Nogales Border Crossing Update - US Environmental Protection ...

Nogales Border Crossing Update - US Environmental Protection ...

Nogales Border Crossing Update - US Environmental Protection ...


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Nogal <strong>Nogales</strong> es <strong>Border</strong> Cros <strong>Crossing</strong> sing <strong>Update</strong><br />

By:<br />

James B. . Manson<br />

Chai Chairm<br />

rman an<br />

Nog Nogal ales es, , Ari Arizona ona<br />

Sep Septe tembe mber r 23,<br />


Who Who We<br />

Are<br />

Created<br />

in De Dece cember mber 200 2004<br />

Mai Main n purpose is s to foster the econom conomic c gro growt wth h of the<br />

re regi gion, on, to imp mpro rove th the POE’ POE’s s at Noga <strong>Nogales</strong> s and to enh nhance ance<br />

the quality qual y of life fe for for the re resi side dents nts of the re regi gion on<br />

<strong>Nogales</strong> has fo four ur POE’ POE’s: s:<br />

Morl Morley y Avenu nue - Pede destri strian an<br />

DeConcini<br />

(“ (“Gr Grand and Ave.”) ”) – Pede destri strian, an, tr trai ain, n, buses and<br />

POV’ POV’s<br />

Noga <strong>Nogales</strong> s West st (“ (“Mari Mariposa posa”) ”) – Comm Commerci rcial al, , PPOV<br />

OV’s, s,<br />

Pede destri strian, an, Buses uses<br />

Noga <strong>Nogales</strong> s Internati International<br />

onal Airpo Airport<br />

rt<br />


Members<br />

Board of Directors<br />

• Cit City y of Nogale <strong>Nogales</strong>; s;<br />

• Sant Santa a CCruz<br />

ruz Count County;<br />

y;<br />

• Fresh resh Prod Produc uce e Associ Associati<br />

ation on of the he Ame Americ ricas as<br />

• Maqui Maquila Associ Associati<br />

ation on of So Sonor nora; a;<br />

• Nog ogale ales s Al Allianc ance: e: Por ort oof<br />

f the Fut uture; ure;<br />

• Nog ogale ales s Co Communi unity y Dev evel elop opmen ent Co Corpo rporati ation; on;<br />

• Nogale ogales s San Santa a Cruz Coun County y Cham Chamber ber of Com Commerc erce; e;<br />

• Nog ogale ales s U.S. Cust Customs oms Brok Brokers ers As Associ sociati ation; on; and<br />

• Sant Santa a CCruz<br />

ruz Touris Tourism<br />

Co Counc uncil.<br />

Ex-Officio Members<br />

• <strong>US</strong> Cus Customs oms and Bor <strong>Border</strong> der <strong>Protection</strong>;<br />

Protec on;<br />

• <strong>US</strong> <strong>Border</strong> PPatrol<br />

atrol<br />

• <strong>US</strong> Gene General<br />

al Services<br />

Admi Admini nist strati ation on;<br />

• Ariz Arizona ona De Depar partmen ent of TTrans<br />

anspo portat rtation; on;<br />

• Cons Consejo<br />

ejo Em Empresarial presarial de NNog<br />

ogale ales, s, Sonor Sonora; a;<br />

• Munici Mun cipali pality y of Nog ogale ales, s, Sonor Sonora; a;<br />

• Mexican<br />

Co Cons nsul ulate ate Gen Gener eral al – Nog ogale ales, s, Ariz Arizona; ona;<br />

• Nog ogale ales s Econom Economic c Dev evel elop opmen ent Foundati oundation; on; and<br />

• <strong>US</strong> S Cons Consul ulat ate e – Nogale ogales, s, Sonor Sonora. a.

<strong>Nogales</strong><br />

by the Numbe Numbers rs<br />

Mode of Transportation (2008)<br />

Trucks POVs Pedestrians Buses Bus Pass. Trains Total People<br />

<strong>Nogales</strong> 303,757 3,026,767 6,568,207 11,585 195,741 640 15,238,781<br />

www.nogalesport.org<br />

Source: <strong>US</strong> Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Northbound<br />

MX<br />

<strong>US</strong><br />

FAST Lanes<br />

Mariposa POE<br />

Mexican Inspection<br />

<strong>US</strong> Inspection<br />

ADOT<br />

Southbound<br />

Cattle Pens

Justification - Marip Mariposa osa Recon Reconfiguratio figuration<br />

Not<br />

designed ffor<br />

or pedes pedestrians trians<br />

Pr Processing ocessing close to o 4425<br />

25,00 ,000 0 pede pedestrians/y trians/yea ear<br />

Designed truc truck k thr throughput: oughput: 40 400/ 0/da day<br />

Daily aver erag age e can an exce ceed ed 1,600<br />

truck trucks/da<br />

s/day y (O (Oct ct – Ma May) y)<br />

Effec ectiv tive e Inspection Dock Docks: s: Appr Approx. x. 20<br />

No RRefrig<br />

friger erated ed Dock space<br />

Ap Appr prox. x. 4 Bil Billion lion PPound<br />

ounds s of Fres Fresh<br />

h Pr Produce oduce ea each ch sea seaso son<br />

Es Estima timated ed value: alue: $2 billio billion<br />

43 43% % of Fresh F esh Win Winter er pr produce oduce in en entir tire e <strong>US</strong>!!<br />

Appr Approxim ximately ely $2 $20 0 bil billion lion in<br />

Maquila<br />

Trade ade<br />

Gr Growing wing wait ait times to o cros cross<br />

s th the e border: bo der:<br />

2+ hour wwaits<br />

aits for or car cars<br />

s at t both DeConcini<br />

and Mariposa<br />

4 to o 8 hour or overn ernigh ight t for or truck trucks s at t Mariposa<br />


In Inves estmen tment<br />

Bor <strong>Border</strong> der Station St tion Funding in FY ’07 Budg Budget et<br />

$13.694 Mill illio ion n included in FY ‘07 Feder ederal al Bu Build ildings ings Fun Fund<br />

Jones Studio sele select cted ed as design firm (Phoenix (Phoenix-based based firm)<br />

Final design appr approved ed in Decem December<br />

ber ‘08<br />

$199.48 mill illio ion n for or cons onstru truction ction in FY ’09 American<br />

Reco ecover ery y Act<br />

Fully Funded!!<br />

Pr Projec oject t is a Na National tional PPriority!<br />

riority!<br />

En Envir vironmen onmental al Assessmen Assessment t to o be ccomple<br />

ompleted ed April ‘09<br />

An Anticipa ticipate e start art up of ccons<br />

onstruc truction tion June June/July July ‘09<br />

<strong>US</strong> Side En Entr try y and Egr Egres ess s (c (cos ost t TBD)<br />

Top op bo border der pr projec oject t for or St State e of Ariz Arizona ona<br />

Workin orking g with ADO ADOT T on major impr improveme ements ts tto<br />

o Maripos Mariposa a RRoad<br />

oad<br />

and in inter ercha chang nge e with I-19 19<br />


GSA Reconfiguration Concept





ain water collection<br />

diffused natural<br />

lighting<br />



www.nogalesport.org<br />

visitor processing


www.nogalesport.org<br />

parking under photovoltaic canopy


www.nogalesport.org<br />

commercial docks


www.nogalesport.org<br />

aerial view looking northeast


www.nogalesport.org<br />

aerial view looking northeast

Capacit Capacity y for Ins Inspect pections ions<br />

During cons onstruc truction tion<br />

Commitmen<br />

Commitment t by y CBP and GGSA<br />

A tha that t thr throu oughpu ghput t ccapacity<br />

apacity will<br />

NO NOT T be diminishe diminished<br />

During cons onstruc truction tion capac apacity ity will IN INCR CREASE ASE!<br />

6 lane lanes s ffor<br />

or ccar<br />

ars<br />

6 lane lanes s ffor<br />

or truck trucks<br />

At t fu full ll Buil Buildout dout<br />

12 lanes ffor<br />

or car cars<br />

8 lanes ffor<br />

or tru truck cks<br />

Pedes edestrian trian lan lanes es (NB and SB)<br />

Bu Bus s lane<br />

56 docs docsk ( 6 air condi ondition tioned) ed)<br />

4 NII for or car cargo<br />

3 SB lanes with 6 SB Cargo Car o docks dock<br />


Concept for Mexican side

Next Steps<br />

Ne Need ed Plans ffor<br />

or Maripo Mariposa<br />

sa Mexica Mexican<br />

n side<br />

Approxim Appr ximately ely $ $25 25 million to o $ $50 50 million<br />

Ma Matching ching impr improvem emen ents ts at t the bor border der<br />

Improvem Impr emen ents ts to o Aduana Aduanas fac acility ility (13 km south of the<br />

bo border) der)<br />

Impr Improvem emen ents ts to o Fis Fiscal al Corridor<br />

Resolution esolution of Fisc Fiscal al Corridor Se Secur curity ity<br />

Bor <strong>Border</strong> der Liaison Mec Mechan hanish ishm (B (BLM) LM) meeti meetings ngs ffor<br />

or Arizona Ari ona<br />

Schedule<br />

fir first t meeting for or Sep Septem ember ber 29 29, , 20 2009 09<br />

No <strong>Nogales</strong> ales Transport ansportation tion Init Initia<br />

iativ tives es<br />

Pr Projec oject t Design Conce Concept t and En Envir vironmen onmental al Studie Studies s for or<br />

impr improvem emen ents ts to o cconnect<br />

onnector or to o II-19<br />

19<br />


<strong>Nogales</strong><br />

Wash ash<br />


<strong>Nogales</strong><br />

Wash ash<br />


<strong>Nogales</strong> WWash<br />

ash<br />

Health and quality<br />

of life<br />

issue for or both sides of the<br />

bor border der<br />

Floo Floods ds cr crea eate e an additional and muc much h larger lar er bur burder dern<br />

for or Ariz Arizona ona side<br />

Need planning, funding and rresour<br />

esource ces s to impr improve e<br />

sewag se age e system em on bo both th sides of the bo border der<br />

Ask GNEB for or supp support ort for for:<br />

Efforts orts by y IBWC, IB , City of <strong>Nogales</strong>, No ales, Municipality of<br />

No Nogale ales s , ADE ADEQ Q and PPort<br />

ort Authority to o raise aise awar a arene eness ss<br />

of nee need d of thi this s critical<br />

pr projec oject<br />


James B. . Man Manson son<br />

Chai Chairm<br />

rman an<br />

Gr Greate ater r Noga <strong>Nogales</strong> s and Sa Santa nta Cruz Coun County y Por ort t Auth uthor ority<br />

www.nogalesport.org<br />

(520) 287-2707<br />


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