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556 APPENDIX appleÈÙÙÔÎÔappleÔ‡ÌÂÓfiÓ ÙÈÓ’ j ͢ÚÔ‡ÌÂÓÔÓ ïÚ÷Ę ÙÔ‡ÙˆÓ ö¯ÂÈÓ ‰ÂÖ (Cobet correction of ö¯ÂÈ ÙÈ) ı¿ÙÂÚÔÓØ j ÁaÚ ÛÙÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ âappleÈÓÔÂÖÓ ÌÔÈ Ê·›ÓÂÙ·È (Jacob’s emendation of the inappropriate ÁaÚ ÛÙÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ of the mss. is Ì·ÛÙÚÔapple‡ÂÈÓ - ingenious but not wholly satisfactory; as Meineke said: hoc tamen certum est pro ÛÙÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ requiri verbum quo cinaedorum mollities indicetur; perhaps âÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ, Headlam; or âÙ·ÈÚÂÖÓ Herwerden) ηd apple¿ÓÙ· Ùˇá appleÒÁˆÓÈ ‰ÚÄÓ âÓ·ÓÙ›·, j appleÏÔ˘ÛÈ·ÎeÓ ÙÔ‡Ùˇˆ appleÚÔÛapple›appleÙÂÈ Î·ÎfiÓ. Ù› ÁaÚ ·î ÙÚ›¯Â˜ Ï˘appleÔÜÛÈÓ ìÌĘ, appleÚe˜ ıÂáÓ, ‰È’ L˜ àÓcÚ ≤ηÛÙÔ˜ ìÌáÓ Ê·›ÓÂÙ·È, Âå Ì‹ ÙÈ Ù·‡Ù·È˜ àÓÙÈappleÚ¿ÙÙÂÛı·È ñappleÔÓÔÂÖ˜; That is, if hair displeases you, you must not be satisfied with the condition which makes it appear, i.e. mature manhood. I shall give one different, but connected, example of the caution and qualification needed to correctly appreciate the specific import of negative, satirizing attitudes like the one mentioned above. The qualities which are standardly involved in the appreciation of the male (as well as, mutatis mutandis, female) human body, apart from those pertaining to proportionate structure and formal beauty, are λÂÈfiÙ˘, êapple·ÏfiÙ˘, Ï¢ÎfiÙ˘, ñÁÚfiÙ˘. §ÂÈfiÙ˘, smoothness (not to be confused with softness) is the one we most encountered above, hairlessness being probably the main contributor to its prominence and excellence, together with a healthy skin, glistening from gymnastic exercise, oil anointed massage and baths. ^YÁÚfiÙ˘, as already explained, is an elusive character, hardly definable because of an exquisitely complex foundation, expressing, as it were, the flowing rhythm of form as well as the emotional dimension of the flesh and its most peculiar attractiveness when it poses alluringly as the selfconscious object of delectation, exciting desire which calls for nothing but an absolute abandon to the pleasure of its enjoyment in unfulfilled satisfaction. ^Aapple·ÏfiÙ˘, softness in touch, pertains to the female body in its yielding quality, to the fresh and tender flesh of a boy, or to the elaborate delicacy of the effeminate. But the example I spoke of above will be taken from what concerns Ï¢ÎfiÙ˘. §Â˘ÎfiÓ, it should be noted to begin with, is not quite our white simpliciter. For instance, I doubt whether ancient Greeks of the

ON DEPILATION: BODY COSMETICS IN CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY 557 preclassical times naturally called a dull, mat, lustreless white Ï¢ÎfiÓ, at least not without some necessary qualification. And, conversely, Ï¢ÎfiÓ was anything resplendent, even if much less than immaculate, pure white in our sense, such as the chaff-heaps at threshing time when then burned under the intense heat and sun of a Mediterranean summer, or the dust setting on warriors during a close, violent combat in similar conditions: Iliad, E, 499 sqq.: ó˜ ‰’ ôÓÂÌÔ˜ ô¯Ó·˜ ÊÔÚ¤ÂÈ îÂÚa˜ ηْ àÏˇˆa˜ àÓ‰ÚáÓ ÏÈÎÌÒÓÙˆÓ, ¬Ù Ù ͷÓıc ¢ËÌ‹ÙËÚ ÎÚ›ÓFË âappleÂÈÁÔÌ¤ÓˆÓ àÓ¤ÌˆÓ Î·ÚapplefiÓ Ù ηd ô¯Ó·˜, ·Q ‰’ ñappleÔÏ¢η›ÓÔÓÙ·È à¯˘ÚÌÈ·›Ø ó˜ ÙfiÙ’ \A¯·ÈÔd Ï¢ÎÔd ≈appleÂÚı Á¤ÓÔÓÙÔ ÎÔÓÈÛ¿Ïˇˆ, ¬Ó Ú· ‰È’ ·éÙáÓ ÔéÚ·ÓeÓ Âå˜ appleÔχ¯·ÏÎÔÓ âapple¤appleÏËÁÔÓ applefi‰Â˜ ¥appleappleˆÓ. We need not illustrate our standard use of Ï¢ÎfiÓ according to which snow, milk, bones, teeth, sails, flour, sugar etc. are white. I shall merely indicate here some of the unexpected uses: brilliant, bright, shining (Iliad, Ξ, 185: Ï¢ÎeÓ ‰’ qÓ ì¤ÏÈÔ˜ œ˜, where the scholia A have: ÁÚ¿ÊÂÙ·È Ï·ÌappleÚfiÓ, which smells of Alexandrian, as much as of critical nineteenth century, ingenuousness; Sophocles, Ajax 708, Ï¢ÎeÓ Ê¿Ô˜); clear, translucent (Odyssey, ζ, 45: Ï¢Îc ‰’ âappleȉ¤‰ÚÔÌÂÓ ·úÁÏË; Î 94: Ï¢Îc ‰’ qÓ àÌÊd Á·Ï‹ÓË; Euripides, Andromache 1228: Ï¢ÎcÓ ·åı¤Ú· appleÔÚıÌ¢fiÌÂÓÔ˜); metallic, silvery (Iliad Ψ 267- 8: Ï¢Îe˜ Ϥ‚˘); and we should particularly notice the Ï¢ÎfiÓ as a quality of clear, transparent water (Iliad, Ψ 282: ÏÔ¤ÛÛ·˜ ≈‰·ÙÈ Ï¢Ρá, where Eustathius perceptively notes: ≈‰ˆÚ ‰b Ï¢ÎeÓ Ùe àÏÏ·- ¯ÔÜ Î·d ̤ϷÓ, a remark the point of which appears, e.g. from his note to be adduced next; Odyssey Σ, 70: ÎÚÉÓ·È ‰’ ëÍ›˘ apple›Û˘Ú˜ Ú¤ÔÓ ≈‰·ÙÈ Ï¢Ρá, to which Eustathius remarks: Ï¢ÎeÓ ‰b ≈‰ˆÚ Ùe ÎÚË- Ó·ÖÔÓ ÙÔÜÙÔ, ‰Èa Ùe à‚·ı¤˜. Ùe ÁaÚ ‚·ıf Ì¤Ï·Ó Ê·›ÓÂÙ·ÈØ he also correctly explains this Ï¢ÎfiÓ as ‰È·˘Á¤˜, limpid, lucid, translucent, in p. 1553.20 with reference to the present verse; Aeschylus famous zÓ ÁÉ Î·d Ï¢ÎeÓ ≈‰ˆÚ in Supplices 23; Euripides, Herc. Fur. 573, ¢›Ú- ΢ Ù ÓÄÌ· Ï¢ÎeÓ ·îÌ·¯ı‹ÛÂÙ·È; notice further Callimachus, Hymn. in Jovem 18-9: Ô鉒 \Eڇ̷ÓıÔ˜ / Ï¢ÎfiÙ·ÙÔ˜ appleÔÙ·ÌáÓ). In fact Callimachus, fastidiously correct as he was, goes so far as to write: Ï¢ÎeÓ ö·Ú, Ï¢ÎeÓ ‰b ı¤ÚÔ˜ (Hymn. in Cererem 124), where the scholiast concisely observes: Ï¢ÎfiÓØ Ï·ÌappleÚfiÓ.

556 <strong>APPENDIX</strong> <strong>C΄</strong><br />

appleÈÙÙÔÎÔappleÔ‡ÌÂÓfiÓ ÙÈÓ’ j ͢ÚÔ‡ÌÂÓÔÓ<br />

ïÚ÷Ę ÙÔ‡ÙˆÓ ö¯ÂÈÓ ‰ÂÖ (Cobet correction of ö¯ÂÈ ÙÈ)<br />

ı¿ÙÂÚÔÓØ<br />

j ÁaÚ ÛÙÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ âappleÈÓÔÂÖÓ ÌÔÈ Ê·›ÓÂÙ·È (Jacob’s emendation of the<br />

inappropriate ÁaÚ ÛÙÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ of the mss. is Ì·ÛÙÚÔapple‡ÂÈÓ -<br />

ingenious but not wholly satisfactory; as Meineke said: hoc tamen<br />

certum est pro ÛÙÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ requiri verbum quo cinaedorum mollities<br />

indicetur; perhaps âÚ·Ù‡ÂÈÓ, Headlam; or âÙ·ÈÚÂÖÓ Herwerden)<br />

ηd apple¿ÓÙ· Ùˇá appleÒÁˆÓÈ ‰ÚÄÓ âÓ·ÓÙ›·,<br />

j appleÏÔ˘ÛÈ·ÎeÓ ÙÔ‡Ùˇˆ appleÚÔÛapple›appleÙÂÈ Î·ÎfiÓ.<br />

Ù› ÁaÚ ·î ÙÚ›¯Â˜ Ï˘appleÔÜÛÈÓ ìÌĘ, appleÚe˜ ıÂáÓ,<br />

‰È’ L˜ àÓcÚ ≤ηÛÙÔ˜ ìÌáÓ Ê·›ÓÂÙ·È,<br />

Âå Ì‹ ÙÈ Ù·‡Ù·È˜ àÓÙÈappleÚ¿ÙÙÂÛı·È ñappleÔÓÔÂÖ˜;<br />

That is, if hair displeases you, you must not be satisfied with the<br />

condition which makes it appear, i.e. mature manhood.<br />

I shall give one different, but connected, example of the caution<br />

and qualification needed to correctly appreciate the specific import of<br />

negative, satirizing attitudes like the one mentioned above.<br />

The qualities which are standardly involved in the appreciation of<br />

the male (as well as, mutatis mutandis, female) human body, apart<br />

from those pertaining to proportionate structure and formal beauty,<br />

are λÂÈfiÙ˘, êapple·ÏfiÙ˘, Ï¢ÎfiÙ˘, ñÁÚfiÙ˘. §ÂÈfiÙ˘, smoothness<br />

(not to be confused with softness) is the one we most encountered<br />

above, hairlessness being probably the main contributor to its<br />

prominence and excellence, together with a healthy skin, glistening<br />

from gymnastic exercise, oil anointed massage and baths. ^YÁÚfiÙ˘, as<br />

already explained, is an elusive character, hardly definable because of<br />

an exquisitely complex foundation, expressing, as it were, the flowing<br />

rhythm of form as well as the emotional dimension of the flesh and its<br />

most peculiar attractiveness when it poses alluringly as the selfconscious<br />

object of delectation, exciting desire which calls for nothing<br />

but an absolute abandon to the pleasure of its enjoyment in unfulfilled<br />

satisfaction. ^Aapple·ÏfiÙ˘, softness in touch, pertains to the female body<br />

in its yielding quality, to the fresh and tender flesh of a boy, or to the<br />

elaborate delicacy of the effeminate. But the example I spoke of above<br />

will be taken from what concerns Ï¢ÎfiÙ˘.<br />

§Â˘ÎfiÓ, it should be noted to begin with, is not quite our white<br />

simpliciter. For instance, I doubt whether ancient Greeks of the

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