chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory

chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory chemical physics of discharges - Argonne National Laboratory


20 three processes with thresholds at 4.5, 8.0, and 9.7 ev. The latter two are larger than the first, and should lead to dissociation, since the upper states have shallow potential energy mimima at larger internuclear distances than the ground state. The combined cross section for the 8.0 and 9.7 ev excitation shows a broad first peak of 1.1 x cm2 at 12 to 15 ev, then drops slightly and rises again to a second peak in the 50 to 100 ev range. With the assumption of an average electron energy, Ek, of 3.0 ev the effective dissociation rate constant, kd, is about 2 x cm3 molecule-’ sec-l. I The corresponding ionization rate constant, ki, was calculated to be 1.3 x cm3 molecule-’ sec’l. Fitting the 02 data in a similar way to lip, Dr. Phelps obtained E/N = 9 x V cm2/molecule, Ek = 3.4 ev, kd = 1 x lo-’, and k, = 1 x 10-l’ cm3 molecule-’ sec-l, in fair agreement with the above except for the smaller ki, but k is strongly dependent on E/N near 10-15Vcm2/molecule, so that a 20% increase of ESN would lead to a tenfold increase of ki. An patom production rate of about 200 torr/sec by dissociative electron impact is thus indicated, and all other production terms are negligible by comparison. Surface recombination of 0-atoms is kinetically similar to that of H-atoms except for a lower diffusion coefficient and molecular velocity by a factor of 3. Thus, the effective first order surface recombination rate constant is 6 x lo4 y sec-l for Emdl r and 5 x 10’ 8ec-l for y approaching unity. In pure 02, as in Np, there is another loss term which does not arise in H2. The polyatomic ions Os+ and O4+ can react exothermically and rapidly via 01,’ + + 0 + 03 + 02, 03’ + 0 -+ 02+ + 02 to recombine 0-atoms. To obtain an upper limit + for this loss rate one may assume that 01, is a major ion, i.e. [O4+] * lf” ~ m - ~ , and that it is therefore regenerated by the bimolecular reaction 02 + 02 + 01,’. The latter assumption requires that the lifetime of the unstabilized OI,+ collision complex be equal to or longer than the collision time, 3 x sec, which seems excessively long-for such a simple species. At its (unreasonable) maximum estimate, such a chain process may recombine 0-atoms at twice the rate of @ + 0 -c O3+ + 02, i.e. with an effective first order rate constant of 200 sec-l if both ion molecule reactions have rate constants of cm3 molecule-l sec-’. Even so, it would not seriously limit 0-atom production, since the corresponding [O], = 0.5 torr = 50% mole fraction. Moreover, Knewstubb, Dawson, and TicknerZ0 saw no Ob+ in their mass-spectrometric study of dc 02 discharges at 0.4 torr, though the weaklv bound ion could have dissociated in the large electric field at the sampling orifice as Schmidtz1 suggests for a in his mass-spectrometric study of nitrogen ions. The above mechanism does have the desirable property that it is easily quenched by small amounts of added gases such as N2 or H2 which are capable of transforming the oxygen ions into more stable ions such as NO+ or EJO’, but it is unlikely to be important here. The process 0- + 0 -c 02 + e is known to be-fast (k * 1.5 x and it should follow the dissociative attachment step e 2 O2 + 0 + 0 which has a threshold of 4.5 ev Insofar as 0 is formed mainly by this reaction ad and a low maximum near 7 ev. removed by its reverse, and the concentrations of electrons and ions are very much lower than those of neutral species, these steps leave [O] unchanged. If the above large excitation-dissociation rates are approximately correct, the O-atom yield, as the H-atom yield in the preceding section, is principally controlled by surface recombination in the discharge. The smallest calculated [Ol,, (y 1) is about 0.04 torr, 4% mole fraction, considerably larger than experimental values for pure 02. A possible explanation of this discrepancy may lie in the surface properties immediately downstream from the discharge region. Active discharges have a sharp boundary as shown by their light emission, because electron loss processes are Very fast. The corresponding transition of the surface from a region where y is i near unity to one where it is less than is likely to be more gradual, and would provide a f

21 region in w!iich large, nighlv localized surface 10s; terns could qulcLlv reduce tile atom concentration. Experimentally, 1ary.e catalytic effects by :;?, SO, or li2 in tile production of 0-atoms in microwave ciisciiargcs ~iave ~cerl reported.22 Very ptire oxygen qave only u.6~ atoms (still ~ O W ~ yields K oi 0.3';; WCKC latcr obtained), !>ut small adtiitions (U.01 to 0.u5;:) of Sz, >;20, or !;o produced +atoms at tile rate of 4u to 45 per added ;:, and similar additions of 112 produced 160 to 200 +atoms per added 112. Ih terms of the !'resent interpretation, tile large catalytic cffrct may he understandable for ti2 additions as due to t!20 wall effects, !,ut less so for nitrogen compounds which sliould not be StKOIlGlY adsorlied at tile surface. (:onceivably, XO+ ir ::02+, stron): Lewis acids, my be involved in poisoiiiny, the surface. Thus, our understanding of 02 discharzes is still in an unsatisf actory state. Furthcr experiinents are required in wliich particular attention should he given to tile condition and cliaracterization of the surface as vel1 as to the imnedinte downstream rccion. 111. 4. SitroRcn Disc!iarges. The great complexity of "active nitro1:en" is probably due to its larger cross sections for vibrational excitation anci to tile existcncc of metastable electronically excited states helot) tlie dissociation l i m i t of ground-state 1iz. Consequently, extensive vibrational excitation persists for times much longer than those spent in tlie discharge zone, and chemiionizatioll is observed in regions such as tlie "pink glow" well downstream of the discharge. The absence of the lowest triplet state, A,3Z:, in active nitrogeng3 contaiiiing '.';-atoms indicates that tliesc excited molecules are very efficiently quenched by S, and that vibrationally liiglily excited ground-s tate molecules arc the principal carriers of excitation to tlie dowiistreai~! reqioii. Engelliardt, Phelps, and Riskz4 have determined tlie relevant elastic arid inelastic electron collision cross sections. Some of the electronically excited states above tne dissociation limit do not lead to pre- dissociation, and thcrefore only the state with tlireshold energy of 14V was used in tile estimate of dissociation. Assuming an average electron energy. = 3 ev, and a maxwellian distribution, one obtains an effective dissociation rate constant, kd, of 3 x lo-'' (bo torr/sec) and a correspondinz ionization rate constant, ki, of 6 x lU-l'. 'The latter is larzer (b torr/sec) than the corresponding ambipolar diffusion loss term (13.5 to 1 torr/sec). lilt more realistic calculation by Dr. Phelps which simultaneously fits ck, L/:i, and tlie known cross sections to make the ambipolar diffusion loss equalthe rate of ionization gave ck = 2.2 ev, E/?: = 1.2 x cm2/molccule. kd = 3 x 10 " (6 torr/sec), and ki = 3 x This dissociation rate is very much lower than that of 1iZ or O2 and properly reflects the tiifficulty of producing extensive dissociation of Hz in glow discharxes. ?io other source terms of comparable magnitude are available. The principal loss processes include atom recombination at the surface which can be set equal to those of oxygen, because the molecul K velocities are similar. The catalytic a atom loss nechanicm by E;,++ + X + i

20<br />

three processes with thresholds at 4.5, 8.0, and 9.7 ev. The latter two are larger<br />

than the first, and should lead to dissociation, since the upper states have shallow<br />

potential energy mimima at larger internuclear distances than the ground state. The<br />

combined cross section for the 8.0 and 9.7 ev excitation shows a broad first peak <strong>of</strong><br />

1.1 x cm2 at 12 to 15 ev, then drops slightly and rises again to a second peak<br />

in the 50 to 100 ev range. With the assumption <strong>of</strong> an average electron energy, Ek, <strong>of</strong><br />

3.0 ev the effective dissociation rate constant, kd, is about 2 x cm3 molecule-’<br />

sec-l.<br />

I<br />

The corresponding ionization rate constant, ki, was calculated to be<br />

1.3 x cm3 molecule-’ sec’l. Fitting the 02 data in a similar way to lip, Dr.<br />

Phelps obtained E/N = 9 x<br />

V cm2/molecule, Ek = 3.4 ev, kd = 1 x lo-’, and<br />

k, = 1 x 10-l’ cm3 molecule-’ sec-l, in fair agreement with the above except for the<br />

smaller ki, but k is strongly dependent on E/N near 10-15Vcm2/molecule, so that a<br />

20% increase <strong>of</strong> ESN would lead to a tenfold increase <strong>of</strong> ki.<br />

An patom production rate <strong>of</strong> about 200 torr/sec by dissociative electron<br />

impact is thus indicated, and all other production terms are negligible by comparison.<br />

Surface recombination <strong>of</strong> 0-atoms is kinetically similar to that <strong>of</strong> H-atoms except for<br />

a lower diffusion coefficient and molecular velocity by a factor <strong>of</strong> 3. Thus, the<br />

effective first order surface recombination rate constant is 6 x lo4 y sec-l for Emdl<br />

r and 5 x 10’ 8ec-l for y approaching unity.<br />

In pure 02, as in Np, there is another loss term which does not arise in H2.<br />

The polyatomic ions Os+ and O4+ can react exothermically and rapidly via<br />

01,’ + + 0 + 03 + 02, 03’ + 0 -+ 02+ + 02 to recombine 0-atoms. To obtain an upper limit<br />

+<br />

for this loss rate one may assume that 01, is a major ion, i.e. [O4+] * lf” ~ m - ~ ,<br />

and that it is therefore regenerated by the bimolecular reaction 02 + 02 + 01,’. The<br />

latter assumption requires that the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the unstabilized OI,+ collision complex<br />

be equal to or longer than the collision time, 3 x sec, which seems excessively<br />

long-for such a simple species. At its (unreasonable) maximum estimate, such a chain<br />

process may recombine 0-atoms at twice the rate <strong>of</strong> @ + 0 -c O3+ + 02, i.e. with an<br />

effective first order rate constant <strong>of</strong> 200 sec-l if both ion molecule reactions have<br />

rate constants <strong>of</strong> cm3 molecule-l sec-’. Even so, it would not seriously limit<br />

0-atom production, since the corresponding [O], = 0.5 torr = 50% mole fraction. Moreover,<br />

Knewstubb, Dawson, and TicknerZ0 saw no Ob+ in their mass-spectrometric study<br />

<strong>of</strong> dc 02 <strong>discharges</strong> at 0.4 torr, though the weaklv bound ion could have dissociated in<br />

the large electric field at the sampling orifice as Schmidtz1 suggests for a in his<br />

mass-spectrometric study <strong>of</strong> nitrogen ions. The above mechanism does have the desirable<br />

property that it is easily quenched by small amounts <strong>of</strong> added gases such as N2 or H2<br />

which are capable <strong>of</strong> transforming the oxygen ions into more stable ions such as NO+ or<br />

EJO’, but it is unlikely to be important here.<br />

The process 0- + 0 -c 02 + e is known to be-fast (k * 1.5 x and it should<br />

follow the dissociative attachment step e 2 O2 + 0 + 0 which has a threshold <strong>of</strong> 4.5 ev<br />

Ins<strong>of</strong>ar as 0 is formed mainly by this reaction ad<br />

and a low maximum near 7 ev.<br />

removed by its reverse, and the concentrations <strong>of</strong> electrons and ions are very much<br />

lower than those <strong>of</strong> neutral species, these steps leave [O] unchanged.<br />

If the above large excitation-dissociation rates are approximately correct, the<br />

O-atom yield, as the H-atom yield in the preceding section, is principally controlled<br />

by surface recombination in the discharge. The smallest calculated [Ol,, (y 1) is<br />

about 0.04 torr, 4% mole fraction, considerably larger than experimental values for<br />

pure 02. A possible explanation <strong>of</strong> this discrepancy may lie in the surface properties<br />

immediately downstream from the discharge region. Active <strong>discharges</strong> have a sharp<br />

boundary as shown by their light emission, because electron loss processes are Very<br />

fast. The corresponding transition <strong>of</strong> the surface from a region where y is<br />

i<br />

near unity<br />

to one where it is less than is likely to be more gradual, and would provide a<br />


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