chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory

chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory


I 1 \ 361 -. ne reaction proceecis 1.; t:ie :cap;ccc intion on of the feed reactants in -rj ..._ pias:% to yield a mixt,ae cf 3, C, ani 3. As this nixt.xe is quenched, the rsectia:: initially procee5s 2;cr.g ar. ey;llibri,.it? pth, for1:;ir.g HCN, CZiI2, H2: and *.4,-,. EC~GW the tenperat33y whey- cli? equ:-ibriL;:. :field OS 'TCN is maximized, the ;?owcr r-;lrra:;gclrient reacsions etlci carto:. ::x ieatiori are f'rozen by the rapid cool- ;:.&, s- tha: negligible citeraticn in the des cc!:ipositic!-. occurs upon further c 15. I i 11. 12. / 13. P. R. hm&nn and R. S. Timnlns, A.1.Ch.E. J., 17, 956 (1966). T. B. Reed, J. Appl. Phys., &, 3146 (1963). A. Mironer, A.I.A.A. J., L, 2638 (i963). C. W. IWynuwski and A. G. Mc mJe, "R-f Generation of Thermal Plasmas," in Sigh Teaperatue Technolcgy ( .

14. 15. Lc . 17. 18. 19 * 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 362 y. P. Freeman and J. D. Chase, "Energ- Transfer Plechanism of and Typical Gperarink Cnarazteristics for thi. T!it.riial Radio-Frequency Piasma Generator, " Paper No. 216, 133th Meeting, TiIc EJectrxhaniical Society, Oct. 12, 1966, Philadelphia, Pa. M. L. Thorpe, Research/Devel~~:;ient, 2 (L), 28 (Jan. 1966). , I H. Kroepelin, D. E. Kipping, and H. Pietruck, "Equilibrium Partial Pressures in the Systems C + H2 + N2 and C + Ii;! .+ iJH3 ar Temperatures from io00 to I2000 K,," in J. F. Masi and D. H. Tsai, eds., Progress in International Research on .Thermodynamic anii 1'rni:sport Properties, Proceedings of 2nd Symposiu? on Thermcphysical Properties , Jan. 24-26, 1962, Princeton, N. J. (Amer. SOC. Mech. Eng./Acade:nic PI'css, N. Y., 1962), pp. 626-48. C. W. Marynowski, et al., Ind. El)&. Chen. Fund., 1, 52 (1962). B. R. Bronfin, et al., "Therrricchemical Equilibrium in the Carbon-IIydrogen- Nitr.ogen System at Very High Temperatures, " 15th Chemical Institute of Canada Chemical Engineering Conference, Oct. 25-27, 1965, Universitf Laval, Quebec. JANAF Tables of Thermochemical Data, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., Dec. 31, 1964. G. J. O'Halloron, et al., "Determination of Chemical Species prevalent in a Plasna Jet, " Report No. ASD-Tm-62-644, Bendix Corp. Research Leboratories, Southfield, fich., 1964. E. Reisen, et al., Appl. Spectr., 2, 41 (1965). H. Kroepelin and D. E. Kipping, "Teniperature Distribution in an Electric Arc Operated ir! B Iiydrocar.bon-Nit1.0221) Atmosphere," in J. F. Masi and D. H. Tsai, e&., Prorress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Prop- -, erties Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Jan. 24-26, 1962, Princeton, N. pp. 649-55. J. (Amer. SOC. Mech. Eng./Academic Press, N. Y., 1962), M. N. Piooster and T. B. Reed, J. Chem. Pliys., s, 66 (1959). M. P. Freenaq and J. F. Skivan, A.1.Ch.E. J., 8, 450 (1962). J. F. Skrivan and W. Von Jaskowsky-, Ind. Eng. Chem. Proc. Design Devel., I, 371 (1965)- Lepel High Frequency Labs, Inc., New York, N. Y., Model T-5-3. R. E. Isbeil, Anal. Chem., 2, 255 (1963).

I<br />

1<br />

\<br />

361<br />

-.<br />

ne reaction proceecis 1.; t:ie :cap;ccc intion on <strong>of</strong> the feed reactants in<br />

-rj ..._ pias:% to yield a mixt,ae cf 3, C, ani 3. As this nixt.xe is quenched, the<br />

rsectia:: initially procee5s 2;cr.g ar. ey;llibri,.it? pth, for1:;ir.g HCN, CZiI2, H2: and<br />

*.4,-,. EC~GW the tenperat33y whey- cli? equ:-ibriL;:. :field OS 'TCN is maximized, the<br />

;?owcr r-;lrra:;gclrient reacsions etlci carto:. ::x ieatiori are f'rozen by the rapid cool-<br />

;:.&, s- tha: negligible citeraticn in the des cc!:ipositic!-. occurs upon further<br />

c 15.<br />

I<br />

i<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

/ 13.<br />

P. R. hm&nn and R. S. Timnlns, A.1.Ch.E. J., 17, 956 (1966).<br />

T. B. Reed, J. Appl. Phys., &, 3146 (1963).<br />

A. Mironer, A.I.A.A. J., L, 2638 (i963).<br />

C. W. IWynuwski and A. G. Mc mJe, "R-f Generation <strong>of</strong> Thermal Plasmas," in<br />

Sigh Teaperatue Technolcgy ( .

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