SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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Operations<br />

Example<br />

END CASE 509<br />

• When an END CASE command is encountered, the program suspends execution of the rest<br />

of the commands before the END INPUT PROGRAM command and passes control to the<br />

commands after the input program. After these commands are executed for the new case,<br />

control returns to the input program. The program continues building cases by processing<br />

the commands immediately after the most recent END CASE command. Use a loop to<br />

build cases from the same set of transformation and data definition commands.<br />

• When multiple END CASE commands are specified, the program follows the flow of the<br />

input program and builds a case whenever it encounters an END CASE command, using<br />

the set of commands executed since the last END CASE.<br />

• Unless LEAVE is specified, all variables are reinitialized each time the input program is<br />

resumed.<br />

• When transformations such as COMPUTE, definitions such as VARIABLE LABELS, and utilities<br />

such as PRINT are specified between the last END CASE command and END INPUT<br />

PROGRAM, they are executed while a case is being initialized, not when it is complete. This<br />

may produce undesirable results (see the example beginning on p. 514).<br />

* Restructuring a data file to make each data item a single case.<br />


DATA LIST /#X1 TO #X3 (3(F1,1X)).<br />

VECTOR V=#X1 TO #X3.<br />

LOOP #I=1 TO 3.<br />

- COMPUTE X=V(#I).<br />

- END CASE.<br />

END LOOP.<br />



2 1 1<br />

3 5 1<br />

END DATA.<br />

FORMAT X(F1.0).<br />

PRINT / X.<br />

EXECUTE.<br />

• The input program encloses the commands that build cases from the input file. An input<br />

program is required because END CASE is used to create multiple cases from single input<br />

records.<br />

• DATA LIST defines three variables. In the format specification, the number 3 is a repetition<br />

factor that repeats the format in parentheses three times, once for each variable. The specified<br />

format is F1 and the 1X specification skips 1 column.<br />

• VECTOR creates the vector V with the original scratch variables as its three elements. The<br />

indexing expression on the LOOP command increments the variable #I three times to control<br />

the number of iterations per input case and to provide the index for the vector V.

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