SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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TEST Subcommand<br />

KM 793<br />

TEST specifies the test statistic to use for testing the equality of survival distributions for the<br />

different levels of the factor.<br />

• TEST is valid only when a factor variable is specified. If no factor variable is specified,<br />

KM issues a warning and TEST is not executed.<br />

• If TEST is specified without a keyword, the default is LOGRANK. If a keyword is specified<br />

on TEST, only the specified test is performed.<br />

• Each of the test statistics has a chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom.<br />

LOGRANK Perform the log rank (Mantel-Cox) test.<br />

BRESLOW Perform the Breslow (generalized Wilcoxon) test.<br />

TARONE Perform the Tarone-Ware test.<br />

COMPARE Subcommand<br />

COMPARE compares the survival distributions for the different levels of the factor. Each of<br />

the keywords specifies a different method of comparison.<br />

• COMPARE is valid only when a factor variable is specified. If no factor variable is specified,<br />

KM issues a warning and COMPARE is not executed.<br />

• COMPARE uses whatever tests are specified on the TEST subcommand. If no TEST subcommand<br />

is specified, the log rank test is used.<br />

• If COMPARE is not specified, the default is OVERALL and POOLED. All factor levels are<br />

compared across strata in a single test. The test statistics are displayed after the summary<br />

table at the end of output.<br />

• Multiple COMPARE subcommands can be specified to request different comparisons.<br />

OVERALL Compare all factor levels in a single test. OVERALL, together with POOLED,<br />

is the default when COMPARE is not specified.<br />

PAIRWISE Compare each pair of factor levels. KM compares all distinct pairs of factor<br />

levels.<br />

POOLED Pool the test statistics across all strata. The test statistics are displayed after<br />

the summary table for all strata. POOLED, together with OVERALL, is the<br />

default when COMPARE is not specified.<br />

STRATA Compare the factor levels for each stratum. The test statistics are displayed<br />

for each stratum separately.<br />

• If a factor variable has different levels across strata, you cannot request a pooled comparison.<br />

If you specify POOLED on COMPARE, KM displays a warning and ignores the request.

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