SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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678 GLM: Repeated Measures<br />

Overview<br />

This section discusses the subcommands that are used in repeated measures designs, in<br />

which the dependent variables represent measurements of the same variable (or variables)<br />

taken repeatedly. This section does not contain information on all of the subcommands that<br />

you will need to specify the design. For some subcommands or keywords not covered here,<br />

such as DESIGN, see GLM: Univariate. For information on optional output and the multivariate<br />

significance tests available, see GLM: Multivariate.<br />

• In a simple repeated measures analysis, all dependent variables represent different<br />

measurements of the same variable for different values (or levels) of a within-subjects<br />

factor. Between-subjects factors and covariates can also be included in the model, just as<br />

in analyses not involving repeated measures.<br />

• A within-subjects factor is simply a factor that distinguishes measurements made on the<br />

same subject or case, rather than distinguishing different subjects or cases.<br />

• GLM permits more complex analyses, in which the dependent variables represent levels<br />

of two or more within-subjects factors.<br />

• GLM also permits analyses in which the dependent variables represent measurements of<br />

several variables for the different levels of the within-subjects factors. These are known<br />

as doubly multivariate designs.<br />

• A repeated measures analysis includes a within-subjects design describing the model to<br />

be tested with the within-subjects factors, as well as the usual between-subjects design<br />

describing the effects to be tested with between-subjects factors. The default for the<br />

within-subjects factors design is a full factorial model which includes the main withinsubjects<br />

factor effects and all their interaction effects.<br />

• If a custom hypothesis test is required (defined by the CONTRAST, LMATRIX, or KMATRIX<br />

subcommands), the default transformation matrix (M matrix) is taken to be the average<br />

transformation matrix, which can be displayed by using the keyword TEST(MMATRIX) on<br />

the PRINT subcommand. The default contrast result matrix (K matrix) is the zero matrix.<br />

• If the contrast coefficient matrix (L matrix) is not specified, but a custom hypothesis test<br />

is required by the MMATRIX or the KMATRIX subcommand, the contrast coefficient matrix<br />

(L matrix) is taken to be the L matrix which corresponds to the estimable function for the<br />

intercept in the between-subjects model. This matrix can be displayed by using the<br />

keyword TEST(LMATRIX) on the PRINT subcommand.<br />

Basic Specification<br />

• The basic specification is a variable list followed by the WSFACTOR subcommand.<br />

• Whenever WSFACTOR is specified, GLM performs special repeated measures processing.<br />

The multivariate and univariate tests are provided. In addition, for any within-subjects<br />

effect involving more than one transformed variable, the Mauchly test of sphericity is<br />

displayed to test the assumption that the covariance matrix of the transformed variables<br />

is constant on the diagonal and zero off the diagonal. The Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon<br />

and the Huynh-Feldt epsilon are also displayed for use in correcting the significance tests<br />

in the event that the assumption of sphericity is violated.

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