Jack kilborn SErial blakE crouch

Jack kilborn SErial blakE crouch

Jack kilborn SErial blakE crouch


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<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>kilborn</strong> <strong>SErial</strong> <strong>blakE</strong> <strong>crouch</strong><br />

kenny said, “These cuffs hurt. Get them off.”<br />

She held a locking carabiner attached to a chain that<br />

ran underneath the Subaru. She clipped it onto another pair<br />

of carabiners. a rope fed through each one, and the ends of<br />

the ropes had been tied to the handcuffs on the boys’ ankles.<br />

“oh my God, she’s crazy, dude.”<br />

“lucy, please. Don’t. We’ll give you anything you want.<br />

We won’t tell anyone.”<br />

She smiled. “That’s really sweet of you, Matt, but this is<br />

what i want. kind of have my heart set on it.”<br />

She stepped over the tangle of chain and rope and<br />

moved toward the driver’s door as the boys hollered after<br />

her.<br />

She left the hatch open so she could hear them. kept looking<br />

back as she drove slowly, so slowly, along the dirt road. They<br />

were still begging her, and occasionally yelling when they<br />

dragged over a rock or a cactus, but she got them to the<br />

shoulder of highway 24 with only minor injuries.<br />

The moon was up and nearly full. She could see five miles<br />

of the road in either direction, so perfectly empty and black,<br />

and she wondered if the way it touched her in this moment<br />

felt anything like how the beauty of the those mountains<br />

she’d seen this morning touched normal people.<br />

lucy buckled her seatbelt and glanced in the rearview<br />


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