SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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VARIABLES Subcommand<br />

COXREG 297<br />

VARIABLES identifies the dependent variable and the covariates to be included in the analysis.<br />

• The minimum specification is the dependent variable. The subcommand keyword is optional.<br />

• Cases whose dependent variable values are negative are excluded from the analysis.<br />

• You must specify the keyword WITH and a list of all covariates if no METHOD subcommand<br />

is specified or if a METHOD subcommand is specified without naming the variables<br />

to be used.<br />

• If the covariate list is not specified on VARIABLES but one or more METHOD subcommands<br />

are used, the covariate list is assumed to be the union of the sets of variables listed<br />

on all the METHOD subcommands.<br />

• You can specify an interaction of two or more covariates using the keyword BY. For<br />

example, A B BY C D specifies the three terms A, B*C, and D.<br />

• The keyword TO can be used to specify a list of covariates. The implied variable order is<br />

the same as in the working data file.<br />

STATUS Subcommand<br />

To determine whether the event has occurred for a particular observation, COXREG checks<br />

the value of a status variable. STATUS lists the status variable and the code for the occurrence<br />

of the event.<br />

• Only one status variable can be specified. If multiple STATUS subcommands are specified,<br />

COXREG uses the last specification and displays a warning.<br />

• The keyword EVENT is optional, but the value list in parentheses must be specified.<br />

• The value list must be enclosed in parentheses. All cases with non-negative times that do<br />

not have a code within the range specified after EVENT are classified as censored cases—<br />

that is, cases for which the event has not yet occurred.<br />

• The value list can be one value, a list of values separated by blanks or commas, a range<br />

of values using the keyword THRU, or a combination.<br />

• If missing values occur within the specified ranges, they are ignored if MISSING=EXCLUDE<br />

(the default) is specified, but they are treated as valid values for the range if MISSING=INCLUDE<br />

is specified.<br />

• The status variable can be either numeric or string. If a string variable is specified, the<br />

EVENT values must be enclosed in apostrophes and the keyword THRU cannot be used.<br />

Example<br />


/STATUS SURVSTA (3 THRU 5, 8 THRU 10).<br />

• STATUS specifies that SURVSTA is the status variable.<br />

• A value between either 3 and 5, or 8 and 10, inclusive, means that the terminal event<br />

occurred.<br />

• Values outside the specified ranges indicate censored cases.

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