McCormick-Deering Farmall Tractors and ... - Antique Farming

McCormick-Deering Farmall Tractors and ... - Antique Farming

McCormick-Deering Farmall Tractors and ... - Antique Farming


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<strong>Farmall</strong> Corn Pickers<br />

for Utmost Speed <strong>and</strong><br />

Eeonomy in Corn Harvest<br />

yROM the broiling days of grain harvest (preceding<br />

page) to corn-picking time is quite a jump. For the<br />

man who has to husk his corn an ear at a time it's a<br />

jump that may keep him in the cornfield till icicles freeze<br />

on his eyebrows <strong>and</strong> whiskers, <strong>and</strong> his cold fingers are<br />

almost as stiff as the ears he throws at the bang board.<br />

Picking corn by h<strong>and</strong> is a<br />

slow, hard method, <strong>and</strong> expensive.<br />

Of the many who still<br />

pick with a shuckin' peg, who<br />

would think of going back<br />

to the scythe - <strong>and</strong> - cradle<br />

method of harvesting grain?<br />

<strong>Farmall</strong> corn pickers make<br />

corn harvest a matter of days<br />

instead of weeks. One man<br />

with a <strong>Farmall</strong> one-row will<br />

husk 8 to 10 acres a day ; with<br />

a two-row a man <strong>and</strong> one or<br />

more haulers, according to the<br />

yield <strong>and</strong> the length of the<br />

haul, can husk <strong>and</strong> crib 16 to<br />

18 acres a day. A <strong>Farmall</strong><br />

Must. 142. The <strong>Farmall</strong> No. 11<br />

one-row tank-type corn picker.<br />

Pull -Type<br />

Pickers<br />

<strong>McCormick</strong>-<strong>Deering</strong><br />

corn pickers are also made<br />

in the pull-type in both<br />

one <strong>and</strong> two-row. They<br />

are equipped with the<br />

same gathering, snapping,<br />

<strong>and</strong> husking units as the<br />

<strong>Farmall</strong> pickers. One advantage<br />

of the pull-type<br />

picker is the ease with<br />

which it is connected to or<br />

disconnected from the<br />

tractor. Additional information<br />

will be supplied<br />

by a <strong>McCormick</strong>-<strong>Deering</strong><br />

dealer, or you can mark<br />

<strong>and</strong> return the card in the<br />

back of this catalog.<br />

Must. 143. The <strong>Farmall</strong> No. 22-B<br />

two-row corn picker.<br />

30sti• 1 wer Year<br />

Must. 141. Picking corn with the Farman two-row<br />

elevator-type corn picker. This ou t ill will busk 16 to<br />

18 acres a day easily.<br />

picker will actually get more corn from a<br />

given field than the average h<strong>and</strong> husker<br />

<strong>and</strong> husk it just as clean or cleaner. It<br />

gets the down <strong>and</strong> leaning stalks <strong>and</strong> it<br />

gets the nubbins. Far less help is needed<br />

<strong>and</strong> that pleases the housewife.<br />

The one-row tank-type picker provides<br />

a compact, one-man outfit with<br />

which the corn can be dropped into<br />

truck, wagon, or crib at the end of the<br />

field. One additional advantage of the<br />

two-row is that it can be started anywhere<br />

in the field the operator wants to<br />

start without the necessity of first picking<br />

out the opening rows by h<strong>and</strong>. Another<br />

advantage of the two-row is the<br />

fact that the wagon can be pulled behind<br />

the tractor without side draft.<br />

<strong>Farmall</strong> pickers are built with large<br />

<strong>and</strong> efficient snapping rolls. The husking<br />

rolls are so designed that they turn<br />

the ears over, allowing the pegs to loosen the<br />

shucks so that the smooth parts of the rolls will<br />

take hold <strong>and</strong> pull the shucks off the ears.<br />

The nearest <strong>McCormick</strong>-<strong>Deering</strong> dealer will<br />

tell you about these pickers, or you may write<br />

International Harvester Company for corn<br />

picker catalog.<br />

Must. 144. <strong>McCormick</strong>-<strong>Deering</strong> No. 201 pull-type<br />

corn picker.

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