SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference

SPSS® 12.0 Command Syntax Reference


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1754 Subject Index<br />

GLM Univariate, 651, 1601<br />

alpha level, 1607<br />

alternative hypothesis, 1607<br />

confidence interval, 1607<br />

contained effects, 1606<br />

contrast coefficients, 1608<br />

contrasts, 1613<br />

data files, 1620<br />

deleted residuals, 1619<br />

estimable functions, 1608<br />

estimated marginal means, 1618<br />

estimated means plots, 1609<br />

homogeneity of variance, 1608<br />

interactions, 1621<br />

K matrix, 1612<br />

L matrix, 1608, 1611<br />

lack of fit, 1608<br />

Levene’s test, 1608<br />

multiple comparisons, 1615<br />

nested designs, 1621<br />

parameter estimates, 1608<br />

post hoc tests, 1615<br />

power, 1607<br />

profile plots, 1609<br />

residual plots, 1609<br />

spread-versus-level plots, 1609<br />

standard errors of predicted value, 1620<br />

standardized residuals, 1619<br />

Studentized residuals, 1620<br />

Type I sum-of-squares method, 1605<br />

Type II sum-of-squares method, 1605<br />

Type III sum-of-squares method, 1606<br />

Type IV sum-of-squares method, 1606<br />

unstandardized predicted residuals, 1619<br />

unstandardized residuals, 1619<br />

weighted unstandardized predicted values, 1619<br />

weighted unstandardized residuals, 1619<br />

GLOR, 611<br />

Goodman and Kruskal’s gamma. See gamma<br />

Goodman and Kruskal’s lambda. See lambda<br />

Goodman and Kruskal’s tau<br />

in Crosstabs procedure, 322<br />

goodness of fit, 586<br />

in Hierarchical Loglinear Analysis procedure, 718<br />

Greenhouse-Geiser epsilon, 883<br />

grid search<br />

in Exponential Smoothing procedure, 542– 543<br />

group membership<br />

predicted, 477<br />

probabilities, 476<br />

grouped files, 573, 1340<br />

growth model<br />

in Curve Estimation procedure, 407, 408<br />

Guttman’s lower bounds<br />

in Reliability Analysis procedure, 1379<br />

H. See Kruskal-Wallis H<br />

half-normal distribution function, 42<br />

Hamann measure<br />

in Distances procedure, 1284<br />

in Hierarchical Cluster Analysis procedure, 234<br />

hazard plots<br />

in Cox Regression procedure, 304<br />

in Kaplan-Meier procedure, 791<br />

in Life Tables procedure, 1552<br />

Helmert contrasts, 664, 682, 1614<br />

in Cox Regression procedure, 299<br />

in loglinear analysis procedures, 823<br />

in MANOVA, 873<br />

reverse, 682<br />

heterogeneity factor<br />

in Probit Analysis procedure, 1270<br />

heteroscedasticity<br />

in Weight Estimation procedure, 1667<br />

hiding keys<br />

in interactive charts, 753<br />

Hierarchical Cluster Analysis procedure, 226<br />

algorithm, 228<br />

cluster membership, 238<br />

distance measures, 229<br />

labeling cases, 238<br />

limitations, 228<br />

matrix input, 240<br />

matrix output, 240<br />

measures for binary data, 231<br />

measures for frequency-count data, 230<br />

measures for interval data, 229<br />

methods, 236<br />

missing values, 240, 242<br />

plots, 239<br />

saving cluster memberships, 237<br />

statistics, 238<br />

variable list, 228<br />

hierarchical files. See nested files

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