SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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ID Subcommand<br />


ID specifies a variable whose values or value labels identify the casewise listing. By default,<br />

cases are labeled by their case number.<br />

• The only specification is the name of a single variable that exists in the working data file.<br />

• Only the first eight characters of the variable’s value labels are used to label cases. If the<br />

variable has no value labels, the values are used.<br />

• Only the first eight characters of a string variable are used to label cases.<br />

PRINT Subcommand<br />

PRINT controls the display of optional output. If PRINT is omitted, DEFAULT output (defined<br />

below) is displayed.<br />

• The minimum specification is PRINT followed by a single keyword.<br />

• If PRINT is used, only the requested output is displayed.<br />

DEFAULT Goodness-of-fit tests for the model, classification tables, and statistics for<br />

the variables in and not in the equation at each step. Tables and statistics are<br />

displayed for each split file and METHOD subcommand.<br />

SUMMARY Summary information. Same output as DEFAULT, except that the output for<br />

each step is not displayed.<br />

CORR Correlation matrix of parameter estimates for the variables in the model.<br />

ITER(value) Iterations at which parameter estimates are to be displayed. The value in<br />

parentheses controls the spacing of iteration reports. If the value is n, the<br />

parameter estimates are displayed for every nth iteration starting at 0. If a<br />

value is not supplied, intermediate estimates are displayed at each iteration.<br />

GOODFIT Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit statistic (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989).<br />

CI(level) Confidence interval for exp(B). The value in parentheses must be an integer<br />

between 1 and 99.<br />

ALL All available output.<br />

Example<br />




• A forward stepwise logistic regression analysis of PASS on GPA, GRE, and MAT is<br />

specified.<br />

• The PRINT subcommand requests the display of the correlation matrix of parameter estimates<br />

for the variables in the model (CORR), classification tables and statistics for the<br />

variables in and not in the equation for the final model (SUMMARY), and parameter estimates<br />

at every second iteration (ITER(2)).

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