SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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876 MANOVA: Multivariate<br />

TRANSFORM Transformation matrix. It is available if you have transformed the dependent<br />

variables with the TRANSFORM subcommand.<br />

HOMOGENEITY Test for homogeneity of variance. BOXM is available for multivariate analyses.<br />

ERROR Keyword<br />

In multivariate analysis, error terms consist of entire matrices, not single values. You can<br />

display any of the following error matrices on a PRINT subcommand by requesting them in<br />

parentheses following the keyword ERROR. If you specify ERROR by itself, without further<br />

specifications, the default is to display COV and COR.<br />

SSCP Error sums-of-squares and cross-products matrix.<br />

COV Error variance-covariance matrix.<br />

COR Error correlation matrix with standard deviations on the diagonal. This also displays<br />

the determinant of the matrix and Bartlett’s test of sphericity, a test of whether<br />

the error correlation matrix is significantly different from an identity matrix.<br />

SIGNIF Keyword<br />

You can request any of the optional output listed below by entering the appropriate specification<br />

in parentheses after the keyword SIGNIF on the PRINT subcommand. Further specifications<br />

for SIGNIF are described in MANOVA: Repeated Measures.<br />

MULTIV Multivariate F tests for group differences. MULTIV is always printed unless<br />

explicitly suppressed with the NOPRINT subcommand.<br />

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EIGEN Eigenvalues of the ShSe matrix. This matrix is the product of the hypothesis<br />

sums-of-squares and cross-products (SSCP) matrix and the inverse of the<br />

error SSCP matrix. To print EIGEN, request it on the PRINT subcommand.<br />

DIMENR A dimension-reduction analysis. To print DIMENR, request it on the PRINT<br />

subcommand.<br />

UNIV Univariate F tests. UNIV is always printed except in repeated measures analysis.<br />

If the dependent variables are uncorrelated, univariate tests have greater statistical<br />

power. To suppress UNIV, use the NOPRINT subcommand.<br />

HYPOTH The hypothesis SSCP matrix. To print HYPOTH, request it on the PRINT<br />

subcommand.<br />

STEPDOWN Roy-Bargmann stepdown F tests. To print STEPDOWN, request it on the<br />

PRINT subcommand.<br />

BRIEF Abbreviated multivariate output. This is similar to a univariate analysis of<br />

variance table but with Wilks’ multivariate F approximation (lambda)<br />

replacing the univariate F. BRIEF overrides any of the SIGNIF specifications<br />

listed above.

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