chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory

chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory


. 216 the output coil further reduced the oxidation rate. This is a local effect, in that oxidation rate beyond the ring was not greatly reduced. Distortion of the field can also be introduced by changing the angle between the end of the output coil and the reactSon tube. le&h of the luminous discharge. Similar effects have been observed in electrodeless discharges at higher pressure (12). Variations from axial symmetry led to reduced rates and decreased the , Table I I Effect of Field Distortion on Carbon Oxidation Rate Cbcidation Rate Angle w/hr Pyrex tube 00 79 Pyrex tube and ungrounded copper ring Pyrex tube and grounded copper ring 00 70 00 62 mrex tube 1.0 71 Pyrex tube 3." 63 ' Effect on Nineral Constituents: It has been reported that there is no appreciable ,, loss of a number of metal ions in plasma oxidation (4,s). Nonvolatile species include: Na(I), Cs(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Pb(II), Cd(II), Co(II), Ho(III), Er(III), Fe(III), Cr(IIL), As(III), Sb(SII), and Mo(V1). The effect of ashing temperature, the reason for the surprisingly low volatility, and the final oxidation dtate of the product were not previously explored. As part of the present study, 20 to 100 mg of compounds containing radioactive tracers were deposited on Whatman cellulose filters. After tupxure to ashing for a sufficient period to remove the filter paper, generally 30 dnutes, the activity of the ash was measured and the oddation state of the element determined. Specimen temperature was adjusted during ash- by altering input power. These measurements are summarized in table 11. In general, temperature has little effect on retention. These results and earuer observations Indicating complete retention of metals in compounds such as arseneous chloride and metalloporphyrFns (5) are believed to be due to competition between volatilization and oxidation to leas volatile compounds. Unlike the other elements studied, the highest valence oxide of o d u , is the most volatile. Therefore, this element is volatilized In the plasmrr on process. The volatility of iodide, shown in figure 5, is also consistent wlth the hypothe- { sis of competition between volatilization and oxidation. During these measurements, ashing was stopped at 5 minute intervals. It is Been that loss of 1131 closely foumS ttie curve for filter paper g ssification. No loss of 1131 occurs after the filtar paper is remved. Loss of I f 3l varied between 15 and 35 per cent. However, none Of the residual 1131 could be preci itated with silver nitrate, indicating that the iodide had been oxidized. When the 113 E tracer was converted to NdO3 before ashing, all Of the iodine activitywas retained.

I- z W 0 w a a 100 80 60 40 20 215 0 0 IO 20 30 TIME (MINI Fig. 5. Loss of sample weight,n; and loss of Il3’ tracer,O, during ashing of filter paper in an owgen plasma.

I-<br />

z<br />

W<br />

0<br />

w<br />

a<br />

a<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

215<br />

0<br />

0 IO 20 30<br />

TIME (MINI<br />

Fig. 5. Loss <strong>of</strong> sample weight,n; and loss <strong>of</strong> Il3’<br />

tracer,O, during ashing <strong>of</strong> filter paper in an owgen<br />


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