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MARGARET WENTE, OPINIONS “I write pretty much anything I please. I want to challenge my readers’ experience and beliefs and in the process I end up challenging my own. I want to spark a conversation, ignite an issue or tackle an injustice. Sometimes I write about values or the lack of them. Will I exercise your brain—just ask my readers!” To learn more about how Margaret’s contributions help make The Globe and Mail’s newspaper, magazine and digital platforms Canada’s premier environment for your advertising, visit GLOBELINK.CA/MARGARET

Juniper Park’s prescription Frito-Lay North America – Portfolio Marketing Challenge PEOPLE BELIEVED A COMPANY THAT CARED ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT WOULD ALSO MAKE HEALTHIER PRODUCTS The challenge As Americans began eschewing chips for carrots, Frito-Lay North America needed to counter negative perceptions about its brands – and quickly. Based on the results of a continent-wide Juniper Park campaign highlighting the farm-grown ingredients of Frito-Lay brands earlier in the year, the company asked its Toronto-based agency to assess its brands and marketing initiatives to determine how it could better meet these health challenges. What was the ideal structure? What brands should be prioritized? Did they have the right messages? ronze Gail is always thinking about that next big idea. That’s why we promoted her to Vice President, Marketing and Product Development, Enhancement Services. With years of DM experience, Gail Ryan has always been about cutting-edge product development and promotions. This includes building awareness and excitement around our Life Assistance products. And ultimately, Gail believes that a big idea can come from the smallest inspiration. Imagine that. B!GAWARDSB!GIDEASB!GIMPACT The insight Research uncovered a big a-ha!: people believed a company that cared about the environment would make healthier products. Following this logic, Frito-Lay’s separate initiatives around health and sustainability could work more effectively if combined. The B!G idea Juniper Park recommended a complete overhaul of Frito-Lay’s strategy. The agency deconstructed the role each brand needed to play, starting with the fl agship, Lay’s. SunChips, the company’s healthiest and greenest brand, would epitomize the future direction of the company. On a broader level, company initiatives such as corporate sustainability would face out to consumers and be better leveraged. Juniper Park also recommended that the necessary brands and corporate initiatives all be combined into one group that shared the same goals. And internal communication to employees was needed to rally the company around the new direction. The impact Frito-Lay restructured its 200-person marketing department so that everything worked seamlessly together. The new portfolio approach has become a fi lter for all marketing decision-making: individual brands now justify their tactics not just for their specifi c needs, but also for their contribution to Frito-Lay’s goals. It’s also driven marketing investment priorities. Internally, Frito-Lay initiated company-wide employee communication to reinforce this direction; the new internal magazine even took its title from the tagline Juniper Park created for Frito-Lay, “Good Fun.” Judges’ comments Salah Bachir: Laying the groundwork for internal acceptance for a change of this magnitude was key and certainly outside of an agency’s typical mandate. The fact that Frito-Lay implemented the recommendation with signifi cant re-organization and strong accolades from the North American marketing team demonstrates huge impact for this big idea.


“I write pretty much anything I please. I want to challenge my readers’ experience and beliefs and in the process I end up challenging<br />

my own. I want to spark a conversation, ignite an issue or tackle an injustice. Sometimes I write about values or the lack of them.<br />

Will I exercise your brain—just ask my readers!” To learn more about how Margaret’s contributions help make The Globe and Mail’s<br />

newspaper, magazine and digital platforms Canada’s premier environment for your advertising, visit GLOBELINK.CA/MARGARET

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