Penal Code of Tanzania - Criminal Defense Wiki

Penal Code of Tanzania - Criminal Defense Wiki

Penal Code of Tanzania - Criminal Defense Wiki


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353. Definitions<br />

In this Chapter–<br />


OFFENCES RELATING TO COIN (ss 353-364)<br />

"coin" includes any coin coined in a mint for use in <strong>Tanzania</strong>, or lawfully current in <strong>Tanzania</strong><br />

or in any part <strong>of</strong> the Commonwealth; and any coin <strong>of</strong> a foreign sovereign or state, and coin<br />

which was at any time legal tender in <strong>Tanzania</strong> or in any other country and which is convertible<br />

into coin <strong>of</strong> legal tender therein;<br />

"counterfeit coin" means coin not genuine but resembling or apparently intended to resemble<br />

or pass for genuine coin; and includes genuine coin prepared or altered so as to pass for coin<br />

<strong>of</strong> a higher denomination.<br />

354. Counterfeiting coins<br />

Any person who makes or attempts to make any counterfeit coin is guilty <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fence and<br />

is liable to imprisonment for life.<br />

355. Preparations for coining<br />

Any person who–<br />

(a) gilds or silvers any piece <strong>of</strong> metal <strong>of</strong> a fit size or figure to be coined, with intent that it<br />

shall be coined into counterfeit coin;<br />

(b) makes any piece <strong>of</strong> metal into a fit size or figure to be coined, with intent that it shall be<br />

coined into counterfeit coin; or<br />

(c) without lawful authority or excuse, the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> which lies on him–<br />

(i) buys, sells, receives, pays or disposes <strong>of</strong> any counterfeit coin at a lower rate than<br />

it imports or is apparently intended to import, or <strong>of</strong>fers to do any such thing;<br />

(ii) brings or receives into <strong>Tanzania</strong> any counterfeit coin, knowing it to be counterfeit;<br />

(iii) makes or mends, or begins or prepares to make or mend, or has in his<br />

possession, or disposes <strong>of</strong> any stamp or mould which is adapted to make the<br />

resemblance <strong>of</strong> both or either <strong>of</strong> the sides <strong>of</strong> any coin, or any part <strong>of</strong> either side<br />

there<strong>of</strong>, knowing the same to be a stamp or mould or to be so adapted;<br />

(iv) makes or mends, or begins or prepares to make or mend, or has in his<br />

possession, or disposes <strong>of</strong> any tool, instrument or machine which is adapted and<br />

intended to be used for making coin round the edges with marks or figures<br />

apparently resembling those on the edges <strong>of</strong> any coin, knowing the same to be so

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