.<br />

1948~1958<br />

Margaret Nolan Halpin (HNASea, ‘48) and her husband<br />

celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary on January <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

They have nine children, 67 grandchildren, 58 greatgrandchildren<br />

(and five more expected). The family is deeply<br />

involved in prayer, liturgical music, Catholic education and<br />

organizations and support of the arts.

Frances McGreevy Keller (HNC, ‘48) stays busy with family<br />

and Parish activities, Altar Society, cooking for low income area<br />

seniors once a month.<br />

Mary Kay Aamodt Lambert (HNASea, ‘50) recently became a<br />

great-grandmother when her oldest granddaughter delivered a<br />

baby boy.<br />

Martha Torlai MacKenzie (IHS, ‘51) and husband live on<br />

three acres, are in good health and enjoy hiking together. They<br />

both love photography and singing in the choir at St. James<br />

Cathedral. They spent the holidays with their five sons, daughter<br />

and their families, who all live in Washington.<br />

Catherine “Kay” O’Neill Wood (HNASea, ‘52) and her friend<br />

Peggy Daly Maranjo had a great time when they visited the<br />

Sisters in September, and classmates Joanne Blewett McCann in<br />

Spokane and Lorraine Shane Clemen in Walla Walla.<br />

Joanne Dalsanders Girolami (HNASpo, ‘53), widowed for 15<br />

years, continues to work as a Real Estate broker and feels blessed<br />

by her beautiful family. She enjoys her 11 grandchildren, aged<br />

three to 16. They all attend Catholic schools, but regrets they<br />

don’t have <strong>SNJM</strong>s as teachers. Her granddaughter, Joanna, will<br />

attend HNA in Seattle next year and is very excited. For her own<br />

education, she says “Thank You.”<br />

Mary Day Shepard (HNASpo, ‘53) and her husband, Theodore,<br />

have been married for 55 years and now live in an adult<br />

community in the Spokane Valley. They have six children, 17<br />

grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.<br />

Joyce Powers Ways (FWC, ’54) writes that many of her HNA<br />

classmates frequently gather to celebrate their 80th birthdays.<br />

They still love and support each otoher.<br />

Rosemarie Roemer Atterbury (HNASpo, ‘54) and her husband,<br />

Richard, will celebrate their 59th anniversary in August <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

They have nine children, 17 grandchildren and 41 great-grandchildren.<br />

They feel blessed beyond belief. God is good!<br />

Kathleen Meeds Cunningham (St. Mary’s Academy-Portland,<br />

‘54) lives in a continuing care community with her husband of 54<br />

years. She sings in the church choir and has 10 grandkids, aged<br />

two to 26 years old.<br />

Ray Fleek (St. Joes, ‘54) and his wife, Marilyn, have three sons,<br />

11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. They are selling<br />

their home in Washington and plan to move to Scottsdale, AZ.<br />

Rosemary Deschenes Nagle (HNC, ‘55) and her husband will,<br />

after 57 years of home ownership, soon to move into a retirement<br />

apartment. They are looking forward to fewer responsibilities<br />

and more time to enjoy each other.<br />

Joanna Coon Brown (HNASea, ‘55) lost her husband, Mike, to<br />

cancer in 2012; married for 55 years, having a wonderful family<br />

of eight children, 26 living grandchildren and 14 great-grand<br />

9.<br />

children. She is very grateful for the education of the <strong>SNJM</strong>s.<br />

Laverne Dorsey Mayberry (HNC, ‘57) retired from Prescott<br />

School and now she and her husband enjoy being active<br />

volunteers in their church.<br />

Mary Louise Keolker Oswald (HNC, ’57) sends her love to the<br />

many who gave her care, love and prayers as she got through<br />

breast cancer in 2010-11. She thanks the Sisters for their help<br />

during that time and for her education.<br />

Mary Buzard Coupe (HNASea, ‘58) has been married to<br />

Thomas for nearly 54 years. They met in 1951, when she was<br />

10 and he was 12. They have been blessed with six children, 16<br />

grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. She is grateful to<br />

her parents who made it possible for her to attend HNA for 12<br />

years. She thanks the Sisters for their devotion and teaching her<br />

about God’s love, which has sustained her all of this time.<br />

1959~1969<br />

V. Carmen Gonzalez Wanaka (HNASea, ‘59) has four grown<br />

children, 11 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren (including<br />

twins born in December).<br />

Colleen Shields (FWC, ’60) recently moved to Auburn, WA,<br />

where she now enjoys participating in the many school activities<br />

of her three grandchildren.<br />

Kathy Lynch (HNASea, ‘60) enjoyed her 70th birthday with her<br />

husband, Rob, and her daughter and son-in-law on a cruise to<br />

the Baltic and visiting their home in Gaeta, Italy!<br />

Marlene Phelps Gross (HNASpo, ‘60) retired 14 years ago and<br />

has enjoyed the ride. They love wintering in Arizona and having<br />

fun in the sun. They both enjoy volunteer work.<br />

Patricia R. Mayovsky (IHS, ‘60) included a note in her recent<br />

donation saying, “This gift is for the ‘best’ teachers a girl could<br />

ever want. Thank you, Sisters.”<br />

Suzanne Burke (HNASea, ‘61) and everyone at their 50th class<br />

reunion was delighted when they funded their new endowment to<br />

pay for scholarships at HNA Seattle for years to come.<br />

Diane DeFelice-Nelson (HNASpo, ‘61) was blessed this year by<br />

becoming more closely connected to Holy Names Music Center<br />

by serving on the HNMC Board of Trustees. Her husband, David<br />

Nelson, enjoys spending one day a week working with Sr. Paula<br />

Turnbull. He’s having a great time!<br />

Kathleen Reilly Imholt (HNASpo, ‘62) thoroughly enjoyed her<br />

50th graduation reunion in July. She was able to reconnect with<br />

her classmates, an awesome class of women!<br />

Joan Conlin Leeds (HNASpo, ‘63) and her classmates will<br />

celebrate their 50th reunion on Friday, July 26, <strong>2013</strong>, when<br />

Spokane <strong>SNJM</strong>s will be celebrating the 125th Anniversary<br />

of their arrival in Spokane.

Sister Honors, 2012-<strong>2013</strong><br />

Did you know Sr. Karen Conlin (Adrianne Mary) was in an advertisement that aired<br />

following the third quarter of the Super Bowl game? The commercial, featuring a<br />

ballerina dancing on a stark stage to rich, melodic cello music, was for Gamma Knife<br />

of Spokane, which offers hope to those with brain tumors. The cellist was Sister<br />

Karen, who was enlisted by the father of one her students to arrange the music and<br />

play the cello for the ad. That’s how a commercial with class got to the Super Bowl.<br />

Patricia Morgan Bradley (HNASea, ‘64) worked as a teacher<br />

and administrator with Seattle and Portland public schools for<br />

32 years before retiring. Now she stays busy with grandkids and<br />

involvement with her church.<br />

Susan Schucker Dietrich (HNASpo, ‘65) is an aesthetics<br />

nurse and lives in Vancouver, WA. She has five children,<br />

eight grandchildren.<br />

Sally Peterson Jallinoja (HNASpo, ‘65) is retired, alive and<br />

well, enjoying her husband of 38 years, Ola. They live in La<br />

Quinta, CA.<br />

Linda Gauthier Trudeau (HNASpo, ‘65) and her husband are<br />

retired and live in Spokane and winter in central Florida.<br />

Margaret O’Brien Shute (HNASpo, ‘65) and her husband<br />

celebrated 40 years of marriage with a cruise to Spain and<br />

Portugal, including a special visit to Fatima. She is enjoying<br />

her six grandchidren.<br />

Theresa Greiner Downey (FWC, ‘65), along with her<br />

daughter and family moved to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico<br />

in July. They hope to live there for many years. She volunteers<br />

for Feed the Hungry, preparing bulk foods for delivery to rural<br />

Sr. Karen Conlin, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

in Super Bowl Ad!<br />

Sr. Ann Cornelia Sullivan, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

receives the Sister Mary Taylor Award<br />

Congratulations to Ann Cornelia Sullivan, <strong>SNJM</strong>, 2012 recipient of the Seattle<br />

Archdiocesan School Board’s Sister Mary Taylor Award. Sister Ann was honored in<br />

September 2012 for her dedicated leadership and innovative vision. She has served<br />

Catholic schools for 50 years, including the last 34 at Holy Names Academy, Seattle<br />

where she currently serves as Archivist. She has been a teacher, administrator, and<br />

library/media specialist. Sister Ann is deeply committed to Catholic education and has<br />

an exceptional sense of service.<br />

10.<br />

schools, feeding over 4,000 children daily. She also volunteers<br />

with a group which knits/crochets scarves and hats for rural<br />

children using donated yarn.<br />

Elizabeth Lovejoy Pechuzal (HNASea, ‘66) lives in Scottsdale,<br />

AZ and works as a hospice nurse. She is married and has three<br />

daughters and one grandchild.<br />

Ellen Lawson (IHS, ‘66) has a new grandchild, Aislyn. Her son<br />

and daughter-in-law, Jim and Angel, are the proud parents.<br />

Susan Winters Fortin (HNASea, ‘66) has retired and has more<br />

time to play with her family and friends, especially the joys of her<br />

life, grandson Alex, 10 and granddaughter Gina, seven.<br />

Liz Feuersinger Templeton (HNASpo, ‘66) retired from full-time<br />

work as Coordinator of Early Childhood in Cherry Creek School<br />

District. She now works part-time and volunteers in the<br />

community. She and her husband of 38 years enjoy their four<br />

wonderful grandchildren.<br />

Mary Ann Miller Ashlock (HNASpo, ‘67) earned two master’s<br />

degrees after graduating from WSU, after which she taught<br />

school 1971-1995 and was the Assistant Superintendent of<br />

parochial schools of Eastern Washington 1995-2000. She is the

FWC Alums of late 1960’s to early 1970’s:<br />

Some of your classmates would like to plan a reunion in<br />

Spokane sometime next summer hopefully on the former<br />

FWC campus, Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute.<br />

Are you interested in attending? We need your help!<br />

Please contact us–and let us know your thoughts.<br />

Mary Himmelsbach Pittaway: mpitt59802@aol.com;<br />

Candice Woody Battle: battle.candice@comcast.net<br />

or Jody Andrade Theriot: jodytheriot@comcast.net<br />

Congratulations<br />

to Sr. Mary Boys, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

Sr. Mary C. Boys, <strong>SNJM</strong> (Mary Paula) was recently appointed to a three-year<br />

term as Dean of Academic Affairs at Union Theological Seminary. In speaking<br />

about her appointment, Sr. Mary said, “I have never aspired to a position<br />

in academic administration because I so love teaching and writing. Yet the<br />

invitation to be Union’s academic dean challenges me to broaden the horizons<br />

of my commitment to theological education.”<br />

Sr. Kathleen Hilton, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke<br />

Sr. Kathleen Hilton, <strong>SNJM</strong> (Mary Kathleen) (member of the U.S. Ontario<br />

Leadership Team) has been named Professor Emeritus at The University of North<br />

Carolina at Pembroke. Her letter of recommendation from the Faculty Awards<br />

Committee stated: “In her two decades of distinguished service to UNCP,<br />

Kathleen consistently embodied the qualities of an outstanding teacher with<br />

significant contributions to the university, the Pembroke community, and the<br />

history profession. As the first woman professor in the History Department, she has<br />

also inspired those who follow in her footsteps.” Congratulations Sr. Kathleen!<br />

author of “Giant Steps,” a book about sexual abuse prevention,<br />

and was part of the adjunct faculty for Gonzaga University and<br />

Whitworth University. Now retired, she enjoys taking care of her<br />

three grandchildren.<br />

Let’s Plan it!<br />

Teresa Heese Kaiser (HNASea, ‘67) lives in the suburbs of<br />

Washington, DC, and works as an Appeals Officer for the<br />

National Appeals Division of the USDA. She is getting<br />

married this year to a wonderful man who is a high school<br />

guidance counselor. Her oldest daughter, Bridgette, also an<br />

HNASea alum (1986), lives in the same area.<br />

11.<br />

Irene Endresen (HNASpo, ‘67) says she is “keeping on keeping<br />

on” as a government auditor desperately trying to keep up with<br />

technology. She is the mother of three and the grandmother of<br />

four, with gratitude to the One for the abundance of blessings in<br />

her life.<br />

Mary Lynch Scharf (IHS, ‘67) and her husband, Bill, built a<br />

beautiful home in Seattle where they plan to stay until the Lord<br />

has other plans.<br />

Kathy Druffel Wolf (FWC, ‘68) is a retired music and<br />

elementary school teacher. She and Dan are active with their<br />

eight grandkids and enjoy traveling in the winter, while<br />

trailoring Dan’s Harley!<br />

Betty Pauly Hively (HNASpo, ‘69) thinks often of the Sisters and<br />

all the years she was taught by them. Their initial guidance has<br />

carried her through many stages of life. She continues to praise<br />

and thank every Sister for their devotion.<br />

Mary McCrow Heinen (HNASpo, ‘69) and her husband, Mike,<br />

have been married for 41 years. They have three grown children,<br />

six grandchildren and three adopted from China. They are all<br />

fifteen years old and attending Gonzaga Prep. She is retired after<br />

30 years of teaching.

Photo courtesy of Dan Pelle/The Spokesman-Review<br />

Congratulations<br />

to Sr. Cathy Beckley, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

Sr. Cathy Beckley, <strong>SNJM</strong> received the Marie Pizelo Award at<br />

Transitions’ annual People Who Care fund-raising event on<br />

October 24, 2012. Sr. Cathy founded the Spokane Women’s<br />

Drop-In Center for homeless women in 1991. Now called the<br />

Women’s Hearth, the center is one of three programs that<br />

operate as part of Transitions, an intercommunity project<br />

founded and sponsored by the Sisters of Providence, the<br />

Dominican Sisters, the Franciscan Sisters and the Sisters of the<br />

Holy Names. The first recipient of the Marie Pizelo Award,<br />

Sr. Cathy was honored for her pioneering spirit in founding the<br />

ministry and creative direction of the program. The Marie Pizelo<br />

Award was named in honor of a woman who volunteered from<br />

the day of the Drop-in Center founding until her death.<br />

Correction: Sr. Paula Mary Turnbull, <strong>SNJM</strong> has informed us that Sr. Miriam Clare Murphy, <strong>SNJM</strong> was an oil painter not a<br />

watercolor artist as mentioned in our <strong>2013</strong> Calendar. Sr. Miriam Clare’s painting is featured the month of April.<br />

Vicki Sessions (HNASea, ‘69) is retired and now takes care of<br />

her 92 year-old father who lives in a retirement community. She<br />

has a wonderful jogging partner—her dog Sally. She enjoys<br />

reading, playing bridge with friends and drinking wine.<br />

1970~1980<br />

Cindy Wieber Sasso (HNASpo, ‘70) and her husband, Doug,<br />

live in beautiful Southern California, where she works at the<br />

University of California, Irvine. She plans to retire in a couple<br />

of years.<br />

Kyra Clefton Humphrey (HNASpo, ‘70) and her husband, Steve,<br />

lived in Pasadena, CA, for 25 years, where she taught private<br />

singing lessons. After their two sons were raised and their<br />

daughter completed the sixth grade, they completed a long-time<br />

goal by moving to Sequim, WA in July. She continues teaching<br />

private singing lessons part time.<br />

Cynthia Heye Lamothe (HNASea, ‘71) works for the City of<br />

Auburn, WA as the water utility engineer and will become the<br />

General Manager of Skyway Water & Sewer District in King<br />

County, WA on March 1, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

Sandra Seubert Westhoff (FWC, ‘71) are blessed by the arrival<br />

of their first grandchild in July. Her younger daughter and her<br />

husband, Christine and Hamilton, will live in England for the<br />

next three years.<br />

12.<br />

Carol O’Neil Henson (FWC, ’71) and her husband, Ken, are<br />

celebrating 40 years of marriage with their five wonderful<br />

grandchildren.<br />

Save the Date<br />

HNA Spokane Class of 1973<br />

will celebrate their 40th reunion with<br />

Marycliff and Gonzaga Prep alums<br />

Friday, August 9th: “Girls & Teachers” night<br />

at 1135 W Glass, Spokane, WA 99205<br />

Saturday, August 10th: 5:30 p.m.<br />

All three schools in The Globe Room, Cataldo Hall<br />

(close to St. Aloysius Church)<br />

at Gonzaga University<br />

Nancy Phouang-Ngeun Sananikone (HNASea, ‘74) is retired<br />

and lives half the year in Honolulu, the other half in Santa Clara,<br />

California.<br />

Mary Lou Gould (FWC, ‘77) graduated from WSU and has been<br />

living in Vermont for 25 years. She still remembers the amazing<br />

art history trip to Italy guided by Sr. Paula Mary Turnbull.<br />

Georgette Michael Naccarato (FWC, ‘80) and her husband<br />

recently returned to the beautiful, rural Spokane Valley area.<br />

Their daughter, Nissa, is in the 8th grade at St. Mary’s.

The Sisters of the Holy Names prayerfully remember the following Alums, Family, and Friends who have died.<br />

We received the notifications between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012.<br />

HNA, Seattle<br />

Roberta Nelson Armanino, ‘41<br />

Larraine Cole Beach, ‘46<br />

Jo Anne Ryan Bell, ‘50<br />

Mary Herkenrath Bennett, ‘37<br />

Jacqueline Schmidt Brown, ‘45<br />

Patricia Plumb Bulzomi, ‘45<br />

Alco Wyse Canfield, ‘41<br />

Mary Louise McBride Carey, ‘35<br />

Nancy Emerson Carey, ‘35<br />

Marjorie Ruth Carlisle, ‘46<br />

Kathryn Bouch Chavez, ‘86<br />

Jane Mahoney Cochran, ‘49<br />

Rita Concannon, ‘41<br />

Ann Manning Cush, *<br />

Dianne Lecture DeLatour, ‘57<br />

Claudia McMahon Driscoll, ‘65<br />

Clorinda Morelli Edson, ‘46<br />

Elizabeth McKee Fisher, ‘77<br />

Susan Spinner Foy, ‘57<br />

Judith Oljar Frolich, ‘58<br />

Peggy Vandenberg Fursman, ‘85<br />

Margaret Egan Goehring, ‘42<br />

Joan White Hebert, ‘39<br />

Veronica McHugh Herold, ‘40<br />

Mary Margaret Hoffman, ‘57<br />

Helen Thompson Humbert, ‘57<br />

Jeanne Eileen O’Hara Johnsen, ‘46<br />

Patricia Anthony Jordan, ‘65<br />

Patricia Young Julian, ‘40<br />

Anne Murphy Keefe, ‘39<br />

Judith Anne King, ‘59<br />

Patricia Mansfield Knowles, ‘39<br />

Maryhelen Pauly Kobelin, ‘55<br />

Marilee Staley Kramer, ‘49<br />

Bernadette McClory LaLanne, ‘39<br />

Marylouise Masenga Leone, ‘39<br />

Annabelle Loranger Martineau, ‘42<br />

Rose Grossi McLean, ‘46<br />

Leona Rosenstine Miller, *<br />

Sheila Massey Miller, *<br />

Marion Sidney Peterson, ‘53<br />

Sarah Schaaf Poitry, ‘57<br />

Mary Paschen Pugh, ‘43<br />

Marjorie Maher Putnam, ‘44<br />

Helen Marie Ryan, ‘48<br />

Margaret Ellen Ryan, ‘61<br />

Alyce Metzger Scalzo, ‘80<br />

Sr. Kiernan Mary Shull<br />

(Florence),<strong>SNJM</strong> ‘49<br />

Mary Williams Sifferman, ‘33<br />

Maureen Haughian Smith, ‘58<br />

Jean Kennard Verschueren, ‘39<br />

Mary Juanita Brown Webb, ‘40<br />

Beatrice Perri Whitlock, ‘45<br />

Phyllis Martin Woodard, ‘43<br />

Mary Danaher Yellam, ‘51<br />

HNA, Spokane<br />

Ellen Lucas Berry, ’37<br />

Frances Monaghan Bustion, ‘37<br />

Helen McGoldrick Christopherson, ‘42<br />

Donna Webb Doyle, ‘59<br />

Janet Helen Duggan, ‘55<br />

Mary Sleeth Eager, ‘71<br />

Rosemary Fishburn Earp, *<br />

Vivian Fischer, ‘50<br />

Edna Snyder Hawley, *<br />

Marguerite Schuknecht Hovsepian, ‘34<br />

Lisa Clefton Ljunghammar, ‘74<br />

Marilyn O’Donnell MacDowell, ‘48<br />

Anna Ralph Marsh, ‘49<br />

Marva Martin, ‘44<br />

Lucile Koch Mayer, ‘27<br />

Maureen Christine McCarry, ‘67<br />

Theresa LaFace Morris, ‘63<br />

Eleanor Hibbard Robson, *<br />

Marian Wynne Schultz, ‘44<br />

Nora Roberts Streicher, ‘41<br />

Christine O’Neill Sweeney, ‘75<br />

Virginia Stevens Tessier, ‘54<br />

Anita Kruesel Wood, ‘38<br />

Fort Wright College, Spo<br />

Joyce Nickell Attwood, ‘69<br />

Lauren Anderson Baker, ‘68<br />

Mary Lynch Beaulaurier, ‘43<br />

Ruth Schuerman Beckner, ‘51<br />

Sheryl S. Blake, ‘71<br />

Mary Kowats Dodson, ‘62<br />

Sr. Susan Dougal<br />

(Gerald Mary) <strong>SNJM</strong>,‘57<br />

Mary Schuerman Finke, ‘46<br />

Isabelle Miotke Foster, ‘40<br />

Judith Mace Brawner Flugel, ‘80<br />

Ann Jentges Griffith, ‘60<br />

Sr. M. David Olheiser<br />

(Felicia), OSB,‘63<br />

Rosaleen Higgins Rowe, ‘65<br />

Helena McCauley Shelden, ‘81<br />

Sr. Antonia Stare, OP, ‘45<br />

Alan Edward Stratton, *<br />

Sr. M. Joanne Sullivan, <strong>SNJM</strong>, ‘47<br />

Joan A. Welch, ‘74<br />

Immaculate High School, Sea<br />

Jacqueline Desimone Danieli, ‘48<br />

Patricia Maher Durocher, ‘47<br />

Elsie Carlson Estridge, ‘47<br />

Angelina Madonna Fuda, ‘48<br />

Marie de Leuw Gray, ‘38<br />

Joan Heeney, ‘72<br />

Carolyn Zechel Jackson, ‘44<br />

Margaret Brownfield Jacoby, ‘45<br />

Gladys Sullivan Lucci, ‘42<br />

Patricia Dempsey Miner, ‘32<br />

Janice Wasden Price, ‘50<br />

Mary C. Merrick Williams, ‘38<br />

Grade Schools, Other High<br />

Schools, Colleges<br />

Margaret Mathews Anderson,<br />

St. James Cathedral, Sea.‘27<br />

Hon. Robert R. Beezer,<br />

St. Joseph, Sea. *<br />

Marian McNevin Boulden,<br />

St. Patrick, Spo.*<br />

Marguerite Maguire Brislawn,<br />

HN Normal, Spo. ‘37<br />

Michael J. Buckley,<br />

St. Joseph, Sea. *<br />

Richard F. Coan,<br />

St. Joseph, Sea.*<br />

John Edwards Collins,<br />

Immaculate, Everett, *<br />

Vivian Reilly Devine,<br />

Sacred Heart Gr., Spo.’41<br />

John Timothy Dirstine,<br />

13.<br />

St. Joseph, Sea.*<br />

Laurence Joseph Evoy,<br />

St. Joseph, Sea. *<br />

Bernadine Bayley Hanson,<br />

Marylhurst University, OR, ‘46<br />

James H. Herres,<br />

Holy Rosary, Pomeroy, WA ‘49<br />

Joseph A. Herres<br />

Holy Rosary, Pomeroy, WA ‘47<br />

Cornelia O’Leary Heston,<br />

Marylhurst University, OR ‘57<br />

Regis C. King,<br />

St. Aloysius, Spo. *<br />

Rosendo B. Luna Jr.<br />

Immaculate Gr., Sea. *<br />

William Angus McDonald,<br />

St. Joseph, Sea *<br />

Margaret Louise McKay,<br />

St. James Cathedral, Sea.’45<br />

Raymond Michael McKay,<br />

St. James Cathedral, Sea. ‘44<br />

Philip Stan Mettler,<br />

Sacred Heart, Spo. *<br />

Richard Eugene Pratt,<br />

Sacred Heart, Spo. *<br />

Frank Raney,<br />

St. Aloysius, Spo. *<br />

Rose Mary Rizzuto Ressa<br />

St. Patrick, Spo. *<br />

Vincent C. Schmidt,<br />

St. Aloysius, Spo. *<br />

Warren F. Taufen,<br />

St. Boniface, Uniontown, WA, ‘37<br />

John Weber,<br />

St. Boniface, Uniontown, WA *<br />

<strong>SNJM</strong> Family and Friends<br />

Dionisia Espiritu Acena<br />

Joseph H. Adams<br />

Richard W. Ager<br />

Frances M. Anderson<br />

Annette Simone Andrus<br />

Richard James Atwood<br />

James Michael Aylward<br />

Timothy Francis Aylward<br />

Ted Belgarde<br />

John C. Bennett, M.D.<br />

Richard K. Bentler<br />

Deacon Donald L. Bentley Sr.<br />

Walter Thomas Bergman<br />

Virginia Irene Beringer<br />

Donald Paul Bettinger<br />

Mark James Bianchi<br />

Ivar W. Birkeland Jr., M.D.<br />

Gladyne T. Blanton<br />

Pamela O. Bobroff<br />

Annaliese M. Boehmer<br />

Elizabeth Rita Bosi<br />

Jeanette A. Brandalise<br />

Neil C. Branham Sr.<br />

Alice M. Breen<br />

Raymond R. Brodaczynski<br />

Jerome Thomas Brown<br />

Michael Lee Brown<br />

Lillian C. Buchanan<br />

Andrea Bucklin<br />

Theodore Byers<br />

Charleen Theresa Byrne<br />

Martin Blake Cahill<br />

Gertrude Nancy Cain<br />

Elsie LaVella Carlon<br />

Stephen J. Carr<br />

Florence Carria<br />

Rosalia Cherepanya<br />

Onorato Ubaldo Chiodo<br />

Richard D. Clark<br />

Russell Howard Clarke<br />

Murry DeWayne Cleveland<br />

John E. Clute<br />

Stephen A. Coan<br />

Margaret Colasurdo<br />

Marguerite R. Cooney<br />

John Daniel Cormier<br />

Michael B. Corrigan<br />

Bert Cronin Sr.<br />

Audrey J. Crowley<br />

Edward John Crowley Jr.<br />

Patrick William Crowley<br />

Ruben Arturo Cruz<br />

James E. Daly<br />

Walter E. Davis Jr.<br />

Eleanor C. DeBels<br />

Henry DeLauro<br />

Albert Delbuono<br />

Donald M. Devitte<br />

Frank Domenichini<br />

Edward P. Donnelly Jr.<br />

John P. Doran<br />

William John Dore Jr.<br />

Hildred Virginia Draisker<br />

Richard E. Dullanty<br />

Patrick T. Easter<br />

Merriel M. Ebe<br />

Howard J. Eklund<br />

Randall A. Felice<br />

Clement A. Felzer<br />

Betty Fields<br />

Ruth Alma Fishburn<br />

Patrick Walter Flynn<br />

Violet Marie Forkey<br />

Laura Lee Gardner<br />

Rev. Thomas R. Garvin S.J.<br />

Anthony A. Gasperino<br />

Gladys Gerdon<br />

Rita Christine Glischinski<br />

Catherine Godbold<br />

Bessie D. Gooden<br />

Herman H. Green<br />

Charles Wesley Griswold<br />

Leonard Edmond Grossguth<br />

Alex J. Haas<br />

Hester Hartsfield<br />

Rosemary Ann Halvorson<br />

Charles K. Hamaker<br />

Donald Ray Harris<br />

Margaret E. Harris<br />

James Charlton Haslam<br />

James Leonard Haubrick<br />

Mary Kay Healy<br />

Alden Richard Heitman<br />

Geraldine Rowe Henriksen<br />

George Robert Herrold<br />

James E. Hess<br />

Frederick T. Hinnebusch<br />

Mildred F. Hokanson<br />

Richard Paul Jasper Sr.<br />

Christopher Arthur Johnson<br />

Charles J. Kalberg<br />

Gust John Kallas<br />

We are grateful for these lives that have touched many.

Deceased Alums, Family and<br />

Friends....continued<br />

Thomas A. Kane<br />

Robert Louis Kay<br />

Gerald Edward Kelso<br />

Carol Jean Kibble<br />

Cecile Helen Klinge<br />

James Lailey<br />

Robert H. Lamb<br />

Rhoady R. Lee Jr.<br />

Laura Ristine Lenhart<br />

Charles Reilly Little<br />

Omar E. Lofgren<br />

Mary Elizabeth Logan<br />

J. Harvey Losh, D.M.D.<br />

Ruth Ludington<br />

Norene Lundberg<br />

Paul Mahoney<br />

Zoltan Mako<br />

Martha E. Markarian<br />

Thomas A. Marr, M.D.<br />

Harold George Marshall Sr.<br />

Mary Agnes McCann<br />

Mark Andrew McChesney<br />

Keith I. McDonald<br />

Marvin Lee McDonald<br />

Stanley Calvin McDonald<br />

Gerald R. McGill<br />

William J. McGough<br />

Kathleen Mary McIntyre<br />

James H. McKay<br />

Larry McKay<br />

Dr. Anne Roe Mealey<br />

Elizabeth Anne Mitchell<br />

Thomas J. Morris<br />

John D. Murray<br />

Roseann Munson<br />

Robert Emery Muzzy Jr.<br />

Alfredo Victor Naranjo<br />

Katherine Bacina Nelson<br />

Kathleen Anne Nickels<br />

Betty M. Nikolaisen<br />

Joseph J. Nikolaisen<br />

John W. Nitkey<br />

Marcus Joseph O’Farrell<br />

William R. Ogle Jr.<br />

Luci Belle O’Grady<br />

James C. Olson<br />

Blanche C. Oniskey<br />

Marian D. O’Reilly<br />

Marvin Frank Osterfeld<br />

Glenn F. Overman<br />

Mary Margaret Padden<br />

Philip Parisi<br />

Patricia Strecker Pemberton<br />

Leonard A. Peterson<br />

Patricia Anne Pethick<br />

William Isaac Phillips<br />

Wilfred J. Pimentel<br />

Norman J. Pinfield<br />

Margaret Elizabeth Poesl<br />

John E. Porter<br />

Francis Harry Poy<br />

Edward R. Prendergast<br />

Douglas Pringle<br />

Helen M. Prociv<br />

Remembering...<br />

Gerald Richard Procunier<br />

Hubert F. Randall<br />

Robert Ray Richards<br />

Donald Edward Roberg<br />

John George Roehm<br />

James F. & Sheryl L. Rosman<br />

Vincent A. Rossi, D.D.S.<br />

Gordon Ernest Ruehl<br />

Jean Louise Sagerson<br />

John R. Salo Sr.<br />

Aileen R. Salokar<br />

Cecelia Marie Schucker<br />

Paul Eugene Scully<br />

Deryle N. Seely<br />

Albert Seifert<br />

Everett W. Sells<br />

Linda Sue Shaw<br />

William David Shelton<br />

Thomas L. Shields<br />

Gary Siebert<br />

Theresa Christine Sinclair<br />

Fred T. Smart<br />

Agnes C. Smith<br />

Harold James Smith<br />

Robert E. Snyder<br />

William J. Spilker<br />

Fredrick H. Stafford<br />

Glenn Starr<br />

Gloria Madeline Starrett<br />

Mae Louise Steck<br />

Gerald Stein<br />

Juan Girard Stone<br />

Richard C. Strick<br />

Gifts given in memory of a beloved Sister, alum, family member, or friend will go to the greatest need unless<br />

otherwise requested by the benefactor. If you would like to give a gift in memorial to a deceased loved one,<br />

mail your gift to Sisters of the Holy Names, 2911 Fort Wright Dr., Spokane, WA 99224.<br />

Please contact the Sisters if you know of any alum, family member or friend who is missing from this list.<br />

The Sisters wish to remember them and their families in prayer.<br />

Sr. Francis Frederick Haslam, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

Sr. Francis had recently moved from Windsor,<br />

Ontario to Spokane, She died April 26, 2012,<br />

in Spokane, WA. At the age of 91, she was in her 69th year<br />

of religious service.<br />

<strong>SNJM</strong> Associates<br />

Joseph Sullivan<br />

William Sweeney<br />

William Daniel Symmes<br />

Hiroshi Takaoka<br />

Robert Jean Thibodeau<br />

Mary Elizabeth Timmons<br />

Martha L. Tschirgi<br />

Forrest C. & Bethene P. Tucker<br />

Richard Winfield Vaughn<br />

Harold Venable<br />

Robert A. Vickers III<br />

Arnie Vincent<br />

Marion Joy Voelker<br />

Kenneth D. Wagner<br />

Rodney V. Wagner<br />

Doreen R. Walters<br />

Frances W. Warren<br />

Ruth M. Wartelle<br />

James C. Watson<br />

Maryellen Wellcome<br />

Charles W. Whitbeck<br />

Howard Wilson Whitcher<br />

William J. Wiese<br />

Margaret S. Williams<br />

Donna Agnew Winkler<br />

Lloyd G. Withey<br />

Jackie L. Wood<br />

Robert C. Wood<br />

Judy A. Woods<br />

Mary Yagle<br />

*graduation year unkown<br />

Marilyn L. Maddeford, <strong>SNJM</strong> (A) died December 23, 2012.<br />

She was in her 14th year of service as an <strong>SNJM</strong> Associate.<br />

Mary Jane Resch, <strong>SNJM</strong> (A) died February 1, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />

She was in her 27th year of service as an <strong>SNJM</strong> Associate.<br />


Remembering...continued<br />

Sr. Mary Garvin, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

(Kathleen Mary)<br />

Sr. Mary was an alum<br />

of Holy Names Academy, Spokane, 1956<br />

and Marylhurst College, 1962.<br />

She died January 5, <strong>2013</strong>, in Spokane, WA.<br />

At the age of 73, she was in her 52nd year<br />

of religious service.<br />

What gives me hope?<br />

God will not leave us alone.<br />

We never have been left alone.<br />

Our voices are new and challenging and prophetic.<br />

Let us have ears to hear and recognize the new chorus<br />

of women’s joyful, hopeful, and challenging voices.<br />

Mary Garvin, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

Sr. Marie A. Colarossi, <strong>SNJM</strong><br />

(Lucie Ann)<br />

Sr. Marie was an alum<br />

of Immaculate High School, Seattle, 1953<br />

and Fort Wright College, 1967.<br />

She died Febuary 22, <strong>2013</strong>, in Seattle, WA.<br />

At the age of 77, she was in her 57th year<br />

of religious service.<br />

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace...<br />

For it is in giving that we receive...<br />

and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.<br />

St. Francis of Assisi<br />


Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary<br />

U.S.-Ontario Province<br />

2911 W. Fort George Wright Drive<br />

Spokane, WA 99224<br />


A single rose can be my garden ..<br />

Every time you see a rose<br />

let us remember one another<br />

in gratitude and prayer.<br />

Published twice a year by the Development Office of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary • 2911 West Fort George Wright Drive<br />

• Spokane, Washington 99224 • Phone: 509 328-7470 • Fax: 509 328-9824 • Editor: Janet Burgad, Jburgad@snjmwa.org • Development<br />

Director: Celine Steinberger, <strong>SNJM</strong> (Lorene Therese) • Graphic Art Director: Denise Pauling, Unlimited Marketing & Design<br />

Non-Profit Org.<br />

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Spokane, WA<br />

Permit No. 870<br />

a single friend, my world. Leo F. Buscaglia

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