chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory

chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory


317 i Cuencb svsten w.nnar;itus use8 has been full11 characteri::ec! and shown to i be R verv COO(! Fit f ~ a r d;ifrlsi.onal -n*el. / DeceatlV iny~e~tj,patidns at the Pesiarch Institute of TemDle IJniversi.ty 5ave shown that hvdro sulfide ccn be bvnthesiz.e(! fron its element, hvdropen and sulfur nowder fed in a heliur plasm ;et (12). Cnnversions as hish as 37: hased on / thk sulfur innut have heen o?t?ined. riuure 4 sh&is hojh the ? conversion and the . ' F/Y.whr of hyrdropcr siilf-ide fo6ed vs. Kwhr/p @f,kUlfur,iGput. As can be seen from the fipure the raximw conversion ?, dces not necessarily; hi,ve the maxivum nroduction eff ic ienclr. P consic2erable nurhei of, ha& he& .carried out usinp solid carbon j powder or rranhite eleyent,s .as .a ,carhcn' soprc6 for reactj:ons with various materials h-ydroren , nitrocen , .hydroben-n'itrc%n and ammonia. reactions 1 thro~wh 5 2 show the various producti.ons ,obtaine$ .hqi ihese reacti&s., Tn the case of acetylene . ' synthesjs (reaction 2) tt1.e h~.~~&t,ylq;d obtained bv pirect svnthesis from the elerents was 339 (11. for recction 11 have been obtained (5). . t complete studv of the synthesis of cyanopen \ fro* i.ts elenents was mrle tv !,eutne$-(K 6 13) .and,this-reaction Pave 15% conversion , ' hased on the carbon innut at the ojtilrun reaction conditions. v' .. . .. I r .. 1 I+dropen cyanide yields up to 514; for reaction 3 and UD to 399 Decently Craves , Yawa and 1iiteshu.e (I4) reborted investipations wine hituninous feE. into an aroon plasma. iet .,. .,Acqtvlene, , the princinal Drodiict , was obtained in vields of 15 wt. ?. -his work .s'tudie< the ,effects of coal feed rate, particle size and nlasna terperature on vieid- and nroducts' forned. .. . . , . - . , . . - .. . PAS-GAS ~~ACST.CIIS .TO .PAODIJC.C. A m r n Ilvdrccarbons 4 C (2) t'arnisch, Yemer and Cciailu: .(15) rknorted the preparation of titanjum ' nitride (reaction 1) fror titanium tetrachloride pas with either nlasna

318 FIGURE 4 I

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FIGURE 4<br />


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