SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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Random variable functions (discrete distributions):<br />

RV.BERNOULLI(a) Generate a random variable from the Bernoulli distribution (0≤a≤1).<br />

RV.BINOM(a,b) Generate a random variable from the binomial distribution (a positive<br />

integer, 0≤b≤1).<br />

RV.GEOM(a) Generate a random variable from the geometric distribution (00<br />

integer, 0≤c≤a, 0≤b≤a).<br />

RV.NEGBIN(a,b) Generate a random variable from the negative binomial distribution (a>0<br />

integer, 00).<br />

Noncentral distribution functions:<br />

NCDF.BETA(q,a,b,c) Return probability that the noncentral beta distributed variate falls below q<br />

(0≤q≤1; a>0; b>0; c≥0).<br />

NCDF.CHISQ(q,a,c) Return probability that the noncentral chi-square distributed variate falls<br />

below q (q≥0; a>0; c≥0).<br />

NCDF.F(q,a,b,c) Return probability that the noncentral F distributed variate falls below q<br />

(q≥0; a>0; b>0; c≥0).<br />

NCDF.T(q,a,c) Return probability that the noncentral Student t distributed variate falls<br />

below q (a>0, c≥0).<br />

Noncentral probability density functions:<br />

NPDF.BETA(q,a,b,c) Return density of the noncentral beta distribution at q (0≤q≤1; a>0; b>0;<br />

c≥0).<br />

NPDF.CHISQ(q,a,c) Return density of the noncentral chi-square distribution at q (q≥0; a>0;<br />

c≥0).<br />

NPDF.F(q,a,b,c) Return density of the noncentral F distribution at q (q≥0; a>0; b>0; c≥0).<br />

NPDF.T(q,a,c) Return density of the noncentral Student t distribution at q (a>0, c≥0).<br />

Tail distribution functions:<br />

SIG.CHISQ(q,a) Return probability that the chi-square distributed variate falls above q<br />

(q≥0; a>0).<br />

SIG.F(q,a,b) Return probability that the F distributed variate falls above q (q≥0; a>0;<br />

b>0).<br />

Missing-value functions:<br />

VALUE(varname) Ignore user-missing.<br />

MISSING(varname) True if missing.<br />

SYSMIS(varname) True if system-missing.<br />

NMISS(arg list) Number of missing values across list.<br />

NVALID(arg list) Number of valid values across list.<br />

Cross-case function:<br />

LAG(varname,n) Value of variable n cases before.

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