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technically, religious leaders were not supposed to visit them, along with married men and Jews. Without the brothel and the service of whores, the medieval man might turn his sexual needs to married women, good Christian women. Prostitutes, therefore, became essential participants in the Church’s quest to preserve the chastity of married women and the virginity of sexually unfamiliar young ladies. Medieval prostitutes lived as women split between two worlds: the unlikely wardens of virginity and the ambassadors of sexual impurity. Medieval attitudes towards the chaste and virtuous woman were created by romantic literature focused on promoting the concepts of courtly love and virginity, both of which were idealistic myths. In addressing these myths, Dr. Derek Brewer remarks that the “lady is regarded as dominant, in contrast to women’s normally inferior social position, the aspiring lover her servant.” 14 Dominate but submissive females were echoes of Church belief: women should be strong in faith and character, they should strive to marry in order to fulfill her duty as a noble woman, and she must be pure in virginity as the example set by Mary. A woman’s virginity remained a complex issue in medieval England, and despite considerable Church support for marriage and virginity, some women possibly scrutinized issues pertaining to virginity heavily. 15 The finest literary example of a combatant attitude towards virginity comes from The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer. “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,” although written by a man, contains interesting commentary on the way Church cannon affected sexual attitudes. Chaucer crafts the Wife’s speech around loopholes in scripture: “Please answer me…when did [God] command virginity…a woman may be counseled to be pure, but counsel and commandment aren’t the same… for if God commanded virginity, then marriage he condemned concurrently; and surely if no seed were ever sown, from where then would virginity be grown?” 16 Inferring that Chaucer’s Wife represented a percentage of the English female population, the ostensible purpose of her speech is to express the opinion of this group. She is a direct challenge to chastity, calling for the end of hypocrisy in church doctrine that maintains women must conform to marriage in order to be sexual at all. People relied on the humours to explain the natural desires for sex, concepts of virginity supported the need for whores 14 Derek Brewer, “Chivalry,” in A Companion to Chaucer, ed. Peter Brown, (Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2000), 61. 15 “Religious authorities saw virginity as a way to salvation, a treasure to be locked away and promised only to the Divine Bridegroom, Christ. It was a way to keep the filth of earthly existence from soiling the soul, and allowed a woman to distance herself from the distractions of worldly existence and hopefully, therefore, sin. Secular authorities, on the other hand, saw virginity as something to be guarded and kept, but eventually dispended in a legal and faithful marriage.” Heckle, “Sex, Society, and Medieval Women.” 16 Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, Translated by Ronald L. Ecker and Eugene J. Crook, (Palatka, FL: Hodge & Braddock, Publishers, 1993), 155-156. in male dominated medieval English society. Because good Christian women were expected to guard their virginity, streets full of sexually charged men looking to realize their desires represented the greatest challenge to Church teachings against sins of the flesh. 17 Given that most medieval English urban populations were unmarried Christian individuals, a moral debate ensued regarding the ability of sexual intercourse for that fragment of the population. Segments of the unmarried population undoubtedly turned to activities like masturbation to relieve sexual need. Further complicating the matter were the teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, who damned masturbation as being a practice against natural law. Many people, therefore, turned to prostitutes because they did not have any moral outlet for their sexual humours. By occupying the minds of men consumed with lust, whores became the sexual focus for men attempting to violate good Christian wives and daughters. The services of the prostitute, however, were ultimately a necessity because society was male dominated. Medieval European women existed within the limits of patriarchal governance that firmly delegated their ability to move freely in their own society. Women were often confined to spaces considered proper and acceptable in a male dominated world. These spaces consisted of physical domains that women traversed, which might be “a house, village, or city quarter depending on her economic activity and her social class.” 18 Inoculated to the spaces over years, medieval women were immersed in this system under control of their fathers, and later, under the control of their husbands. Spaces were not exclusive habitations for men or women alone, rather, they were simply physical places understood to be the domain of either males or females, but not restricted to either. For instance, women walked the busy town streets among men to shop for their household, but did so accompanied by other women because the outside was considered the space of men. Despite being able to travel in male dominated physical spaces, women were still noticeably differentiated by other methods: their space “could be confined by means other than simple geography: clothing, the way of walking, and even injunctions of speech could regulate a woman’s access to physical space.” 19 Whores, who are undeniably the opposite of medieval utopian female ideals, challenged the established acceptance of physical spaces by existing in male dominated realms without feeling the strain of maintaining behavior deemed acceptable by their patriarchal 17 Women had to contend with the many crimes against them being referred to as sins of the flesh. Even though “sins of the flesh were not all sexual in nature, of course, but a woman’s sin was inevitably represented as such.” Katherine L. Jansen, “Mary Magdalen and the Mendicants: The Preaching of Penance in the Late Middle Ages,” Journal of Medieval History, 21 (1995): 19. 18 Barbara A. Hanawalt, “Medieval English Women in Rural and Urban Domestic Space,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 52 (1998): 19. 19 Hanawalt, “Medieval English Women in Rural and Urban Domestic Space,” 22. HOHONU Volume 8 2010 - 45

society. Prostitution allowed those women who worked in the trade to have spaces of their own. Civic regulations in medieval England were another way for men to maintain control over prostitutes because they could do little to stop prostitution, and town authorities claimed regulations were needed to “keep sexually active women from threatening social order.” 20 Working as both brothel women and as independent operators, prostitutes controlled their own trade and money. As members of taverns and brothels, prostitutes did experience some legal protection under malecentered urban regulations. A surviving example of these civic regulations comes from Southwark in London. Written in 1162 CE during the rule of Henry II, the Southwark regulations demanded that the owners of “stewholders [†] be men; they could be accompanied by their wives, but no unmarried woman could keep a stewhouse.” 21 Again, the connections to marriage continue to persist—the theory is such that if a man cannot control sexuality, it might be better to make it so women can practice the trade but not own it. Regardless of civic incursion, women’s activities outside of their traditional spaces challenged male control, and men identified their behavior with “tainted womanhood.” 22 Nevertheless, whores maintained a decent amount of control over their trade, and in several instances women were fined for running brothels in London, proving that women were using their status as a necessary sex source to run thriving business ventures. Since some women who decided to work taverns were “at risk of being pimped by their master and mistress,” 23 many turned to private practice, opting to rent space from people who had rooms to spare. Understanding the need for prostitution, town authorities did not actively attempt to “stamp out prostitution” as the church would have liked, “but rather to control it as disorderly” 24 and profit from it by imposing tax regulations on the trade. 25 As a result, town regulations in medieval England sought to reap the monetary benefits that their conformity to the humours provided, a conformity that whores used to wedge 20 Karras, “The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England,” 406. † A term for brothel. 21 Karras, “The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England,” 412. 22 Barbara Hanawalt, “The Host, the Law, and the Ambiguous Space of Medieval London Taverns,” in Medieval Crime and Social Control, ed. Barbara Hanawalt and David Wallace (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998), 17. 23 Hanawalt, “Medieval English Women in Rural and Urban Domestic Space,” 25. 24 Karras, “The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England,” 412. 25 “The London government as a whole showed a greater interest in prosecuting these types of offences than is found in the provincial towns. Letter Book I contains a (possibly incomplete) list of those convicted of immorality before the mayor between January 1400 and July 1439, which features 69 cases, of which 66 are clearly convictions for sexual offences, involving both lay people and clerics. Of the 66, punishments are specified in 32 cases. There were six cases which clearly involved prostitution, procuring or other acts against public morality, and these were punished by the civic authorities.” H Carrel, “Disputing Legal Privilege: Civic Relations with the Church in Late Medieval England,” Journal of Medieval History, 35 (2009): 290. 46 - HOHONU Volume 8 2010 themselves into a society of patriarchal control that believed it could not survive without them. Medieval English literature, with its stories of courtly love and chivalry have become the ideas we equate with medieval English women. The truth, however, is much less appealing. Women were sexually oppressed and their ability to move freely in their own society was minimal at the most. Thanks to the accepted cannon of the western Church, sex had to be within the confines of marriage, and women were the greatest threat to marriage’s sanctity because of their ‘sexual nature.’ Ironically, the women who were able to exist in the sexually oppressive world of medieval England were the ones whose livelihood existed because of sex. Prostitutes relished public and religious approval of humour theory because it made their services necessary. Even though Church cannon firmly disapproved of prostitution, acceptance of the humours created a sexual contradiction for the unmarried segments of the population. Prostitutes served as a method of sexual satisfaction for men looking to release sexual humours—which civic leaders believed was necessary to maintain social harmony because sexual need greatly endangered chaste society. For this reason, prostitutes became unlikely but necessary wardens of chastity, protecting virginity by offering an alternative. Their trade offered an alternative to normal female existence. Whores could walk city streets, drink in taverns, rent rooms for their business activities, and look men in the eye if they wished. By no means were prostitutes free in the way we understand freedom today. Nevertheless, these uniquely different women used public acceptance of the humours to exist outside traditional boundaries within male dominated spaces in medieval English towns, serving as the unlikely protectors of virginity and as a socially necessary sexual outlet. Bibliography Ashley, Kathleen, and Robert L. A. Clark, eds. Medieval Conduct. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Benson, Larry D. The Riverside Chaucer. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1987. Boitani, Piero and Jill Mann, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Boon, Marc. “State Power and Illicit Sexuality: The Persecution of Sodomy in Late Medieval Bruges.” Journal of Medieval History, Vol. 22, no. 2 (1996): 135-153. Brown, Peter, ed. A Companion to Chaucer. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. Brundage, James A. “Juridical Space: Female Witnesses in Canon Law.” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 52 (1998): 147-156.

technically, religious leaders were not supposed to visit them,<br />

along with married men and Jews. Without the brothel and<br />

the service of whores, the medieval man might turn his sexual<br />

needs to married women, good Christian women. Prostitutes,<br />

therefore, became essential participants in the Church’s quest<br />

to preserve the chastity of married women and the virginity of<br />

sexually unfamiliar young ladies.<br />

Medieval prostitutes lived as women split between two<br />

worlds: the unlikely wardens of virginity and the ambassadors<br />

of sexual impurity. Medieval attitudes towards the chaste and<br />

virtuous woman were created by romantic literature focused<br />

on promoting the concepts of courtly love and virginity, both<br />

of which were idealistic myths. In addressing these myths, Dr.<br />

Derek Brewer remarks that the “lady is regarded as dominant,<br />

in contrast to women’s normally inferior social position, the<br />

aspiring lover her servant.” 14 Dominate but submissive females<br />

were echoes of Church belief: women should be strong in faith<br />

and character, they should strive to marry in order to fulfill her<br />

duty as a noble woman, and she must be pure in virginity as the<br />

example set by Mary. A woman’s virginity remained a complex<br />

issue in medieval England, and despite considerable Church<br />

support for marriage and virginity, some women possibly<br />

scrutinized issues pertaining to virginity heavily. 15<br />

The finest literary example of a combatant attitude<br />

towards virginity comes from The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey<br />

Chaucer. “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,” although written by<br />

a man, contains interesting commentary on the way Church<br />

cannon affected sexual attitudes. Chaucer crafts the Wife’s<br />

speech around loopholes in scripture: “Please answer me…when<br />

did [God] command virginity…a woman may be counseled<br />

to be pure, but counsel and commandment aren’t the same…<br />

for if God commanded virginity, then marriage he condemned<br />

concurrently; and surely if no seed were ever sown, from where<br />

then would virginity be grown?” 16 Inferring that Chaucer’s<br />

Wife represented a percentage of the English female population,<br />

the ostensible purpose of her speech is to express the opinion<br />

of this group. She is a direct challenge to chastity, calling for<br />

the end of hypocrisy in church doctrine that maintains women<br />

must conform to marriage in order to be sexual at all.<br />

People relied on the humours to explain the natural desires<br />

for sex, concepts of virginity supported the need for whores<br />

14 Derek Brewer, “Chivalry,” in A Companion to Chaucer, ed. Peter Brown,<br />

(Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2000), 61.<br />

15 “Religious authorities saw virginity as a way to salvation, a treasure to<br />

be locked away and promised only to the Divine Bridegroom, Christ.<br />

It was a way to keep the filth of earthly existence from soiling the soul,<br />

and allowed a woman to distance herself from the distractions of worldly<br />

existence and hopefully, therefore, sin. Secular authorities, on the other<br />

hand, saw virginity as something to be guarded and kept, but eventually<br />

dispended in a legal and faithful marriage.” Heckle, “Sex, Society, and<br />

Medieval Women.”<br />

16 Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, Translated by Ronald L. Ecker<br />

and Eugene J. Crook, (Palatka, FL: Hodge & Braddock, Publishers,<br />

1993), 155-156.<br />

in male dominated medieval English society. Because good<br />

Christian women were expected to guard their virginity, streets<br />

full of sexually charged men looking to realize their desires<br />

represented the greatest challenge to Church teachings against<br />

sins of the flesh. 17 Given that most medieval English urban<br />

populations were unmarried Christian individuals, a moral<br />

debate ensued regarding the ability of sexual intercourse for<br />

that fragment of the population. Segments of the unmarried<br />

population undoubtedly turned to activities like masturbation<br />

to relieve sexual need. Further complicating the matter were the<br />

teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, who damned masturbation<br />

as being a practice against natural law. Many people, therefore,<br />

turned to prostitutes because they did not have any moral outlet<br />

for their sexual humours. By occupying the minds of men<br />

consumed with lust, whores became the sexual focus for men<br />

attempting to violate good Christian wives and daughters. The<br />

services of the prostitute, however, were ultimately a necessity<br />

because society was male dominated.<br />

Medieval European women existed within the limits of<br />

patriarchal governance that firmly delegated their ability to<br />

move freely in their own society. Women were often confined<br />

to spaces considered proper and acceptable in a male dominated<br />

world. These spaces consisted of physical domains that women<br />

traversed, which might be “a house, village, or city quarter<br />

depending on her economic activity and her social class.” 18<br />

Inoculated to the spaces over years, medieval women were<br />

immersed in this system under control of their fathers, and<br />

later, under the control of their husbands. Spaces were not<br />

exclusive habitations for men or women alone, rather, they were<br />

simply physical places understood to be the domain of either<br />

males or females, but not restricted to either. For instance,<br />

women walked the busy town streets among men to shop for<br />

their household, but did so accompanied by other women<br />

because the outside was considered the space of men. Despite<br />

being able to travel in male dominated physical spaces, women<br />

were still noticeably differentiated by other methods: their space<br />

“could be confined by means other than simple geography:<br />

clothing, the way of walking, and even injunctions of speech<br />

could regulate a woman’s access to physical space.” 19 Whores,<br />

who are undeniably the opposite of medieval utopian female<br />

ideals, challenged the established acceptance of physical spaces<br />

by existing in male dominated realms without feeling the strain<br />

of maintaining behavior deemed acceptable by their patriarchal<br />

17 Women had to contend with the many crimes against them being referred<br />

to as sins of the flesh. Even though “sins of the flesh were not all sexual in<br />

nature, of course, but a woman’s sin was inevitably represented as such.”<br />

Katherine L. Jansen, “Mary Magdalen and the Mendicants: The Preaching<br />

of Penance in the Late Middle Ages,” Journal of Medieval History, 21<br />

(1995): 19.<br />

18 Barbara A. Hanawalt, “Medieval English Women in Rural and Urban<br />

Domestic Space,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 52 (1998): 19.<br />

19 Hanawalt, “Medieval English Women in Rural and Urban Domestic<br />

Space,” 22.<br />

HOHONU Volume 8 2010 - 45

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