chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory

chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory


21 0 References 1. R. A. Mickelson, "Electrical and Optical Properties of Amorphous Zinc Oxide Films", Sc. D. Thesis, M. I. T, 1963. 2. D. R. Secrist and J. D. Mackenzie, "Deposition of Silica Films by the Glow Discharge Technique", J. Electrochem. SOC. 113 (9), 914-920 (1966). 3. D. R. Secrist and J. D. Mackenzie, Incorporation of Water Into Vapor Deposited Oxide Films", Solid State Electronics, 9, 180 (1966). 4. G. W. Morey, "The Properties of Glass", 2nd Edition, Chap. XVI, p. 370, Reinhdd Publishing Corp., New York, 1954. 5. David Turnbull, p. 225 in Solid State Physics, Vol. 3, edited by F. Seitz & D. Turnbull, Academic Press, .Inc., N. Y. 1956. 6. Q. Kubachewski and E. Evans, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, p. 306, Pergamon Press, N. Y. 1958. 7. H. F. Sterling and R. C. G. Swann, "Chemical Vapor Deposition Promoted by R. F. Discharge", Solid State Electronics 8, (8) p. 653-54 (1965). Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company for the support of a fellowship. (D. R. S.). I A I

211 The Reacticn 3f Oxygen with Carbonaceous Compounds in the Electrodeless Ring Discharge b Chester E, Gleit Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27607 D Abstract The electrodeless ring discharge has recently found use in chemical analysis as a means of removing carbon from graphitic and organic compounds preceding elemental analysis and determination of microstructure. To determine appropriate reaction conditions, the relationship between oxidation rate and sample temperature was studied. Samples were immersed in a plasma produced by passing molecular oqgen through a radiofrequency field. An inductively coupled, 13.56-We generator producing 95 watts was utilized. Gas pressure was 1.2 torr, and flow 150 cc/min. The apparent activation energy of pure graphite was found to be 6.5 Kcal/mol in the temperature range '' 100 to 3OO0C, and zero at higher temperatures. The activation energy of both impure graphite and sucrose were slightly lower. These values are consistent with those of atomic oqgen. The reaction of graphite with C02 did not occur below 1X)OC and yielded an apparent activation energy of 3.2 Kcal/mol in the temperature range 150 to 300OC. Oxidation rate was observed to depend on electrical field configuration. Increasing the temperature of the reaction tube's walls decreased the rate of carbon oxidation. Trace ions, such as Fe(I1) , Se(IV), Os(1V) , and iodide, were converted to higher oxidation states. Neither oxidation nor volatility was observed to be strongly temperature dependent. 0 Introduction In 1962 a method was reported for the decomposition of organic substances based on reaction with an oxygen plasma, produced by passing molecular gas through a radiofrequency electrodeless discharge (5). This method has found use in a variety of chemical studies. Loss of trace elements through volatilization and diffusion is less than that in conventiczd dry ashing. Destruction of mineral structure is reduced. \As a small quantity of purified oxygen is the only reagent, the possibility of chemical contamination is diminished. Applications of this method include: microincineration of biological specimens (l3), the ashing of coal (6) and filter paper (4), and the recovery of mineral fibers from tissue (1). Several reviews of analytical applications ! have been published (9) (14) . In conventional ashing both reaction rate and retention of volatile components lare strongly temperature dependent. However, disagreement exists as to the effect of temperature in plasm ashing. In part, this is due to difficdty in applying conven- 1 tional temperature measuring techniques to solids immersed in a strong radiofrequency "field. The question is further complicated by the fact that a single temperature \,cannot be assigned to the system. Electrons in the low pressure plasma are not in , thermal equilibrium with the ions and neutral species. Furthermore, the temperature 4 of the specimen and the surrounding vessel may differ considerably. In this study the )\ effects of temperature on oxidation rate, recombination of active gaseous species, a d volatility of inorganic reaction products are considered. I I Experimental The reaction system employed in these studies (figure 1) consisted of a 100-cm long, 3.5-cm I .D., borosilicate cylinder (Pyrex No. 7740). Specimens were placed on i I

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References<br />

1. R. A. Mickelson, "Electrical and Optical Properties <strong>of</strong> Amorphous Zinc<br />

Oxide Films", Sc. D. Thesis, M. I. T, 1963.<br />

2. D. R. Secrist and J. D. Mackenzie, "Deposition <strong>of</strong> Silica Films by the Glow<br />

Discharge Technique", J. Electrochem. SOC. 113 (9), 914-920 (1966).<br />

3. D. R. Secrist and J. D. Mackenzie, Incorporation <strong>of</strong> Water Into Vapor<br />

Deposited Oxide Films", Solid State Electronics, 9, 180 (1966).<br />

4. G. W. Morey, "The Properties <strong>of</strong> Glass", 2nd Edition, Chap. XVI, p. 370,<br />

Reinhdd Publishing Corp., New York, 1954.<br />

5. David Turnbull, p. 225 in Solid State Physics, Vol. 3, edited by F. Seitz<br />

& D. Turnbull, Academic Press, .Inc., N. Y. 1956.<br />

6. Q. Kubachewski and E. Evans, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, p. 306,<br />

Pergamon Press, N. Y. 1958.<br />

7. H. F. Sterling and R. C. G. Swann, "Chemical Vapor Deposition Promoted<br />

by R. F. Discharge", Solid State Electronics 8, (8) p. 653-54 (1965).<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors are grateful to the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company for the support<br />

<strong>of</strong> a fellowship. (D. R. S.).<br />

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