SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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Matrix Input<br />

CLUSTER 241<br />

• The matrices produced by CLUSTER can be used by subsequent CLUSTER procedures or<br />

by procedures PROXIMITIES and ALSCAL.<br />

• Any documents contained in the working data file are not transferred to the matrix file.<br />

• CLUSTER can read matrices written by a previous CLUSTER command or by PROXIMITIES,<br />

or created by MATRIX DATA. When the input matrix contains distances between variables,<br />

CLUSTER clusters all or a subset of the variables.<br />

• Values for split-file variables should precede values for ROWTYPE_. CASENO_ and the<br />

labeling variable (if present) should come after ROWTYPE_ and before VARNAME_.<br />

• If CASENO_ is of type string rather than numeric, it will be considered unavailable and<br />

a warning is issued.<br />

• If CASENO_ appears on a variable list, a syntax error results.<br />

• CLUSTER ignores unrecognized ROWTYPE_ values.<br />

• When you are reading a matrix created with MATRIX DATA, you should supply a value<br />

label for PROX of either SIMILARITY or DISSIMILARITY so the matrix is correctly identified.<br />

If you do not supply a label, CLUSTER assumes DISSIMILARITY. (See “Format of<br />

the Matrix Data File” below.)<br />

• The program reads variable names, variable and value labels, and print and write formats<br />

from the dictionary of the matrix data file.<br />

• MATRIX=IN cannot be specified unless a working data file has already been defined. To<br />

read an existing matrix data file at the beginning of a session, use GET to retrieve the<br />

matrix file and then specify IN(*) on MATRIX.<br />

• The variable list on CLUSTER can be omitted when a matrix data file is used as input. By<br />

default, all cases or variables in the matrix data file are used in the analysis. Specify a variable<br />

list when you want to read in a subset of items for analysis.<br />

Format of the Matrix Data File<br />

• The matrix data file can include three special variables created by the program:<br />

ROWTYPE_, ID, and VARNAME_.<br />

• Variable ROWTYPE_ is a string variable with value PROX (for proximity measure).<br />

PROX is assigned value labels containing the distance measure used to create the matrix<br />

and either SIMILARITY or DISSIMILARITY as an identifier. Variable VARNAME_ is a short<br />

string variable whose values are the names of the new variables. Variable CASENO_ is a<br />

numeric variable with values equal to the original case numbers.<br />

• ID is included only when an identifying variable is not specified on the ID subcommand.<br />

ID is a short string and takes the value CASE m, where m is the actual number of each<br />

case. Note that m may not be consecutive if cases have been selected.<br />

• If an identifying variable is specified on the ID subcommand, it takes the place of ID<br />

between ROWTYPE_ and VARNAME_. Up to 20 characters can be displayed for the identifying<br />


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