Nogales Border Crossing Update - US Environmental Protection ...

Nogales Border Crossing Update - US Environmental Protection ... Nogales Border Crossing Update - US Environmental Protection ...


Justification - Marip Mariposa osa Recon Reconfiguratio figuration Not designed ffor or pedes pedestrians trians Pr Processing ocessing close to o 4425 25,00 ,000 0 pede pedestrians/y trians/yea ear Designed truc truck k thr throughput: oughput: 40 400/ 0/da day Daily aver erag age e can an exce ceed ed 1,600 truck trucks/da s/day y (O (Oct ct – Ma May) y) Effec ectiv tive e Inspection Dock Docks: s: Appr Approx. x. 20 No RRefrig friger erated ed Dock space Ap Appr prox. x. 4 Bil Billion lion PPound ounds s of Fres Fresh h Pr Produce oduce ea each ch sea seaso son Es Estima timated ed value: alue: $2 billio billion 43 43% % of Fresh F esh Win Winter er pr produce oduce in en entir tire e US!! Appr Approxim ximately ely $2 $20 0 bil billion lion in Maquila Trade ade Gr Growing wing wait ait times to o cros cross s th the e border: bo der: 2+ hour wwaits aits for or car cars s at t both DeConcini and Mariposa 4 to o 8 hour or overn ernigh ight t for or truck trucks s at t Mariposa

In Inves estmen tment Bor Border der Station St tion Funding in FY ’07 Budg Budget et $13.694 Mill illio ion n included in FY ‘07 Feder ederal al Bu Build ildings ings Fun Fund Jones Studio sele select cted ed as design firm (Phoenix (Phoenix-based based firm) Final design appr approved ed in Decem December ber ‘08 $199.48 mill illio ion n for or cons onstru truction ction in FY ’09 American Reco ecover ery y Act Fully Funded!! Pr Projec oject t is a Na National tional PPriority! riority! En Envir vironmen onmental al Assessmen Assessment t to o be ccomple ompleted ed April ‘09 An Anticipa ticipate e start art up of ccons onstruc truction tion June June/July July ‘09 US Side En Entr try y and Egr Egres ess s (c (cos ost t TBD) Top op bo border der pr projec oject t for or St State e of Ariz Arizona ona Workin orking g with ADO ADOT T on major impr improveme ements ts tto o Maripos Mariposa a RRoad oad and in inter ercha chang nge e with I-19 19

Justification - Marip Mariposa osa Recon Reconfiguratio figuration<br />

Not<br />

designed ffor<br />

or pedes pedestrians trians<br />

Pr Processing ocessing close to o 4425<br />

25,00 ,000 0 pede pedestrians/y trians/yea ear<br />

Designed truc truck k thr throughput: oughput: 40 400/ 0/da day<br />

Daily aver erag age e can an exce ceed ed 1,600<br />

truck trucks/da<br />

s/day y (O (Oct ct – Ma May) y)<br />

Effec ectiv tive e Inspection Dock Docks: s: Appr Approx. x. 20<br />

No RRefrig<br />

friger erated ed Dock space<br />

Ap Appr prox. x. 4 Bil Billion lion PPound<br />

ounds s of Fres Fresh<br />

h Pr Produce oduce ea each ch sea seaso son<br />

Es Estima timated ed value: alue: $2 billio billion<br />

43 43% % of Fresh F esh Win Winter er pr produce oduce in en entir tire e <strong>US</strong>!!<br />

Appr Approxim ximately ely $2 $20 0 bil billion lion in<br />

Maquila<br />

Trade ade<br />

Gr Growing wing wait ait times to o cros cross<br />

s th the e border: bo der:<br />

2+ hour wwaits<br />

aits for or car cars<br />

s at t both DeConcini<br />

and Mariposa<br />

4 to o 8 hour or overn ernigh ight t for or truck trucks s at t Mariposa<br />

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